from __future__ import annotations import os import asyncio import typing import bsdiff4 import shutil import Utils from NetUtils import NetworkItem, ClientStatus from worlds import undertale from MultiServer import mark_raw from CommonClient import CommonContext, server_loop, \ gui_enabled, ClientCommandProcessor, get_base_parser from Utils import async_start class UndertaleCommandProcessor(ClientCommandProcessor): def __init__(self, ctx): super().__init__(ctx) def _cmd_resync(self): """Manually trigger a resync.""" if isinstance(self.ctx, UndertaleContext): self.output(f"Syncing items.") self.ctx.syncing = True def _cmd_patch(self): """Patch the game.""" if isinstance(self.ctx, UndertaleContext): os.makedirs(name=os.getcwd() + "\\Undertale", exist_ok=True) self.ctx.patch_game() self.output("Patched.") @mark_raw def _cmd_auto_patch(self, steaminstall: typing.Optional[str] = None): """Patch the game automatically.""" if isinstance(self.ctx, UndertaleContext): os.makedirs(name=os.getcwd() + "\\Undertale", exist_ok=True) tempInstall = steaminstall if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tempInstall, "")): tempInstall = None if tempInstall is None: tempInstall = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Undertale" if not os.path.exists("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Undertale"): tempInstall = "C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Undertale" elif not os.path.exists(tempInstall): tempInstall = "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Undertale" if not os.path.exists("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Undertale"): tempInstall = "C:\\Program Files\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Undertale" if not os.path.exists(tempInstall) or not os.path.exists(tempInstall) or not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tempInstall, "")): self.output("ERROR: Cannot find Undertale. Please rerun the command with the correct folder." " command. \"/auto_patch (Steam directory)\".") else: for file_name in os.listdir(tempInstall): if file_name != "steam_api.dll": shutil.copy(tempInstall+"\\"+file_name, os.getcwd() + "\\Undertale\\" + file_name) self.ctx.patch_game() self.output("Patching successful!") def _cmd_online(self): """Makes you no longer able to see other Undertale players.""" if isinstance(self.ctx, UndertaleContext): self.ctx.update_online_mode(not ("Online" in self.ctx.tags)) if "Online" in self.ctx.tags: self.output(f"Now online.") else: self.output(f"Now offline.") def _cmd_deathlink(self): """Toggles deathlink""" if isinstance(self.ctx, UndertaleContext): self.ctx.deathlink_status = not self.ctx.deathlink_status if self.ctx.deathlink_status: self.output(f"Deathlink enabled.") else: self.output(f"Deathlink disabled.") class UndertaleContext(CommonContext): tags = {"AP", "Online"} game = "Undertale" command_processor = UndertaleCommandProcessor items_handling = 0b111 route = None pieces_needed = None completed_routes = None completed_count = 0 save_game_folder = os.path.expandvars(r"%localappdata%/UNDERTALE") def __init__(self, server_address, password): super().__init__(server_address, password) self.pieces_needed = 0 = "Undertale" self.got_deathlink = False self.syncing = False self.deathlink_status = False self.tem_armor = False self.completed_count = 0 self.completed_routes = {"pacifist": 0, "genocide": 0, "neutral": 0} def patch_game(self): with open(os.getcwd() + "/Undertale/", "rb") as f: patchedFile = bsdiff4.patch(, undertale.data_path("patch.bsdiff")) with open(os.getcwd() + "/Undertale/", "wb") as f: f.write(patchedFile) os.makedirs(name=os.getcwd() + "\\Undertale\\" + "Custom Sprites", exist_ok=True) with open(os.path.expandvars(os.getcwd() + "\\Undertale\\" + "Custom Sprites\\" + "Which Character.txt"), "w") as f: f.writelines(["// Put the folder name of the sprites you want to play as, make sure it is the only " "line other than this one.