from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import collections import datetime import functools import logging import pickle import random import socket import threading import time import typing import websockets from pony.orm import commit, db_session, select import Utils from MultiServer import Context, server, auto_shutdown, ServerCommandProcessor, ClientMessageProcessor, load_server_cert from Utils import get_public_ipv4, get_public_ipv6, restricted_loads, cache_argsless from .models import Room, Command, db class CustomClientMessageProcessor(ClientMessageProcessor): ctx: WebHostContext def _cmd_video(self, platform, user): """Set a link for your name in the WebHostLib tracker pointing to a video stream""" if platform.lower().startswith("t"): # twitch[, self.client.slot] = "Twitch", user self.output(f"Registered Twitch Stream{user}") return True elif platform.lower().startswith("y"): # youtube[, self.client.slot] = "Youtube", user self.output(f"Registered Youtube Stream for {user}") return True return False # inject import MultiServer MultiServer.client_message_processor = CustomClientMessageProcessor del MultiServer class DBCommandProcessor(ServerCommandProcessor): def output(self, text: str): class WebHostContext(Context): room_id: int def __init__(self, static_server_data: dict): # static server data is used during _load_game_data to load required data, # without needing to import worlds system, which takes quite a bit of memory self.static_server_data = static_server_data super(WebHostContext, self).__init__("", 0, "", "", 1, 40, True, "enabled", "enabled", "enabled", 0, 2) del self.static_server_data self.main_loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() = {} self.tags = ["AP", "WebHost"] def _load_game_data(self): for key, value in self.static_server_data.items(): setattr(self, key, value) self.non_hintable_names = collections.defaultdict(frozenset, self.non_hintable_names) def listen_to_db_commands(self): cmdprocessor = DBCommandProcessor(self) while not self.exit_event.is_set(): with db_session: commands = select(command for command in Command if == self.room_id) if commands: for command in commands: self.main_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(cmdprocessor, command.commandtext) command.delete() commit() time.sleep(5) @db_session def load(self, room_id: int): self.room_id = room_id room = Room.get(id=room_id) if room.last_port: self.port = room.last_port else: self.port = get_random_port() return self._load(self.decompress(room.seed.multidata), True) @db_session def init_save(self, enabled: bool = True): self.saving = enabled if self.saving: savegame_data = Room.get(id=self.room_id).multisave if savegame_data: self.set_save(restricted_loads(Room.get(id=self.room_id).multisave)) self._start_async_saving() threading.Thread(target=self.listen_to_db_commands, daemon=True).start() @db_session def _save(self, exit_save: bool = False) -> bool: room = Room.get(id=self.room_id) room.multisave = pickle.dumps(self.get_save()) # saving only occurs on activity, so we can "abuse" this information to mark this as last_activity if not exit_save: # we don't want to count a shutdown as activity, which would restart the server again room.last_activity = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return True def get_save(self) -> dict: d = super(WebHostContext, self).get_save() d["video"] = [(tuple(playerslot), videodata) for playerslot, videodata in] return d def get_random_port(): return random.randint(49152, 65535) @cache_argsless def get_static_server_data() -> dict: import worlds data = { "non_hintable_names": {}, "gamespackage": worlds.network_data_package["games"], "item_name_groups": {world_name: world.item_name_groups for world_name, world in worlds.AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items()}, "location_name_groups": {world_name: world.location_name_groups for world_name, world in worlds.AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items()}, } for world_name, world in worlds.AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items(): data["non_hintable_names"][world_name] = world.hint_blacklist return data def run_server_process(room_id, ponyconfig: dict, static_server_data: dict, cert_file: typing.Optional[str], cert_key_file: typing.Optional[str], host: str): # establish DB connection for multidata and multisave db.bind(**ponyconfig) db.generate_mapping(check_tables=False) async def main(): Utils.init_logging(str(room_id), write_mode="a") ctx = WebHostContext(static_server_data) ctx.load(room_id) ctx.init_save() ssl_context = load_server_cert(cert_file, cert_key_file) if cert_file else None try: ctx.server = websockets.serve(functools.partial(server, ctx=ctx),, ctx.port, ping_timeout=None, ping_interval=None, ssl=ssl_context) await ctx.server except Exception: # likely port in use - in windows this is OSError, but I didn't check the others ctx.server = websockets.serve(functools.partial(server, ctx=ctx),, 0, ping_timeout=None, ping_interval=None, ssl=ssl_context) await ctx.server port = 0 for wssocket in ctx.server.ws_server.sockets: socketname = wssocket.getsockname() if == socket.AF_INET6: # Prefer IPv4, as most users seem to not have working ipv6 support if not port: port = socketname[1] elif == socket.AF_INET: port = socketname[1] if port:'Hosting game at {host}:{port}') with db_session: room = Room.get(id=ctx.room_id) room.last_port = port else: logging.exception("Could not determine port. Likely hosting failure.") with db_session: ctx.auto_shutdown = Room.get(id=room_id).timeout ctx.shutdown_task = asyncio.create_task(auto_shutdown(ctx, [])) await ctx.shutdown_task"Shutting down") from .autolauncher import Locker with Locker(room_id): try: except: with db_session: room = Room.get(id=room_id) room.last_port = -1 # ensure the Room does not spin up again on its own, minute of safety buffer room.last_activity = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=1, seconds=room.timeout) raise