import datetime import os from typing import Any, IO, Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple, Union import jinja2.exceptions from flask import request, redirect, url_for, render_template, Response, session, abort, send_from_directory from pony.orm import count, commit, db_session from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename from worlds.AutoWorld import AutoWorldRegister from . import app, cache from .models import Seed, Room, Command, UUID, uuid4 def get_world_theme(game_name: str): if game_name in AutoWorldRegister.world_types: return AutoWorldRegister.world_types[game_name].web.theme return 'grass' @app.errorhandler(404) @app.errorhandler(jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound) def page_not_found(err): return render_template('404.html'), 404 # Start Playing Page @app.route('/start-playing') @cache.cached() def start_playing(): return render_template(f"startPlaying.html") # Game Info Pages @app.route('/games//info/') @cache.cached() def game_info(game, lang): return render_template('gameInfo.html', game=game, lang=lang, theme=get_world_theme(game)) # List of supported games @app.route('/games') @cache.cached() def games(): worlds = {} for game, world in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items(): if not world.hidden: worlds[game] = world return render_template("supportedGames.html", worlds=worlds) @app.route('/tutorial///') @cache.cached() def tutorial(game, file, lang): return render_template("tutorial.html", game=game, file=file, lang=lang, theme=get_world_theme(game)) @app.route('/tutorial/') @cache.cached() def tutorial_landing(): return render_template("tutorialLanding.html") @app.route('/faq//') @cache.cached() def faq(lang: str): import markdown with open(os.path.join(app.static_folder, "assets", "faq", secure_filename(lang)+".md")) as f: document = return render_template( "markdown_document.html", title="Frequently Asked Questions", html_from_markdown=markdown.markdown( document, extensions=["toc", "mdx_breakless_lists"], extension_configs={ "toc": {"anchorlink": True} } ), ) @app.route('/glossary//') @cache.cached() def glossary(lang: str): import markdown with open(os.path.join(app.static_folder, "assets", "glossary", secure_filename(lang)+".md")) as f: document = return render_template( "markdown_document.html", title="Glossary", html_from_markdown=markdown.markdown( document, extensions=["toc", "mdx_breakless_lists"], extension_configs={ "toc": {"anchorlink": True} } ), ) @app.route('/seed/') def view_seed(seed: UUID): seed = Seed.get(id=seed) if not seed: abort(404) return render_template("viewSeed.html", seed=seed, slot_count=count(seed.slots)) @app.route('/new_room/') def new_room(seed: UUID): seed = Seed.get(id=seed) if not seed: abort(404) room = Room(seed=seed, owner=session["_id"], tracker=uuid4()) commit() return redirect(url_for("host_room", def _read_log(log: IO[Any], offset: int = 0) -> Iterator[bytes]: marker = # skip optional BOM if marker != b'\xEF\xBB\xBF':, os.SEEK_SET), os.SEEK_CUR) yield from log log.close() # free file handle as soon as possible @app.route('/log/') def display_log(room: UUID) -> Union[str, Response, Tuple[str, int]]: room = Room.get(id=room) if room is None: return abort(404) if room.owner == session["_id"]: file_path = os.path.join("logs", str( + ".txt") try: log = open(file_path, "rb") range_header = request.headers.get("Range") if range_header: range_type, range_values = range_header.split('=') start, end = map(str.strip, range_values.split('-', 1)) if range_type != "bytes" or end != "": return "Unsupported range", 500 # NOTE: we skip Content-Range in the response here, which isn't great but works for our JS return Response(_read_log(log, int(start)), mimetype="text/plain", status=206) return Response(_read_log(log), mimetype="text/plain") except FileNotFoundError: return Response(f"Logfile {file_path} does not exist. " f"Likely a crash during spinup of multiworld instance or it is still spinning up.", mimetype="text/plain") return "Access Denied", 403"/room/") def host_room_command(room: UUID): room: Room = Room.get(id=room) if room is None: return abort(404) if room.owner == session["_id"]: cmd = request.form["cmd"] if cmd: Command(room=room, commandtext=cmd) commit() return redirect(url_for("host_room", @app.get("/room/") def host_room(room: UUID): room: Room = Room.get(id=room) if room is None: return abort(404) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # indicate that the page should reload to get the assigned port should_refresh = ((not room.last_port and now - room.creation_time < datetime.timedelta(seconds=3)) or room.last_activity < now - datetime.timedelta(seconds=room.timeout)) with db_session: room.last_activity = now # will trigger a spinup, if it's not already running browser_tokens = "Mozilla", "Chrome", "Safari" automated = ("update" in request.args or "Discordbot" in request.user_agent.string or not any(browser_token in request.user_agent.string for browser_token in browser_tokens)) def get_log(max_size: int = 0 if automated else 1024000) -> str: if max_size == 0: return "…" try: with open(os.path.join("logs", str( + ".txt"), "rb") as log: raw_size = 0 fragments: List[str] = [] for block in _read_log(log): if raw_size + len(block) > max_size: fragments.append("…") break raw_size += len(block) fragments.append(block.decode("utf-8")) return "".join(fragments) except FileNotFoundError: return "" return render_template("hostRoom.html", room=room, should_refresh=should_refresh, get_log=get_log) @app.route('/favicon.ico') def favicon(): return send_from_directory(os.path.join(app.root_path, "static", "static"), 'favicon.ico', mimetype='image/') @app.route('/discord') def discord(): return redirect("") @app.route('/datapackage') @cache.cached() def get_datapackage(): """A pretty print version of /api/datapackage""" from worlds import network_data_package import json return Response(json.dumps(network_data_package, indent=4), mimetype="text/plain") @app.route('/index') @app.route('/sitemap') @cache.cached() def get_sitemap(): available_games: List[Dict[str, Union[str, bool]]] = [] for game, world in AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items(): if not world.hidden: has_settings: bool = isinstance(world.web.options_page, bool) and world.web.options_page available_games.append({ 'title': game, 'has_settings': has_settings }) return render_template("siteMap.html", games=available_games)