add visibility option fix tech_cost using the wrong variable name fix yaml defaults not init'ing the Option class LttP: fix potential pathing confusion in maseya palette shuffler Server: Minimum version per team made no sense, removed
This commit is contained in:
@ -316,7 +316,7 @@ async def process_server_cmd(ctx: CommonContext, args: dict):
logger.info(f' Team #{network_player.team + 1}')
current_team = network_player.team
logger.info(' %s (Player %d)' % (network_player.alias, network_player.slot))
if args["datapackage_version"] > network_data_package["version"]:
if args["datapackage_version"] > network_data_package["version"] or args["datapackage_version"] == 0:
await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "GetDataPackage"}])
await ctx.server_auth(args['password'])
@ -10,8 +10,7 @@ import pickle
from typing import Dict
from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, CollectionState, Region, Item
from worlds.alttp import ALttPLocation
from worlds.alttp.Items import ItemFactory, item_table, item_name_groups
from worlds.alttp.Items import ItemFactory, item_name_groups
from worlds.alttp.Regions import create_regions, mark_light_world_regions, \
from worlds.alttp.InvertedRegions import create_inverted_regions, mark_dark_world_regions
@ -23,7 +22,7 @@ from Fill import distribute_items_restrictive, flood_items, balance_multiworld_p
from worlds.alttp.Shops import create_shops, ShopSlotFill, SHOP_ID_START, total_shop_slots, FillDisabledShopSlots
from worlds.alttp.ItemPool import generate_itempool, difficulties, fill_prizes
from Utils import output_path, parse_player_names, get_options, __version__, _version_tuple
from worlds.hk import gen_hollow, set_rules as set_hk_rules
from worlds.hk import gen_hollow
from worlds.hk import create_regions as hk_create_regions
from worlds.factorio import gen_factorio, factorio_create_regions
from worlds.factorio.Mod import generate_mod
@ -492,7 +491,10 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
for future in roms:
rom_name = future.result()
minimum_versions = {"server": (0, 0, 2)}
client_versions = {}
minimum_versions = {"server": (0, 0, 3), "clients": client_versions}
for slot in world.player_ids:
client_versions[slot] = (0, 0, 3)
connect_names = {base64.b64encode(rom_name).decode(): (team, slot) for
slot, team, rom_name in rom_names}
@ -500,6 +502,7 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
for player, name in enumerate(team, 1):
if player not in world.alttp_player_ids:
connect_names[name] = (i, player)
multidata = zlib.compress(pickle.dumps({"names": parsed_names,
"connect_names": connect_names,
"remote_items": {player for player in range(1, world.players + 1) if
@ -544,155 +547,8 @@ def main(args, seed=None):
return world
def copy_world(world):
# ToDo: Not good yet
# delete now?
ret = MultiWorld(world.players, world.shuffle, world.logic, world.mode, world.swords, world.difficulty, world.item_functionality, world.timer, world.progressive, world.goal, world.algorithm, world.accessibility, world.shuffle_ganon, world.retro, world.custom, world.customitemarray, world.hints)
ret.teams = world.teams
ret.player_names = copy.deepcopy(world.player_names)
ret.remote_items = world.remote_items.copy()
ret.required_medallions = world.required_medallions.copy()
ret.swamp_patch_required = world.swamp_patch_required.copy()
ret.ganon_at_pyramid = world.ganon_at_pyramid.copy()
ret.powder_patch_required = world.powder_patch_required.copy()
ret.ganonstower_vanilla = world.ganonstower_vanilla.copy()
ret.treasure_hunt_count = world.treasure_hunt_count.copy()
ret.treasure_hunt_icon = world.treasure_hunt_icon.copy()
ret.sewer_light_cone = world.sewer_light_cone.copy()
ret.light_world_light_cone = world.light_world_light_cone
ret.dark_world_light_cone = world.dark_world_light_cone
ret.seed = world.seed
ret.can_access_trock_eyebridge = world.can_access_trock_eyebridge.copy()
ret.can_access_trock_front = world.can_access_trock_front.copy()
ret.can_access_trock_big_chest = world.can_access_trock_big_chest.copy()
ret.can_access_trock_middle = world.can_access_trock_middle.copy()
ret.can_take_damage = world.can_take_damage
ret.difficulty_requirements = world.difficulty_requirements.copy()
ret.fix_fake_world = world.fix_fake_world.copy()
ret.mapshuffle = world.mapshuffle.copy()
