Merge branch 'expanded_tests' into qirnjump
This commit is contained in:
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ def set_rules(world, player):
if world.players > 1:
locality_rules(world, player)
if world.logic[player] == 'nologic':
'WARNING! Seeds generated under this logic often require major glitches and may be impossible!')
if world.players == 1:
world.get_region('Menu', player).can_reach_private = lambda state: True
@ -449,9 +449,9 @@ def default_rules(world, player):
set_rule(world.get_entrance('50 Rupee Cave', player), lambda state: state.can_lift_rocks(player))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Death Mountain Entrance Rock', player), lambda state: state.can_lift_rocks(player))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Bumper Cave Entrance Mirror Spot', player), lambda state: state.has_Mirror(player))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Flute Spot 1', player), lambda state: state.has('Flute', player))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Flute Spot 1', player), lambda state: state.can_flute(player))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Lake Hylia Central Island Teleporter', player), lambda state: state.can_lift_heavy_rocks(player))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Dark Desert Teleporter', player), lambda state: state.has('Flute', player) and state.can_lift_heavy_rocks(player))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Dark Desert Teleporter', player), lambda state: state.can_flute(player) and state.can_lift_heavy_rocks(player))
set_rule(world.get_entrance('East Hyrule Teleporter', player), lambda state: state.has('Hammer', player) and state.can_lift_rocks(player) and state.has_Pearl(player)) # bunny cannot use hammer
set_rule(world.get_entrance('South Hyrule Teleporter', player), lambda state: state.has('Hammer', player) and state.can_lift_rocks(player) and state.has_Pearl(player)) # bunny cannot use hammer
set_rule(world.get_entrance('Kakariko Teleporter', player), lambda state: ((state.has('Hammer', player) and state.can_lift_rocks(player)) or state.can_lift_heavy_rocks(player)) and state.has_Pearl(player)) # bunny cannot lift bushes
@ -1127,52 +1127,52 @@ def set_big_bomb_rules(world, player):
elif in Isolated_DW_entrances:
# 1. mirror then flute then basic routes
# -> M and Flute and BR
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.has_Mirror(player) and state.has('Flute', player) and basic_routes(state))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.has_Mirror(player) and state.can_flute(player) and basic_routes(state))
elif in Isolated_LW_entrances:
# 1. flute then basic routes
# Prexisting mirror spot is not permitted, because mirror might have been needed to reach these isolated locations.
# -> Flute and BR
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.has('Flute', player) and basic_routes(state))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.can_flute(player) and basic_routes(state))
elif in West_LW_DM_entrances:
# 1. flute then basic routes or mirror
# Prexisting mirror spot is permitted, because flute can be used to reach west DM directly.
# -> Flute and (M or BR)
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.has('Flute', player) and (state.has_Mirror(player) or basic_routes(state)))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.can_flute(player) and (state.has_Mirror(player) or basic_routes(state)))
elif in East_LW_DM_entrances:
# 1. flute then basic routes or mirror and hookshot
# Prexisting mirror spot is permitted, because flute can be used to reach west DM directly and then east DM via Hookshot
# -> Flute and ((M and Hookshot) or BR)
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.has('Flute', player) and ((state.has_Mirror(player) and state.has('Hookshot', player)) or basic_routes(state)))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.can_flute(player) and ((state.has_Mirror(player) and state.has('Hookshot', player)) or basic_routes(state)))
elif == 'Fairy Ascension Cave (Bottom)':
# Same as East_LW_DM_entrances except navigation without BR requires Mitts
# -> Flute and ((M and Hookshot and Mitts) or BR)
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.has('Flute', player) and ((state.has_Mirror(player) and state.has('Hookshot', player) and state.can_lift_heavy_rocks(player)) or basic_routes(state)))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.can_flute(player) and ((state.has_Mirror(player) and state.has('Hookshot', player) and state.can_lift_heavy_rocks(player)) or basic_routes(state)))
