Subnautica: add creature scans
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
from typing import Dict, Set, List
# EN Locale Creature Name to rough depth in meters found at
all_creatures: Dict[str, int] = {
"Gasopod": 0,
"Bladderfish": 0,
"Ancient Floater": 0,
"Skyray": 0,
"Garryfish": 0,
"Peeper": 0,
"Shuttlebug": 0,
"Rabbit Ray": 0,
"Stalker": 0,
"Floater": 0,
"Holefish": 0,
"Cave Crawler": 0,
"Hoopfish": 0,
"Crashfish": 0,
"Hoverfish": 0,
"Spadefish": 0,
"Reefback Leviathan": 0,
"Reaper Leviathan": 0,
"Warper": 0,
"Boomerang": 0,
"Biter": 200,
"Sand Shark": 200,
"Bleeder": 200,
"Crabsnake": 300,
"Jellyray": 300,
"Oculus": 300,
"Mesmer": 300,
"Eyeye": 300,
"Reginald": 400,
"Sea Treader Leviathan": 400,
"Crabsquid": 400,
"Ampeel": 400,
"Boneshark": 400,
"Rockgrub": 400,
"Ghost Leviathan": 500,
"Ghost Leviathan Juvenile": 500,
"Spinefish": 600,
"Blighter": 600,
"Blood Crawler": 600,
"Ghostray": 1000,
"Amoeboid": 1000,
"River Prowler": 1000,
"Red Eyeye": 1300,
"Magmarang": 1300,
"Crimson Ray": 1300,
"Lava Larva": 1300,
"Lava Lizard": 1300,
"Sea Dragon Leviathan": 1300,
"Sea Emperor Leviathan": 1700,
"Sea Emperor Juvenile": 1700,
# "Cuddlefish": 300, # maybe at some point, needs hatching in containment chamber (20 real-life minutes)
# be nice and make these require Stasis Rifle
aggressive: Set[str] = {
"Cave Crawler", # is very easy without Stasis Rifle, but included for consistency
"Reaper Leviathan",
"Lava Lizard",
"Sea Dragon Leviathan",
"River Prowler",
suffix: str = " Scan"
creature_locations: Dict[str, int] = {
creature+suffix: creature_id for creature_id, creature in enumerate(all_creatures, start=34000)
all_creatures_presorted: List[str] = sorted(all_creatures)
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ item_table: Dict[int, ItemDict] = {
'count': 5,
'name': 'Seamoth Fragment',
'tech_type': 'SeamothFragment'},
35039: {'classification': ItemClassification.useful,
35039: {'classification': ItemClassification.progression,
'count': 2,
'name': 'Stasis Rifle Fragment',
'tech_type': 'StasisRifleFragment'},
@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from Options import Choice
from Options import Choice, Range
from .Creatures import all_creatures
class ItemPool(Choice):
@ -31,7 +32,15 @@ class Goal(Choice):
class CreatureScans(Range):
"""Place items on specific creature scans.
Warning: Includes aggressive Leviathans."""
