SC2 EN/FR documentation update (#3440)
* Draft of SC2 EN documentation update: added hotkey, known issues; enhanced goal and prog balancing description. Added place holder for changes to apply in the French documentation. * Enforced StarCraft over Starcraft, added information on locations in the FR documentation * Removed a mention to a no longer available third link in the required software (since download_data deprecated the need to do it by hand) * First version of FR campaign restriction for sc2; rewriting (FR/EN) of randomizer goal description * Finished description for sc2 AP goal , minor formating * Added, both en/fr, indications that logic is locations wise and not mission wise (i.e. you might need to dip) * Enforced the 120 carac limit to last commit * Removed mention of needing to use the weighted option page to exlcude unit/upgrades since it is not longer the case in AP v0.5.0 * Added mention of /received being different in SC2 client (both language). Added Known issues in the FR version. * Simplified the text a bit and corrected some errors * Enforced, again, Star-C-raft; setting -> option; applied sugg for readability enhancement
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Starcraft 2
# StarCraft 2
## Game page in other languages:
* [Français](/games/Starcraft%202/info/fr)
@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
The following unlocks are randomized as items:
1. Your ability to build any non-worker unit.
2. Unit specific upgrades including some combinations not available in the vanilla campaigns, such as both strain choices simultaneously for Zerg and every Spear of Adun upgrade simultaneously for Protoss!
2. Unit specific upgrades including some combinations not available in the vanilla campaigns, such as both strain
choices simultaneously for Zerg and every Spear of Adun upgrade simultaneously for Protoss!
3. Your ability to get the generic unit upgrades, such as attack and armour upgrades.
4. Other miscellaneous upgrades such as laboratory upgrades and mercenaries for Terran, Kerrigan levels and upgrades for Zerg, and Spear of Adun upgrades for Protoss.
4. Other miscellaneous upgrades such as laboratory upgrades and mercenaries for Terran, Kerrigan levels and upgrades
for Zerg, and Spear of Adun upgrades for Protoss.
5. Small boosts to your starting mineral, vespene gas, and supply totals on each mission.
You find items by making progress in these categories:
@ -18,50 +20,91 @@ You find items by making progress in these categories:
* Reaching milestones in the mission, such as completing part of a main objective
* Completing challenges based on achievements in the base game, such as clearing all Zerg on Devil's Playground
Except for mission completion, these categories can be disabled in the game's settings. For instance, you can disable getting items for reaching required milestones.
In Archipelago's nomenclature, these are the locations where items can be found.
Each location, including mission completion, has a set of rules that specify the items required to access it.
These rules were designed assuming that StarCraft 2 is played on the Brutal difficulty.
Since each location has its own rule, it's possible that an item required for progression is in a mission where you
can't reach all of its locations or complete it.
However, mission completion is always required to gain access to new missions.
Aside from mission completion, the other location categories can be disabled in the player options.
For instance, you can disable getting items for reaching required milestones.
When you receive items, they will immediately become available, even during a mission, and you will be
notified via a text box in the top-right corner of the game screen. Item unlocks are also logged in the Archipelago client.
notified via a text box in the top-right corner of the game screen.
Item unlocks are also logged in the Archipelago client.
Missions are launched through the Starcraft 2 Archipelago client, through the Starcraft 2 Launcher tab. The between mission segments on the Hyperion, the Leviathan, and the Spear of Adun are not included. Additionally, metaprogression currencies such as credits and Solarite are not used.
Missions are launched through the StarCraft 2 Archipelago client, through the StarCraft 2 Launcher tab.
The between mission segments on the Hyperion, the Leviathan, and the Spear of Adun are not included.
Additionally, metaprogression currencies such as credits and Solarite are not used.
## What is the goal of this game when randomized?
The goal is to beat the final mission in the mission order. The yaml configuration file controls the mission order and how missions are shuffled.
The goal is to beat the final mission in the mission order.
