# Running From Source If you just want to play and there is a compiled version available on the [Archipelago releases page](https://github.com/ArchipelagoMW/Archipelago/releases), use that version. These steps are for developers or platforms without compiled releases available. ## General What you'll need: * [Python 3.8.7 or newer](https://www.python.org/downloads/), not the Windows Store version * **Python 3.11 does not work currently** * pip: included in downloads from python.org, separate in many Linux distributions * Matching C compiler * possibly optional, read operating system specific sections Then run any of the starting point scripts, like Generate.py, and the included ModuleUpdater should prompt to install or update the required modules and after pressing enter proceed to install everything automatically. After this, you should be able to run the programs. * With yaml(s) in the `Players` folder, `Generate.py` will generate the multiworld archive. * `MultiServer.py`, with the filename of the generated archive as a command line parameter, will host the multiworld locally. * `--log_network` is a command line parameter useful for debugging. * `WebHost.py` will host the website on your computer. * You can copy `docs/webhost configuration sample.yaml` to `config.yaml` to change WebHost options (like the web hosting port number). * As a side effect, `WebHost.py` creates the template yamls for all the games in `WebHostLib/static/generated`. ## Windows Recommended steps * Download and install a "Windows installer (64-bit)" from the [Python download page](https://www.python.org/downloads) * **Python 3.11 does not work currently** * **Optional**: Download and install Visual Studio Build Tools from [Visual Studio Build Tools](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/visual-cpp-build-tools/). * Refer to [Windows Compilers on the python wiki](https://wiki.python.org/moin/WindowsCompilers) for details. Generally, selecting the box for "Desktop Development with C++" will provide what you need. * Build tools are not required if all modules are installed pre-compiled. Pre-compiled modules are pinned on [Discord in #archipelago-dev](https://discord.com/channels/731205301247803413/731214280439103580/905154456377757808) * It is recommended to use [PyCharm IDE](https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/) * Run Generate.py which will prompt installation of missing modules, press enter to confirm * In PyCharm: right-click Generate.py and select `Run 'Generate'` * Without PyCharm: open a command prompt in the source folder and type `py Generate.py` ## macOS Refer to [Guide to Run Archipelago from Source Code on macOS](../worlds/generic/docs/mac_en.md). ## Optional: A Link to the Past Enemizer Only required to generate seeds that include A Link to the Past with certain options enabled. You will receive an error if it is required. You can get the latest Enemizer release at [Enemizer Github releases](https://github.com/Ijwu/Enemizer/releases). It should be dropped as "EnemizerCLI" into the root folder of the project. Alternatively, you can point the Enemizer setting in host.yaml at your Enemizer executable. ## Optional: SNI [SNI](https://github.com/alttpo/sni/blob/main/README.md) is required to use SNIClient. If not integrated into the project, it has to be started manually. You can get the latest SNI release at [SNI Github releases](https://github.com/alttpo/sni/releases). It should be dropped as "SNI" into the root folder of the project. Alternatively, you can point the sni setting in host.yaml at your SNI folder. ## Running tests Run `pip install pytest pytest-subtests`, then use your IDE to run tests or run `pytest` from the source folder.