class Quest: introductions = "Introductions" how_to_win_friends = "How To Win Friends" getting_started = "Getting Started" to_the_beach = "To The Beach" raising_animals = "Raising Animals" feeding_animals = "Feeding Animals" advancement = "Advancement" archaeology = "Archaeology" rat_problem = "Rat Problem" meet_the_wizard = "Meet The Wizard" forging_ahead = "Forging Ahead" smelting = "Smelting" initiation = "Initiation" robins_lost_axe = "Robin's Lost Axe" jodis_request = "Jodi's Request" mayors_shorts = "Mayor's \"Shorts\"" blackberry_basket = "Blackberry Basket" marnies_request = "Marnie's Request" pam_is_thirsty = "Pam Is Thirsty" a_dark_reagent = "A Dark Reagent" cows_delight = "Cow's Delight" the_skull_key = "The Skull Key" crop_research = "Crop Research" knee_therapy = "Knee Therapy" robins_request = "Robin's Request" qis_challenge = "Qi's Challenge" the_mysterious_qi = "The Mysterious Qi" carving_pumpkins = "Carving Pumpkins" a_winter_mystery = "A Winter Mystery" strange_note = "Strange Note" cryptic_note = "Cryptic Note" fresh_fruit = "Fresh Fruit" aquatic_research = "Aquatic Research" a_soldiers_star = "A Soldier's Star" mayors_need = "Mayor's Need" wanted_lobster = "Wanted: Lobster" pam_needs_juice = "Pam Needs Juice" fish_casserole = "Fish Casserole" catch_a_squid = "Catch A Squid" fish_stew = "Fish Stew" pierres_notice = "Pierre's Notice" clints_attempt = "Clint's Attempt" a_favor_for_clint = "A Favor For Clint" staff_of_power = "Staff Of Power" grannys_gift = "Granny's Gift" exotic_spirits = "Exotic Spirits" catch_a_lingcod = "Catch a Lingcod" the_pirates_wife = "The Pirate's Wife" dark_talisman = "Dark Talisman" goblin_problem = "Goblin Problem" magic_ink = "Magic Ink" giant_stump = "The Giant Stump" class ModQuest: MrGinger = "Mr.Ginger's request" AyeishaEnvelope = "Missing Envelope" AyeishaRing = "Ayeisha's Lost Ring" JunaCola = "Juna's Drink Request" JunaSpaghetti = "Juna's BFF Request" RailroadBoulder = "The Railroad Boulder" GrandpasShed = "Grandpa's Shed" MarlonsBoat = "Marlon's Boat" AuroraVineyard = "Aurora Vineyard" MonsterCrops = "Monster Crops" VoidSoul = "Void Soul Retrieval" WizardInvite = "Wizard's Invite" CorruptedCropsTask = "Corrupted Crops Task" ANewPot = "A New Pot" FancyBlanketTask = "Fancy Blanket Task" WitchOrder = "Witch's order" PumpkinSoup = "Pumpkin Soup" HatMouseHat = "Hats for the Hat Mouse"