import ast from collections import defaultdict from inspect import signature, _ParameterKind import logging import re from .Items import item_table from .Location import OOTLocation from .Regions import TimeOfDay, OOTRegion from BaseClasses import CollectionState as State from .Utils import data_path, read_json from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule escaped_items = {} for item in item_table: escaped_items[re.sub(r'[\'()[\]]', '', item.replace(' ', '_'))] = item event_name = re.compile(r'\w+') # All generated lambdas must accept these keyword args! # For evaluation at a certain age (required as all rules are evaluated at a specific age) # or at a certain spot (can be omitted in many cases) # or at a specific time of day (often unused) kwarg_defaults = { # 'age': None, # 'spot': None, # 'tod': TimeOfDay.NONE, } allowed_globals = {'TimeOfDay': TimeOfDay} rule_aliases = {} nonaliases = set() def load_aliases(): j = read_json(data_path('LogicHelpers.json')) for s, repl in j.items(): if '(' in s: rule, args = s[:-1].split('(', 1) args = [re.compile(r'\b%s\b' % a.strip()) for a in args.split(',')] else: rule = s args = () rule_aliases[rule] = (args, repl) nonaliases = escaped_items.keys() - rule_aliases.keys() def isliteral(expr): return isinstance(expr, (ast.Num, ast.Str, ast.Bytes, ast.NameConstant)) class Rule_AST_Transformer(ast.NodeTransformer): def __init__(self, world, player): = world self.player = player = set() # map Region -> rule ast string -> item name self.replaced_rules = defaultdict(dict) # delayed rules need to keep: region name, ast node, event name self.delayed_rules = [] # lazy load aliases if not rule_aliases: load_aliases() # final rule cache self.rule_cache = {} self.kwarg_defaults = kwarg_defaults.copy() # otherwise this gets contaminated between players self.kwarg_defaults['player'] = self.player def visit_Name(self, node): if in dir(self): return getattr(self, elif in rule_aliases: args, repl = rule_aliases[] if args: raise Exception('Parse Error: expected %d args for %s, not 0' % (len(args),,, ast.dump(node, False)) return self.visit(ast.parse(repl, mode='eval').body) elif in escaped_items: return ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='state', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='has', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Str(escaped_items[]), ast.Constant(self.player)], keywords=[]) elif in # Settings are constant return ast.parse('%r' %[], mode='eval').body elif in State.__dict__: return self.make_call(node,, [], []) elif in self.kwarg_defaults or in allowed_globals: return node elif event_name.match('_', ' ')) return ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='state', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='has', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Str('_', ' ')), ast.Constant(self.player)], keywords=[]) else: raise Exception('Parse Error: invalid node name %s' %,, ast.dump(node, False)) def visit_Str(self, node): return ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='state', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='has', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Str(node.s), ast.Constant(self.player)], keywords=[]) # python 3.8 compatibility: ast walking now uses visit_Constant for Constant subclasses # this includes Num, Str, NameConstant, Bytes, and Ellipsis. We only handle Str. def visit_Constant(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.Str): return self.visit_Str(node) return node def visit_Tuple(self, node): if len(node.elts) != 2: raise Exception('Parse Error: Tuple must have 2 values',, ast.dump(node, False)) item, count = node.elts if not isinstance(item, (ast.Name, ast.Str)): raise Exception('Parse Error: first value must be an item. Got %s' % item.__class__.__name__,, ast.dump(node, False)) iname = if isinstance(item, ast.Name) else item.s if not (isinstance(count, ast.Name) or isinstance(count, ast.Num)): raise Exception('Parse Error: second value must be a number. Got %s' % item.__class__.