display_name = "Creature Scans"
range_end = len(all_creatures)
options = {
"item_pool": ItemPool,
"goal": Goal,
"creature_scans": CreatureScans
@ -1,112 +1,122 @@
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule
from .Locations import location_table, LocationDict
from .Creatures import all_creatures, aggressive, suffix
import math
from . import SubnauticaWorld
def has_seaglide(state, player):
def has_seaglide(state, player: int):
return state.has("Seaglide Fragment", player, 2)
def has_modification_station(state, player):
def has_modification_station(state, player: int):
return state.has("Modification Station Fragment", player, 3)
def has_mobile_vehicle_bay(state, player):
def has_mobile_vehicle_bay(state, player: int):
return state.has("Mobile Vehicle Bay Fragment", player, 3)
def has_moonpool(state, player):
def has_moonpool(state, player: int):
return state.has("Moonpool Fragment", player, 2)
def has_vehicle_upgrade_console(state, player):
def has_vehicle_upgrade_console(state, player: int):
return state.has("Vehicle Upgrade Console", player) and \
has_moonpool(state, player)
def has_seamoth(state, player):
def has_seamoth(state, player: int):
return state.has("Seamoth Fragment", player, 3) and \
has_mobile_vehicle_bay(state, player)
def has_seamoth_depth_module_mk1(state, player):
def has_seamoth_depth_module_mk1(state, player: int):
return has_vehicle_upgrade_console(state, player)
def has_seamoth_depth_module_mk2(state, player):
def has_seamoth_depth_module_mk2(state, player: int):
return has_seamoth_depth_module_mk1(state, player) and \
has_modification_station(state, player)
def has_seamoth_depth_module_mk3(state, player):
def has_seamoth_depth_module_mk3(state, player: int):
return has_seamoth_depth_module_mk2(state, player) and \
has_modification_station(state, player)
def has_cyclops_bridge(state, player):
def has_cyclops_bridge(state, player: int):
return state.has("Cyclops Bridge Fragment", player, 3)
def has_cyclops_engine(state, player):
def has_cyclops_engine(state, player: int):
return state.has("Cyclops Engine Fragment", player, 3)
def has_cyclops_hull(state, player):
def has_cyclops_hull(state, player: int):
return state.has("Cyclops Hull Fragment", player, 3)
def has_cyclops(state, player):
def has_cyclops(state, player: int):
return has_cyclops_bridge(state, player) and \
has_cyclops_engine(state, player) and \
has_cyclops_hull(state, player) and \
has_mobile_vehicle_bay(state, player)
def has_cyclops_depth_module_mk1(state, player):
def has_cyclops_depth_module_mk1(state, player: int):
return state.has("Cyclops Depth Module MK1", player) and \
has_modification_station(state, player)
def has_cyclops_depth_module_mk2(state, player):
def has_cyclops_depth_module_mk2(state, player: int):
return has_cyclops_depth_module_mk1(state, player) and \
has_modification_station(state, player)
def has_cyclops_depth_module_mk3(state, player):
def has_cyclops_depth_module_mk3(state, player: int):
return has_cyclops_depth_module_mk2(state, player) and \
has_modification_station(state, player)
def has_prawn(state, player):
def has_prawn(state, player: int):
return state.has("Prawn Suit Fragment", player, 4) and \
has_mobile_vehicle_bay(state, player)
def has_praw_propulsion_arm(state, player):
def has_praw_propulsion_arm(state, player: int):
return state.has("Prawn Suit Propulsion Cannon Fragment", player, 2) and \
has_vehicle_upgrade_console(state, player)
def has_prawn_depth_module_mk1(state, player):
def has_prawn_depth_module_mk1(state, player: int):
return has_vehicle_upgrade_console(state, player)
def has_prawn_depth_module_mk2(state, player):
def has_prawn_depth_module_mk2(state, player: int):
return has_prawn_depth_module_mk1(state, player) and \
has_modification_station(state, player)
def has_laser_cutter(state, player):
def has_laser_cutter(state, player: int):
return state.has("Laser Cutter Fragment", player, 3)
def has_stasis_rile(state, player: int):
return state.has("Stasis Rifle Fragment", player, 2)
# Either we have propulsion cannon, or prawn + propulsion cannon arm
def has_propulsion_cannon(state, player):
def has_propulsion_cannon(state, player: int):
return state.has("Propulsion Cannon Fragment", player, 2) or \
(has_prawn(state, player) and has_praw_propulsion_arm(state, player))
def has_cyclops_shield(state, player):
def has_cyclops_shield(state, player: int):
return has_cyclops(state, player) and \
state.has("Cyclops Shield Generator", player)
@ -119,7 +129,7 @@ def has_cyclops_shield(state, player):
# negligeable with from high capacity tank. 430m -> 460m
# Fins are not used when using seaglide
def get_max_swim_depth(state, player):
def get_max_swim_depth(state, player: int):