\n", "frisk"]) f.close() async def server_auth(self, password_requested: bool = False): if password_requested and not self.password: await super().server_auth(password_requested) await self.get_username() await self.send_connect() def clear_undertale_files(self): path = self.save_game_folder self.finished_game = False for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: if "" == file or "scout" == file: os.remove(os.path.join(root, file)) elif file.endswith((".item", ".victory", ".route", ".playerspot", ".mad", ".youDied", ".LV", ".mine", ".flag", ".hint")): os.remove(os.path.join(root, file)) async def connect(self, address: typing.Optional[str] = None): self.clear_undertale_files() await super().connect(address) async def disconnect(self, allow_autoreconnect: bool = False): self.clear_undertale_files() await super().disconnect(allow_autoreconnect) async def connection_closed(self): self.clear_undertale_files() await super().connection_closed() async def shutdown(self): self.clear_undertale_files() await super().shutdown() def update_online_mode(self, online): old_tags = self.tags.copy() if online: self.tags.add("Online") else: self.tags -= {"Online"} if old_tags != self.tags and self.server and not self.server.socket.closed: async_start(self.send_msgs([{"cmd": "ConnectUpdate", "tags": self.tags}])) def on_package(self, cmd: str, args: dict): if cmd == "Connected": = self.slot_info[self.slot].game async_start(process_undertale_cmd(self, cmd, args)) def run_gui(self): from kvui import GameManager class UTManager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago") ] base_title = "Archipelago Undertale Client" self.ui = UTManager(self) self.ui_task = asyncio.create_task(self.ui.async_run(), name="UI") def on_deathlink(self, data: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]): self.got_deathlink = True super().on_deathlink(data) def to_room_name(place_name: str): if place_name == "Old Home Exit": return "room_ruinsexit" elif place_name == "Snowdin Forest": return "room_tundra1" elif place_name == "Snowdin Town Exit": return "room_fogroom" elif place_name == "Waterfall": return "room_water1" elif place_name == "Waterfall Exit": return "room_fire2" elif place_name == "Hotland": return "room_fire_prelab" elif place_name == "Hotland Exit": return "room_fire_precore" elif place_name == "Core": return "room_fire_core1" async def process_undertale_cmd(ctx: UndertaleContext, cmd: str, args: dict): if cmd == "Connected": if not os.path.exists(ctx.save_game_folder): os.mkdir(ctx.save_game_folder) ctx.route = args["slot_data"]["route"] ctx.pieces_needed = args["slot_data"]["key_pieces"] ctx.tem_armor = args["slot_data"]["temy_armor_include"] await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "Get", "keys": [str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone neutral", str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone pacifist", str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone genocide"]}]) await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "SetNotify", "keys": [str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone neutral", str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone pacifist", str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone genocide"]}]) if args["slot_data"]["only_flakes"]: with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, "GenoNoChest.flag"), "w") as f: f.close() if not args["slot_data"]["key_hunt"]: ctx.pieces_needed = 0 if args["slot_data"]["rando_love"]: filename = f"LOVErando.LV" with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, filename), "w") as f: f.close() if args["slot_data"]["rando_stats"]: filename = f"STATrando.LV" with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, filename), "w") as f: f.close() filename = f"{ctx.route}.route" with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, filename), "w") as f: f.close() filename = f"" with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, filename), "a") as f: for ss in ctx.checked_locations: f.write(str(ss-12000)+"\n") f.close() elif cmd == "LocationInfo": for l in args["locations"]: locationid = l.location filename = f"{str(locationid-12000)}.hint" with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, filename), "w") as f: toDraw = "" for i in range(20): if i < len(str(ctx.item_names[l.item])): toDraw += str(ctx.item_names[l.item])[i] else: break f.write(toDraw) f.close() elif cmd == "Retrieved": if str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone neutral" in args["keys"]: if args["keys"][str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone neutral"] is not None: