New options:
Shuffle Doors: Many doors in the game will open on their own upon receiving an item ("key").
Variant - Shuffle Door/Control Panels: Many panels in the game that open doors or control devices in the world will be off until receiving their respective item ("key").
Shuffle Lasers: Lasers no longer activate by solving the laser panel, instead you will get an item that activates the laser.
Shuffle Symbols: Now that there is something else to shuffle (doors / door panels), you can turn off Symbol Rando.
Shuffle Postgame (replaces "Shuffle Hard"): The randomizer will now determine by your settings which panels are in the "postgame" - Meaning they can only be accessed after you can complete your win condition anyway.
New option: "Early Secret Area" (Opens a door to the Challenge Area from the start of the game)
New option: Victory Conditions "Mountaintop Box Short" and "Mountaintop Box Long"
New options: Number of Lasers of Mountain, Number of Lasers for Challenge
New option & item: Add some number of "Puzzle Skips", which let you skip one puzzle in the game
Many logic fixes