from typing import Dict, FrozenSet, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING from worlds.generic.Rules import set_rule, add_rule, forbid_item from .options import IceGrappling, LadderStorage, CombatLogic from .rules import (has_ability, has_sword, has_melee, has_ice_grapple_logic, has_lantern, has_mask, can_ladder_storage, laurels_zip, bomb_walls) from .er_data import Portal, get_portal_outlet_region from .ladder_storage_data import ow_ladder_groups, region_ladders, easy_ls, medium_ls, hard_ls from .combat_logic import has_combat_reqs from BaseClasses import Region, CollectionState if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import TunicWorld laurels = "Hero's Laurels" grapple = "Magic Orb" ice_dagger = "Magic Dagger" fire_wand = "Magic Wand" gun = "Gun" lantern = "Lantern" fairies = "Fairy" coins = "Golden Coin" prayer = "Pages 24-25 (Prayer)" holy_cross = "Pages 42-43 (Holy Cross)" icebolt = "Pages 52-53 (Icebolt)" key = "Key" house_key = "Old House Key" vault_key = "Fortress Vault Key" mask = "Scavenger Mask" red_hexagon = "Red Questagon" green_hexagon = "Green Questagon" blue_hexagon = "Blue Questagon" gold_hexagon = "Gold Questagon" def has_ladder(ladder: str, state: CollectionState, world: "TunicWorld") -> bool: return not world.options.shuffle_ladders or state.has(ladder, world.player) def can_shop(state: CollectionState, world: "TunicWorld") -> bool: return has_sword(state, world.player) and state.can_reach_region("Shop", world.player) # for the ones that are not early bushes where ER can screw you over a bit def can_get_past_bushes(state: CollectionState, world: "TunicWorld") -> bool: # add in glass cannon + stick for grass rando return has_sword(state, world.player) or state.has_any((fire_wand, laurels, gun), world.player) def set_er_region_rules(world: "TunicWorld", regions: Dict[str, Region], portal_pairs: Dict[Portal, Portal]) -> None: player = world.player options = world.options # input scene destination tag, returns portal's name and paired portal's outlet region or region def get_portal_info(portal_sd: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: for portal1, portal2 in portal_pairs.items(): if portal1.scene_destination() == portal_sd: return, get_portal_outlet_region(portal2, world) if portal2.scene_destination() == portal_sd: return, get_portal_outlet_region(portal1, world) raise Exception("No matches found in get_portal_info") # input scene destination tag, returns paired portal's name and region def get_paired_portal(portal_sd: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: for portal1, portal2 in portal_pairs.items(): if portal1.scene_destination() == portal_sd: return, portal2.region if portal2.scene_destination() == portal_sd: return, portal1.region raise Exception("no matches found in get_paired_portal") regions["Menu"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"]) # Overworld regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Holy Cross"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) # grapple on the west side, down the stairs from moss wall, across from ruined shop regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Beach"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Overworld Town", state, world) or state.has_any({laurels, grapple}, player)) # regions["Overworld Beach"].connect( # connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], # rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Overworld Town", state, world) # or state.has_any({laurels, grapple}, player)) # region for combat logic, no need to connect it to beach since it would be the same as the ow -> beach cxn ow_tunnel_beach = regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Tunnel to Beach"]) regions["Overworld Beach"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Tunnel to Beach"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ladder("Ladders in Overworld Town", state, world)) regions["Overworld Beach"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld West Garden Laurels Entry"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Overworld West Garden Laurels Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Beach"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Overworld Beach"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld to Atoll Upper"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to Ruined Atoll", state, world)) regions["Overworld to Atoll Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Beach"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to Ruined Atoll", state, world)) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld to Atoll Upper"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Overworld to Atoll Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: state.has_any({laurels, grapple}, player)) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Belltower"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) regions["Overworld Belltower"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"]) # ice grapple rudeling across rubble, drop bridge, ice grapple rudeling down regions["Overworld Belltower"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld to West Garden Upper"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to West Bell", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) regions["Overworld to West Garden Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Belltower"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to West Bell", state, world)) regions["Overworld Belltower"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Belltower at Bell"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to West Bell", state, world)) # long dong, do not make a reverse connection here or to belltower, maybe readd later # regions["Overworld above Patrol Cave"].connect( # connecting_region=regions["Overworld Belltower at Bell"], # rule=lambda state: options.logic_rules and state.has(fire_wand, player)) # can laurels through the ruined passage door at either corner regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Ruined Passage Door"], rule=lambda state: state.has(key, player, 2) or laurels_zip(state, world)) regions["Overworld Ruined Passage Door"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: laurels_zip(state, world)) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["After Ruined Passage"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Weathervane", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["After Ruined Passage"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Weathervane", state, world)) # for the hard ice grapple, get to the chest after the bomb wall, grab a slime, and grapple push down # you can ice grapple through the bomb wall, so no need for shop logic checking regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Above Ruined Passage"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Weathervane", state, world) or state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) regions["Above Ruined Passage"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Weathervane", state, world) or state.has(laurels, player)) regions["After Ruined Passage"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Above Ruined Passage"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Weathervane", state, world)) regions["Above Ruined Passage"].connect( connecting_region=regions["After Ruined Passage"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Weathervane", state, world)) regions["Above Ruined Passage"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Weathervane", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["East Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Above Ruined Passage"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Weathervane", state, world) or state.has(laurels, player)) # nmg: ice grapple the slimes, works both ways consistently regions["East Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["After Ruined Passage"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["After Ruined Passage"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Overworld Checkpoint", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["East Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Overworld Checkpoint", state, world)) regions["East Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld at Patrol Cave"]) regions["Overworld at Patrol Cave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Overworld"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Overworld at Patrol Cave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld above Patrol Cave"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Patrol Cave", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Overworld above Patrol Cave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld at Patrol Cave"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Patrol Cave", state, world)) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld above Patrol Cave"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Overworld Checkpoint", state, world) or state.has(grapple, player)) regions["Overworld above Patrol Cave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Overworld Checkpoint", state, world)) regions["East Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld above Patrol Cave"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Overworld Checkpoint", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Overworld above Patrol Cave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Overworld Checkpoint", state, world)) regions["Overworld above Patrol Cave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Upper Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Patrol Cave", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Upper Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld above Patrol Cave"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Patrol Cave", state, world) or state.has(grapple, player)) regions["Upper Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld above Quarry Entrance"], rule=lambda state: state.has_any({grapple, laurels}, player)) regions["Overworld above Quarry Entrance"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Upper Overworld"], rule=lambda state: state.has_any({grapple, laurels}, player)) # ice grapple push guard captain down the ledge regions["Upper Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld after Temple Rafters"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder near Temple Rafters", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) regions["Overworld after Temple Rafters"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Upper Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder near Temple Rafters", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Overworld above Quarry Entrance"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Dark