import functools import logging from typing import Any, Dict, List from BaseClasses import Entrance, CollectionState, Item, Location, MultiWorld, Region, Tutorial from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World from . import Items, Locations, Maps, Regions, Rules from .Options import DOOM2Options logger = logging.getLogger("DOOM II") DOOM_TYPE_LEVEL_COMPLETE = -2 DOOM_TYPE_COMPUTER_AREA_MAP = 2026 class DOOM2Location(Location): game: str = "DOOM II" class DOOM2Item(Item): game: str = "DOOM II" class DOOM2Web(WebWorld): tutorials = [Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide to setting up the DOOM II randomizer connected to an Archipelago Multiworld", "English", "", "setup/en", ["Daivuk"] )] theme = "dirt" class DOOM2World(World): """ Doom II, also known as Doom II: Hell on Earth, is a first-person shooter game by id Software. It was released for MS-DOS in 1994. Compared to its predecessor, Doom II features larger levels, new enemies, a new "super shotgun" weapon """ options_dataclass = DOOM2Options options: DOOM2Options game = "DOOM II" web = DOOM2Web() required_client_version = (0, 3, 9) item_name_to_id = {data["name"]: item_id for item_id, data in Items.item_table.items()} item_name_groups = Items.item_name_groups location_name_to_id = {data["name"]: loc_id for loc_id, data in Locations.location_table.items()} location_name_groups = Locations.location_name_groups starting_level_for_episode: List[str] = [ "Entryway (MAP01)", "The Factory (MAP12)", "Nirvana (MAP21)" ] # Item ratio that scales depending on episode count. These are the ratio for 3 episode. In DOOM1. # The ratio have been tweaked seem, and feel good. items_ratio: Dict[str, float] = { "Armor": 39, "Mega Armor": 23, "Berserk": 11, "Invulnerability": 10, "Partial invisibility": 18, "Supercharge": 26, "Medikit": 15, "Box of bullets": 13, "Box of rockets": 13, "Box of shotgun shells": 13, "Energy cell pack": 10, "Megasphere": 7 } def __init__(self, multiworld: MultiWorld, player: int): self.included_episodes = [1, 1, 1, 0] self.location_count = 0 super().__init__(multiworld, player) def get_episode_count(self): # Don't include 4th, those are secret levels they are additive return sum(self.included_episodes[:3]) def generate_early(self): # Cache which episodes are included self.included_episodes[0] = self.options.episode1.value self.included_episodes[1] = self.options.episode2.value self.included_episodes[2] = self.options.episode3.value self.included_episodes[3] = self.options.episode4.value # 4th episode are secret levels # If no episodes selected, select Episode 1 if self.get_episode_count() == 0: self.included_episodes[0] = 1 def create_regions(self): pro = # Main regions menu_region = Region("Menu", self.player, self.multiworld) hub_region = Region("Hub", self.player, self.multiworld) self.multiworld.regions += [menu_region, hub_region] menu_region.add_exits(["Hub"]) # Create regions and locations main_regions = [] connections = [] for region_dict in Regions.regions: if not self.included_episodes[region_dict["episode"] - 1]: continue region_name = region_dict["name"] if region_dict["connects_to_hub"]: main_regions.append(region_name) region = Region(region_name, self.player, self.multiworld) region.add_locations({ loc["name"]: loc_id for loc_id, loc in Locations.location_table.items() if loc["region"] == region_name and self.included_episodes[loc["episode"] - 1] }, DOOM2Location) self.multiworld.regions.append(region) for connection_dict in region_dict["connections"]: # Check if it's a pro-only connection if connection_dict["pro"] and not pro: continue connections.append((region, connection_dict["target"])) # Connect main regions to Hub hub_region.add_exits(main_regions) # Do the other connections between regions (They are not all both ways) for connection in connections: source = connection[0] target = self.multiworld.get_region(connection[1], self.player) entrance = Entrance(self.player, f"{} -> {}", source) source.exits.append(entrance) entrance.connect(target) # Sum locations for items creation self.location_count = len(self.multiworld.get_locations(self.player)) def completion_rule(self, state: CollectionState): for map_name in Maps.map_names: if map_name + " - Exit" not in self.location_name_to_id: continue # Exit location