The yaml configuration file controls the mission order (e.g. blitz, grid, etc.), which combination of the four
StarCraft 2 campaigns can be used to populate the mission order and how missions are shuffled.
Since the first two options determine the number of missions in a StarCraft 2 world, they can be used to customize the
expected time to complete the world.
Note that the evolution missions from Heart of the Swarm are not included in the randomizer.
## What non-randomized changes are there from vanilla Starcraft 2?
## What non-randomized changes are there from vanilla StarCraft 2?
1. Some missions have more vespene geysers available to allow a wider variety of units.
2. Many new units and upgrades have been added as items, coming from co-op, melee, later campaigns, later expansions, brood war, and original ideas.
3. Higher-tech production structures, including Factories, Starports, Robotics Facilities, and Stargates, no longer have tech requirements.
2. Many new units and upgrades have been added as items, coming from co-op, melee, later campaigns, later expansions,
brood war, and original ideas.
3. Higher-tech production structures, including Factories, Starports, Robotics Facilities, and Stargates, no longer
have tech requirements.
4. Zerg missions have been adjusted to give the player a starting Lair where they would only have Hatcheries.
5. Upgrades with a downside have had the downside removed, such as automated refineries costing more or tech reactors taking longer to build.
6. Unit collision within the vents in Enemy Within has been adjusted to allow larger units to travel through them without getting stuck in odd places.
5. Upgrades with a downside have had the downside removed, such as automated refineries costing more or tech reactors
taking longer to build.
6. Unit collision within the vents in Enemy Within has been adjusted to allow larger units to travel through them
without getting stuck in odd places.
7. Several vanilla bugs have been fixed.
## Which of my items can be in another player's world?
By default, any of StarCraft 2's items (specified above) can be in another player's world. See the
[Advanced YAML Guide](/tutorial/Archipelago/advanced_settings/en)
for more information on how to change this.
By default, any of StarCraft 2's items (specified above) can be in another player's world.
See the [Advanced YAML Guide](/tutorial/Archipelago/advanced_settings/en) for more information on how to change this.
## Unique Local Commands
The following commands are only available when using the Starcraft 2 Client to play with Archipelago. You can list them any time in the client with `/help`.
The following commands are only available when using the StarCraft 2 Client to play with Archipelago.
You can list them any time in the client with `/help`.
* `/download_data` Download the most recent release of the necessary files for playing SC2 with Archipelago. Will overwrite existing files
* `/download_data` Download the most recent release of the necessary files for playing SC2 with Archipelago.
Will overwrite existing files
* `/difficulty [difficulty]` Overrides the difficulty set for the world.
* Options: casual, normal, hard, brutal
* `/game_speed [game_speed]` Overrides the game speed for the world
* Options: default, slower, slow, normal, fast, faster
* `/color [faction] [color]` Changes your color for one of your playable factions.
* Faction options: raynor, kerrigan, primal, protoss, nova
* Color options: white, red, blue, teal, purple, yellow, orange, green, lightpink, violet, lightgrey, darkgreen, brown, lightgreen, darkgrey, pink, rainbow, random, default
* Color options: white, red, blue, teal, purple, yellow, orange, green, lightpink, violet, lightgrey, darkgreen,
brown, lightgreen, darkgrey, pink, rainbow, random, default
* `/option [option_name] [option_value]` Sets an option normally controlled by your yaml after generation.
* Run without arguments to list all options.
* Options pertain to automatic cutscene skipping, Kerrigan presence, Spear of Adun presence, starting resource amounts, controlling AI allies, etc.
* `/disable_mission_check` Disables the check to see if a mission is available to play. Meant for co-op runs where one player can play the next mission in a chain the other player is doing.
* `/play [mission_id]` Starts a Starcraft 2 mission based off of the mission_id provided
* Options pertain to automatic cutscene skipping, Kerrigan presence, Spear of Adun presence, starting resource
amounts, controlling AI allies, etc.
* `/disable_mission_check` Disables the check to see if a mission is available to play.
