from typing import TYPE_CHECKING from BaseClasses import CollectionState from worlds.generic.Rules import CollectionRule, add_rule, allow_self_locking_items from .constants import NOTES, PHOBEKINS from .options import MessengerAccessibility if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import MessengerWorld class MessengerRules: player: int world: "MessengerWorld" connection_rules: dict[str, CollectionRule] region_rules: dict[str, CollectionRule] location_rules: dict[str, CollectionRule] maximum_price: int required_seals: int def __init__(self, world: "MessengerWorld") -> None: self.player = world.player = world # these locations are at the top of the shop tree, and the entire shop tree needs to be purchased maximum_price = (world.multiworld.get_location("The Shop - Demon's Bane", self.player).cost + world.multiworld.get_location("The Shop - Focused Power Sense", self.player).cost) self.maximum_price = min(maximum_price, world.total_shards) self.required_seals = max(1, world.required_seals) # dict of connection names and requirements to traverse the exit self.connection_rules = { # from ToTHQ "Artificer's Portal": lambda state: state.has_all({"Demon King Crown", "Magic Firefly"}, self.player), "Shrink Down": lambda state: state.has_all(NOTES, self.player) or self.has_enough_seals(state), # the shop "Money Sink": lambda state: state.has("Money Wrench", self.player) and self.can_shop(state), # Autumn Hills "Autumn Hills - Portal -> Autumn Hills - Dimension Climb Shop": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) and self.has_dart(state), "Autumn Hills - Dimension Climb Shop -> Autumn Hills - Portal": self.has_vertical, "Autumn Hills - Climbing Claws Shop -> Autumn Hills - Hope Path Shop": self.has_dart, "Autumn Hills - Climbing Claws Shop -> Autumn Hills - Key of Hope Checkpoint": self.false, # hard logic only "Autumn Hills - Hope Path Shop -> Autumn Hills - Hope Latch Checkpoint": self.has_dart, "Autumn Hills - Hope Path Shop -> Autumn Hills - Climbing Claws Shop": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) and self.can_dboost(state), "Autumn Hills - Hope Path Shop -> Autumn Hills - Lakeside Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) and self.can_dboost(state), "Autumn Hills - Hope Latch Checkpoint -> Autumn Hills - Hope Path Shop": self.can_dboost, "Autumn Hills - Hope Latch Checkpoint -> Autumn Hills - Key of Hope Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) and self.has_wingsuit(state), # Forlorn Temple "Forlorn Temple - Outside Shop -> Forlorn Temple - Entrance Shop": lambda state: state.has_all(PHOBEKINS, self.player), "Forlorn Temple - Entrance Shop -> Forlorn Temple - Outside Shop": lambda state: state.has_all(PHOBEKINS, self.player), "Forlorn Temple - Entrance Shop -> Forlorn Temple - Sunny Day Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) and self.can_dboost(state), "Forlorn Temple - Sunny Day Checkpoint -> Forlorn Temple - Rocket Maze Checkpoint": self.has_vertical, "Forlorn Temple - Rocket Sunset Shop -> Forlorn Temple - Descent Shop": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) and (self.can_dboost(state) or self.has_wingsuit(state)), "Forlorn Temple - Saw Gauntlet Shop -> Forlorn Temple - Demon King Shop": self.has_vertical, "Forlorn Temple - Demon King Shop -> Forlorn Temple - Saw Gauntlet Shop": self.has_vertical, # Howling Grotto "Howling Grotto - Portal -> Howling Grotto - Crushing Pits Shop": self.has_wingsuit, "Howling Grotto - Wingsuit Shop -> Howling Grotto - Left": self.has_wingsuit, "Howling Grotto - Wingsuit Shop -> Howling Grotto - Lost Woods Checkpoint": self.has_wingsuit, "Howling Grotto - Lost Woods Checkpoint -> Howling Grotto - Bottom": lambda state: state.has("Seashell", self.player), "Howling Grotto - Crushing Pits Shop -> Howling Grotto - Portal": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) or self.can_dboost(state), "Howling