As blacksmith now sticks with you post S&Q, we need to reduce the available pool of delivery locations, as having him as a follower may prevent you from collecting the item required to reach some cave entrances.

This commit is contained in:
LLCoolDave 2017-06-04 21:10:09 +02:00
parent dfe9d3da3b
commit dd049e5a52
2 changed files with 10 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -1023,11 +1023,9 @@ DW_Entrances = ['Bumper Cave (Bottom)',
'Hookshot Cave']
Blacksmith_Single_Cave_Doors = ['Thiefs Hut',
'Bonk Fairy (Light)',
'Lake Hylia Fairy',
'Swamp Fairy',
'Desert Fairy',
'Kings Grave',
'Chicken House',
'Aginahs Cave',
'Sahasrahlas Hut',
@ -1042,27 +1040,29 @@ Blacksmith_Single_Cave_Doors = ['Thiefs Hut',
'Tavern (Front)',
'Light World Bomb Hut',
'Kakariko Shop',
'Cave South of Haunted Grove',
'Graveyard Cave',
'Checkerboard Cave',
'Mini Moldorm Cave',
'Long Fairy Cave',
'Good Bee Cave',
'20 Rupee Cave',
'50 Rupee Cave',
'Ice Cave',
'Bonk Rock Cave',
'Witch Hut',
'Hookshot Fairy',
'Waterfall of Wishing',
'Capacity Upgrade',
'Lumberjack House',
'Lake Hylia Fortune Teller',
'Kakariko Gamble Game']
Bomb_Shop_Single_Cave_Doors = ['East Dark World Hint',
Bomb_Shop_Single_Cave_Doors = ['Waterfall of Wishing',
'Capacity Upgrade',
'Bonk Rock Cave',
'Graveyard Cave',
'Checkerboard Cave',
'Cave South of Haunted Grove',
'Kings Grave',
'Bonk Fairy (Light)',
'Hookshot Fairy',
'East Dark World Hint',
'Palace of Darkness Hint',
'Dark Lake Hylia Fairy',
'Dark Lake Hylia Ledge Fairy',

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@ -22,7 +22,6 @@ def set_rules(world):
# require altar for ganon to enforce getting everything
add_rule(world.get_location('Ganon'), lambda state: state.can_reach('Altar', 'Location'))
# if swamp and dam have not been moved we require mirror for swamp palace
@ -384,13 +383,6 @@ def standard_rules(world):
add_rule(world.get_location('[dungeon-C-B1] Escape - First B1 Room'), lambda state: state.can_reach('Sewer Drop') or ('[dungeon-C-B1] Escape - First B1 Room').item is not None and'[dungeon-C-B1] Escape - First B1 Room') in ['Small Key (Escape)'])) # you could skip this chest and be unable to go back until you can drop into escape
def set_blacksmith_rules(world):
blacksmith_entrance = world.get_region('Blacksmiths Hut').entrances[0]
# some special handling if shuffled as we cannot use connected caves to take the smith up to death mountain
if == 'Hookshot Fairy':
add_rule(world.get_location('Blacksmiths'), lambda state: state.has('Ocarina') and (state.has('Hookshot') or (state.has('Hammer') and state.has('Mirror'))))
def set_big_bomb_rules(world):
# this is a mess
bombshop_entrance = world.get_region('Big Bomb Shop').entrances[0]