Meant for co-op runs where one player can play the next mission in a chain the other player is doing.
* `/play [mission_id]` Starts a StarCraft 2 mission based off of the mission_id provided
* `/available` Get what missions are currently available to play
* `/unfinished` Get what missions are currently available to play and have not had all locations checked
* `/set_path [path]` Manually set the SC2 install directory (if the automatic detection fails)
Note that the behavior of the command `/received` was modified in the StarCraft 2 client.
In the Common client of Archipelago, the command returns the list of items received in the reverse order they were
In the StarCraft 2 client, the returned list will be divided by races (i.e., Any, Protoss, Terran, and Zerg).
Additionally, upgrades are grouped beneath their corresponding units or buildings.
A filter parameter can be provided, e.g., `/received Thor`, to limit the number of items shown.
Every item whose name, race, or group name contains the provided parameter will be shown.
## Known issues
- StarCraft 2 Archipelago does not support loading a saved game.
For this reason, it is recommended to play on a difficulty level lower than what you are normally comfortable with.
- StarCraft 2 Archipelago does not support the restart of a mission from the StarCraft 2 menu.
To restart a mission, use the StarCraft 2 Client.
- A crash report is often generated when a mission is closed.
This does not affect the game and can be ignored.
@ -21,6 +21,14 @@ Les *items* sont trouvés en accomplissant du progrès dans les catégories suiv
* Réussir des défis basés sur les succès du jeu de base, e.g. éliminer tous les *Zerg* dans la mission
*Devil's Playground*
Dans la nomenclature d'Archipelago, il s'agit des *locations* où l'on peut trouver des *items*.
Pour chaque *location*, incluant le fait de terminer une mission, il y a des règles qui définissent les *items*
nécessaires pour y accéder.
Ces règles ont été conçues en assumant que *StarCraft 2* est joué à la difficulté *Brutal*.
Étant donné que chaque *location* a ses propres règles, il est possible qu'un *item* nécessaire à la progression se
trouve dans une mission dont vous ne pouvez pas atteindre toutes les *locations* ou que vous ne pouvez pas terminer.
Cependant, il est toujours nécessaire de terminer une mission pour pouvoir accéder à de nouvelles missions.
Ces catégories, outre la première, peuvent être désactivées dans les options du jeu.
Par exemple, vous pouvez désactiver le fait d'obtenir des *items* lorsque des étapes importantes d'une mission sont
@ -37,8 +45,13 @@ Archipelago*.
## Quel est le but de ce jeu quand il est *randomized*?
Le but est de réussir la mission finale dans la disposition des missions (e.g. *blitz*, *grid*, etc.).
Les choix faits dans le fichier *yaml* définissent la disposition des missions et comment elles sont mélangées.
Le but est de réussir la mission finale du *mission order* (e.g. *blitz*, *grid*, etc.).
Le fichier de configuration yaml permet de spécifier le *mission order*, lesquelles des quatre campagnes de
*StarCraft 2* peuvent être utilisées pour remplir le *mission order* et comment les missions sont distribuées dans le
*mission order*.
Étant donné que les deux premières options déterminent le nombre de missions dans un monde de *StarCraft 2*, elles
peuvent être utilisées pour moduler le temps nécessaire pour terminer le monde.
Notez que les missions d'évolution de Heart of the Swarm ne sont pas incluses dans le *randomizer*.
## Quelles sont les modifications non aléatoires comparativement à la version de base de *StarCraft 2*
@ -93,3 +106,20 @@ mission de la chaîne qu'un autre joueur est en train d'entamer.
l'accès à un *item* n'ont pas été accomplis.
* `/set_path [path]` Permet de définir manuellement où *StarCraft 2* est installé ce qui est pertinent seulement si la
détection automatique de cette dernière échoue.
Notez que le comportement de la commande `/received` a été modifié dans le client *StarCraft 2*.
Dans le client *Common* d'Archipelago, elle renvoie la liste des *items* reçus dans l'ordre inverse de leur réception.