Grotto - Breezy Crushers Checkpoint -> Howling Grotto - Emerald Golem Shop": self.has_wingsuit, "Howling Grotto - Breezy Crushers Checkpoint -> Howling Grotto - Crushing Pits Shop": lambda state: (self.has_wingsuit(state) or self.can_dboost( state ) or self.can_destroy_projectiles(state)) and state.multiworld.get_region( "Howling Grotto - Emerald Golem Shop", self.player ).can_reach(state), "Howling Grotto - Emerald Golem Shop -> Howling Grotto - Right": self.has_wingsuit, # Searing Crags "Searing Crags - Rope Dart Shop -> Searing Crags - Triple Ball Spinner Checkpoint": self.has_vertical, "Searing Crags - Portal -> Searing Crags - Right": self.has_tabi, "Searing Crags - Portal -> Searing Crags - Before Final Climb Shop": self.has_wingsuit, "Searing Crags - Portal -> Searing Crags - Colossuses Shop": self.has_wingsuit, "Searing Crags - Bottom -> Searing Crags - Portal": self.has_wingsuit, "Searing Crags - Right -> Searing Crags - Portal": lambda state: self.has_tabi(state) and self.has_wingsuit(state), "Searing Crags - Colossuses Shop -> Searing Crags - Key of Strength Shop": lambda state: state.has("Power Thistle", self.player) and (self.has_dart(state) or (self.has_wingsuit(state) and self.can_destroy_projectiles(state))), "Searing Crags - Falling Rocks Shop -> Searing Crags - Searing Mega Shard Shop": self.has_dart, "Searing Crags - Searing Mega Shard Shop -> Searing Crags - Before Final Climb Shop": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) or self.can_destroy_projectiles(state), "Searing Crags - Searing Mega Shard Shop -> Searing Crags - Falling Rocks Shop": self.has_dart, "Searing Crags - Searing Mega Shard Shop -> Searing Crags - Key of Strength Shop": self.false, "Searing Crags - Before Final Climb Shop -> Searing Crags - Colossuses Shop": self.has_dart, # Glacial Peak "Glacial Peak - Portal -> Glacial Peak - Tower Entrance Shop": self.has_vertical, "Glacial Peak - Left -> Elemental Skylands - Air Shmup": lambda state: state.has("Magic Firefly", self.player) and state.multiworld.get_location("Quillshroom Marsh - Queen of Quills", self.player) .can_reach(state), "Glacial Peak - Tower Entrance Shop -> Glacial Peak - Top": lambda state: state.has("Ruxxtin's Amulet", self.player), "Glacial Peak - Projectile Spike Pit Checkpoint -> Glacial Peak - Left": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) or (self.can_dboost(state) and self.has_wingsuit(state)), # Tower of Time "Tower of Time - Left -> Tower of Time - Final Chance Shop": self.has_dart, "Tower of Time - Second Checkpoint -> Tower of Time - Third Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) and (self.has_dart(state) or self.can_dboost(state)), "Tower of Time - Third Checkpoint -> Tower of Time - Fourth Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) or self.can_dboost(state), "Tower of Time - Fourth Checkpoint -> Tower of Time - Fifth Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) and self.has_dart(state), "Tower of Time - Fifth Checkpoint -> Tower of Time - Sixth Checkpoint": self.has_wingsuit, # Cloud Ruins "Cloud Ruins - Cloud Entrance Shop -> Cloud Ruins - Spike Float Checkpoint": self.has_wingsuit, "Cloud Ruins - Spike Float Checkpoint -> Cloud Ruins - Cloud Entrance Shop": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) or self.can_dboost(state), "Cloud Ruins - Spike Float Checkpoint -> Cloud Ruins - Pillar Glide Shop": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) or self.can_dboost(state), "Cloud Ruins - Pillar Glide Shop -> Cloud Ruins - Spike Float Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) and self.can_double_dboost(state), "Cloud Ruins - Pillar Glide Shop -> Cloud Ruins - Ghost Pit Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) and self.has_wingsuit(state), "Cloud Ruins - Pillar Glide Shop -> Cloud Ruins - Crushers' Descent Shop": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) and (self.has_dart(state) or self.can_dboost(state)), "Cloud Ruins - Toothbrush Alley Checkpoint -> Cloud Ruins - Seeing Spikes Shop": self.has_vertical, "Cloud Ruins - Seeing Spikes Shop -> Cloud Ruins - Sliding Spikes Shop": self.has_wingsuit, "Cloud Ruins - Sliding Spikes Shop -> Cloud Ruins - Seeing Spikes Shop": self.has_wingsuit, "Cloud Ruins - Sliding Spikes Shop -> Cloud Ruins - Saw Pit Checkpoint": self.has_vertical, "Cloud Ruins - Final Flight Shop -> Cloud Ruins - Manfred's Shop": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) and self.has_dart(state), "Cloud Ruins - Manfred's Shop -> Cloud Ruins - Final Flight Shop": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) and self.can_dboost(state), # Underworld "Underworld - Left -> Underworld - Left Shop": self.has_tabi, "Underworld - Left Shop -> Underworld - Left": self.has_tabi, "Underworld - Hot Dip Checkpoint -> Underworld - Lava Run Checkpoint": self.has_tabi, "Underworld - Fireball Wave Shop -> Underworld - Long Climb Shop": lambda state: self.can_destroy_projectiles(state) or self.has_tabi(state) or self.has_vertical(state), "Underworld - Long Climb Shop -> Underworld - Hot Tub Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_tabi(state) and (self.can_destroy_projectiles(state) or self.has_wingsuit(state)) or (self.has_wingsuit(state) and (self.has_dart(state) or self.can_dboost(state) or self.can_destroy_projectiles(state))), "Underworld - Hot Tub Checkpoint -> Underworld - Long Climb Shop": lambda state: self.has_tabi(state) or self.can_destroy_projectiles(state) or (self.has_dart(state) and self.has_wingsuit(state)), # Dark Cave "Dark Cave - Right -> Dark Cave - Left": lambda state: state.has("Candle", self.player) and self.has_dart(state), # Riviere Turquoise "Riviere Turquoise - Waterfall Shop -> Riviere Turquoise - Flower Flight Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) or ( self.has_wingsuit(state) and self.can_destroy_projectiles(state)), "Riviere Turquoise - Launch of Faith Shop -> Riviere Turquoise - Flower Flight Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) and self.can_dboost(state), "Riviere Turquoise - Flower Flight Checkpoint -> Riviere Turquoise - Waterfall Shop": lambda state: False, # Elemental Skylands "Elemental Skylands - Air Intro Shop -> Elemental Skylands - Air Seal Checkpoint": self.has_wingsuit, "Elemental Skylands - Air Intro Shop -> Elemental Skylands - Air Generator Shop": self.has_wingsuit, # Sunken Shrine "Sunken Shrine - Portal -> Sunken Shrine - Sun Path Shop": self.has_tabi, "Sunken Shrine - Portal -> Sunken Shrine - Moon Path Shop": self.has_tabi, "Sunken Shrine - Moon Path Shop -> Sunken Shrine - Waterfall Paradise Checkpoint": self.has_tabi, "Sunken Shrine - Waterfall Paradise Checkpoint -> Sunken Shrine - Moon Path Shop": self.has_tabi, "Sunken Shrine - Tabi Gauntlet Shop -> Sunken Shrine - Sun Path Shop": lambda state: self.can_dboost(state) or self.has_dart(state), } self.location_rules = { # hq "Money Wrench": self.can_shop, # ninja village "Ninja Village Seal - Tree House": self.has_dart, "Ninja Village - Candle": lambda state: state.multiworld.get_location("Searing Crags - Astral Tea Leaves", self.player).can_reach( state), # autumn hills "Autumn Hills Seal - Spike Ball Darts": self.is_aerobatic, "Autumn Hills Seal - Trip Saws": self.has_wingsuit, "Autumn Hills Seal - Double Swing Saws": self.has_vertical, # forlorn temple "Forlorn Temple Seal - Rocket Maze": self.has_vertical, # bamboo creek "Bamboo Creek - Claustro": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) and (self.has_dart(state) or self.can_dboost(state)), "Above Entrance Mega Shard": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) or self.can_dboost(state), "Bamboo Creek Seal - Spike Ball Pits": self.has_wingsuit, # howling grotto "Howling Grotto Seal - Windy Saws and