elif in Castle_ledge_entrances:
# 1. mirror on pyramid to castle ledge, grab bomb, return through mirror spot: Needs mirror
# 2. flute then basic routes
# -> M or (Flute and BR)
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.has_Mirror(player) or (state.has('Flute', player) and basic_routes(state)))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: state.has_Mirror(player) or (state.can_flute(player) and basic_routes(state)))
elif in Desert_mirrorable_ledge_entrances:
# Cases when you have mire access: Mirror to reach locations, return via mirror spot, move to center of desert, mirror anagin and:
# 1. Have mire access, Mirror to reach locations, return via mirror spot, move to center of desert, mirror again and then basic routes
# 2. flute then basic routes
# -> (Mire access and M) or Flute) and BR
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: ((state.can_reach('Dark Desert', 'Region', player) and state.has_Mirror(player)) or state.has('Flute', player)) and basic_routes(state))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: ((state.can_reach('Dark Desert', 'Region', player) and state.has_Mirror(player)) or state.can_flute(player)) and basic_routes(state))
elif == 'Old Man Cave (West)':
# 1. Lift rock then basic_routes
# 2. flute then basic_routes
# -> (Flute or G) and BR
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: (state.has('Flute', player) or state.can_lift_rocks(player)) and basic_routes(state))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: (state.can_flute(player) or state.can_lift_rocks(player)) and basic_routes(state))
elif == 'Graveyard Cave':
# 1. flute then basic routes
# 2. (has west dark world access) use existing mirror spot (required Pearl), mirror again off ledge
# -> (Flute or (M and P and West Dark World access) and BR
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: (state.has('Flute', player) or (state.can_reach('West Dark World', 'Region', player) and state.has_Pearl(player) and state.has_Mirror(player))) and basic_routes(state))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: (state.can_flute(player) or (state.can_reach('West Dark World', 'Region', player) and state.has_Pearl(player) and state.has_Mirror(player))) and basic_routes(state))
elif in Mirror_from_SDW_entrances:
# 1. flute then basic routes
# 2. (has South dark world access) use existing mirror spot, mirror again off ledge
# -> (Flute or (M and South Dark World access) and BR
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: (state.has('Flute', player) or (state.can_reach('South Dark World', 'Region', player) and state.has_Mirror(player))) and basic_routes(state))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: (state.can_flute(player) or (state.can_reach('South Dark World', 'Region', player) and state.has_Mirror(player))) and basic_routes(state))
elif == 'Dark World Potion Shop':
# 1. walk down by lifting rock: needs gloves and pearl`
# 2. walk down by hammering peg: needs hammer and pearl
@ -1184,11 +1184,11 @@ def set_big_bomb_rules(world, player):
# (because otherwise mirror was used to reach the grave, so would cancel a pre-existing mirror spot)
# to account for insanity, must consider a way to escape without a cave for basic_routes
# -> (M and Mitts) or ((Mitts or Flute or (M and P and West Dark World access)) and BR)
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: (state.can_lift_heavy_rocks(player) and state.has_Mirror(player)) or ((state.can_lift_heavy_rocks(player) or state.has('Flute', player) or (state.can_reach('West Dark World', 'Region', player) and state.has_Pearl(player) and state.has_Mirror(player))) and basic_routes(state)))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: (state.can_lift_heavy_rocks(player) and state.has_Mirror(player)) or ((state.can_lift_heavy_rocks(player) or state.can_flute(player) or (state.can_reach('West Dark World', 'Region', player) and state.has_Pearl(player) and state.has_Mirror(player))) and basic_routes(state)))
elif == 'Waterfall of Wishing':
# same as the Normal_LW_entrances case except in insanity it's possible you could be here without Flippers which
# means you need an escape route of either Flippers or Flute
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: (state.has('Flippers', player) or state.has('Flute', player)) and (basic_routes(state) or state.has_Mirror(player)))