Tomb", state, world)) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld above Quarry Entrance"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders near Dark Tomb", state, world)) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld after Envoy"], rule=lambda state: state.has_any({laurels, grapple, gun}, player) or state.has("Sword Upgrade", player, 4)) regions["Overworld after Envoy"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: state.has_any({laurels, grapple, gun}, player) or state.has("Sword Upgrade", player, 4)) regions["Overworld after Envoy"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Quarry Entry"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to Quarry", state, world)) regions["Overworld Quarry Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld after Envoy"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to Quarry", state, world)) # ice grapple through the gate regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Quarry Entry"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) regions["Overworld Quarry Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Swamp Upper Entry"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Overworld Swamp Upper Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Swamp Lower Entry"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to Swamp", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) regions["Overworld Swamp Lower Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to Swamp", state, world)) regions["East Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Special Shop Entry"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Overworld Special Shop Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Overworld"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # region made for combat logic ow_to_well_entry = regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Well Entry Area"]) regions["Overworld Well Entry Area"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"]) regions["Overworld Well Entry Area"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Well Ladder"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Well", state, world)) regions["Overworld Well Ladder"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Well Entry Area"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Well", state, world)) # nmg: can ice grapple through the door regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Old House Door"], rule=lambda state: state.has(house_key, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) # lure enemy over and ice grapple through regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Southeast Cross Door"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) regions["Overworld Southeast Cross Door"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Fountain Cross Door"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) regions["Overworld Fountain Cross Door"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"]) ow_to_town_portal = regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Town Portal"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Overworld Town Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"]) regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Spawn Portal"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Overworld Spawn Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"]) # nmg: ice grapple through temple door regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Temple Door"], rule=lambda state: state.has_all({"Ring Eastern Bell", "Ring Western Bell"}, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) regions["Overworld Temple Door"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld above Patrol Cave"], rule=lambda state: state.has(grapple, player)) regions["Overworld Tunnel Turret"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Beach"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Overworld Town", state, world) or state.has(grapple, player)) regions["Overworld Beach"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Tunnel Turret"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Overworld Town", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) # don't need the ice grapple rule since you can go from ow -> beach -> tunnel regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld Tunnel Turret"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Overworld Tunnel Turret"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"], rule=lambda state: state.has_any({grapple, laurels}, player)) cube_entrance = regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Cube Cave Entrance Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has(gun, player) or can_shop(state, world)) world.multiworld.register_indirect_condition(regions["Shop"], cube_entrance) regions["Cube Cave Entrance Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld"]) # drop a rudeling down, icebolt or ice bomb regions["Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Overworld to West Garden from Furnace"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) # Overworld side areas regions["Old House Front"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Old House Back"]) # laurels through the gate, use left wall to space yourself regions["Old House Back"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Old House Front"], rule=lambda state: laurels_zip(state, world)) regions["Sealed Temple"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Sealed Temple Rafters"]) regions["Sealed Temple Rafters"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Sealed Temple"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Furnace Walking Path"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Furnace Ladder Area"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Furnace Ladder Area"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Furnace Walking Path"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Furnace Walking Path"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Furnace Fuse"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Furnace Fuse"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Furnace Walking Path"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Furnace Fuse"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Furnace Ladder Area"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Furnace Ladder Area"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Furnace Fuse"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Hourglass Cave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Hourglass Cave Tower"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Hourglass Cave", state, world)) # East Forest regions["Forest Belltower Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Forest Belltower Main"]) regions["Forest Belltower Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Forest Belltower Lower"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to East Forest", state, world)) regions["Forest Belltower Main behind bushes"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Forest Belltower Main"], rule=lambda state: can_get_past_bushes(state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) # you can use the slimes to break the bushes regions["Forest Belltower Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Forest Belltower Main behind bushes"]) # ice grapple up to dance fox spot, and vice versa regions["East Forest"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Forest Dance Fox Spot"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["East Forest Dance Fox Spot"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Forest"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["East Forest"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Forest Portal"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["East Forest Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Forest"]) regions["East Forest"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Lower Forest"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Lower Forest", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Lower Forest"].connect( connecting_region=regions["East Forest"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Lower Forest", state, world)) regions["Guard House 1 East"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Guard House 1 West"]) regions["Guard House 1 West"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Guard House 1 East"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Guard House 2 Upper before bushes"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Guard House 2 Upper after bushes"], rule=lambda state: can_get_past_bushes(state, world)) regions["Guard House 2 Upper after bushes"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Guard House 2 Upper before bushes"], rule=lambda state: can_get_past_bushes(state, world)) regions["Guard House 2 Upper after bushes"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Guard House 2 Lower"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Lower Forest", state, world)) regions["Guard House 2 Lower"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Guard House 2 Upper after bushes"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Lower Forest", state, world)) # ice grapple from upper grave path exit to the rest of it regions["Forest Grave Path Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Forest Grave Path Main"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) # for the ice grapple, lure a rudeling up top, then grapple push it across regions["Forest Grave Path Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Forest Grave Path Upper"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) regions["Forest Grave Path Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Forest Grave Path by Grave"]) # ice grapple or laurels through the gate regions["Forest Grave Path by Grave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Forest Grave Path Main"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world) or laurels_zip(state, world)) regions["Forest Grave Path by Grave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Forest Hero's Grave"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Forest Hero's Grave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Forest Grave Path by Grave"]) # Beneath the Well and Dark Tomb regions["Beneath the Well Ladder Exit"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Well Front"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Well", state, world)) regions["Beneath the Well Front"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Well Ladder Exit"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Well", state, world)) btw_front_main = regions["Beneath the Well