from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Set from .locations import base_id from .text import cv64_text_wrap, cv64_string_to_bytearray from NetUtils import ClientStatus import worlds._bizhawk as bizhawk import base64 from worlds._bizhawk.client import BizHawkClient if TYPE_CHECKING: from worlds._bizhawk.context import BizHawkClientContext class Castlevania64Client(BizHawkClient): game = "Castlevania 64" system = "N64" patch_suffix = ".apcv64" self_induced_death = False received_deathlinks = 0 death_causes = [] currently_shopping = False local_checked_locations: Set[int] def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.local_checked_locations = set() async def validate_rom(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext") -> bool: from CommonClient import logger try: # Check ROM name/patch version game_names = await, [(0x20, 0x14, "ROM"), (0xBFBFD0, 12, "ROM")]) if game_names[0].decode("ascii") != "CASTLEVANIA ": return False if game_names[1] == b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00':"ERROR: You appear to be running an unpatched version of Castlevania 64. " "You need to generate a patch file and use it to create a patched ROM.") return False if game_names[1].decode("ascii") != "ARCHIPELAGO1":"ERROR: The patch file used to create this ROM is not compatible with " "this client. Double check your client version against the version being " "used by the generator.") return False except UnicodeDecodeError: return False except bizhawk.RequestFailedError: return False # Should verify on the next pass = ctx.items_handling = 0b001 ctx.want_slot_data = False ctx.watcher_timeout = 0.125 return True async def set_auth(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext") -> None: auth_raw = (await, [(0xBFBFE0, 16, "ROM")]))[0] ctx.auth = base64.b64encode(auth_raw).decode("utf-8") def on_package(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext", cmd: str, args: dict) -> None: if cmd != "Bounced": return if "tags" not in args: return if "DeathLink" in args["tags"] and args["data"]["source"] != ctx.slot_info[ctx.slot].name: self.received_deathlinks += 1 if "cause" in args["data"]: cause = args["data"]["cause"] # Truncate the death cause message at 120 characters. if len(cause) > 120: cause = cause[0:120] else: cause = f"{args['data']['source']} killed you!" self.death_causes.append(cause) async def game_watcher(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext") -> None: try: read_state = await, [(0x342084, 4, "RDRAM"), (0x389BDE, 6, "RDRAM"), (0x389BE4, 224, "RDRAM"), (0x389EFB, 1, "RDRAM"), (0x389EEF, 1, "RDRAM"), (0xBFBFDE, 2, "ROM")]) game_state = int.from_bytes(read_state[0], "big") save_struct = read_state[2] written_deathlinks = int.from_bytes(bytearray(read_state[1][4:6]), "big") deathlink_induced_death = int.from_bytes(bytearray(read_state[1][0:1]), "big") cutscene_value = int.from_bytes(read_state[3], "big") current_menu = int.from_bytes(read_state[4], "big") num_received_items = int.from_bytes(bytearray(save_struct[0xDA:0xDC]), "big") rom_flags = int.from_bytes(read_state[5], "big") # Make sure we are in the Gameplay or Credits states before detecting sent locations and/or DeathLinks. # If we are in any other state, such as the Game Over state, set self_induced_death to false, so we can once # again send a DeathLink once we are back in the Gameplay state. if game_state not in [0x00000002, 0x0000000B]: self.self_induced_death = False return # Enable DeathLink if the bit for it is set in our ROM flags. if "DeathLink" not in ctx.tags and rom_flags & 0x0100: await ctx.update_death_link(True) # Scout the Renon shop locations if the shopsanity flag is written in the ROM. if rom_flags & 0x0001 and ctx.locations_info == {}: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "LocationScouts", "locations": [base_id + i for i in range(0x1C8, 0x1CF)], "create_as_hint": 0 }]) # Send a DeathLink if we died on our own independently of receiving another one. if "DeathLink" in ctx.tags and save_struct[0xA4] & 0x80 and not self.self_induced_death and not \ deathlink_induced_death: self.self_induced_death = True if save_struct[0xA4] & 0x08: # Special death message for