add_rule(world.get_entrance('Pyramid Fairy', player), lambda state: (state.has('Flippers', player) or state.can_flute(player)) and (basic_routes(state) or state.has_Mirror(player)))
def set_inverted_big_bomb_rules(world, player):
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
for location, access, *item_pool in access_pool:
items = item_pool[0]
all_except = item_pool[1] if len(item_pool) > 1 else None
with self.subTest(location=location, access=access, items=items, all_except=all_except):
with self.subTest(msg="Reach Location", location=location, access=access, items=items, all_except=all_except):
if all_except and len(all_except) > 0:
items =[:]
items = [item for item in items if not in all_except and not ("Bottle" in and "AnyBottle" in all_except)]
@ -34,11 +34,23 @@ class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(, 1).can_reach(state), access)
#check for partial solution
if not all_except and access:# we are not supposed to be able to reach location with partial inventory
for missing_item in item_pool[0]:
with self.subTest(msg="Location reachable without required item", location=location, items=item_pool[0],
all_except=all_except, missing_item=missing_item):
new_items = item_pool[0].copy()
items = ItemFactory(new_items, 1)
state = self.get_state(items)
self.assertEqual(, 1).can_reach(state), False)
def run_entrance_tests(self, access_pool):
for entrance, access, *item_pool in access_pool:
items = item_pool[0]
all_except = item_pool[1] if len(item_pool) > 1 else None
with self.subTest(entrance=entrance, access=access, items=items, all_except=all_except):
with self.subTest(msg="Reach Entrance", entrance=entrance, access=access, items=items, all_except=all_except):
if all_except and len(all_except) > 0:
items =[:]
items = [item for item in items if not in all_except and not ("Bottle" in and "AnyBottle" in all_except)]
@ -47,4 +59,15 @@ class TestBase(unittest.TestCase):
items = ItemFactory(items, 1)
state = self.get_state(items)
self.assertEqual(, 1).can_reach(state), access)
self.assertEqual(, 1).can_reach(state), access)
#check for partial solution
if not all_except and access:# we are not supposed to be able to reach location with partial inventory
for missing_item in item_pool[0]:
with self.subTest(msg="Entrance reachable without required item", entrance=entrance, items=item_pool[0],
all_except=all_except, missing_item=missing_item):
new_items = item_pool[0].copy()
items = ItemFactory(new_items, 1)
state = self.get_state(items)
self.assertEqual(, 1).can_reach(state), False)
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ class TestInvertedDarkWorld(TestInverted):
["Pyramid", False, []],
["Pyramid", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1', 'Magic Mirror']],
["Pyramid", True, ['Hammer']],
["Pyramid", True, ['Flippers', 'Progressive Glove']],
["Pyramid", True, ['Flippers']],
["Pyramid", True, ['Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Magic Mirror', 'Moon Pearl']],
["Pyramid Fairy - Left", False, []],
@ -114,5 +114,4 @@ class TestEntrances(TestInverted):
["Inverted Ganons Tower", False, [], ["Crystal 7"]],
["Inverted Ganons Tower", True, ["Beat Agahnim 1", "Crystal 1", "Crystal 2", "Crystal 3", "Crystal 4", "Crystal 5", "Crystal 6", "Crystal 7"]],
["Inverted Ganons Tower", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove", "Crystal 1", "Crystal 2", "Crystal 3", "Crystal 4", "Crystal 5", "Crystal 6", "Crystal 7"]],
["Inverted Ganons Tower", True, ["Moon Pearl", "Hammer", "Progressive Glove", "Progressive Glove", "Crystal 1", "Crystal 2", "Crystal 3", "Crystal 4", "Crystal 5", "Crystal 6", "Crystal 7"]],
@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class TestInvertedLightWorld(TestInverted):
["Bombos Tablet", True, ['Beat Agahnim 1', 'Book of Mudora', 'Progressive Sword', 'Progressive Sword']],
["Bombos Tablet", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Book of Mudora', 'Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Glove', 'Progressive Sword', 'Progressive Sword']],
["Bombos Tablet", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Book of Mudora', 'Progressive Glove', 'Hammer', 'Progressive Sword', 'Progressive Sword']],
["Bombos Tablet", True, ['Moon Pearl', 'Book of Mudora', 'Beat Agahnim 1', 'Progressive Sword', 'Progressive Sword']],
["Bombos Tablet", True, ['Book of Mudora', 'Beat Agahnim 1', 'Progressive Sword', 'Progressive Sword']],
["Floodgate Chest", False, []],
["Floodgate Chest", False, [], ['Moon Pearl']],
Reference in New Issue