Factorio: fix crude-oil having no requirements at all
This commit is contained in:
@ -195,6 +195,7 @@ all_product_sources: Dict[str, Set[Recipe]] = {"character": set()}
# add uranium mining to logic graph. TODO: add to automatic extractor for mod support
raw_recipes["uranium-ore"] = {"ingredients": {"sulfuric-acid": 1}, "products": {"uranium-ore": 1}, "category": "mining",
"energy": 2}
raw_recipes["crude-oil"] = {"ingredients": {}, "products": {"crude-oil"}, "category": "basic-fluid"}
# raw_recipes["iron-ore"] = {"ingredients": {}, "products": {"iron-ore": 1}, "category": "mining", "energy": 2}
# raw_recipes["copper-ore"] = {"ingredients": {}, "products": {"copper-ore": 1}, "category": "mining", "energy": 2}
@ -225,6 +226,7 @@ for name, categories in raw_machines.items():
# add electric mining drill as a crafting machine to resolve uranium-ore
machines["electric-mining-drill"] = Machine("electric-mining-drill", {"mining"})
machines["pumpjack"] = Machine("pumpjack", {"basic-fluid"})
machines["assembling-machine-1"].categories.add("crafting-with-fluid") # mod enables this
machines["character"].categories.add("basic-crafting") # somehow this is implied and not exported
del (raw_machines)
@ -301,6 +303,7 @@ for category_name, machine_name in machine_per_category.items():
required_technologies: Dict[str, FrozenSet[Technology]] = Utils.KeyedDefaultDict(lambda ingredient_name: frozenset(
recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient_name, unlock_func=unlock)))
def get_rocket_requirements(silo_recipe: Recipe, part_recipe: Recipe, satellite_recipe: Recipe) -> Set[str]:
techs = set()
if silo_recipe:
Reference in New Issue