ctx.completed_routes["neutral"] = args["keys"][str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone neutral"] if str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone genocide" in args["keys"]: if args["keys"][str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone genocide"] is not None: ctx.completed_routes["genocide"] = args["keys"][str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone genocide"] if str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone pacifist" in args["keys"]: if args["keys"][str(ctx.slot) + " RoutesDone pacifist"] is not None: ctx.completed_routes["pacifist"] = args["keys"][str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone pacifist"] elif cmd == "SetReply": if args["value"] is not None: if str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone pacifist" == args["key"]: ctx.completed_routes["pacifist"] = args["value"] elif str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone genocide" == args["key"]: ctx.completed_routes["genocide"] = args["value"] elif str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone neutral" == args["key"]: ctx.completed_routes["neutral"] = args["value"] elif cmd == "ReceivedItems": start_index = args["index"] if start_index == 0: ctx.items_received = [] elif start_index != len(ctx.items_received): sync_msg = [{"cmd": "Sync"}] if ctx.locations_checked: sync_msg.append({"cmd": "LocationChecks", "locations": list(ctx.locations_checked)}) await ctx.send_msgs(sync_msg) if start_index == len(ctx.items_received): counter = -1 placedWeapon = 0 placedArmor = 0 for item in args["items"]: id = NetworkItem(*item).location while NetworkItem(*item).location < 0 and \ counter <= id: id -= 1 if NetworkItem(*item).location < 0: counter -= 1 filename = f"{str(id)}PLR{str(NetworkItem(*item).player)}.item" with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, filename), "w") as f: if NetworkItem(*item).item == 77701: if placedWeapon == 0: f.write(str(77013-11000)) elif placedWeapon == 1: f.write(str(77014-11000)) elif placedWeapon == 2: f.write(str(77025-11000)) elif placedWeapon == 3: f.write(str(77045-11000)) elif placedWeapon == 4: f.write(str(77049-11000)) elif placedWeapon == 5: f.write(str(77047-11000)) elif placedWeapon == 6: if str(ctx.route) == "genocide" or str(ctx.route) == "all_routes": f.write(str(77052-11000)) else: f.write(str(77051-11000)) else: f.write(str(77003-11000)) placedWeapon += 1 elif NetworkItem(*item).item == 77702: if placedArmor == 0: f.write(str(77012-11000)) elif placedArmor == 1: f.write(str(77015-11000)) elif placedArmor == 2: f.write(str(77024-11000)) elif placedArmor == 3: f.write(str(77044-11000)) elif placedArmor == 4: f.write(str(77048-11000)) elif placedArmor == 5: if str(ctx.route) == "genocide": f.write(str(77053-11000)) else: f.write(str(77046-11000)) elif placedArmor == 6 and ((not str(ctx.route) == "genocide") or ctx.tem_armor): if str(ctx.route) == "all_routes": f.write(str(77053-11000)) elif str(ctx.route) == "genocide": f.write(str(77064-11000)) else: f.write(str(77050-11000)) elif placedArmor == 7 and ctx.tem_armor and not str(ctx.route) == "genocide": f.write(str(77064-11000)) else: f.write(str(77004-11000)) placedArmor += 1 else: f.write(str(NetworkItem(*item).item-11000)) f.close() ctx.items_received.append(NetworkItem(*item)) if [item.item for item in ctx.items_received].count(77000) >= ctx.pieces_needed > 0: filename = f"{str(-99999)}PLR{str(0)}.item" with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, filename), "w") as f: f.write(str(77787 - 11000)) f.close() filename = f"{str(-99998)}PLR{str(0)}.item" with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, filename), "w") as f: f.write(str(77789 - 11000)) f.close() ctx.watcher_event.set() elif cmd == "RoomUpdate": if "checked_locations" in args: filename = f"" with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, filename), "a") as f: for ss in ctx.checked_locations: f.write(str(ss-12000)+"\n") f.close() elif cmd == "Bounced": tags = args.get("tags", []) if "Online" in tags: data = args.get("worlds/undertale/data", {}) if data["player"] != ctx.slot and data["player"] is not None: filename = f"FRISK" + str(data["player"]) + ".playerspot" with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, filename), "w") as f: f.write(str(data["x"]) + str(data["y"]) + str(data["room"]) + str( data["spr"]) + str(data["frm"])) f.close() async def multi_watcher(ctx: UndertaleContext): while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): path = ctx.save_game_folder for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: if "spots.mine" in file and "Online" in ctx.tags: with open(root + "/" + file, "r") as mine: this_x = mine.readline() this_y = mine.readline() this_room = mine.readline() this_sprite = mine.readline() this_frame = mine.readline() mine.close() message = [{"cmd": "Bounce", "tags": ["Online"], "data": {"player": ctx.slot, "x": this_x, "y": this_y, "room": this_room, "spr": this_sprite, "frm": this_frame}}] await ctx.send_msgs(message) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) async def game_watcher(ctx: UndertaleContext): while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): await ctx.update_death_link(ctx.deathlink_status) path = ctx.save_game_folder if ctx.syncing: for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: if ".item" in file: os.remove(root+"/"+file) sync_msg = [{"cmd": "Sync"}] if ctx.locations_checked: sync_msg.append({"cmd": "LocationChecks", "locations": list(ctx.locations_checked)}) await ctx.send_msgs(sync_msg) ctx.syncing = False if ctx.got_deathlink: ctx.got_deathlink = False with open(os.path.join(ctx.save_game_folder, "/WelcomeToTheDead.youDied"), "w") as f: f.close() sending = [] victory = False found_routes = 0 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for file in files: if "DontBeMad.mad" in file and "DeathLink" in ctx.tags: os.remove(root+"/"+file) await ctx.send_death() if "scout" == file: sending = [] with open(root+"/"+file, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: if ctx.server_locations.__contains__(int(l)+12000): sending = sending + [int(l)+12000] await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "LocationScouts", "locations": sending, "create_as_hint": int(2)}]) os.remove(root+"/"+file) if "" in file: sending = [] with open(root+"/"+file, "r") as f: lines = f.readlines() for l in lines: sending = sending+[(int(l))+12000] message = [{"cmd": "LocationChecks", "locations": sending}] await ctx.send_msgs(message) if "victory" in file and str(ctx.route) in file: victory = True if ".playerspot" in file and "Online" not in ctx.tags: os.remove(root+"/"+file) if "victory" in file: if str(ctx.route) == "all_routes": if "neutral" in file and ctx.completed_routes["neutral"] != 1: await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "Set", "key": str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone neutral", "default": 0, "want_reply": True, "operations": [{"operation": "max", "value": 1}]}]) elif "pacifist" in file and ctx.completed_routes["pacifist"] != 1: await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "Set", "key": str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone pacifist", "default": 0, "want_reply": True, "operations": [{"operation": "max", "value": 1}]}]) elif "genocide" in file and ctx.completed_routes["genocide"] != 1: await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "Set", "key": str(ctx.slot)+" RoutesDone genocide", "default": 0, "want_reply": True, "operations": [{"operation": "max", "value": 1}]}]) if str(ctx.route) == "all_routes": found_routes += ctx.completed_routes["neutral"] found_routes += ctx.completed_routes["pacifist"] found_routes += ctx.completed_routes["genocide"] if str(ctx.route) == "all_routes" and found_routes >= 3: victory = True ctx.locations_checked = sending if (not ctx.finished_game) and victory: await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}]) ctx.finished_game = True await asyncio.sleep(0.1) def main(): Utils.init_logging("UndertaleClient", exception_logger="Client") async def _main(): ctx = UndertaleContext(None, None) ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx), name="server loop") asyncio.create_task( game_watcher(ctx), name="UndertaleProgressionWatcher") asyncio.create_task( multi_watcher(ctx), name="UndertaleMultiplayerWatcher") if gui_enabled: ctx.run_gui() ctx.run_cli() await ctx.exit_event.wait() await ctx.shutdown() import colorama colorama.init() colorama.deinit() if __name__ == "__main__": parser = get_base_parser(description="Undertale Client, for text interfacing.") args = parser.parse_args() main()