Front"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Well Main"], rule=lambda state: has_melee(state, player) or state.has(fire_wand, player)) regions["Beneath the Well Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Well Front"]) regions["Beneath the Well Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Well Back"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Well", state, world)) btw_back_main = regions["Beneath the Well Back"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Well Main"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Well", state, world) and (has_melee(state, player) or state.has(fire_wand, player))) well_boss_to_dt = regions["Well Boss"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Dark Tomb Checkpoint"]) # can laurels through the gate, no setup needed regions["Dark Tomb Checkpoint"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Well Boss"], rule=lambda state: laurels_zip(state, world)) dt_entry_to_upper = regions["Dark Tomb Entry Point"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Dark Tomb Upper"], rule=lambda state: has_lantern(state, world)) regions["Dark Tomb Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Dark Tomb Entry Point"]) # ice grapple through the wall, get the little secret sound to trigger regions["Dark Tomb Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Dark Tomb Main"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder in Dark Tomb", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) regions["Dark Tomb Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Dark Tomb Upper"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder in Dark Tomb", state, world)) regions["Dark Tomb Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Dark Tomb Dark Exit"]) dt_exit_to_main = regions["Dark Tomb Dark Exit"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Dark Tomb Main"], rule=lambda state: has_lantern(state, world)) # West Garden # combat logic regions wg_before_to_after_terry = regions["West Garden before Terry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden after Terry"]) wg_after_to_before_terry = regions["West Garden after Terry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden before Terry"]) regions["West Garden after Terry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden South Checkpoint"]) wg_checkpoint_to_after_terry = regions["West Garden South Checkpoint"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden after Terry"]) wg_checkpoint_to_dagger = regions["West Garden South Checkpoint"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden at Dagger House"]) regions["West Garden at Dagger House"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden South Checkpoint"]) wg_checkpoint_to_before_boss = regions["West Garden South Checkpoint"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden before Boss"]) regions["West Garden before Boss"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden South Checkpoint"]) regions["West Garden Laurels Exit Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden at Dagger House"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["West Garden at Dagger House"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden Laurels Exit Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # laurels past, or ice grapple it off, or ice grapple to it then fight after_gk_to_wg = regions["West Garden after Boss"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden before Boss"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world) or (has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world) and has_sword(state, player))) # ice grapple push Garden Knight off the side wg_to_after_gk = regions["West Garden before Boss"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden after Boss"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_sword(state, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) regions["West Garden before Terry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden Hero's Grave Region"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["West Garden Hero's Grave Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden before Terry"]) regions["West Garden Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden by Portal"]) regions["West Garden by Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden Portal"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world) and state.has("Activate West Garden Fuse", player)) regions["West Garden by Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden Portal Item"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["West Garden Portal Item"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden by Portal"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # can ice grapple to and from the item behind the magic dagger house regions["West Garden Portal Item"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden at Dagger House"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["West Garden at Dagger House"].connect( connecting_region=regions["West Garden Portal Item"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) # Atoll and Frog's Domain # ice grapple the bird below the portal regions["Ruined Atoll"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll Lower Entry Area"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Ruined Atoll Lower Entry Area"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or state.has(grapple, player)) regions["Ruined Atoll"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll Ladder Tops"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in South Atoll", state, world)) regions["Ruined Atoll"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll Frog Mouth"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or state.has(grapple, player)) regions["Ruined Atoll Frog Mouth"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or state.has(grapple, player)) regions["Ruined Atoll"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll Frog Eye"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Frog's Domain", state, world)) regions["Ruined Atoll Frog Eye"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Frog's Domain", state, world)) regions["Ruined Atoll"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll Portal"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Ruined Atoll Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll"]) atoll_statue = regions["Ruined Atoll"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll Statue"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world) and (has_ladder("Ladders in South Atoll", state, world) # shoot fuse and have the shot hit you mid-LS or (can_ladder_storage(state, world) and state.has(fire_wand, player) and options.ladder_storage >= LadderStorage.option_hard))) regions["Ruined Atoll Statue"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Ruined Atoll"]) regions["Frog Stairs Eye Exit"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Frog Stairs Upper"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Frog's Domain", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Frog Stairs Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Frog Stairs Eye Exit"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Frog's Domain", state, world)) regions["Frog Stairs Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Frog Stairs Lower"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Frog's Domain", state, world)) regions["Frog Stairs Lower"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Frog Stairs Upper"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Frog's Domain", state, world)) regions["Frog Stairs Lower"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Frog Stairs to Frog's Domain"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Frog's Domain", state, world)) regions["Frog Stairs to Frog's Domain"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Frog Stairs Lower"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Frog's Domain", state, world)) regions["Frog's Domain Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Frog's Domain Front"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders to Frog's Domain", state, world)) frogs_front_to_main = regions["Frog's Domain Front"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Frog's Domain Main"]) regions["Frog's Domain Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Frog's Domain Back"], rule=lambda state: state.has(grapple, player)) # Library regions["Library Exterior Tree Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Exterior by Tree"]) regions["Library Exterior by Tree"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Exterior Tree Region"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Library Exterior by Tree"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Exterior Ladder Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has_any({grapple, laurels}, player) and has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Exterior Ladder Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Exterior by Tree"], rule=lambda state: state.has(grapple, player) or (state.has(laurels, player) and has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world))) regions["Library Hall Bookshelf"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Hall"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Hall"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Hall Bookshelf"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Hall"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Hero's Grave Region"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Library Hero's Grave Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Hall"]) regions["Library Hall to Rotunda"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Hall"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Hall"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Hall to Rotunda"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Rotunda to Hall"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Rotunda"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Rotunda"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Rotunda to Hall"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Rotunda"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Rotunda to Lab"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Rotunda to Lab"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Rotunda"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Lab Lower"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Lab"], rule=lambda state: state.has_any({grapple, laurels}, player) and has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Lab"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Lab Lower"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) and