Dans le client de *StarCraft 2*, la liste est divisée par races (i.e., *Any*, *Protoss*, *Terran*, et *Zerg*).
De plus, les améliorations sont regroupées sous leurs unités/bâtiments correspondants.
Un paramètre de filtrage peut aussi être fourni, e.g., `/received Thor`, pour limiter le nombre d'*items* affichés.
Tous les *items* dont le nom, la race ou le nom de groupe contient le paramètre fourni seront affichés.
## Problèmes connus
- *StarCraft 2 Archipelago* ne supporte pas le chargement d'une sauvegarde.
Pour cette raison, il est recommandé de jouer à un niveau de difficulté inférieur à celui avec lequel vous êtes
normalement à l'aise.
- *StarCraft 2 Archipelago* ne supporte pas le redémarrage d'une mission depuis le menu de *StarCraft 2*.
Pour redémarrer une mission, utilisez le client de *StarCraft 2 Archipelago*.
- Un rapport d'erreur est souvent généré lorsqu'une mission est fermée.
Cela n'affecte pas le jeu et peut être ignoré.
@ -1,30 +1,39 @@
# StarCraft 2 Randomizer Setup Guide
This guide contains instructions on how to install and troubleshoot the StarCraft 2 Archipelago client, as well as where
to obtain a config file for StarCraft 2.
This guide contains instructions on how to install and troubleshoot the StarCraft 2 Archipelago client, as well as
where to obtain a config file for StarCraft 2.
## Required Software
- [StarCraft 2](
- While StarCraft 2 Archipelago supports all four campaigns, they are not mandatory to play the randomizer.
If you do not own certain campaigns, you only need to exclude them in the configuration file of your world.
- [The most recent Archipelago release](
## How do I install this randomizer?
1. Install StarCraft 2 and Archipelago using the links above. The StarCraft 2 Archipelago client is downloaded by the Archipelago installer.
1. Install StarCraft 2 and Archipelago using the links above. The StarCraft 2 Archipelago client is downloaded by the
Archipelago installer.
- Linux users should also follow the instructions found at the bottom of this page
(["Running in Linux"](#running-in-linux)).
2. Run ArchipelagoStarcraft2Client.exe.
- macOS users should instead follow the instructions found at ["Running in macOS"](#running-in-macos) for this step only.
3. Type the command `/download_data`. This will automatically install the Maps and Data files from the third link above.
- macOS users should instead follow the instructions found at ["Running in macOS"](#running-in-macos) for this step
3. Type the command `/download_data`.
This will automatically install the Maps and Data files needed to play StarCraft 2 Archipelago.
## Where do I get a config file (aka "YAML") for this game?
Yaml files are configuration files that tell Archipelago how you'd like your game to be randomized, even if you're only using default options.
Yaml files are configuration files that tell Archipelago how you'd like your game to be randomized, even if you're only
using default options.
When you're setting up a multiworld, every world needs its own yaml file.
There are three basic ways to get a yaml:
* You can go to the [Player Options](/games/Starcraft%202/player-options) page, set your options in the GUI, and export the yaml.
* You can generate a template, either by downloading it from the [Player Options](/games/Starcraft%202/player-options) page or by generating it from the Launcher (ArchipelagoLauncher.exe). The template includes descriptions of each option, you just have to edit it in your text editor of choice.
* You can go to the [Player Options](/games/Starcraft%202/player-options) page, set your options in the GUI, and export
the yaml.
* You can generate a template, either by downloading it from the [Player Options](/games/Starcraft%202/player-options)
page or by generating it from the Launcher (`ArchipelagoLauncher.exe`).
The template includes descriptions of each option, you just have to edit it in your text editor of choice.
* You can ask someone else to share their yaml to use it for yourself or adjust it as you wish.
Remember the name you enter in the options page or in the yaml file, you'll need it to connect later!
@ -36,15 +45,31 @@ Check out [Creating a YAML](/tutorial/Archipelago/setup/en#creating-a-yaml) for
The simplest way to check is to use the website [validator](/check).