# TODO, Make this a difficulty setting.
# Only go up to 200m without any submarines for now.
return 200
@ -130,7 +140,7 @@ def get_max_swim_depth(state, player):
# has_ultra_glide_fins = state.has("Ultra Glide Fins", player)
# max_depth = 400 # More like 430m. Give some room
# if has_seaglide(state, player):
# if has_seaglide(state, player: int):
# if has_ultra_high_capacity_tank:
# max_depth = 750 # It's about 50m more. Give some room
# else:
@ -146,7 +156,7 @@ def get_max_swim_depth(state, player):
# return max_depth
def get_seamoth_max_depth(state, player):
def get_seamoth_max_depth(state, player: int):
if has_seamoth(state, player):
if has_seamoth_depth_module_mk3(state, player):
return 900
@ -186,7 +196,7 @@ def get_prawn_max_depth(state, player):
return 0
def get_max_depth(state, player):
def get_max_depth(state, player: int):
# TODO, Difficulty option, we can add vehicle depth + swim depth
# But at this point, we have to consider traver distance in caves, not
# just depth
@ -196,7 +206,7 @@ def get_max_depth(state, player):
get_prawn_max_depth(state, player))
def can_access_location(state, player: int, loc: LocationDict):
def can_access_location(state, player: int, loc: LocationDict) -> bool:
need_laser_cutter = loc.get("need_laser_cutter", False)
if need_laser_cutter and not has_laser_cutter(state, player):
return False
@ -225,17 +235,33 @@ def can_access_location(state, player: int, loc: LocationDict):
return get_max_depth(state, player) >= depth
def set_location_rule(world, player, loc):
def set_location_rule(world, player: int, loc: LocationDict):
set_rule(world.get_location(loc["name"], player), lambda state: can_access_location(state, player, loc))
def set_rules(subnautica_world):
def can_scan_creature(state, player: int, creature: str) -> bool:
if not has_seaglide(state, player):
return False
if creature in aggressive and not has_stasis_rile(state, player):
return False
return get_max_depth(state, player) >= all_creatures[creature]
def set_creature_rule(world, player, creature_name: str):
set_rule(world.get_location(creature_name + suffix, player),
lambda state: can_scan_creature(state, player, creature_name))
def set_rules(subnautica_world: "SubnauticaWorld"):
player = subnautica_world.player
world =
for loc in location_table.values():
set_location_rule(world, player, loc)
for creature_name in subnautica_world.creatures_to_scan:
set_creature_rule(world, player, creature_name)
# Victory locations
set_rule(world.get_location("Neptune Launch", player), lambda state:
get_max_depth(state, player) >= 1444 and
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from BaseClasses import Region, Entrance, Location, Item, Tutorial, ItemClassifi
from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld
from . import Items
from . import Locations
from . import Creatures
from . import Options
from .Items import item_table
from .Rules import set_rules
@ -23,6 +24,10 @@ class SubnaticaWeb(WebWorld):
all_locations = {data["name"]: loc_id for loc_id, data in Locations.location_table.items()}
class SubnauticaWorld(World):
Subnautica is an undersea exploration game. Stranded on an alien world, you become infected by
@ -33,25 +38,30 @@ class SubnauticaWorld(World):
web = SubnaticaWeb()
item_name_to_id = {data["name"]: item_id for item_id, data in Items.item_table.items()}
location_name_to_id = {data["name"]: loc_id for loc_id, data in Locations.location_table.items()}
location_name_to_id = all_locations
options = Options.options
data_version = 2
data_version = 3
required_client_version = (0, 3, 3)
prefill_items: List[Item]
creatures_to_scan: List[str]
def generate_early(self) -> None:
self.prefill_items = [
self.create_item("Seaglide Fragment"),
self.create_item("Seaglide Fragment")
self.creatures_to_scan =,
def create_regions(self):
|||| += [
self.create_region("Menu", None, ["Lifepod 5"]),
self.create_region("Planet 4546B",
|||| + [location["name"] for location in Locations.location_table.values()])
|||| +
[location["name"] for location in Locations.location_table.values()] +
[creature+Creatures.suffix for creature in self.creatures_to_scan])
# refer to
@ -64,7 +74,7 @@ class SubnauticaWorld(World):
# Generate item pool
pool = []
neptune_launch_platform = None
extras = 0
extras =[self.player].value
valuable =[self.player] == Options.ItemPool.option_valuable
for item in item_table.values():
for i in range(item["count"]):
@ -105,6 +115,7 @@ class SubnauticaWorld(World):
slot_data: Dict[str, Any] = {
"goal": goal.current_key,
"vanilla_tech": vanilla_tech,
"creatures_to_scan": self.creatures_to_scan
return slot_data
Reference in New Issue