__name__,, ast.dump(node, False)) if isinstance(count, ast.Name): # Must be a settings constant count = ast.parse('%r' %[], mode='eval').body if iname in escaped_items: iname = escaped_items[iname] if iname not in item_table: return ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='state', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='has', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Str(iname), ast.Constant(self.player), count], keywords=[]) def visit_Call(self, node): if not isinstance(node.func, ast.Name): return node if in dir(self): return getattr(self, elif in rule_aliases: args, repl = rule_aliases[] if len(args) != len(node.args): raise Exception('Parse Error: expected %d args for %s, not %d' % (len(args),, len(node.args)),, ast.dump(node, False)) # straightforward string manip for arg_re, arg_val in zip(args, node.args): if isinstance(arg_val, ast.Name): val = elif isinstance(arg_val, ast.Constant): val = repr(arg_val.value) elif isinstance(arg_val, ast.Str): val = repr(arg_val.s) else: raise Exception('Parse Error: invalid argument %s' % ast.dump(arg_val, False),, ast.dump(node, False)) repl = arg_re.sub(val, repl) return self.visit(ast.parse(repl, mode='eval').body) new_args = [] for child in node.args: if isinstance(child, ast.Name): if in # child = ast.Attribute( # value=ast.Attribute( # value=ast.Name(id='state', ctx=ast.Load()), # attr='world', # ctx=ast.Load()), #, # ctx=ast.Load()) child = ast.Constant(getattr(, elif in rule_aliases: child = self.visit(child) elif in escaped_items: child = ast.Str(escaped_items[]) else: child = ast.Str('_', ' ')) elif not isinstance(child, ast.Str): child = self.visit(child) new_args.append(child) return self.make_call(node,, new_args, node.keywords) def visit_Subscript(self, node): if isinstance(node.value, ast.Name): s = node.slice if isinstance(node.slice, ast.Name) else node.slice.value return ast.Subscript( value=ast.Attribute( # value=ast.Attribute( # value=ast.Name(id='state', ctx=ast.Load()), # attr='world', # ctx=ast.Load()), value=ast.Subscript( value=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='state', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='world', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='worlds', ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Constant(self.player)), ctx=ast.Load()),, ctx=ast.Load()), slice=ast.Index(value=ast.Str('_', ' '))), ctx=node.ctx) else: return node def visit_Compare(self, node): def escape_or_string(n): if isinstance(n, ast.Name) and in escaped_items: return ast.Str(escaped_items[]) elif not isinstance(n, ast.Str): return self.visit(n) return n # Fast check for json can_use if (len(node.ops) == 1 and isinstance(node.ops[0], ast.Eq) and isinstance(node.left, ast.Name) and isinstance(node.comparators[0], ast.Name) and not in and node.comparators[0].id not in return ast.NameConstant( == node.comparators[0].id) node.left = escape_or_string(node.left) node.comparators = list(map(escape_or_string, node.comparators)) node.ops = list(map(self.visit, node.ops)) # if all the children are literals now, we can evaluate if isliteral(node.left) and all(map(isliteral, node.comparators)): # either we turn the ops into operator functions to apply (lots of work), # or we compile, eval, and reparse the result try: res = eval(compile(ast.fix_missing_locations(ast.Expression(node)), '', 'eval')) except TypeError as e: raise Exception('Parse Error: %s' % e,, ast.dump(node, False)) return self.visit(ast.parse('%r' % res, mode='eval').body) return node def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): # visit the children first self.generic_visit(node) # if all the children are literals now, we can evaluate if isliteral(node.operand): res = eval(compile(ast.Expression(node), '', 'eval')) return ast.parse('%r' % res, mode='eval').body return node def visit_BinOp(self, node): # visit the children first self.generic_visit(node) # if all the children are literals now, we can evaluate if isliteral(node.left) and isliteral(node.right): res = eval(compile(ast.Expression(node), '', 'eval')) return ast.parse('%r' % res, mode='eval').body return node def