has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Lab"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Lab on Portal Pad"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Lab on Portal Pad"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Lab"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world) or state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Library Lab on Portal Pad"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Portal"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Library Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Lab on Portal Pad"]) regions["Library Lab"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Lab to Librarian"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) regions["Library Lab to Librarian"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Library Lab"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) # Eastern Vault Fortress regions["Fortress Exterior from East Forest"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Exterior from Overworld"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or state.has(grapple, player)) regions["Fortress Exterior from Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Exterior from East Forest"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Fortress Exterior near cave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Exterior from Overworld"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Fortress Exterior from Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Exterior near cave"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ability(prayer, state, world)) # shoot far fire pot, enemy gets aggro'd regions["Fortress Exterior near cave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Courtyard"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) regions["Fortress Exterior near cave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Vault Entry"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to Beneath the Vault", state, world)) regions["Beneath the Vault Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Exterior near cave"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to Beneath the Vault", state, world)) regions["Fortress Courtyard"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Exterior from Overworld"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # nmg: can ice grapple an enemy in the courtyard regions["Fortress Exterior from Overworld"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Courtyard"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) fort_upper_lower = regions["Fortress Courtyard Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Courtyard"]) # nmg: can ice grapple to the upper ledge regions["Fortress Courtyard"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Courtyard Upper"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Fortress Courtyard Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Exterior from Overworld"]) btv_front_to_main = regions["Beneath the Vault Ladder Exit"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Vault Main"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to Beneath the Vault", state, world) and has_lantern(state, world) # there's some boxes in the way and (has_melee(state, player) or state.has_any((gun, grapple, fire_wand, laurels), player))) # on the reverse trip, you can lure an enemy over to break the boxes if needed regions["Beneath the Vault Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Vault Ladder Exit"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladder to Beneath the Vault", state, world)) regions["Beneath the Vault Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Vault Back"]) btv_back_to_main = regions["Beneath the Vault Back"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Beneath the Vault Main"], rule=lambda state: has_lantern(state, world)) fort_east_upper_lower = regions["Fortress East Shortcut Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress East Shortcut Lower"]) regions["Fortress East Shortcut Lower"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress East Shortcut Upper"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Eastern Vault Fortress"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Eastern Vault Fortress Gold Door"], rule=lambda state: state.has_all({"Activate Eastern Vault West Fuses", "Activate Eastern Vault East Fuse"}, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) regions["Eastern Vault Fortress Gold Door"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Eastern Vault Fortress"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) fort_grave_entry_to_combat = regions["Fortress Grave Path Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path Combat"]) regions["Fortress Grave Path Combat"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path Entry"]) regions["Fortress Grave Path Combat"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path by Grave"]) # run past the enemies regions["Fortress Grave Path by Grave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path Entry"]) regions["Fortress Grave Path by Grave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Hero's Grave Region"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Fortress Hero's Grave Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path by Grave"]) regions["Fortress Grave Path by Grave"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path Dusty Entrance Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # reverse connection is conditionally made later, depending on whether combat logic is on, and the details of ER regions["Fortress Grave Path Upper"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path Entry"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Fortress Arena"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Arena Portal"], rule=lambda state: state.has("Activate Eastern Vault West Fuses", player)) regions["Fortress Arena Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Arena"]) # Quarry regions["Lower Mountain"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Lower Mountain Stairs"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) regions["Lower Mountain Stairs"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Lower Mountain"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) regions["Quarry Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry Portal"], rule=lambda state: state.has("Activate Quarry Fuse", player)) regions["Quarry Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry Entry"]) quarry_entry_to_main = regions["Quarry Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry"], rule=lambda state: state.has(fire_wand, player) or has_sword(state, player)) regions["Quarry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry Entry"]) quarry_back_to_main = regions["Quarry Back"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry"], rule=lambda state: state.has(fire_wand, player) or has_sword(state, player)) regions["Quarry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry Back"]) monastery_to_quarry_main = regions["Quarry Monastery Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry"], rule=lambda state: state.has(fire_wand, player) or has_sword(state, player)) regions["Quarry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry Monastery Entry"]) regions["Quarry Monastery Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry Back"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Quarry Back"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry Monastery Entry"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Monastery Rope"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Quarry Back"]) regions["Quarry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Lower Quarry"], rule=lambda state: has_mask(state, world)) # need the ladder, or you can ice grapple down in nmg regions["Lower Quarry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Even Lower Quarry"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Lower Quarry", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Even Lower Quarry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Even Lower Quarry Isolated Chest"]) # you grappled down, might as well loot the rest too lower_quarry_empty_to_combat = regions["Even Lower Quarry Isolated Chest"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Even Lower Quarry"], rule=lambda state: has_mask(state, world)) regions["Even Lower Quarry Isolated Chest"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Lower Quarry Zig Door"], rule=lambda state: state.has("Activate Quarry Fuse", player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) # don't need the mask for this either, please don't complain about not needing a mask here, you know what you did regions["Quarry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Even Lower Quarry Isolated Chest"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) monastery_front_to_back = regions["Monastery Front"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Monastery Back"]) # laurels through the gate, no setup needed regions["Monastery Back"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Monastery Front"], rule=lambda state: laurels_zip(state, world)) regions["Monastery Back"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Monastery Hero's Grave Region"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Monastery Hero's Grave Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Monastery Back"]) # Ziggurat regions["Rooted Ziggurat Upper Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Upper Front"]) zig_upper_front_back = regions["Rooted Ziggurat Upper Front"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Upper Back"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_sword(state, player)) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Upper Back"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Upper Front"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Middle Top"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Middle Bottom"]) zig_low_entry_to_front = regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Front"]) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Front"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Entry"]) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Front"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Mid Checkpoint"]) zig_low_mid_to_front = regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Mid Checkpoint"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Front"]) zig_low_mid_to_back = regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Mid Checkpoint"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Back"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or (has_sword(state, player) and has_ability(prayer, state, world))) # can ice grapple to the voidlings to get to the double admin fight, still