Balls": self.has_wingsuit, "Howling Grotto Seal - Crushing Pits": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) and self.has_dart(state), "Howling Grotto - Emerald Golem": self.has_wingsuit, # searing crags "Searing Crags - Astral Tea Leaves": lambda state: state.multiworld.get_location("Ninja Village - Astral Seed", self.player).can_reach(state), "Searing Crags Seal - Triple Ball Spinner": self.can_dboost, "Searing Crags - Pyro": self.has_tabi, # glacial peak "Glacial Peak Seal - Ice Climbers": self.has_dart, "Glacial Peak Seal - Projectile Spike Pit": self.can_destroy_projectiles, # tower of time "Tower of Time Seal - Time Waster": self.has_dart, # cloud ruins "Time Warp Mega Shard": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) or self.can_dboost(state), "Cloud Ruins Seal - Ghost Pit": self.has_vertical, "Cloud Ruins Seal - Toothbrush Alley": self.has_dart, "Cloud Ruins Seal - Saw Pit": self.has_vertical, # underworld "Underworld Seal - Sharp and Windy Climb": self.has_wingsuit, "Underworld Seal - Fireball Wave": self.is_aerobatic, "Underworld Seal - Rising Fanta": self.has_dart, "Hot Tub Mega Shard": lambda state: self.has_tabi(state) or self.has_dart(state), # sunken shrine "Sunken Shrine - Key of Love": lambda state: state.has_all({"Sun Crest", "Moon Crest"}, self.player), "Sunken Shrine Seal - Waterfall Paradise": self.has_tabi, "Sunken Shrine Seal - Tabi Gauntlet": self.has_tabi, "Mega Shard of the Sun": self.has_tabi, # riviere turquoise "Riviere Turquoise Seal - Bounces and Balls": self.can_dboost, "Riviere Turquoise Seal - Launch of Faith": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state), # elemental skylands "Elemental Skylands - Key of Symbiosis": self.has_dart, "Elemental Skylands Seal - Air": self.has_wingsuit, "Elemental Skylands Seal - Water": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) and state.has("Currents Master", self.player), "Elemental Skylands Seal - Fire": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) and self.can_destroy_projectiles(state) and self.is_aerobatic(state), "Earth Mega Shard": self.has_dart, "Water Mega Shard": self.has_dart, } def has_wingsuit(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return state.has("Wingsuit", self.player) def has_dart(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return state.has("Rope Dart", self.player) def has_tabi(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return state.has("Lightfoot Tabi", self.player) def has_vertical(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return self.has_wingsuit(state) or self.has_dart(state) def has_enough_seals(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return state.has("Power Seal", self.player, self.required_seals) def can_destroy_projectiles(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return state.has("Strike of the Ninja", self.player) def can_dboost(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return state.has_any({"Path of Resilience", "Meditation"}, self.player) and \ state.has("Second Wind", self.player) def can_double_dboost(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return state.has_all({"Path of Resilience", "Meditation", "Second Wind"}, self.player) def is_aerobatic(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return self.has_wingsuit(state) and state.has("Aerobatics Warrior", self.player) def true(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: """I know this is stupid, but it's easier to read in the dicts.""" return True def false(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: """It's a bit easier to just always create the connections that are only possible in hard or higher logic.""" return False def can_shop(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return state.has("Shards", self.player, self.maximum_price) def set_messenger_rules(self) -> None: multiworld = for