import logging import struct import typing import time from struct import pack from NetUtils import ClientStatus, color from worlds.AutoSNIClient import SNIClient if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: from SNIClient import SNIContext snes_logger = logging.getLogger("SNES") ROM_START = 0x000000 WRAM_START = 0xF50000 WRAM_SIZE = 0x20000 SRAM_START = 0xE00000 YOSHISISLAND_ROMHASH_START = 0x007FC0 ROMHASH_SIZE = 0x15 ITEMQUEUE_HIGH = WRAM_START + 0x1465 ITEM_RECEIVED = WRAM_START + 0x1467 DEATH_RECEIVED = WRAM_START + 0x7E23B0 GAME_MODE = WRAM_START + 0x0118 YOSHI_STATE = SRAM_START + 0x00AC DEATHLINK_ADDR = ROM_START + 0x06FC8C DEATHMUSIC_FLAG = WRAM_START + 0x004F DEATHFLAG = WRAM_START + 0x00DB DEATHLINKRECV = WRAM_START + 0x00E0 GOALFLAG = WRAM_START + 0x14B6 VALID_GAME_STATES = [0x0F, 0x10, 0x2C] class YoshisIslandSNIClient(SNIClient): game = "Yoshi's Island" patch_suffix = ".apyi" async def deathlink_kill_player(self, ctx: "SNIContext") -> None: from SNIClient import DeathState, snes_buffered_write, snes_flush_writes, snes_read game_state = await snes_read(ctx, GAME_MODE, 0x1) if game_state[0] != 0x0F: return yoshi_state = await snes_read(ctx, YOSHI_STATE, 0x1) if yoshi_state[0] != 0x00: return snes_buffered_write(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x026A, bytes([0x01])) snes_buffered_write(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x00E0, bytes([0x01])) await snes_flush_writes(ctx) ctx.death_state = DeathState.dead ctx.last_death_link = time.time() async def validate_rom(self, ctx: "SNIContext") -> bool: from SNIClient import snes_read rom_name = await snes_read(ctx, YOSHISISLAND_ROMHASH_START, ROMHASH_SIZE) if rom_name is None or rom_name[:7] != b"YOSHIAP": return False = ctx.items_handling = 0b111 # remote items ctx.rom = rom_name death_link = await snes_read(ctx, DEATHLINK_ADDR, 1) if death_link: await ctx.update_death_link(bool(death_link[0] & 0b1)) return True async def game_watcher(self, ctx: "SNIContext") -> None: from SNIClient import snes_buffered_write, snes_flush_writes, snes_read game_mode = await snes_read(ctx, GAME_MODE, 0x1) item_received = await snes_read(ctx, ITEM_RECEIVED, 0x1) game_music = await snes_read(ctx, DEATHMUSIC_FLAG, 0x1) goal_flag = await snes_read(ctx, GOALFLAG, 0x1) if "DeathLink" in ctx.tags and ctx.last_death_link + 1 < time.time(): death_flag = await snes_read(ctx, DEATHFLAG, 0x1) deathlink_death = await snes_read(ctx, DEATHLINKRECV, 0x1) currently_dead = (game_music[0] == 0x07 or game_mode[0] == 0x12 or (death_flag[0] == 0x00 and game_mode[0] == 0x11)) and deathlink_death[0] == 0x00 await ctx.handle_deathlink_state(currently_dead) if game_mode is None: return elif game_mode[0] not in VALID_GAME_STATES: return elif item_received[0] > 0x00: return from .Rom import item_values rom = await snes_read(ctx, YOSHISISLAND_ROMHASH_START, ROMHASH_SIZE) if rom != ctx.rom: ctx.rom = None return if goal_flag[0] != 0x00: await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}]) ctx.finished_game = True new_checks = [] from .Rom import location_table location_ram_data = await snes_read(ctx, WRAM_START + 0x1440, 0x80) for loc_id, loc_data in location_table.items(): if loc_id not in ctx.locations_checked: data = location_ram_data[loc_data[0] - 0x1440] masked_data = data & (1 << loc_data[1]) bit_set = masked_data != 0 invert_bit = ((len(loc_data) >= 3) and loc_data[2]) if bit_set != invert_bit: new_checks.append(loc_id) for new_check_id in new_checks: ctx.locations_checked.add(new_check_id) location = ctx.location_names.lookup_in_game(new_check_id) total_locations = len(ctx.missing_locations) + len(ctx.checked_locations)"New Check: {location} ({len(ctx.locations_checked)}/{total_locations})") await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "LocationChecks", "locations": [new_check_id]}]) recv_count = await snes_read(ctx, ITEMQUEUE_HIGH, 2) recv_index = struct.unpack("H", recv_count)[0] if recv_index < len(ctx.items_received): item = ctx.items_received[recv_index] recv_index += 1"Received %s from %s (%s) (%d/%d in list)" % ( color(ctx.item_names.lookup_in_game(item.item), "red", "bold"), color(ctx.player_names[item.player], "yellow"), ctx.location_names.lookup_in_slot(item.location, item.player), recv_index, len(ctx.items_received))) snes_buffered_write(ctx, ITEMQUEUE_HIGH, pack("H", recv_index)) if item.item in item_values: item_count = await snes_read(ctx, WRAM_START + item_values[item.item][0], 0x1) increment = item_values[item.item][1] new_item_count = item_count[0] if increment > 1: new_item_count = increment else: new_item_count += increment snes_buffered_write(ctx, WRAM_START + item_values[item.item][0], bytes([new_item_count])) await snes_flush_writes(ctx)