need to pray at the fuse zig_low_back_to_mid = regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Back"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Mid Checkpoint"], rule=lambda state: (state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) and has_ability(prayer, state, world) and has_sword(state, player)) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Back"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Portal Room Entrance"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Portal Room Entrance"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Back"]) # zig skip region only gets made if entrance rando and fewer shops are on if options.entrance_rando and options.fixed_shop: regions["Zig Skip Exit"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Front"]) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Portal"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Portal Room"]) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Portal Room"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Portal"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Portal Room"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Portal Room Exit"], rule=lambda state: state.has("Activate Ziggurat Fuse", player)) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Portal Room Exit"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Portal Room"]) # Swamp and Cathedral regions["Swamp Front"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Swamp Mid"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Swamp", state, world) or state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) regions["Swamp Mid"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Swamp Front"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Swamp", state, world) or state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) swamp_mid_to_cath = regions["Swamp Mid"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Swamp to Cathedral Main Entrance Region"], rule=lambda state: (has_ability(prayer, state, world) and (state.has(laurels, player) # blam yourself in the face with a wand shot off the fuse or (can_ladder_storage(state, world) and state.has(fire_wand, player) and options.ladder_storage >= LadderStorage.option_hard and (not options.shuffle_ladders or state.has_any({"Ladders in Overworld Town", "Ladder to Swamp", "Ladders near Weathervane"}, player) or (state.has("Ladder to Ruined Atoll", player) and state.can_reach_region("Overworld Beach", player))))) and (not options.combat_logic or has_combat_reqs("Swamp", state, player))) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) if options.ladder_storage >= LadderStorage.option_hard and options.shuffle_ladders: world.multiworld.register_indirect_condition(regions["Overworld Beach"], swamp_mid_to_cath) regions["Swamp to Cathedral Main Entrance Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Swamp Mid"], rule=lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) # grapple push the enemy by the door down, then grapple to it. Really jank regions["Swamp Mid"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Swamp Ledge under Cathedral Door"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Swamp", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) # ice grapple enemy standing at the door regions["Swamp Ledge under Cathedral Door"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Swamp Mid"], rule=lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Swamp", state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) regions["Swamp Ledge under Cathedral Door"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Swamp to Cathedral Treasure Room"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) regions["Swamp to Cathedral Treasure Room"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Swamp Ledge under Cathedral Door"]) regions["Back of Swamp"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Back of Swamp Laurels Area"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Back of Swamp Laurels Area"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Back of Swamp"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # ice grapple down from the pillar, or do that really annoying laurels zip # the zip goes to front or mid, just doing mid since mid -> front can be done with laurels alone regions["Back of Swamp Laurels Area"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Swamp Mid"], rule=lambda state: laurels_zip(state, world) or (state.has(laurels, player) and has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world))) # get one pillar from the gate, then dash onto the gate, very tricky regions["Swamp Front"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Back of Swamp Laurels Area"], rule=lambda state: laurels_zip(state, world)) regions["Back of Swamp"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Swamp Hero's Grave Region"], rule=lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) regions["Swamp Hero's Grave Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Back of Swamp"]) cath_entry_to_elev = regions["Cathedral Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Cathedral to Gauntlet"], rule=lambda state: (has_ability(prayer, state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) or options.entrance_rando) # elevator is always there in ER regions["Cathedral to Gauntlet"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Cathedral Entry"]) cath_entry_to_main = regions["Cathedral Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Cathedral Main"]) regions["Cathedral Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Cathedral Entry"]) cath_elev_to_main = regions["Cathedral to Gauntlet"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Cathedral Main"]) regions["Cathedral Main"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Cathedral to Gauntlet"]) regions["Cathedral Gauntlet Checkpoint"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Cathedral Gauntlet"]) regions["Cathedral Gauntlet"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Cathedral Gauntlet Exit"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Cathedral Gauntlet Exit"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Cathedral Gauntlet"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # Far Shore regions["Far Shore"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore to Spawn Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Far Shore to Spawn Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Far Shore"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore to East Forest Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Far Shore to East Forest Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Far Shore"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore to West Garden Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has("Activate West Garden Fuse", player)) regions["Far Shore to West Garden Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore"]) regions["Far Shore"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore to Quarry Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has("Activate Quarry Fuse", player)) regions["Far Shore to Quarry Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore"]) regions["Far Shore"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore to Fortress Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has("Activate Eastern Vault West Fuses", player)) regions["Far Shore to Fortress Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore"]) regions["Far Shore"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore to Library Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has("Activate Library Fuse", player)) regions["Far Shore to Library Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Far Shore"]) # Misc heir_fight = regions["Spirit Arena"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Spirit Arena Victory"], rule=lambda state: (state.has(gold_hexagon, player, world.options.hexagon_goal.value) if world.options.hexagon_quest else (state.has("Unseal the Heir", player) and state.has_group_unique("Hero Relics", player, 6) and has_sword(state, player)))) if options.ladder_storage: def get_portal_info(portal_sd: str) -> Tuple[str, str]: for portal1, portal2 in portal_pairs.items(): if portal1.scene_destination() == portal_sd: return, get_portal_outlet_region(portal2, world) if portal2.scene_destination() == portal_sd: return, get_portal_outlet_region(portal1, world) raise Exception("no matches found in get_paired_region") # connect ls elevation regions to their destinations def ls_connect(origin_name: str, portal_sdt: str) -> None: p_name, paired_region_name = get_portal_info(portal_sdt) ladder_regions[origin_name].connect( regions[paired_region_name], name=p_name + " (LS) " + origin_name) # get what non-overworld ladder storage connections we want together non_ow_ls_list = [] non_ow_ls_list.extend(easy_ls) if options.ladder_storage >= LadderStorage.option_medium: non_ow_ls_list.extend(medium_ls) if options.ladder_storage >= LadderStorage.option_hard: non_ow_ls_list.extend(hard_ls) # create the ls elevation regions ladder_regions: Dict[str, Region] = {} for name in ow_ladder_groups.keys(): ladder_regions[name] = Region(name, player, world.multiworld) # connect the ls elevations to each other where applicable if options.ladder_storage >= LadderStorage.option_medium: for i in range(len(ow_ladder_groups) - 1): ladder_regions[f"LS Elev {i}"].connect(ladder_regions[f"LS Elev {i + 1}"]) # connect the applicable overworld regions to the ls elevation regions for origin_region, ladders in region_ladders.items(): for ladder_region, region_info in ow_ladder_groups.items(): # checking if that region has a ladder or ladders for that elevation common_ladders: FrozenSet[str] = frozenset(ladders.intersection(region_info.ladders)) if common_ladders: if options.shuffle_ladders: regions[origin_region].connect( connecting_region=ladder_regions[ladder_region], rule=lambda state, lads=common_ladders: state.has_any(lads, player) and can_ladder_storage(state, world)) else: regions[origin_region].connect( connecting_region=ladder_regions[ladder_region], rule=lambda state: can_ladder_storage(state, world)) # connect ls elevation regions to the region on the other side of the portals for ladder_region, region_info in ow_ladder_groups.items(): for portal_dest in region_info.portals: ls_connect(ladder_region, "Overworld Redux, " + portal_dest) # convenient staircase means this one is easy difficulty, even though there's an elevation change ls_connect("LS Elev 0", "Overworld Redux, Furnace_gyro_west") # connect ls elevation regions to regions where you can get an enemy to knock you down, also well rail if options.ladder_storage >= LadderStorage.option_medium: for ladder_region, region_info in ow_ladder_groups.items(): for dest_region