You can also test it by attempting to generate a multiworld with your yaml. Save your yaml to the Players/ folder within your Archipelago installation and run ArchipelagoGenerate.exe. You should see a new .zip file within the output/ folder of your Archipelago installation if things worked correctly. It's advisable to run ArchipelagoGenerate through a terminal so that you can see the printout, which will include any errors and the precise output file name if it's successful. If you don't like terminals, you can also check the log file in the logs/ folder.
You can also test it by attempting to generate a multiworld with your yaml. Save your yaml to the `Players/` folder
within your Archipelago installation and run `ArchipelagoGenerate.exe`.
You should see a new `.zip` file within the `output/` folder of your Archipelago installation if things worked
It's advisable to run `ArchipelagoGenerate.exe` through a terminal so that you can see the printout, which will include
any errors and the precise output file name if it's successful.
If you don't like terminals, you can also check the log file in the `logs/` folder.
#### What does Progression Balancing do?
For Starcraft 2, not much. It's an Archipelago-wide option meant to shift required items earlier in the playthrough, but Starcraft 2 tends to be much more open in what items you can use. As such, this adjustment isn't very noticeable. It can also increase generation times, so we generally recommend turning it off.
For StarCraft 2, this option doesn't have much impact.
It is an Archipelago option designed to balance world progression by swapping items in spheres.
If the Progression Balancing of one world is greater than that of others, items in that world are more likely to be
obtained early, and vice versa if its value is smaller.
However, StarCraft 2 is more permissive regarding the items that can be used to progress, so this option has little
influence on progression in a StarCraft 2 world.
StarCraft 2.
Since this option increases the time required to generate a MultiWorld, we recommend deactivating it (i.e., setting it
to zero) for a StarCraft 2 world.
#### How do I specify items in a list, like in excluded items?
You can look up the syntax for yaml collections in the [YAML specification]( For lists, every item goes on its own line, started with a hyphen:
You can look up the syntax for yaml collections in the
[YAML specification](
For lists, every item goes on its own line, started with a hyphen:
@ -52,11 +77,13 @@ excluded_items:
- Drop-Pods (Kerrigan Tier 7)
An empty list is just a matching pair of square brackets: `[]`. That's the default value in the template, which should let you know to use this syntax.
An empty list is just a matching pair of square brackets: `[]`.
That's the default value in the template, which should let you know to use this syntax.
#### How do I specify items for the starting inventory?
The starting inventory is a YAML mapping rather than a list, which associates an item with the amount you start with. The syntax looks like the item name, followed by a colon, then a whitespace character, and then the value:
The starting inventory is a YAML mapping rather than a list, which associates an item with the amount you start with.
The syntax looks like the item name, followed by a colon, then a whitespace character, and then the value:
@ -64,37 +91,61 @@ start_inventory:
Additional Starting Vespene: 5
An empty mapping is just a matching pair of curly braces: `{}`. That's the default value in the template, which should let you know to use this syntax.
An empty mapping is just a matching pair of curly braces: `{}`.
That's the default value in the template, which should let you know to use this syntax.
#### How do I know the exact names of items and locations?
The [*datapackage*](/datapackage) page of the Archipelago website provides a complete list of the items and locations for each game that it currently supports, including StarCraft 2.
The [*datapackage*](/datapackage) page of the Archipelago website provides a complete list of the items and locations
for each game that it currently supports, including StarCraft 2.
You can also look up a complete list of the item names in the [Icon Repository]( page.
You can also look up a complete list of the item names in the
[Icon Repository]( page.
This page also contains supplementary information of each item.
However, the items shown in that page might differ from those shown in the datapackage page of Archipelago since the former is generated, most of the time, from beta versions of StarCraft 2 Archipelago undergoing development.
However, the items shown in that page might differ from those shown in the datapackage page of Archipelago since the
former is generated, most of the time, from beta versions of StarCraft 2 Archipelago undergoing development.
