add location checks to hint command

This commit is contained in:
Fabian Dill 2020-02-17 08:16:17 +01:00
parent 5c803e911c
commit e2ef84d6c9
3 changed files with 31 additions and 9 deletions

View File

@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ async def console_loop(ctx : Context):
command = shlex.split(input)
command = input.split()
if not command:

View File

@ -271,6 +271,18 @@ def collect_hints(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int, item: str) -> typing.List[
return hints
def collect_hints_location(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int, location: str) -> typing.List[Utils.Hint]:
hints = []
location = Regions.lookup_lower_name_to_name[location]
seeked_location = Regions.location_table[location][0]
for check, result in ctx.locations.items():
location_id, finding_player = check
if finding_player == slot and location_id == seeked_location:
item_id, receiving_player = result
found = location_id in ctx.location_checks[team, finding_player]
hints.append(Utils.Hint(receiving_player, finding_player, location_id, item_id, found))
break # each location has 1 item
return hints
def format_hint(ctx: Context, team: int, hint: Utils.Hint) -> str:
return f"[Hint]: {ctx.player_names[team, hint.receiving_player]}'s " \
@ -380,12 +392,20 @@ async def process_client_cmd(ctx: Context, client: Client, cmd, args):
points_available = ctx.location_check_points * len(ctx.location_checks[, client.slot]) - \
ctx.hint_cost * ctx.hints_used[, client.slot]
item_name = args[6:].lower()
hints = []
if not item_name:
notify_client(client, "Use !hint {item_name}, for example !hint Lamp. "
notify_client(client, "Use !hint {item_name/location_name}, "
"for example !hint Lamp or !hint Link's House. "
f"A hint costs {ctx.hint_cost} points. "
f"You have {points_available} points.")
elif item_name in Items.lookup_lower_name_to_id:
hints = collect_hints(ctx,, client.slot, item_name)
elif item_name in Regions.lookup_lower_name_to_name:
hints = collect_hints_location(ctx,, client.slot, item_name)
notify_client(client, f'Item/location "{item_name}" not found.')
if hints:
found = 0
for hint in hints:
found += 1 - hint.found
@ -406,8 +426,6 @@ async def process_client_cmd(ctx: Context, client: Client, cmd, args):
notify_client(client, f"You can't afford the hint. "
f"You have {points_available} points and need at least {ctx.hint_cost}, "
f"more if multiple items are still to be found.")
notify_client(client, f'Item "{item_name}" not found.')
def set_password(ctx : Context, password):
ctx.password = password
@ -418,7 +436,7 @@ async def console(ctx : Context):
input = await aioconsole.ainput()
command = shlex.split(input)
command = input.split()
if not command:
@ -465,14 +483,17 @@ async def console(ctx : Context):
if command[0] == '/hint':
for (team, slot), name in ctx.player_names.items():
if len(command) == 1:"Use /hint {Playername} {itemname}\nFor example /hint Berserker Lamp")"Use /hint {Playername} {itemname/locationname}\nFor example /hint Berserker Lamp")
elif name.lower() == command[1].lower():
item = " ".join(command[2:]).lower()
if item in Items.lookup_lower_name_to_id:
if item in Items.lookup_lower_name_to_id: #item name
hints = collect_hints(ctx, team, slot, item)
notify_hints(ctx, team, hints)
elif item in Regions.lookup_lower_name_to_name: #location name
hints = collect_hints_location(ctx, team, slot, item)
notify_hints(ctx, team, hints)
logging.warning("Unknown item: " + item)
logging.warning("Unknown item/location: " + item)
if command[0][0] != '/':
notify_all(ctx, '[Server]: ' + input)

View File

@ -616,4 +616,5 @@ location_table = {'Mushroom': (0x180013, 0x186338, False, 'in the woods'),
'Misery Mire - Prize': ([0x120A2, 0x53F48, 0x53F49, 0x180057, 0x180075, 0xC703], None, True, 'Misery Mire'),
'Turtle Rock - Prize': ([0x120A7, 0x53F24, 0x53F25, 0x18005C, 0x180079, 0xC708], None, True, 'Turtle Rock')}
lookup_id_to_name = {data[0] : name for name, data in location_table.items() if type(data[0]) == int}
lookup_id_to_name = {data[0] : name for name, data in location_table.items() if type(data[0]) == int}
lookup_lower_name_to_name = {name.lower() : name for name in location_table}