from __future__ import annotations import os import json import sys import asyncio import shutil import logging import re import time from calendar import timegm import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update() import Utils death_link = False item_num = 1 logger = logging.getLogger("Client") if __name__ == "__main__": Utils.init_logging("KH1Client", exception_logger="Client") from NetUtils import NetworkItem, ClientStatus from CommonClient import gui_enabled, logger, get_base_parser, ClientCommandProcessor, \ CommonContext, server_loop def check_stdin() -> None: if Utils.is_windows and sys.stdin: print("WARNING: Console input is not routed reliably on Windows, use the GUI instead.") class KH1ClientCommandProcessor(ClientCommandProcessor): def __init__(self, ctx): super().__init__(ctx) def _cmd_deathlink(self): """Toggles Deathlink""" global death_link if death_link: death_link = False self.output(f"Death Link turned off") else: death_link = True self.output(f"Death Link turned on") def _cmd_goal(self): """Prints goal setting""" if "goal" in self.ctx.slot_data.keys(): self.output(str(self.ctx.slot_data["goal"])) else: self.output("Unknown") def _cmd_eotw_unlock(self): """Prints End of the World Unlock setting""" if "required_reports_door" in self.ctx.slot_data.keys(): if self.ctx.slot_data["required_reports_door"] > 13: self.output("Item") else: self.output(str(self.ctx.slot_data["required_reports_eotw"]) + " reports") else: self.output("Unknown") def _cmd_door_unlock(self): """Prints Final Rest Door Unlock setting""" if "door" in self.ctx.slot_data.keys(): if self.ctx.slot_data["door"] == "reports": self.output(str(self.ctx.slot_data["required_reports_door"]) + " reports") else: self.output(str(self.ctx.slot_data["door"])) else: self.output("Unknown") def _cmd_advanced_logic(self): """Prints advanced logic setting""" if "advanced_logic" in self.ctx.slot_data.keys(): self.output(str(self.ctx.slot_data["advanced_logic"])) else: self.output("Unknown") class KH1Context(CommonContext): command_processor: int = KH1ClientCommandProcessor game = "Kingdom Hearts" items_handling = 0b111 # full remote def __init__(self, server_address, password): super(KH1Context, self).__init__(server_address, password) self.send_index: int = 0 self.syncing = False self.awaiting_bridge = False self.hinted_synth_location_ids = False self.slot_data = {} # self.game_communication_path: files go in this path to pass data between us and the actual game if "localappdata" in os.environ: self.game_communication_path = os.path.expandvars(r"%localappdata%/KH1FM") else: self.game_communication_path = os.path.expandvars(r"$HOME/KH1FM") if not os.path.exists(self.game_communication_path): os.makedirs(self.game_communication_path) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.game_communication_path): for file in files: if file.find("obtain") <= -1: os.remove(root+"/"+file) async def server_auth(self, password_requested: bool = False): if password_requested and not self.password: await super(KH1Context, self).server_auth(password_requested) await self.get_username() await self.send_connect() async def connection_closed(self): await super(KH1Context, self).connection_closed() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.game_communication_path): for file in files: if file.find("obtain") <= -1: os.remove(root + "/" + file) global item_num item_num = 1 @property def endpoints(self): if self.server: return [self.server] else: return [] async def shutdown(self): await super(KH1Context, self).shutdown() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.game_communication_path): for file in files: if file.find("obtain") <= -1: os.remove(root+"/"+file) global item_num item_num = 1 def on_package(self, cmd: str, args: dict): if cmd in {"Connected"}: if not os.path.exists(self.game_communication_path): os.makedirs(self.game_communication_path) for ss in self.checked_locations: filename = f"send{ss}" with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, filename), 'w') as f: f.close() #Handle Slot Data self.slot_data = args['slot_data'] for key in list(args['slot_data'].keys()): with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, key + ".cfg"), 'w') as f: f.write(str(args['slot_data'][key])) f.close() ###Support Legacy Games if "Required Reports" in list(args['slot_data'].keys()) and "required_reports_eotw" not in list(args['slot_data'].keys()): reports_required = args['slot_data']["Required Reports"] with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, "required_reports.cfg"), 'w') as f: f.write(str(reports_required)) f.close() ###End Support Legacy Games #End Handle Slot Data if cmd in {"ReceivedItems"}: start_index = args["index"] if start_index != len(self.items_received): global item_num for item in args['items']: found = False item_filename = f"AP_{str(item_num)}.item" for filename in os.listdir(self.game_communication_path): if filename == item_filename: found = True if not found: with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, item_filename), 'w') as f: f.write(str(NetworkItem(*item).item) + "\n" + str(NetworkItem(*item).location) + "\n" + str(NetworkItem(*item).player)) f.close() item_num = item_num + 1 if cmd in {"RoomUpdate"}: if "checked_locations" in args: for ss in self.checked_locations: filename = f"send{ss}" with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, filename), 'w') as f: f.close() if cmd in {"PrintJSON"} and "type" in args: if args["type"] == "ItemSend": item = args["item"] networkItem = NetworkItem(*item) recieverID = args["receiving"] senderID = networkItem.player locationID = networkItem.location if recieverID != self.slot and senderID == self.slot: itemName = self.item_names.lookup_in_slot(networkItem.item, recieverID) itemCategory = networkItem.flags recieverName = self.player_names[recieverID] filename = "sent" with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, filename), 'w') as f: f.write( re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+', '',str(itemName))[:15] + "\n" + re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9 ]+', '',str(recieverName))[:6] + "\n" + str(itemCategory) + "\n" + str(locationID)) f.close() def on_deathlink(self, data: dict[str, object]): self.last_death_link = max(data["time"], self.last_death_link) text = data.get("cause", "") if text:"DeathLink: {text}") else:"DeathLink: Received from {data['source']}") with open(os.path.join(self.game_communication_path, 'dlreceive'), 'w') as f: f.write(str(int(data["time"]))) f.close() def run_gui(self): """Import kivy UI system and start running it as self.ui_task.""" from kvui import GameManager class KH1Manager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago") ] base_title = "Archipelago KH1 Client" self.ui = KH1Manager(self) self.ui_task = asyncio.create_task(self.ui.async_run(), name="UI") async def game_watcher(ctx: KH1Context): from .Locations import lookup_id_to_name while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): global death_link if death_link and "DeathLink" not in ctx.tags: await ctx.update_death_link(death_link) if not death_link and "DeathLink" in ctx.tags: await ctx.update_death_link(death_link) if ctx.syncing == True: sync_msg = [{'cmd': 'Sync'}] if ctx.locations_checked: sync_msg.append({"cmd": "LocationChecks", "locations": list(ctx.locations_checked)}) await ctx.send_msgs(sync_msg) ctx.syncing = False sending = [] victory = False for root, dirs, files in os.walk(ctx.game_communication_path): for file in files: if file.find("send") > -1: st = file.split("send", -1)[1] if st != "nil": sending = sending+[(int(st))] if file.find("victory") > -1: victory = True if file.find("dlsend") > -1 and "DeathLink" in ctx.tags: st = file.split("dlsend", -1)[1] if st != "nil": if timegm(time.strptime(st, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) > ctx.last_death_link and int(time.time()) % int(timegm(time.strptime(st, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S'))) < 10: await ctx.send_death(death_text = "Sora was defeated!") if file.find("insynthshop") > -1: if not ctx.hinted_synth_location_ids: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "LocationScouts", "locations": [2656401,2656402,2656403,2656404,2656405,2656406], "create_as_hint": 2 }]) ctx.hinted_synth_location_ids = True ctx.locations_checked = sending message = [{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": sending}] await ctx.send_msgs(message) if not ctx.finished_game and victory: await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}]) ctx.finished_game = True await asyncio.sleep(0.1) def launch(): async def main(args): ctx = KH1Context(args.connect, args.password) ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx), name="server loop") if gui_enabled: ctx.run_gui() ctx.run_cli() progression_watcher = asyncio.create_task( game_watcher(ctx), name="KH1ProgressionWatcher") await ctx.exit_event.wait() ctx.server_address = None await progression_watcher await ctx.shutdown() import colorama parser = get_base_parser(description="KH1 Client, for text interfacing.") args, rest = parser.parse_known_args() colorama.init() colorama.deinit()