entrance_name, rule in self.connection_rules.items(): entrance = multiworld.get_entrance(entrance_name, self.player) entrance.access_rule = rule for loc in multiworld.get_locations(self.player): if in self.location_rules: loc.access_rule = self.location_rules[] if and not add_rule(multiworld.get_entrance("Shrink Down", self.player), self.has_dart) multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has("Do the Thing!", self.player) if # not locations accessibility set_self_locking_items(, self.player) class MessengerHardRules(MessengerRules): def __init__(self, world: "MessengerWorld") -> None: super().__init__(world) self.connection_rules.update( { # Autumn Hills "Autumn Hills - Portal -> Autumn Hills - Dimension Climb Shop": self.has_dart, "Autumn Hills - Climbing Claws Shop -> Autumn Hills - Key of Hope Checkpoint": self.true, # super easy normal clip - also possible with moderately difficult cloud stepping # Howling Grotto "Howling Grotto - Portal -> Howling Grotto - Crushing Pits Shop": self.true, "Howling Grotto - Lost Woods Checkpoint -> Howling Grotto - Bottom": self.true, # just memorize the pattern :) "Howling Grotto - Crushing Pits Shop -> Howling Grotto - Portal": self.true, "Howling Grotto - Breezy Crushers Checkpoint -> Howling Grotto - Emerald Golem Shop": lambda state: self.has_wingsuit(state) or # there's a very easy normal clip here but it's 16-bit only "Howling Grotto - Breezy Crushers Checkpoint" in, # Searing Crags "Searing Crags - Rope Dart Shop -> Searing Crags - Triple Ball Spinner Checkpoint": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) or self.can_destroy_projectiles(state), # it's doable without anything but one jump is pretty hard and time warping is no longer reliable "Searing Crags - Falling Rocks Shop -> Searing Crags - Searing Mega Shard Shop": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) or self.can_destroy_projectiles(state), "Searing Crags - Searing Mega Shard Shop -> Searing Crags - Falling Rocks Shop": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) or (self.can_destroy_projectiles(state) and (self.has_wingsuit(state) or self.can_dboost(state))), "Searing Crags - Searing Mega Shard Shop -> Searing Crags - Key of Strength Shop": lambda state: self.can_leash(state) or self.has_windmill(state), "Searing Crags - Before Final Climb Shop -> Searing Crags - Colossuses Shop": self.true, # Glacial Peak "Glacial Peak - Left -> Elemental Skylands - Air Shmup": lambda state: self.has_windmill(state) or (state.has("Magic Firefly", self.player) and state.multiworld.get_location( "Quillshroom Marsh - Queen of Quills", self.player).can_reach(state)) or (self.has_dart(state) and self.can_dboost(state)), "Glacial Peak - Projectile Spike Pit Checkpoint -> Glacial Peak - Left": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) or self.has_windmill(state), # Cloud Ruins "Cloud Ruins - Sliding Spikes Shop -> Cloud Ruins - Saw Pit Checkpoint": self.true, # Elemental Skylands "Elemental Skylands - Air Intro Shop -> Elemental Skylands - Air Generator Shop": self.true, # Riviere Turquoise "Riviere Turquoise - Waterfall Shop -> Riviere Turquoise - Flower Flight Checkpoint": self.true, "Riviere Turquoise - Launch of Faith Shop -> Riviere Turquoise - Flower Flight Checkpoint": self.can_dboost, "Riviere Turquoise - Flower Flight Checkpoint -> Riviere Turquoise - Waterfall Shop": self.can_double_dboost, } ) self.location_rules.update( { "Autumn Hills Seal - Spike Ball Darts": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) and self.has_windmill(state) or self.is_aerobatic(state), "Autumn Hills Seal - Double Swing Saws": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) or self.can_destroy_projectiles(state), "Bamboo Creek - Claustro": self.has_wingsuit, "Bamboo Creek Seal - Spike Ball Pits": self.true, "Howling Grotto Seal - Windy Saws and Balls": self.true, "Searing Crags Seal - Triple Ball Spinner": self.true, "Glacial Peak Seal - Ice Climbers": lambda state: self.has_vertical(state) or self.can_dboost(state), "Glacial Peak Seal - Projectile Spike Pit": lambda state: self.can_dboost(state) or self.can_destroy_projectiles(state), "Glacial Peak Seal - Glacial Air Swag": lambda state: self.has_windmill(state) or self.has_vertical(state), "Glacial Peak Mega Shard": lambda state: self.has_windmill(state) or self.has_vertical(state), "Cloud Ruins Seal - Ghost Pit": self.true, "Cloud Ruins Seal - Toothbrush Alley": self.true, "Cloud Ruins Seal - Saw Pit": self.true, "Underworld Seal - Fireball Wave": lambda state: self.is_aerobatic(state) or self.has_windmill(state), "Riviere Turquoise Seal - Bounces and Balls": self.true, "Riviere Turquoise Seal - Launch of Faith": lambda state: self.can_dboost(state) or self.has_vertical(state), "Elemental Skylands - Key of Symbiosis": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) or self.can_dboost(state) or self.has_windmill(state), "Elemental Skylands Seal - Water": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) or self.can_dboost(state) or self.has_windmill(state), "Elemental Skylands Seal - Fire": lambda state: (self.has_dart(state) or self.can_dboost(state) or self.has_windmill(state)) and self.can_destroy_projectiles(state), "Earth Mega Shard": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) or self.can_dboost(state) or self.has_windmill(state), "Water Mega Shard": lambda state: self.has_dart(state) or self.can_dboost(state) or self.has_windmill(state), } ) def has_windmill(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return state.has("Windmill Shuriken", self.player) def can_dboost(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return state.has("Second Wind", self.player) # who really needs meditation def can_destroy_projectiles(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return super().can_destroy_projectiles(state) or self.has_windmill(state) def can_leash(self, state: CollectionState) -> bool: return self.has_dart(state) and self.can_dboost(state) class MessengerOOBRules(MessengerRules): def __init__(self, world: "MessengerWorld") -> None: = world self.player = world.player self.required_seals = max(1, world.required_seals) self.region_rules = { "Elemental Skylands": lambda state: state.has_any( {"Windmill Shuriken", "Wingsuit", "Rope Dart", "Magic Firefly"}, self.player ), "Music Box": lambda state: state.has_all(set(NOTES), self.player) or self.has_enough_seals(state), } self.location_rules = { "Bamboo Creek - Claustro": self.has_wingsuit, "Searing Crags - Key of Strength": self.has_wingsuit, "Sunken Shrine - Key of Love": lambda state: state.has_all({"Sun Crest", "Moon Crest"}, self.player), "Searing Crags - Pyro": self.has_tabi, "Underworld - Key of Chaos": self.has_tabi, "Corrupted Future - Key of Courage": lambda state: state.has_all({"Demon King Crown", "Magic Firefly"}, self.player), "Autumn Hills Seal - Spike Ball Darts": self.has_dart, "Ninja Village Seal - Tree House": self.has_dart, "Underworld Seal - Fireball Wave": lambda state: state.has_any( {"Wingsuit", "Windmill Shuriken"}, self.player ), "Tower of Time Seal - Time Waster": self.has_dart, } def set_messenger_rules(self) -> None: super().set_messenger_rules() = MessengerAccessibility.option_minimal def set_self_locking_items(world: "MessengerWorld", player: int) -> None: # locations where these placements are always valid allow_self_locking_items(world.get_location("Searing Crags - Key of Strength").parent_region, "Power Thistle") allow_self_locking_items(world.get_location("Sunken Shrine - Key of Love"), "Sun Crest", "Moon Crest") allow_self_locking_items(world.get_location("Corrupted Future - Key of Courage").parent_region, "Demon King Crown") allow_self_locking_items(world.get_location("Elemental Skylands Seal - Water"), "Currents Master")