visit_BoolOp(self, node): # Everything else must be visited, then can be removed/reduced to. early_return = isinstance(node.op, ast.Or) groupable = 'has_any' if early_return else 'has_all' items = set() new_values = [] # if any elt is True(And)/False(Or), we can omit it # if any is False(And)/True(Or), the whole node can be replaced with it for elt in list(node.values): if isinstance(elt, ast.Str): items.add(elt.s) elif isinstance(elt, ast.Name) and in nonaliases: items.add(escaped_items[]) else: # It's possible this returns a single item check, # but it's already wrapped in a Call. elt = self.visit(elt) if isinstance(elt, ast.NameConstant): if elt.value == early_return: return elt # else omit it elif (isinstance(elt, ast.Call) and isinstance(elt.func, ast.Attribute) and elt.func.attr in ('has', groupable) and len(elt.args) == 1): args = elt.args[0] if isinstance(args, ast.Str): items.add(args.s) else: items.update(it.s for it in args.elts) elif isinstance(elt, ast.BoolOp) and node.op.__class__ == elt.op.__class__: new_values.extend(elt.values) else: new_values.append(elt) # package up the remaining items and values if not items and not new_values: # all values were True(And)/False(Or) return ast.NameConstant(not early_return) if items: node.values = [ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='state', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='has_any' if early_return else 'has_all', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Tuple(elts=[ast.Str(i) for i in items], ctx=ast.Load()), ast.Constant(self.player)], keywords=[])] + new_values else: node.values = new_values if len(node.values) == 1: return node.values[0] return node # Generates an ast.Call invoking the given State function 'name', # providing given args and keywords, and adding in additional # keyword args from kwarg_defaults (age, etc.) def make_call(self, node, name, args, keywords): if not hasattr(State, name): raise Exception('Parse Error: No such function State.%s' % name,, ast.dump(node, False)) for (k, v) in self.kwarg_defaults.items(): keywords.append(ast.keyword(arg=f'{k}', value=ast.Constant(v))) return ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='state', ctx=ast.Load()), attr=name, ctx=ast.Load()), args=args, keywords=keywords) def replace_subrule(self, target, node): rule = ast.dump(node, False) if rule in self.replaced_rules[target]: return self.replaced_rules[target][rule] subrule_name = target + ' Subrule %d' % (1 + len(self.replaced_rules[target])) # Save the info to be made into a rule later self.delayed_rules.append((target, node, subrule_name)) # Replace the call with a reference to that item item_rule = ast.Call( func=ast.Attribute( value=ast.Name(id='state', ctx=ast.Load()), attr='has', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[ast.Str(subrule_name), ast.Constant(self.player)], keywords=[]) # Cache the subrule for any others in this region # (and reserve the item name in the process) self.replaced_rules[target][rule] = item_rule return item_rule # Requires the target regions have been defined in the world. def create_delayed_rules(self): for region_name, node, subrule_name in self.delayed_rules: region =, self.player) event = OOTLocation(self.player, subrule_name, type='Event', parent=region, internal=True) event.show_in_spoiler = False self.current_spot = event # This could, in theory, create further subrules. access_rule = self.make_access_rule(self.visit(node)) if access_rule is self.rule_cache.get('NameConstant(False)'): event.access_rule = None event.never = True logging.getLogger('').debug('Dropping unreachable delayed event: %s', else: if access_rule is self.rule_cache.get('NameConstant(True)'): event.always = True set_rule(event, access_rule) region.locations.append(event), event) # Safeguard in case this is called multiple times per world self.delayed_rules.clear() def make_access_rule(self, body): rule_str = ast.dump(body, False) if rule_str not in self.rule_cache: # requires consistent iteration on dicts kwargs = [ast.arg(arg=k) for k in self.kwarg_defaults.keys()] kwd = list(map(ast.Constant, self.kwarg_defaults.values())) try: self.rule_cache[rule_str] = eval(compile( ast.fix_missing_locations( ast.Expression(ast.Lambda( args=ast.arguments( posonlyargs=[], args=[ast.arg(arg='state')], defaults=[], kwonlyargs=kwargs, kw_defaults=kwd), body=body))), '', 'eval'), # globals/locals. if undefined, everything in the namespace *now* would be allowed allowed_globals) except TypeError as e: raise Exception('Parse Error: %s' % e,, ast.dump(body, False)) return self.rule_cache[rule_str] ## Handlers for specific internal functions used in the json logic. # at(region_name, rule) # Creates an internal event at the remote region and depends on it. def at(self, node): # Cache this under the target (region) name if len(node.args) < 2 or not isinstance(node.args[0], ast.Str): raise Exception('Parse Error: invalid at() arguments',, ast.dump(node, False)) return self.replace_subrule(node.args[0].s, node.args[1]) # here(rule) # Creates an internal event in the same region and depends on it. def here(self, node): if not node.args: raise Exception('Parse Error: missing here() argument',, ast.dump(node, False)) return self.replace_subrule(, node.args[0]) ## Handlers for compile-time optimizations (former State functions) def at_day(self, node): if # tod has DAY or (tod == NONE and (ss or find a path from a provider)) # parsing is better than constructing this expression by hand r = self.current_spot if type(self.current_spot) == OOTRegion else self.current_spot.parent_region return ast.parse(f"(state.has('Ocarina', player) and state.has('Suns Song', player)) or state._oot_reach_at_time('{}', TimeOfDay.DAY, [], player)", mode='eval').body return ast.NameConstant(True) def at_dampe_time(self, node): if # tod has DAMPE or (tod == NONE and (find a path from a provider)) # parsing is better than constructing this expression by hand r = self.current_spot if type(self.current_spot) == OOTRegion else self.current_spot.parent_region return ast.parse(f"state._oot_reach_at_time('{}', TimeOfDay.DAMPE, [], player)", mode='eval').body return ast.NameConstant(True) def at_night(self, node): if self.current_spot.type == 'GS Token' and # Using visit here to resolve 'can_play' rule return self.visit(ast.parse('can_play(Suns_Song)', mode='eval').body) if # tod has DAMPE or (tod == NONE and (ss or find a path from a provider)) # parsing is better than constructing this expression by hand r = self.current_spot if type(self.current_spot) == OOTRegion else self.current_spot.parent_region return ast.parse(f"(state.has('Ocarina', player) and state.has('Suns Song', player)) or state._oot_reach_at_time('{}', TimeOfDay.DAMPE, [], player)", mode='eval').body return ast.NameConstant(True) # Parse entry point # If spot is None, here() rules won't work. def parse_rule(self, rule_string, spot=None): self.current_spot = spot return self.make_access_rule(self.visit(ast.parse(rule_string, mode='eval').body)) def parse_spot_rule(self, spot): rule = spot.rule_string.split('#', 1)[0].strip() access_rule = self.parse_rule(rule, spot) set_rule(spot, access_rule) if access_rule is self.rule_cache.get('NameConstant(False)'): spot.never = True elif access_rule is self.rule_cache.get('NameConstant(True)'): spot.always = True # Hijacking functions def current_spot_child_access(self, node): r = self.current_spot if type(self.current_spot) == OOTRegion else self.current_spot.parent_region return ast.parse(f"state._oot_reach_as_age('{}', 'child', {self.player})", mode='eval').body def current_spot_adult_access(self, node): r = self.current_spot if type(self.current_spot) == OOTRegion else self.current_spot.parent_region return ast.parse(f"state._oot_reach_as_age('{}', 'adult', {self.player})", mode='eval').body def current_spot_starting_age_access(self, node): return self.current_spot_child_access(node) if == 'child' else self.current_spot_adult_access(node) def has_bottle(self, node): return ast.parse(f"state._oot_has_bottle({self.player})", mode='eval').body def can_live_dmg(self, node): return ast.parse(f"state._oot_can_live_dmg({self.player}, {node.args[0].value})", mode='eval').body