import typing from BaseClasses import MultiWorld from Options import Choice, Range, Option, Toggle, DefaultOnToggle, DeathLink class Logic(Choice): option_no_glitches = 0 option_minor_glitches = 1 option_overworld_glitches = 2 option_hybrid_major_glitches = 3 option_no_logic = 4 alias_owg = 2 alias_hmg = 3 class Objective(Choice): option_crystals = 0 # option_pendants = 1 option_triforce_pieces = 2 option_pedestal = 3 option_bingo = 4 class Goal(Choice): option_kill_ganon = 0 option_kill_ganon_and_gt_agahnim = 1 option_hand_in = 2 class OpenPyramid(Choice): """Determines whether the hole at the top of pyramid is open. Goal will open the pyramid if the goal requires you to kill Ganon, without needing to kill Agahnim 2. Auto is the same as goal except if Ganon's dropdown is in another location, the hole will be closed.""" display_name = "Open Pyramid Hole" option_closed = 0 option_open = 1 option_goal = 2 option_auto = 3 default = option_goal alias_true = option_open alias_false = option_closed alias_yes = option_open alias_no = option_closed def to_bool(self, world: MultiWorld, player: int) -> bool: if self.value == self.option_goal: return world.goal[player] in {'crystals', 'ganontriforcehunt', 'localganontriforcehunt', 'ganonpedestal'} elif self.value == self.option_auto: return world.goal[player] in {'crystals', 'ganontriforcehunt', 'localganontriforcehunt', 'ganonpedestal'} \ and (world.shuffle[player] in {'vanilla', 'dungeonssimple', 'dungeonsfull', 'dungeonscrossed'} or not world.shuffle_ganon) elif self.value == self.option_open: return True else: return False class DungeonItem(Choice): value: int option_original_dungeon = 0 option_own_dungeons = 1 option_own_world = 2 option_any_world = 3 option_different_world = 4 option_start_with = 6 alias_true = 3 alias_false = 0 @property def in_dungeon(self): return self.value in {0, 1} @property def hints_useful(self): """Indicates if hints for this Item are useful in any way.""" return self.value in {1, 2, 3, 4} class bigkey_shuffle(DungeonItem): """Big Key Placement""" item_name_group = "Big Keys" display_name = "Big Key Shuffle" class smallkey_shuffle(DungeonItem): """Small Key Placement""" option_universal = 5 item_name_group = "Small Keys" display_name = "Small Key Shuffle" class compass_shuffle(DungeonItem): """Compass Placement""" item_name_group = "Compasses" display_name = "Compass Shuffle" class map_shuffle(DungeonItem): """Map Placement""" item_name_group = "Maps" display_name = "Map Shuffle" class Crystals(Range): range_start = 0 range_end = 7 class CrystalsTower(Crystals): default = 7 class CrystalsGanon(Crystals): default = 7 class TriforcePieces(Range): default = 30 range_start = 1 range_end = 90 class ShopItemSlots(Range): range_start = 0 range_end = 30 class ShopPriceModifier(Range): """Percentage modifier for shuffled item prices in shops""" range_start = 0 default = 100 range_end = 400 class WorldState(Choice): option_standard = 1 option_open = 0 option_inverted = 2 class Bosses(Choice): option_vanilla = 0 option_simple = 1 option_full = 2 option_chaos = 3 option_singularity = 4 class Enemies(Choice): option_vanilla = 0 option_shuffled = 1 option_chaos = 2 class Progressive(Choice): display_name = "Progressive Items" option_off = 0 option_grouped_random = 1 option_on = 2 alias_false = 0 alias_true = 2 default = 2 def want_progressives(self, random): return random.choice([True, False]) if self.value == self.option_grouped_random else bool(self.value) class Swordless(Toggle): """No swords. Curtains in Skull Woods and Agahnim\'s Tower are removed, Agahnim\'s Tower barrier can be destroyed with hammer. Misery Mire and Turtle Rock can be opened without a sword. Hammer damages Ganon. Ether and Bombos Tablet can be activated with Hammer (and Book).""" display_name = "Swordless" # Might be a decent idea to split "Bow" into its own option with choices of # Defer to Progressive Option (default), Progressive, Non-Progressive, Bow + Silvers, Retro class RetroBow(Toggle): """Zelda-1 like mode. You have to purchase a quiver to shoot arrows using rupees.""" display_name = "Retro Bow" class RetroCaves(Toggle): """Zelda-1 like mode. There are randomly placed take-any caves that contain one Sword and choices of Heart Container/Blue Potion.""" display_name = "Retro Caves" class RestrictBossItem(Toggle): """Don't place dungeon-native items on the dungeon's boss.""" display_name = "Prevent Dungeon Item on Boss" class Hints(Choice): """On/Full: Put item and entrance placement hints on telepathic tiles and some NPCs, Full