ret.compassshuffle = world.compassshuffle.copy()
ret.keyshuffle = world.keyshuffle.copy()
ret.bigkeyshuffle = world.bigkeyshuffle.copy()
ret.crystals_needed_for_ganon = world.crystals_needed_for_ganon.copy()
ret.crystals_needed_for_gt = world.crystals_needed_for_gt.copy()
ret.open_pyramid = world.open_pyramid.copy()
ret.boss_shuffle = world.boss_shuffle.copy()
ret.enemy_shuffle = world.enemy_shuffle.copy()
ret.enemy_health = world.enemy_health.copy()
ret.enemy_damage = world.enemy_damage.copy()
ret.beemizer = world.beemizer.copy()
ret.timer = world.timer.copy()
ret.shufflepots = world.shufflepots.copy()
ret.shuffle_prizes = world.shuffle_prizes.copy()
ret.shop_shuffle = world.shop_shuffle.copy()
ret.shop_shuffle_slots = world.shop_shuffle_slots.copy()
ret.dark_room_logic = world.dark_room_logic.copy()
ret.restrict_dungeon_item_on_boss = world.restrict_dungeon_item_on_boss.copy()
ret.game = world.game.copy()
ret.completion_condition = world.completion_condition.copy()
for player in world.alttp_player_ids:
if world.mode[player] != 'inverted':
create_regions(ret, player)
create_inverted_regions(ret, player)
create_shops(ret, player)
create_dungeons(ret, player)
for player in world.hk_player_ids:
hk_create_regions(ret, player)
copy_dynamic_regions_and_locations(world, ret)
# copy bosses
for dungeon in world.dungeons:
for level, boss in dungeon.bosses.items():
ret.get_dungeon(dungeon.name, dungeon.player).bosses[level] = boss
for shop in world.shops:
copied_shop = ret.get_region(shop.region.name, shop.region.player).shop
copied_shop.inventory = copy.copy(shop.inventory)
# connect copied world
for region in world.regions:
copied_region = ret.get_region(region.name, region.player)
copied_region.is_light_world = region.is_light_world
copied_region.is_dark_world = region.is_dark_world
for exit in copied_region.exits:
old_connection = world.get_entrance(exit.name, exit.player).connected_region
exit.connect(ret.get_region(old_connection.name, old_connection.player))
# fill locations
for location in world.get_locations():
if location.item is not None:
item = Item(location.item.name, location.item.advancement, location.item.code, player = location.item.player)
ret.get_location(location.name, location.player).item = item
item.location = ret.get_location(location.name, location.player)
item.world = ret
item.type = location.item.type
item.game = location.item.game
if location.event:
ret.get_location(location.name, location.player).event = True
if location.locked:
ret.get_location(location.name, location.player).locked = True
# copy remaining itempool. No item in itempool should have an assigned location
for old_item in world.itempool:
item = Item(old_item.name, old_item.advancement, old_item.code, player = old_item.player)
item.type = old_item.type
for old_item in world.precollected_items:
item = Item(old_item.name, old_item.advancement, old_item.code, player = old_item.player)
item.type = old_item.type
# copy progress items in state
ret.state.prog_items = world.state.prog_items.copy()
ret.state.stale = {player: True for player in range(1, world.players + 1)}
for player in world.alttp_player_ids:
set_rules(ret, player)
for player in world.hk_player_ids:
set_hk_rules(ret, player)
return ret
def copy_dynamic_regions_and_locations(world, ret):
for region in world.dynamic_regions:
new_reg = Region(region.name, region.type, region.hint_text, region.player)
# Note: ideally exits should be copied here, but the current use case (Take anys) do not require this
if region.shop:
new_reg.shop = region.shop.__class__(new_reg, region.shop.room_id, region.shop.shopkeeper_config,
region.shop.custom, region.shop.locked, region.shop.sram_offset)
for location in world.dynamic_locations:
new_reg = ret.get_region(location.parent_region.name, location.parent_region.player)
new_loc = ALttPLocation(location.player, location.name, location.address, location.crystal, location.hint_text, new_reg)
# todo: this is potentially dangerous. later refactor so we
# can apply dynamic region rules on top of copied world like other rules
new_loc.access_rule = location.access_rule
new_loc.always_allow = location.always_allow
new_loc.item_rule = location.item_rule
def create_playthrough(world):
"""Destructive to the world it is run on."""
"""Destructive to the world while it is run, damage gets repaired afterwards."""