dying while having the Vamp status. await ctx.send_death(f"{ctx.player_names[ctx.slot]} became a vampire and drank your blood!") else: await ctx.send_death(f"{ctx.player_names[ctx.slot]} perished. Dracula has won!") # Write any DeathLinks received along with the corresponding death cause starting with the oldest. # To minimize Bizhawk Write jank, the DeathLink write will be prioritized over the item received one. if self.received_deathlinks and not self.self_induced_death and not written_deathlinks: death_text, num_lines = cv64_text_wrap(self.death_causes[0], 96) await bizhawk.write(ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [(0x389BE3, [0x01], "RDRAM"), (0x389BDF, [0x11], "RDRAM"), (0x18BF98, bytearray([0xA2, 0x0B]) + cv64_string_to_bytearray(death_text, False), "RDRAM"), (0x18C097, [num_lines], "RDRAM")]) self.received_deathlinks -= 1 del self.death_causes[0] else: # If the game hasn't received all items yet, the received item struct doesn't contain an item, the # current number of received items still matches what we read before, and there are no open text boxes, # then fill it with the next item and write the "item from player" text in its buffer. The game will # increment the number of received items on its own. if num_received_items < len(ctx.items_received): next_item = ctx.items_received[num_received_items] if next_item.flags & 0b001: text_color = bytearray([0xA2, 0x0C]) elif next_item.flags & 0b010: text_color = bytearray([0xA2, 0x0A]) elif next_item.flags & 0b100: text_color = bytearray([0xA2, 0x0B]) else: text_color = bytearray([0xA2, 0x02]) # Get the item's player's name. If it's longer than 40 characters, truncate it at 40. # 35 should be the max number of characters in a server player name right now (16 for the original # name + 16 for the alias + 3 for the added parenthesis and space), but if it ever goes higher it # should be future-proofed now. No need to truncate CV64 items names because its longest item name # gets nowhere near the limit. player_name = ctx.player_names[next_item.player] if len(player_name) > 40: player_name = player_name[0:40] received_text, num_lines = cv64_text_wrap(f"{ctx.item_names.lookup_in_game(next_item.item)}\n" f"from {player_name}", 96) await bizhawk.guarded_write(ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [(0x389BE1, [next_item.item & 0xFF], "RDRAM"), (0x18C0A8, text_color + cv64_string_to_bytearray(received_text, False), "RDRAM"), (0x18C1A7, [num_lines], "RDRAM")], [(0x389BE1, [0x00], "RDRAM"), # Remote item reward buffer (0x389CBE, save_struct[0xDA:0xDC], "RDRAM"), # Received items (0x342891, [0x02], "RDRAM")]) # Textbox state flag_bytes = bytearray(save_struct[0x00:0x44]) + bytearray(save_struct[0x90:0x9F]) locs_to_send = set() # Check for set location flags. for byte_i, byte in enumerate(flag_bytes): for i in range(8): and_value = 0x80 >> i if byte & and_value != 0: flag_id = byte_i * 8 + i location_id = flag_id + base_id if location_id in ctx.server_locations: locs_to_send.add(location_id) # Send locations if there are any to send. if locs_to_send != self.local_checked_locations: self.local_checked_locations = locs_to_send if locs_to_send is not None: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "LocationChecks", "locations": list(locs_to_send) }]) # Check the menu value to see if we are in Renon's shop, and set currently_shopping to True if we are. if current_menu == 0xA: self.currently_shopping = True # If we are currently shopping, and the current menu value is 0 (meaning we just left the shop), hint the # un-bought shop locations that have progression. if current_menu == 0 and self.currently_shopping: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "LocationScouts", "locations": [loc for loc, n_item in ctx.locations_info.items() if n_item.flags & 0b001], "create_as_hint": 2 }]) self.currently_shopping = False # Send game clear if we're in either any ending cutscene or the credits state. if not ctx.finished_game and (0x26 <= int(cutscene_value) <= 0x2E or game_state == 0x0000000B): await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL }]) except bizhawk.RequestFailedError: # Exit handler and return to main loop to reconnect. pass