removes joke hints.""" display_name = "Hints" option_off = 0 option_on = 2 option_full = 3 default = 2 alias_false = 0 alias_true = 2 class Scams(Choice): """If on, these Merchants will no longer tell you what they're selling.""" display_name = "Scams" option_off = 0 option_king_zora = 1 option_bottle_merchant = 2 option_all = 3 alias_false = 0 def gives_king_zora_hint(self): return self.value in {0, 2} def gives_bottle_merchant_hint(self): return self.value in {0, 1} class EnemyShuffle(Toggle): """Randomize every enemy spawn. If mode is Standard, Hyrule Castle is left out (may result in visually wrong enemy sprites in that area.)""" display_name = "Enemy Shuffle" class KillableThieves(Toggle): """Makes Thieves killable.""" display_name = "Killable Thieves" class BushShuffle(Toggle): """Randomize chance that a bush contains an enemy as well as which enemy may spawn.""" display_name = "Bush Shuffle" class TileShuffle(Toggle): """Randomize flying tiles floor patterns.""" display_name = "Tile Shuffle" class PotShuffle(Toggle): """Shuffle contents of pots within "supertiles" (item will still be nearby original placement).""" display_name = "Pot Shuffle" class Palette(Choice): option_default = 0 option_good = 1 option_blackout = 2 option_puke = 3 option_classic = 4 option_grayscale = 5 option_negative = 6 option_dizzy = 7 option_sick = 8 class OWPalette(Palette): display_name = "Overworld Palette" class UWPalette(Palette): display_name = "Underworld Palette" class HUDPalette(Palette): display_name = "Menu Palette" class SwordPalette(Palette): display_name = "Sword Palette" class ShieldPalette(Palette): display_name = "Shield Palette" class LinkPalette(Palette): display_name = "Link Palette" class HeartBeep(Choice): display_name = "Heart Beep Rate" option_normal = 0 option_double = 1 option_half = 2 option_quarter = 3 option_off = 4 alias_false = 4 class HeartColor(Choice): display_name = "Heart Color" option_red = 0 option_blue = 1 option_green = 2 option_yellow = 3 class QuickSwap(DefaultOnToggle): display_name = "L/R Quickswapping" class MenuSpeed(Choice): display_name = "Menu Speed" option_normal = 0 option_instant = 1, option_double = 2 option_triple = 3 option_quadruple = 4 option_half = 5 class Music(DefaultOnToggle): display_name = "Play music" class ReduceFlashing(DefaultOnToggle): display_name = "Reduce Screen Flashes" class TriforceHud(Choice): display_name = "Display Method for Triforce Hunt" option_normal = 0 option_hide_goal = 1 option_hide_required = 2 option_hide_both = 3 class BeemizerRange(Range): value: int range_start = 0 range_end = 100 class BeemizerTotalChance(BeemizerRange): """Percentage chance for each junk-fill item (rupees, bombs, arrows) to be replaced with either a bee swarm trap or a single bottle-filling bee.""" default = 0 display_name = "Beemizer Total Chance" class BeemizerTrapChance(BeemizerRange): """Percentage chance for each replaced junk-fill item to be a bee swarm trap; all other replaced items are single bottle-filling bees.""" default = 60 display_name = "Beemizer Trap Chance" class AllowCollect(Toggle): """Allows for !collect / co-op to auto-open chests containing items for other players. Off by default, because it currently crashes on real hardware.""" display_name = "Allow Collection of checks for other players" alttp_options: typing.Dict[str, type(Option)] = { "crystals_needed_for_gt": CrystalsTower, "crystals_needed_for_ganon": CrystalsGanon, "open_pyramid": OpenPyramid, "bigkey_shuffle": bigkey_shuffle, "smallkey_shuffle": smallkey_shuffle, "compass_shuffle": compass_shuffle, "map_shuffle": map_shuffle, "progressive": Progressive, "swordless": Swordless, "retro_bow": RetroBow, "retro_caves": RetroCaves, "hints": Hints, "scams": Scams, "restrict_dungeon_item_on_boss": RestrictBossItem, "pot_shuffle": PotShuffle, "enemy_shuffle": EnemyShuffle, "killable_thieves": KillableThieves, "bush_shuffle": BushShuffle, "shop_item_slots": ShopItemSlots, "shop_price_modifier": ShopPriceModifier, "tile_shuffle": TileShuffle, "ow_palettes": OWPalette, "uw_palettes": UWPalette, "hud_palettes": HUDPalette, "sword_palettes": SwordPalette, "shield_palettes": ShieldPalette, "link_palettes": LinkPalette, "heartbeep": HeartBeep, "heartcolor": HeartColor, "quickswap": QuickSwap, "menuspeed": MenuSpeed, "music": Music, "reduceflashing": ReduceFlashing, "triforcehud": TriforceHud, "glitch_boots": DefaultOnToggle, "beemizer_total_chance": BeemizerTotalChance, "beemizer_trap_chance": BeemizerTrapChance, "death_link": DeathLink, "allow_collect": AllowCollect }