# get locations containing progress items
prog_locations = {location for location in world.get_filled_locations() if location.item.advancement}
state_cache = [None]
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ class Context(Node):
self.auto_saver_thread = None
self.save_dirty = False
self.tags = ['AP']
self.minimum_client_versions: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[int, int], Utils.Version] = {}
self.minimum_client_versions: typing.Dict[int, Utils.Version] = {}
def load(self, multidatapath: str, use_embedded_server_options: bool = False):
with open(multidatapath, 'rb') as f:
@ -131,10 +131,10 @@ class Context(Node):
if mdata_ver > Utils._version_tuple:
raise RuntimeError(f"Supplied Multidata requires a server of at least version {mdata_ver},"
f"however this server is of version {Utils._version_tuple}")
clients_ver = decoded_obj["minimum_versions"].get("clients", [])
clients_ver = decoded_obj["minimum_versions"].get("clients", {})
self.minimum_client_versions = {}
for team, player, version in clients_ver:
self.minimum_client_versions[team, player] = Utils.Version(*version)
for player, version in clients_ver.items():
self.minimum_client_versions[player] = Utils.Version(*version)
for team, names in enumerate(decoded_obj['names']):
for player, name in enumerate(names, 1):
@ -991,13 +991,13 @@ async def process_client_cmd(ctx: Context, client: Client, args: dict):
client.name = ctx.player_names[(team, slot)]
client.team = team
client.slot = slot
minver = Utils.Version(*(ctx.minimum_client_versions.get((team, slot), (0,0,0))))
minver = ctx.minimum_client_versions[slot]
if minver > args['version']:
if ctx.compatibility == 1 and "AP" not in args['tags']:
#only exact version match allowed
# only exact version match allowed
elif ctx.compatibility == 0 and args['version'] != _version_tuple:
if errors:
@ -1013,7 +1013,8 @@ async def process_client_cmd(ctx: Context, client: Client, args: dict):
"team": client.team, "slot": client.slot,
"players": ctx.get_players_package(),
"missing_locations": get_missing_checks(ctx, client),
"checked_locations": get_checked_checks(ctx, client)}]
"checked_locations": get_checked_checks(ctx, client),
items = get_received_items(ctx, client.team, client.slot)
if items:
reply.append({"cmd": 'ReceivedItems', "index": 0, "items": tuplize_received_items(items)})
@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ def roll_settings(weights: dict, plando_options: typing.Set[str] = frozenset(("b
if option_name in weights:
setattr(ret, option_name, option.from_any(get_choice(option_name, weights)))
setattr(ret, option_name, option.default)
setattr(ret, option_name, option.from_any(option.default))
raise Exception(f"Unsupported game {ret.game}")
return ret
@ -104,7 +104,9 @@ class Choice(Option):
def from_any(cls, data: typing.Any):
return cls.from_text(data)
if type(data) == int and data in cls.options.values():
return cls(data)
return cls.from_text(str(data))
class Logic(Choice):
@ -273,11 +275,16 @@ class TechTreeLayout(Choice):
option_single = 0
default = 0
class Visibility(Choice):
option_none = 0
option_sending = 1
default = 0
factorio_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = {"max_science_pack": MaxSciencePack,
"tech_tree_layout": TechTreeLayout,
"tech_cost": TechCost,
"free_samples": FreeSamples}
"free_samples": FreeSamples,
"visibility": Visibility}
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class Version(typing.NamedTuple):
minor: int
build: int
__version__ = "0.0.2"
__version__ = "0.0.3"
_version_tuple = tuplize_version(__version__)
import builtins
@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
require "lib"
-- for testing
-- script.on_event(defines.events.on_tick, function(event)
-- if event.tick%600 == 0 then
-- dumpTech(game.forces["player"])
-- end
-- end)
script.on_event(defines.events.on_tick, function(event)
if event.tick%600 == 0 then
-- hook into researches done
script.on_event(defines.events.on_research_finished, function(event)
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function dumpGameInfo()
local data_collection = {}
local force = game.forces["player"]
for tech_name, tech in pairs(force.technologies) do
if tech.enabled then
if tech.enabled and tech.research_unit_count_formula == nil then
local tech_data = {}
local unlocks = {}
tech_data["unlocks"] = unlocks
@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ new_tree_copy.name = "ap-{{ tech_table[original_tech_name] }}-"{# use AP ID #}
prep_copy(new_tree_copy, original_tech)
{% if tech_cost != 1 %}
if new_tree_copy.unit.count then
new_tree_copy.unit.count = math.max(1, math.floor(new_tree_copy.unit.count * {{ tech_cost }}))
new_tree_copy.unit.count = math.max(1, math.floor(new_tree_copy.unit.count * {{ tech_cost_scale }}))
{% endif %}
{% if item_name in tech_table %}
{% if item_name in tech_table and visibility %}
{#- copy Factorio Technology Icon #}
new_tree_copy.icon = table.deepcopy(technologies["{{ item_name }}"].icon)
new_tree_copy.icons = table.deepcopy(technologies["{{ item_name }}"].icons)
@ -44,6 +44,7 @@ new_tree_copy.icon_size = table.deepcopy(technologies["{{ item_name }}"].icon_si
new_tree_copy.icon = "__{{ mod_name }}__/graphics/icons/ap.png"
new_tree_copy.icons = nil
new_tree_copy.icon_size = 512
{% endif %}
{#- add new technology to game #}
@ -1,8 +1,17 @@
{% for original_tech_name, item_name, receiving_player in locations %}
{%- if visibility %}
ap-{{ tech_table[original_tech_name] }}-={{ player_names[receiving_player] }}'s {{ item_name }}
{%- else %}
ap-{{ tech_table[original_tech_name] }}-= An Archipelago Sendable
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for original_tech_name, item_name, receiving_player in locations %}
{%- if visibility %}
ap-{{ tech_table[original_tech_name] }}-=Researching this technology sends {{ item_name }} to {{ player_names[receiving_player] }}.