As for the locations, you can see all the locations associated to a mission in your world by placing your cursor over the mission in the 'StarCraft 2 Launcher' tab in the client.
As for the locations, you can see all the locations associated to a mission in your world by placing your cursor over
the mission in the 'StarCraft 2 Launcher' tab in the client.
## How do I join a MultiWorld game?
1. Run ArchipelagoStarcraft2Client.exe.
- macOS users should instead follow the instructions found at ["Running in macOS"](#running-in-macos) for this step only.
- macOS users should instead follow the instructions found at ["Running in macOS"](#running-in-macos) for this step
2. Type `/connect [server ip]`.
- If you're running through the website, the server IP should be displayed near the top of the room page.
3. Type your slot name from your YAML when prompted.
4. If the server has a password, enter that when prompted.
5. Once connected, switch to the 'StarCraft 2 Launcher' tab in the client. There, you can see all the missions in your world. Unreachable missions will have greyed-out text. Just click on an available mission to start it!
5. Once connected, switch to the 'StarCraft 2 Launcher' tab in the client. There, you can see all the missions in your
Unreachable missions will have greyed-out text. Just click on an available mission to start it!
## The game isn't launching when I try to start a mission.
First, check the log file for issues (stored at `[Archipelago Directory]/logs/SC2Client.txt`). If you can't figure out
the log file, visit our [Discord's]( tech-support channel for help. Please include a
specific description of what's going wrong and attach your log file to your message.
First, check the log file for issues (stored at `[Archipelago Directory]/logs/SC2Client.txt`).
If you can't figure out the log file, visit our [Discord's]( tech-support channel
for help.
Please include a specific description of what's going wrong and attach your log file to your message.
## My keyboard shortcuts profile is not available when I play *StarCraft 2 Archipelago*.
For your keyboard shortcuts profile to work in Archipelago, you need to copy your shortcuts file from
`Documents/StarCraft II/Accounts/######/Hotkeys` to `Documents/StarCraft II/Hotkeys`.
If the folder doesn't exist, create it.
To enable StarCraft 2 Archipelago to use your profile, follow these steps:
1. Launch StarCraft 2 via the application.
2. Change your hotkey profile to the standard mode and accept.
3. Select your custom profile and accept.
You will only need to do this once.
## Running in macOS
To run StarCraft 2 through Archipelago in macOS, you will need to run the client via source as seen here: [macOS Guide](/tutorial/Archipelago/mac/en). Note: to launch the client, you will need to run the command `python3`.
To run StarCraft 2 through Archipelago in macOS, you will need to run the client via source as seen here:
[macOS Guide](/tutorial/Archipelago/mac/en).
Note: to launch the client, you will need to run the command `python3`.
## Running in Linux
@ -102,9 +153,9 @@ To run StarCraft 2 through Archipelago in Linux, you will need to install the ga
of the Archipelago client.
Make sure you have StarCraft 2 installed using Wine, and that you have followed the
[installation procedures](#how-do-i-install-this-randomizer?) to add the Archipelago maps to the correct location. You will not
need to copy the .dll files. If you're having trouble installing or running StarCraft 2 on Linux, I recommend using the
Lutris installer.
[installation procedures](#how-do-i-install-this-randomizer?) to add the Archipelago maps to the correct location.
You will not need to copy the `.dll` files.
If you're having trouble installing or running StarCraft 2 on Linux, it is recommend to use the Lutris installer.
Copy the following into a .sh file, replacing the values of **WINE** and **SC2PATH** variables with the relevant
locations, as well as setting **PATH_TO_ARCHIPELAGO** to the directory containing the AppImage if it is not in the same
@ -139,5 +190,5 @@ below, replacing **${ID}** with the numerical ID.
lutris lutris:rungameid/${ID} --output-script
This will get all of the relevant environment variables Lutris sets to run StarCraft 2 in a script, including the path
to the Wine binary that Lutris uses. You can then remove the line that runs the Battle.Net launcher and copy the code
above into the existing script.
to the Wine binary that Lutris uses.