in region_info.regions: ladder_regions[ladder_region].connect( connecting_region=regions[dest_region], name=ladder_region + " (LS) " + dest_region) # well rail, need height off portal pad for one side, and a tiny extra from stairs on the other ls_connect("LS Elev 3", "Overworld Redux, Sewer_west_aqueduct") ls_connect("LS Elev 3", "Overworld Redux, Furnace_gyro_upper_north") # connect ls elevation regions to portals where you need to get behind the map to enter it if options.ladder_storage >= LadderStorage.option_hard: ls_connect("LS Elev 1", "Overworld Redux, EastFiligreeCache_") ls_connect("LS Elev 2", "Overworld Redux, Town_FiligreeRoom_") ls_connect("LS Elev 2", "Overworld Redux, Ruins Passage_west") ls_connect("LS Elev 3", "Overworld Redux, Overworld Interiors_house") ls_connect("LS Elev 5", "Overworld Redux, Temple_main") # connect the non-overworld ones for ls_info in non_ow_ls_list: # for places where the destination is a region (so you have to get knocked down) if ls_info.dest_is_region: # none of the non-ow ones have multiple ladders that can be used, so don't need has_any if options.shuffle_ladders and ls_info.ladders_req: regions[ls_info.origin].connect( connecting_region=regions[ls_info.destination], name=ls_info.destination + " (LS) " + ls_info.origin, rule=lambda state, lad=ls_info.ladders_req: can_ladder_storage(state, world) and state.has(lad, player)) else: regions[ls_info.origin].connect( connecting_region=regions[ls_info.destination], name=ls_info.destination + " (LS) " + ls_info.origin, rule=lambda state: can_ladder_storage(state, world)) continue portal_name, dest_region = get_portal_info(ls_info.destination) # these two are special cases if ls_info.destination == "Atoll Redux, Frog Stairs_mouth": regions[ls_info.origin].connect( connecting_region=regions[dest_region], name=portal_name + " (LS) " + ls_info.origin, rule=lambda state: can_ladder_storage(state, world) and (has_ladder("Ladders in South Atoll", state, world) or state.has(key, player, 2) # can do it from the rope # ice grapple push a crab into the door or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world) or options.ladder_storage >= LadderStorage.option_medium)) # use the little ladder # holy cross mid-ls to get in here elif ls_info.destination == "Swamp Redux 2, Cathedral Redux_secret": if ls_info.origin == "Swamp Mid": regions[ls_info.origin].connect( connecting_region=regions[dest_region], name=portal_name + " (LS) " + ls_info.origin, rule=lambda state: can_ladder_storage(state, world) and has_ability(holy_cross, state, world) and has_ladder("Ladders in Swamp", state, world)) else: regions[ls_info.origin].connect( connecting_region=regions[dest_region], name=portal_name + " (LS) " + ls_info.origin, rule=lambda state: can_ladder_storage(state, world) and has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) elif options.shuffle_ladders and ls_info.ladders_req: regions[ls_info.origin].connect( connecting_region=regions[dest_region], name=portal_name + " (LS) " + ls_info.origin, rule=lambda state, lad=ls_info.ladders_req: can_ladder_storage(state, world) and state.has(lad, player)) else: regions[ls_info.origin].connect( connecting_region=regions[dest_region], name=portal_name + " (LS) " + ls_info.origin, rule=lambda state: can_ladder_storage(state, world)) for region in ladder_regions.values(): world.multiworld.regions.append(region) # for combat logic, easiest to replace or add to existing rules if world.options.combat_logic >= CombatLogic.option_bosses_only: set_rule(wg_to_after_gk, lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world) or has_combat_reqs("Garden Knight", state, player)) # laurels past, or ice grapple it off, or ice grapple to it and fight set_rule(after_gk_to_wg, lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world) or (has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world) and has_combat_reqs("Garden Knight", state, player))) if not world.options.hexagon_quest: add_rule(heir_fight, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("The Heir", state, player)) if world.options.combat_logic == CombatLogic.option_on: # these are redundant with combat logic off regions["Fortress Grave Path Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path Dusty Entrance Region"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Entry"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Mid Checkpoint"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Mid Checkpoint"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Rooted Ziggurat Lower Entry"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) add_rule(ow_to_town_portal, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Before Well", state, player)) # need to fight through the rudelings and turret, or just laurels from near the windmill set_rule(ow_to_well_entry, lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_combat_reqs("East Forest", state, player)) set_rule(ow_tunnel_beach, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("East Forest", state, player)) add_rule(atoll_statue, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Ruined Atoll", state, player)) set_rule(frogs_front_to_main, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Frog's Domain", state, player)) set_rule(btw_front_main, lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_combat_reqs("Beneath the Well", state, player)) set_rule(btw_back_main, lambda state: has_ladder("Ladders in Well", state, world) and (state.has(laurels, player) or has_combat_reqs("Beneath the Well", state, player))) set_rule(well_boss_to_dt, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Beneath the Well", state, player) or laurels_zip(state, world)) add_rule(dt_entry_to_upper, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Dark Tomb", state, player)) add_rule(dt_exit_to_main, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Dark Tomb", state, player)) set_rule(wg_before_to_after_terry, lambda state: state.has_any({laurels, ice_dagger}, player) or has_combat_reqs("West Garden", state, player)) set_rule(wg_after_to_before_terry, lambda state: state.has_any({laurels, ice_dagger}, player) or has_combat_reqs("West Garden", state, player)) # laurels through, probably to the checkpoint, or just fight set_rule(wg_checkpoint_to_after_terry, lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_combat_reqs("West Garden", state, player)) set_rule(wg_checkpoint_to_before_boss, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("West Garden", state, player)) add_rule(btv_front_to_main, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Beneath the Vault", state, player)) add_rule(btv_back_to_main, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Beneath the Vault", state, player)) add_rule(fort_upper_lower, lambda state: state.has(ice_dagger, player) or has_combat_reqs("Eastern Vault Fortress", state, player)) set_rule(fort_grave_entry_to_combat, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Eastern Vault Fortress", state, player)) set_rule(quarry_entry_to_main, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Quarry", state, player)) set_rule(quarry_back_to_main, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Quarry", state, player)) set_rule(monastery_to_quarry_main, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Quarry", state, player)) set_rule(monastery_front_to_back, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Quarry", state, player)) set_rule(lower_quarry_empty_to_combat, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Quarry", state, player)) set_rule(zig_upper_front_back, lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_combat_reqs("Rooted Ziggurat", state, player)) set_rule(zig_low_entry_to_front, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Rooted Ziggurat", state, player)) set_rule(zig_low_mid_to_front, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Rooted Ziggurat", state, player)) set_rule(zig_low_mid_to_back, lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or (has_ability(prayer, state, world) and has_combat_reqs("Rooted Ziggurat", state, player))) set_rule(zig_low_back_to_mid, lambda state: (state.has(laurels, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world)) and has_ability(prayer, state, world) and has_combat_reqs("Rooted Ziggurat", state, player)) # only activating the fuse requires combat logic set_rule(cath_entry_to_elev, lambda state: options.entrance_rando or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world) or (has_ability(prayer, state, world) and has_combat_reqs("Cathedral", state, player))) set_rule(cath_entry_to_main, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Cathedral", state, player)) set_rule(cath_elev_to_main, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Cathedral", state, player)) # for spots where you can go into and come out of an entrance to reset enemy aggro if world.options.entrance_rando: # for the chest outside of magic dagger house dagger_entry_paired_name, dagger_entry_paired_region = ( get_paired_portal("Archipelagos Redux, archipelagos_house_")) try: dagger_entry_paired_entrance = world.get_entrance(dagger_entry_paired_name) except KeyError: # there is no paired entrance, so you must fight or dash past, which is done in the finally pass else: set_rule(wg_checkpoint_to_dagger, lambda state: dagger_entry_paired_entrance.can_reach(state)) world.multiworld.register_indirect_condition(region=regions["West Garden at Dagger House"], entrance=dagger_entry_paired_entrance) finally: add_rule(wg_checkpoint_to_dagger, lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_combat_reqs("West Garden", state, player), combine="or") # zip past enemies in fortress grave path to enter the dusty entrance, then come back out fort_dusty_paired_name, fort_dusty_paired_region = get_paired_portal("Fortress Reliquary, Dusty_") try: fort_dusty_paired_entrance = world.get_entrance(fort_dusty_paired_name) except KeyError: # there is no paired entrance, so you can't run past to deaggro # the path to dusty can be done via combat, so no need to do anything here pass else: # there is a paired entrance, so you can use that to deaggro enemies regions["Fortress Grave Path Dusty Entrance Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path by Grave"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) and fort_dusty_paired_entrance.can_reach(state)) world.multiworld.register_indirect_condition(region=regions["Fortress Grave Path by Grave"], entrance=fort_dusty_paired_entrance) # for activating the ladder switch to get from fortress east upper to lower fort_east_upper_right_paired_name, fort_east_upper_right_paired_region = ( get_paired_portal("Fortress East, Fortress Courtyard_")) try: fort_east_upper_right_paired_entrance = ( world.get_entrance(fort_east_upper_right_paired_name)) except KeyError: # no paired entrance, so