{%- else %}
ap-{{ tech_table[original_tech_name] }}-=Researching this technology sends something to someone.
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ lookup_any_location_name_to_id = {name: id for id, name in lookup_any_location_i
network_data_package = {"lookup_any_location_id_to_name": lookup_any_location_id_to_name,
"lookup_any_item_id_to_name": lookup_any_item_id_to_name,
"version": 2}
"version": 3}
class Games(str, enum.Enum):
@ -1775,7 +1775,7 @@ def apply_rom_settings(rom, beep, color, quickswap, fastmenu, disable_music, spr
option_name: True
data_dir = local_path("../../data") if is_bundled() else None
data_dir = local_path("data") if is_bundled() else None
offsets_array = build_offset_collections(options, data_dir)
restore_maseya_colors(rom, offsets_array)
if mode == 'default':
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import json
import jinja2
import Utils
import shutil
import Options
from BaseClasses import MultiWorld
from .Technologies import tech_table
@ -50,7 +51,9 @@ def generate_mod(world: MultiWorld, player: int):
6: 10}[world.tech_cost[player].value]
template_data = {"locations": locations, "player_names" : player_names, "tech_table": tech_table,
"mod_name": mod_name, "allowed_science_packs": world.max_science_pack[player].get_allowed_packs(),
"tech_cost": tech_cost, "free_samples": world.free_samples[player].value}
"tech_cost_scale": tech_cost}
for factorio_option in Options.factorio_options:
template_data[factorio_option] = getattr(world, factorio_option)[player].value
control_code = control_template.render(**template_data)
data_final_fixes_code = template.render(**template_data)
@ -6,12 +6,13 @@ import Utils
factorio_id = 2 ** 17
source_file = Utils.local_path("data", "factorio", "techs.json")
recipe_source_file = Utils.local_path("data", "factorio", "recipes.json")
with open(source_file) as f:
raw = json.load(f)
with open(recipe_source_file) as f:
raw_recipes = json.load(f)
tech_table = {}
technology_table = {}
requirements = {} # tech_name -> Set[required_technologies]
class Technology(): # maybe make subclass of Location?
@ -29,9 +30,24 @@ class Technology(): # maybe make subclass of Location?
requirements |= recipe_sources[ingredient] # technically any, not all, need to improve later
return requirements
def build_rule(self):
ingredient_rules = []
for ingredient in self.ingredients:
if ingredient in recipe_sources:
technologies = recipe_sources[ingredient] # technologies that unlock the recipe
ingredient_rules.append(lambda state, technologies=technologies: any(state.has(technology) for technology in technologies))
ingredient_rules = frozenset(ingredient_rules)
return lambda state: all(rule(state) for rule in ingredient_rules)
def __hash__(self):
return self.factorio_id
class Recipe():
def __init__(self, name, category, ingredients, products):
self.name = name
self.category = category
self.products = ingredients
self.ingredients = products
# recipes and technologies can share names in Factorio
for technology_name in sorted(raw):
@ -56,3 +72,10 @@ for technology, data in raw.items():
del (raw)
lookup_id_to_name: Dict[int, str] = {item_id: item_name for item_name, item_id in tech_table.items()}
all_recipes = set()
for recipe_name, recipe_data in raw_recipes.items():
# example:
# "accumulator":{"ingredients":["iron-plate","battery"],"products":["accumulator"],"category":"crafting"}
all_recipes.add(Recipe(recipe_name, recipe_data["category"], set(recipe_data["ingredients"]), set(recipe_data["products"])))
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ import logging
from BaseClasses import Region, Entrance, Location, MultiWorld, Item
from .Technologies import tech_table, requirements, recipe_sources, technology_table
from .Technologies import tech_table, recipe_sources, technology_table
static_nodes = {"automation", "logistics"}
Reference in New Issue