from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, Region from .data.world_node import WORLD_NODES_JSON from .data.world_path import WORLD_PATHS_JSON from .data.world_region import WORLD_REGIONS_JSON from .data.world_teleport_tree import WORLD_TELEPORT_TREES_JSON if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import LandstalkerWorld class LandstalkerRegion(Region): code: str def __init__(self, code: str, name: str, player: int, multiworld: MultiWorld, hint: Optional[str] = None): super().__init__(name, player, multiworld, hint) self.code = code class LandstalkerRegionData(NamedTuple): locations: Optional[List[str]] region_exits: Optional[List[str]] def create_regions(world: "LandstalkerWorld"): regions_table: Dict[str, LandstalkerRegion] = {} multiworld = world.multiworld player = world.player # Create the hardcoded starting "Menu" region menu_region = LandstalkerRegion("menu", "Menu", player, multiworld) regions_table["menu"] = menu_region multiworld.regions.append(menu_region) # Create regions from world_nodes for code, region_data in WORLD_NODES_JSON.items(): random_hint_name = None if "hints" in region_data: random_hint_name = world.random.choice(region_data["hints"]) region = LandstalkerRegion(code, region_data["name"], player, multiworld, random_hint_name) regions_table[code] = region multiworld.regions.append(region) # Create exits/entrances from world_paths for data in WORLD_PATHS_JSON: two_way = data["twoWay"] if "twoWay" in data else False create_entrance(data["fromId"], data["toId"], two_way, regions_table) # Create a path between the fake Menu location and the starting location starting_region = get_starting_region(world, regions_table) menu_region.connect(starting_region, f"menu -> {starting_region.code}") add_specific_paths(world, regions_table) return regions_table def add_specific_paths(world: "LandstalkerWorld", regions_table: Dict[str, LandstalkerRegion]): # If Gumi boulder is removed, add a path from "route_gumi_ryuma" to "gumi" if world.options.remove_gumi_boulder == 1: create_entrance("route_gumi_ryuma", "gumi", False, regions_table) # If enemy jumping is in logic, Mountainous Area can be reached from route to Lake Shrine by doing a "ghost jump" # at crossroads map if world.options.handle_enemy_jumping_in_logic == 1: create_entrance("route_lake_shrine", "route_lake_shrine_cliff", False, regions_table) # If using Einstein Whistle behind trees is allowed, add a new logic path there to reflect that change if world.options.allow_whistle_usage_behind_trees == 1: create_entrance("greenmaze_post_whistle", "greenmaze_pre_whistle", False, regions_table) def create_entrance(from_id: str, to_id: str, two_way: bool, regions_table: Dict[str, LandstalkerRegion]): created_entrances = [] name = from_id + " -> " + to_id from_region = regions_table[from_id] to_region = regions_table[to_id] created_entrances.append(from_region.connect(to_region, name)) if two_way: reverse_name = to_id + " -> " + from_id created_entrances.append(to_region.connect(from_region, reverse_name)) return created_entrances def get_starting_region(world: "LandstalkerWorld", regions_table: Dict[str, LandstalkerRegion]): # Most spawn locations have the same name as the region they are bound to, but a few vary. spawn_id = world.options.spawn_region.current_key if spawn_id == "waterfall": return regions_table["greenmaze_post_whistle"] elif spawn_id == "kado": return regions_table["route_gumi_ryuma"] elif spawn_id == "greenmaze": return regions_table["greenmaze_pre_whistle"] return regions_table[spawn_id] def get_darkenable_regions(): return {data["name"]: data["nodeIds"] for data in WORLD_REGIONS_JSON if "darkMapIds" in data} def load_teleport_trees(): pairs = [] for pair in WORLD_TELEPORT_TREES_JSON: first_tree = { 'name': pair[0]["name"], 'region': pair[0]["nodeId"] } second_tree = { 'name': pair[1]["name"], 'region': pair[1]["nodeId"] } pairs.append([first_tree, second_tree]) return pairs