you must fight, which is done in the finally pass else: set_rule(fort_east_upper_lower, lambda state: fort_east_upper_right_paired_entrance.can_reach(state)) world.multiworld.register_indirect_condition(region=regions["Fortress East Shortcut Lower"], entrance=fort_east_upper_right_paired_entrance) finally: add_rule(fort_east_upper_lower, lambda state: has_combat_reqs("Eastern Vault Fortress", state, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(True, IceGrappling.option_easy, state, world), combine="or") else: # if combat logic is on and ER is off, we can make this entrance freely regions["Fortress Grave Path Dusty Entrance Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path by Grave"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) else: # if combat logic is off, we can make this entrance freely regions["Fortress Grave Path Dusty Entrance Region"].connect( connecting_region=regions["Fortress Grave Path by Grave"], rule=lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) def set_er_location_rules(world: "TunicWorld") -> None: player = world.player forbid_item(world.get_location("Secret Gathering Place - 20 Fairy Reward"), fairies, player) # Ability Shuffle Exclusive Rules set_rule(world.get_location("East Forest - Dancing Fox Spirit Holy Cross"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Forest Grave Path - Holy Cross Code by Grave"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("East Forest - Golden Obelisk Holy Cross"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Beneath the Well - [Powered Secret Room] Chest"), lambda state: state.has("Activate Furnace Fuse", player)) set_rule(world.get_location("West Garden - [North] Behind Holy Cross Door"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Library Hall - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Eastern Vault Fortress - [West Wing] Candles Holy Cross"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("West Garden - [Central Highlands] Holy Cross (Blue Lines)"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Quarry - [Back Entrance] Bushes Holy Cross"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Cathedral - Secret Legend Trophy Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [Southwest] Flowers Holy Cross"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [East] Weathervane Holy Cross"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [Northeast] Flowers Holy Cross"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [Southwest] Haiku Holy Cross"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [Northwest] Golden Obelisk Page"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) # Overworld set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [Southwest] Grapple Chest Over Walkway"), lambda state: state.has_any({grapple, laurels}, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [Southwest] West Beach Guarded By Turret 2"), lambda state: state.has_any({grapple, laurels}, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [Southwest] From West Garden"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [Southeast] Page on Pillar by Swamp"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [Southwest] Fountain Page"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [Northwest] Page on Pillar by Dark Tomb"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Old House - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Overworld - [East] Grapple Chest"), lambda state: state.has(grapple, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Sealed Temple - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Caustic Light Cave - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Cube Cave - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Old House - Holy Cross Door Page"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Maze Cave - Maze Room Holy Cross"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Old House - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Patrol Cave - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Ruined Passage - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Hourglass Cave - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Secret Gathering Place - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Secret Gathering Place - 10 Fairy Reward"), lambda state: state.has(fairies, player, 10)) set_rule(world.get_location("Secret Gathering Place - 20 Fairy Reward"), lambda state: state.has(fairies, player, 20)) set_rule(world.get_location("Coins in the Well - 3 Coins"), lambda state: state.has(coins, player, 3)) set_rule(world.get_location("Coins in the Well - 6 Coins"), lambda state: state.has(coins, player, 6)) set_rule(world.get_location("Coins in the Well - 10 Coins"), lambda state: state.has(coins, player, 10)) set_rule(world.get_location("Coins in the Well - 15 Coins"), lambda state: state.has(coins, player, 15)) # East Forest set_rule(world.get_location("East Forest - Lower Grapple Chest"), lambda state: state.has(grapple, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("East Forest - Lower Dash Chest"), lambda state: state.has_all({grapple, laurels}, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("East Forest - Ice Rod Grapple Chest"), lambda state: ( state.has_all({grapple, ice_dagger, fire_wand}, player) and has_ability(icebolt, state, world))) # Dark Tomb # added to make combat logic smoother set_rule(world.get_location("Dark Tomb - 2nd Laser Room"), lambda state: has_lantern(state, world)) # West Garden set_rule(world.get_location("West Garden - [North] Across From Page Pickup"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("West Garden - [West] In Flooded Walkway"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("West Garden - [West Lowlands] Tree Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) and has_ability(holy_cross, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("West Garden - [East Lowlands] Page Behind Ice Dagger House"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("West Garden - [Central Lowlands] Below Left Walkway"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # Ruined Atoll set_rule(world.get_location("Ruined Atoll - [West] Near Kevin Block"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # ice grapple push a crab through the door set_rule(world.get_location("Ruined Atoll - [East] Locked Room Lower Chest"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or state.has(key, player, 2) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Ruined Atoll - [East] Locked Room Upper Chest"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or state.has(key, player, 2) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) # Frog's Domain set_rule(world.get_location("Frog's Domain - Side Room Grapple Secret"), lambda state: state.has_any({grapple, laurels}, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Frog's Domain - Grapple Above Hot Tub"), lambda state: state.has_any({grapple, laurels}, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Frog's Domain - Escape Chest"), lambda state: state.has_any({grapple, laurels}, player)) # Library Lab set_rule(world.get_location("Library Lab - Page 1"), lambda state: has_melee(state, player) or state.has_any((fire_wand, gun), player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Library Lab - Page 2"), lambda state: has_melee(state, player) or state.has_any((fire_wand, gun), player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Library Lab - Page 3"), lambda state: has_melee(state, player) or state.has_any((fire_wand, gun), player)) # Eastern Vault Fortress set_rule(world.get_location("Fortress Arena - Hexagon Red"), lambda state: state.has(vault_key, player)) # yes, you can clear the leaves with dagger # gun isn't included since it can only break one leaf pile at a time, and we don't check how much mana you have # but really, I expect the player to just throw a bomb at them if they don't have melee set_rule(world.get_location("Fortress Leaf Piles - Secret Chest"), lambda state: has_melee(state, player) or state.has(ice_dagger, player)) # Beneath the Vault set_rule(world.get_location("Beneath the Fortress - Bridge"), lambda state: has_melee(state, player) or state.has_any((laurels, fire_wand, ice_dagger, gun), player)) # Quarry set_rule(world.get_location("Quarry - [Central] Above Ladder Dash Chest"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # Ziggurat # if ER is off, while you can get the chest, you won't be able to actually get through zig set_rule(world.get_location("Rooted Ziggurat Upper - Near Bridge Switch"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player) or (state.has(fire_wand, player) and (state.has(laurels, player) or world.options.entrance_rando))) set_rule(world.get_location("Rooted Ziggurat Lower - After Guarded Fuse"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player) and has_ability(prayer, state, world)) # Bosses set_rule(world.get_location("Fortress Arena - Siege Engine/Vault Key Pickup"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Librarian - Hexagon Green"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player) and has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) # can ice grapple boss scav off the side # the grapple from the other side of the bridge isn't in logic 'cause we don't have a misc tricks option set_rule(world.get_location("Rooted Ziggurat Lower - Hexagon Blue"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) # Swamp set_rule(world.get_location("Cathedral Gauntlet - Gauntlet Reward"), lambda state: state.has(fire_wand, player) and has_sword(state, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Swamp - [Entrance] Above Entryway"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Swamp - [South Graveyard] Upper Walkway Dash Chest"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # really hard to do 4 skulls with a big skeleton chasing you around set_rule(world.get_location("Swamp - [South Graveyard] 4 Orange Skulls"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player)) # Hero's Grave and Far Shore set_rule(world.get_location("Hero's Grave - Tooth Relic"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Hero's Grave - Mushroom Relic"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Hero's Grave - Ash Relic"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Hero's Grave - Flowers Relic"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Hero's Grave - Effigy Relic"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Hero's Grave - Feathers Relic"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Far Shore - Secret Chest"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player)) # Events set_rule(world.get_location("Eastern Bell"), lambda state: (has_melee(state, player) or state.has(fire_wand, player))) set_rule(world.get_location("Western Bell"), lambda state: (has_melee(state, player) or state.has(fire_wand, player))) set_rule(world.get_location("Furnace Fuse"), lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("South and West Fortress Exterior Fuses"), lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Upper and Central Fortress Exterior Fuses"), lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Beneath the Vault Fuse"), lambda state: state.has("Activate South and West Fortress Exterior Fuses", player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Eastern Vault West Fuses"), lambda state: state.has("Activate Beneath the Vault Fuse", player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Eastern Vault East Fuse"), lambda state: state.has_all({"Activate Upper and Central Fortress Exterior Fuses", "Activate South and West Fortress Exterior Fuses"}, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Quarry Connector Fuse"), lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world) and state.has(grapple, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Quarry Fuse"), lambda state: state.has("Activate Quarry Connector Fuse", player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Ziggurat Fuse"), lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("West Garden Fuse"), lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world)) set_rule(world.get_location("Library Fuse"), lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world) and has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) if not world.options.hexagon_quest: set_rule(world.get_location("Place Questagons"), lambda state: state.has_all((red_hexagon, blue_hexagon, green_hexagon), player)) # Bombable Walls for location_name in bomb_walls: set_rule(world.get_location(location_name), lambda state: state.has(gun, player) or can_shop(state, world) or has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_hard, state, world)) # not enough space to ice grapple into here set_rule(world.get_location("Quarry - [East] Bombable Wall"), lambda state: state.has(gun, player) or can_shop(state, world)) # Shop set_rule(world.get_location("Shop - Potion 1"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Shop - Potion 2"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Shop - Coin 1"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Shop - Coin 2"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player)) def combat_logic_to_loc(loc_name: str, combat_req_area: str, set_instead: bool = False, dagger: bool = False, laurel: bool = False) -> None: # dagger means you can use magic dagger instead of combat for that check # laurel means you can dodge the enemies freely with the laurels if set_instead: set_rule(world.get_location(loc_name), lambda state: has_combat_reqs(combat_req_area, state, player) or (dagger and state.has(ice_dagger, player)) or (laurel and state.has(laurels, player))) else: add_rule(world.get_location(loc_name), lambda state: has_combat_reqs(combat_req_area, state, player) or (dagger and state.has(ice_dagger, player)) or (laurel and state.has(laurels, player))) if world.options.combat_logic >= CombatLogic.option_bosses_only: # garden knight is in the regions part above combat_logic_to_loc("Fortress Arena - Siege Engine/Vault Key Pickup", "Siege Engine", set_instead=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Librarian - Hexagon Green", "The Librarian", set_instead=True) set_rule(world.get_location("Librarian - Hexagon Green"), rule=lambda state: has_combat_reqs("The Librarian", state, player) and has_ladder("Ladders in Library", state, world)) combat_logic_to_loc("Rooted Ziggurat Lower - Hexagon Blue", "Boss Scavenger", set_instead=True) if world.options.ice_grappling >= IceGrappling.option_medium: add_rule(world.get_location("Rooted Ziggurat Lower - Hexagon Blue"), lambda state: has_ice_grapple_logic(False, IceGrappling.option_medium, state, world)) combat_logic_to_loc("Cathedral Gauntlet - Gauntlet Reward", "Gauntlet", set_instead=True) if world.options.combat_logic == CombatLogic.option_on: combat_logic_to_loc("Overworld - [Northeast] Flowers Holy Cross", "Garden Knight") combat_logic_to_loc("Overworld - [Northwest] Chest Near Quarry Gate", "Before Well", dagger=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Overworld - [Northeast] Chest Above Patrol Cave", "Garden Knight", dagger=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Overworld - [Southwest] West Beach Guarded By Turret", "Overworld", dagger=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Overworld - [Southwest] West Beach Guarded By Turret 2", "Overworld") combat_logic_to_loc("Overworld - [Southwest] Bombable Wall Near Fountain", "East Forest", dagger=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Overworld - [Southwest] Fountain Holy Cross", "East Forest", dagger=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Overworld - [Southwest] South Chest Near Guard", "East Forest", dagger=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Overworld - [Southwest] Tunnel Guarded By Turret", "East Forest", dagger=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Overworld - [Northwest] Chest Near Turret", "Before Well") add_rule(world.get_location("Hourglass Cave - Hourglass Chest"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player) and (state.has("Shield", player) # kill the turrets through the wall with a longer sword or state.has("Sword Upgrade", player, 3))) add_rule(world.get_location("Hourglass Cave - Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: has_sword(state, player) and (state.has("Shield", player) or state.has("Sword Upgrade", player, 3))) # the first spider chest they literally do not attack you until you open the chest # the second one, you can still just walk past them, but I guess /something/ would be wanted combat_logic_to_loc("East Forest - Beneath Spider Chest", "East Forest", dagger=True, laurel=True) combat_logic_to_loc("East Forest - Golden Obelisk Holy Cross", "East Forest", dagger=True) combat_logic_to_loc("East Forest - Dancing Fox Spirit Holy Cross", "East Forest", dagger=True, laurel=True) combat_logic_to_loc("East Forest - From Guardhouse 1 Chest", "East Forest", dagger=True, laurel=True) combat_logic_to_loc("East Forest - Above Save Point", "East Forest", dagger=True) combat_logic_to_loc("East Forest - Above Save Point Obscured", "East Forest", dagger=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Forest Grave Path - Above Gate", "East Forest", dagger=True, laurel=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Forest Grave Path - Obscured Chest", "East Forest", dagger=True, laurel=True) # most of beneath the well is covered by the region access rule combat_logic_to_loc("Beneath the Well - [Entryway] Chest", "Beneath the Well") combat_logic_to_loc("Beneath the Well - [Entryway] Obscured Behind Waterfall", "Beneath the Well") combat_logic_to_loc("Beneath the Well - [Back Corridor] Left Secret", "Beneath the Well") combat_logic_to_loc("Beneath the Well - [Side Room] Chest By Phrends", "Overworld") # laurels past the enemies, then use the wand or gun to take care of the fairies that chased you add_rule(world.get_location("West Garden - [West Lowlands] Tree Holy Cross Chest"), lambda state: state.has_any({fire_wand, "Gun"}, player)) combat_logic_to_loc("West Garden - [Central Lowlands] Chest Beneath Faeries", "West Garden") combat_logic_to_loc("West Garden - [Central Lowlands] Chest Beneath Save Point", "West Garden") combat_logic_to_loc("West Garden - [West Highlands] Upper Left Walkway", "West Garden") # with combat logic on, I presume the player will want to be able to see to avoid the spiders set_rule(world.get_location("Beneath the Fortress - Bridge"), lambda state: has_lantern(state, world) and (state.has_any({laurels, fire_wand, "Gun"}, player) or has_melee(state, player))) combat_logic_to_loc("Eastern Vault Fortress - [West Wing] Candles Holy Cross", "Eastern Vault Fortress", dagger=True) # could just do the last two, but this outputs better in the spoiler log # dagger is maybe viable here, but it's sketchy -- activate ladder switch, save to reset enemies, climb up combat_logic_to_loc("Upper and Central Fortress Exterior Fuses", "Eastern Vault Fortress") combat_logic_to_loc("Beneath the Vault Fuse", "Beneath the Vault") combat_logic_to_loc("Eastern Vault West Fuses", "Eastern Vault Fortress") # if you come in from the left, you only need to fight small crabs add_rule(world.get_location("Ruined Atoll - [South] Near Birds"), lambda state: has_melee(state, player) or state.has_any({laurels, "Gun"}, player)) # can get this one without fighting if you have laurels add_rule(world.get_location("Frog's Domain - Above Vault"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) or has_combat_reqs("Frog's Domain", state, player)) # with wand, you can get this chest. Non-ER, you need laurels to continue down. ER, you can just torch set_rule(world.get_location("Rooted Ziggurat Upper - Near Bridge Switch"), lambda state: (state.has(fire_wand, player) and (state.has(laurels, player) or world.options.entrance_rando)) or has_combat_reqs("Rooted Ziggurat", state, player)) set_rule(world.get_location("Rooted Ziggurat Lower - After Guarded Fuse"), lambda state: has_ability(prayer, state, world) and has_combat_reqs("Rooted Ziggurat", state, player)) # replace the sword rule with this one combat_logic_to_loc("Swamp - [South Graveyard] 4 Orange Skulls", "Swamp", set_instead=True) combat_logic_to_loc("Swamp - [South Graveyard] Guarded By Big Skeleton", "Swamp", dagger=True) # don't really agree with this one but eh combat_logic_to_loc("Swamp - [South Graveyard] Above Big Skeleton", "Swamp", dagger=True, laurel=True) # the tentacles deal with everything else reasonably, and you can hide on the island, so no rule for it add_rule(world.get_location("Swamp - [South Graveyard] Obscured Beneath Telescope"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) # can dash from swamp mid to here and grab it or has_combat_reqs("Swamp", state, player)) add_rule(world.get_location("Swamp - [Central] South Secret Passage"), lambda state: state.has(laurels, player) # can dash from swamp front to here and grab it or has_combat_reqs("Swamp", state, player)) combat_logic_to_loc("Swamp - [South Graveyard] Upper Walkway On Pedestal", "Swamp") combat_logic_to_loc("Swamp - [Central] Beneath Memorial", "Swamp") combat_logic_to_loc("Swamp - [Central] Near Ramps Up", "Swamp") combat_logic_to_loc("Swamp - [Upper Graveyard] Near Telescope", "Swamp") combat_logic_to_loc("Swamp - [Upper Graveyard] Near Shield Fleemers", "Swamp") combat_logic_to_loc("Swamp - [Upper Graveyard] Obscured Behind Hill", "Swamp") # zip through the rubble to sneakily grab this chest, or just fight to it add_rule(world.get_location("Cathedral - [1F] Near Spikes"), lambda state: laurels_zip(state, world) or has_combat_reqs("Cathedral", state, player))