names are in form: Entryway (MAP01) - Exit loc = Locations.location_table[self.location_name_to_id[map_name + " - Exit"]] if not self.included_episodes[loc["episode"] - 1]: continue # Map complete item names are in form: Entryway (MAP01) - Complete if not state.has(map_name + " - Complete", self.player, 1): return False return True def set_rules(self): pro = allow_death_logic = self.options.allow_death_logic.value Rules.set_rules(self, self.included_episodes, pro) self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: self.completion_rule(state) # Forbid progression items to locations that can be missed and can't be picked up. (e.g. One-time timed # platform) Unless the user allows for it. if not allow_death_logic: for death_logic_location in Locations.death_logic_locations: self.options.exclude_locations.value.add(death_logic_location) def create_item(self, name: str) -> DOOM2Item: item_id: int = self.item_name_to_id[name] return DOOM2Item(name, Items.item_table[item_id]["classification"], item_id, self.player) def create_items(self): itempool: List[DOOM2Item] = [] start_with_computer_area_maps: bool = self.options.start_with_computer_area_maps.value # Items for item_id, item in Items.item_table.items(): if item["doom_type"] == DOOM_TYPE_LEVEL_COMPLETE: continue # We'll fill it manually later if item["doom_type"] == DOOM_TYPE_COMPUTER_AREA_MAP and start_with_computer_area_maps: continue # We'll fill it manually, and we will put fillers in place if item["episode"] != -1 and not self.included_episodes[item["episode"] - 1]: continue count = item["count"] if item["name"] not in self.starting_level_for_episode else item["count"] - 1 itempool += [self.create_item(item["name"]) for _ in range(count)] # Place end level items in locked locations for map_name in Maps.map_names: loc_name = map_name + " - Exit" item_name = map_name + " - Complete" if loc_name not in self.location_name_to_id: continue if item_name not in self.item_name_to_id: continue loc = Locations.location_table[self.location_name_to_id[loc_name]] if not self.included_episodes[loc["episode"] - 1]: continue self.multiworld.get_location(loc_name, self.player).place_locked_item(self.create_item(item_name)) self.location_count -= 1 # Give starting levels right away for i in range(len(self.starting_level_for_episode)): if self.included_episodes[i]: self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item(self.starting_level_for_episode[i])) # Give Computer area maps if option selected if start_with_computer_area_maps: for item_id, item_dict in Items.item_table.items(): item_episode = item_dict["episode"] if item_episode > 0: if item_dict["doom_type"] == DOOM_TYPE_COMPUTER_AREA_MAP and self.included_episodes[item_episode - 1]: self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item(item_dict["name"])) # Fill the rest starting with powerups, then fillers self.create_ratioed_items("Armor", itempool) self.create_ratioed_items("Mega Armor", itempool) self.create_ratioed_items("Berserk", itempool) self.create_ratioed_items("Invulnerability", itempool) self.create_ratioed_items("Partial invisibility", itempool) self.create_ratioed_items("Supercharge", itempool) self.create_ratioed_items("Megasphere", itempool) while len(itempool) < self.location_count: itempool.append(self.create_item(self.get_filler_item_name())) # add itempool to multiworld self.multiworld.itempool += itempool def get_filler_item_name(self): return self.multiworld.random.choice([ "Medikit", "Box of bullets", "Box of rockets", "Box of shotgun shells", "Energy cell pack" ]) def create_ratioed_items(self, item_name: str, itempool: List[DOOM2Item]): remaining_loc = self.location_count - len(itempool) ep_count = self.get_episode_count() # Was balanced based on DOOM 1993's first 3 episodes count = min(remaining_loc, max(1, int(round(self.items_ratio[item_name] * ep_count / 3)))) if count == 0: logger.warning("Warning, no ", item_name, " will be placed.") return for i in range(count): itempool.append(self.create_item(item_name)) def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return self.options.as_dict("difficulty", "random_monsters", "random_pickups", "random_music", "flip_levels", "allow_death_logic", "pro", "death_link", "reset_level_on_death", "episode1", "episode2", "episode3", "episode4")