Modify end credits count.

This commit is contained in:
CaitSith2 2021-01-29 04:51:58 -08:00
parent 96e12088d7
commit fda32578fa
1 changed files with 23 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -791,6 +791,29 @@ def patch_rom(world, rom, player, team, enemized):
write_custom_shops(rom, world, player)
def credits_digit(num):
# top: $54 is 1, 55 2, etc , so 57=4, 5C=9
# bot: $7A is 1, 7B is 2, etc so 7D=4, 82=9 (zero unknown...)
return 0x53 + int(num), 0x79 + int(num)
credits_total = 216
if world.goal[player] == 'icerodhunt': # Impossible to get 216/216 with Ice rod hunt. Most possible is 215/216.
credits_total -= 1
if world.retro[player]: # Old man cave and Take any caves will count towards collection rate.
credits_total += 5
if world.shop_shuffle_slots[player]: # Potion shop only counts towards collection rate if included in the shuffle.
credits_total += 30 if 'w' in world.shop_shuffle[player] else 27
rom.write_byte(0x187010, credits_total) # dynamic credits
# collection rate address: 238C37
first_top, first_bot = credits_digit((credits_total / 100) % 10)
mid_top, mid_bot = credits_digit((credits_total / 10) % 10)
last_top, last_bot = credits_digit(credits_total % 10)
# top half
rom.write_bytes(0x118C46, [first_top, mid_top, last_top])
# bottom half
rom.write_bytes(0x118C64, [first_bot, mid_bot, last_bot])
# patch medallion requirements
if world.required_medallions[player][0] == 'Bombos':
rom.write_byte(0x180022, 0x00) # requirement