## What is this fixing or adding?
- Roof MASTERY panels are now technically in individual regions with more descriptive names, so they can be displayed better on the tracker.
- Orange Tower Seventh Floor - Mastery has been renamed to simply Mastery.
- The Optimistic is its own region now.
- The misnamed CEILING in Room Room has been fixed.
- The misnamed CHEESE in Challenge Room has been fixed.
- The misnamed SOUND in Outside the Bold has been fixed.
- "The Bearer - Shortcut to The Bold" is now "The Bearer - Entrance".
- HUB ROOM - NEAR, FAR and the Warts Straw and Leaf Feel Areas have now been semantically combined into the "Symmetry Room". They are still logically three separate regions.
- The FACTS chain in Challenge Room has been reindexed, and the full chain panel is now indicated as such.
- The Room Room floors have been reindexed.
- Panels in The Observant are now named by their questions, not answers.
- Added a (1) subscript to several panels in Orange Tower Fourth Floor, Outside The Initiated, and The Seeker.
The validate_config.rb script has also been updated to check that all items and locations have an ID.
This change should not impact generation logic at all. It is just changing item and location names.
The most serious issue this PR addresses is that entrances that use doors without items (a small subset of doors when door shuffle is on, but *every* door when door shuffle is off, which is the default) underestimate the requirements needed to use that entrance. The logic would calculate the panels needed to open the door, but would neglect to keep track of the rooms those panels were in, meaning that doors would be considered openable if you had the colors needed to solve a panel that's in a room you have no access to.
Another issue is that, previously, logic would always consider the "ANOTHER TRY" panel accessible for the purposes of the LEVEL 2 panel hunt. This could result in seeds where the player is expected to have exactly the correct number of solves to reach LEVEL 2, but in reality is short by one because ANOTHER TRY itself is not revealed until the panel hunt is complete. This change marks ANOTHER TRY as non-counting, because even though it is technically a counting panel in-game, it can never contribute to the LEVEL 2 panel hunt. This issue could also apply to THE MASTER, since it is the only other counting panel with special access rules, although it is much less likely. This change adds special handling for counting THE MASTER. These issues were possible to manifest whenever the LEVEL 2 panel hunt was enabled, which it is by default.
Smaller logic issues also fixed in this PR:
* The Orange Tower Basement MASTERY panel was marked as requiring the mastery doors to be opened, when it was actually possible to get it without them by using a painting to get into the room.
* The Pilgrim Room painting item was incorrectly being marked as a filler item, despite it being progression.
* There has been another update to the game that adds connections between areas that were previously not connected. These changes were additive, which is why they are not critical.
* The panel stacks in the rhyme room now require both colours on each panel.