You can then remove the line that runs the Battle.Net launcher and copy the code above into the existing script.
@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ indications pour obtenir un fichier de configuration de *StarCraft 2 Archipelago
## Logiciels requis
- [*StarCraft 2*](
- Bien que *StarCraft 2 Archipelago* supporte les quatre campagnes, elles ne sont pas obligatoires pour jouer au
Si vous ne possédez pas certaines campagnes, il vous suffit de les exclure dans le fichier de configuration de
votre monde.
- [La version la plus récente d'Archipelago](
## Comment est-ce que j'installe ce *randomizer*?
@ -41,10 +45,6 @@ préférences.
Prenez soin de vous rappeler du nom de joueur que vous avez inscrit dans la page à options ou dans le fichier *yaml*
puisque vous en aurez besoin pour vous connecter à votre monde!
Notez que la page *Player options* ne permet pas de définir certaines des options avancées, e.g., l'exclusion de
certaines unités ou de leurs améliorations.
Utilisez la page [*Weighted Options*](/weighted-options) pour avoir accès à ces dernières.
Si vous désirez des informations et/ou instructions générales sur l'utilisation d'un fichier *yaml* pour Archipelago,
veuillez consulter [*Creating a YAML*](/tutorial/Archipelago/setup/en#creating-a-yaml).
@ -66,15 +66,15 @@ dans le dossier `logs/`.
#### À quoi sert l'option *Progression Balancing*?
Pour *Starcraft 2*, cette option ne fait pas grand-chose.
Pour *StarCraft 2*, cette option ne fait pas grand-chose.
Il s'agit d'une option d'Archipelago permettant d'équilibrer la progression des mondes en interchangeant les *items*
dans les *spheres*.
Si le *Progression Balancing* d'un monde est plus grand que ceux des autres, les *items* de progression de ce monde ont
plus de chance d'être obtenus tôt et vice-versa si sa valeur est plus petite que celle des autres mondes.
Cependant, *Starcraft 2* est beaucoup plus permissif en termes d'*items* qui permettent de progresser, ce réglage à
Cependant, *StarCraft 2* est beaucoup plus permissif en termes d'*items* qui permettent de progresser, ce réglage à
donc peu d'influence sur la progression dans *StarCraft 2*.
Vu qu'il augmente le temps de génération d'un *MultiWorld*, nous recommandons de le désactiver, c-à-d le définir à
zéro, pour *Starcraft 2*.
zéro, pour *StarCraft 2*.
#### Comment est-ce que je définis une liste d'*items*, e.g. pour l'option *excluded items*?
@ -122,6 +122,10 @@ Cependant, l'information présente dans cette dernière peut différer de celle
puisqu'elle est générée, habituellement, à partir de la version en développement de *StarCraft 2 Archipelago* qui
n'ont peut-être pas encore été inclus dans le site web d'Archipelago.
Pour ce qui concerne les *locations*, vous pouvez consulter tous les *locations* associés à une mission dans votre
monde en plaçant votre curseur sur la case correspondante dans l'onglet *StarCraft 2 Launcher* du client.
## Comment est-ce que je peux joindre un *MultiWorld*?
1. Exécuter `ArchipelagoStarcraft2Client.exe`.
@ -152,7 +156,7 @@ qui se trouve dans `Documents/StarCraft II/Accounts/######/Hotkeys` vers `Docume
Si le dossier n'existe pas, créez-le.
Pour que *StarCraft 2 Archipelago* utilise votre profil, suivez les étapes suivantes.
Lancez *Starcraft 2* via l'application **.
Lancez *StarCraft 2* via l'application **.
Changez votre profil de raccourcis clavier pour le mode standard et acceptez, puis sélectionnez votre profil
personnalisé et acceptez.
Vous n'aurez besoin de faire ça qu'une seule fois.
Reference in New Issue