from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import copy import json import logging import os import random import re import string import subprocess import sys import time import typing from queue import Queue import factorio_rcon import Utils from CommonClient import ClientCommandProcessor, CommonContext, logger, server_loop, gui_enabled, get_base_parser from MultiServer import mark_raw from NetUtils import ClientStatus, NetworkItem, JSONtoTextParser, JSONMessagePart from Utils import async_start, get_file_safe_name def check_stdin() -> None: if Utils.is_windows and sys.stdin: print("WARNING: Console input is not routed reliably on Windows, use the GUI instead.") class FactorioCommandProcessor(ClientCommandProcessor): ctx: FactorioContext def _cmd_energy_link(self): """Print the status of the energy link.""" self.output(f"Energy Link: {self.ctx.energy_link_status}") @mark_raw def _cmd_factorio(self, text: str) -> bool: """Send the following command to the bound Factorio Server.""" if self.ctx.rcon_client: # TODO: Print the command non-silently only for race seeds, or otherwise block anything but /factorio /save in race seeds. self.ctx.print_to_game(f"/factorio {text}") result = self.ctx.rcon_client.send_command(text) if result: self.output(result) return True return False def _cmd_resync(self): """Manually trigger a resync.""" self.ctx.awaiting_bridge = True def _cmd_toggle_send_filter(self): """Toggle filtering of item sends that get displayed in-game to only those that involve you.""" self.ctx.toggle_filter_item_sends() def _cmd_toggle_chat(self): """Toggle sending of chat messages from players on the Factorio server to Archipelago.""" self.ctx.toggle_bridge_chat_out() class FactorioContext(CommonContext): command_processor = FactorioCommandProcessor game = "Factorio" items_handling = 0b111 # full remote # updated by spinup server mod_version: Utils.Version = Utils.Version(0, 0, 0) def __init__(self, server_address, password, filter_item_sends: bool, bridge_chat_out: bool): super(FactorioContext, self).__init__(server_address, password) self.send_index: int = 0 self.rcon_client = None self.awaiting_bridge = False self.write_data_path = None self.death_link_tick: int = 0 # last send death link on Factorio layer self.factorio_json_text_parser = FactorioJSONtoTextParser(self) self.energy_link_increment = 0 self.last_deplete = 0 self.filter_item_sends: bool = filter_item_sends self.multiplayer: bool = False # whether multiple different players have connected self.bridge_chat_out: bool = bridge_chat_out @property def energylink_key(self) -> str: if self.generator_version >= (0, 4, 2): return f"EnergyLink{}" else: return "EnergyLink" async def server_auth(self, password_requested: bool = False): if password_requested and not self.password: await super(FactorioContext, self).server_auth(password_requested) if self.rcon_client: await get_info(self, self.rcon_client) # retrieve current auth code else: raise Exception("Cannot connect to a server with unknown own identity, " "bridge to Factorio first.") await self.send_connect() def on_print(self, args: dict): super(FactorioContext, self).on_print(args) if self.rcon_client: if not args['text'].startswith(self.player_names[self.slot] + ":"): self.print_to_game(args['text']) def on_print_json(self, args: dict): if self.rcon_client: if (not self.filter_item_sends or not self.is_uninteresting_item_send(args)) \ and not self.is_echoed_chat(args): text = self.factorio_json_text_parser(copy.deepcopy(args["data"])) if not text.startswith( self.player_names[self.slot] + ":"): # TODO: Remove string heuristic in the future. self.print_to_game(text) super(FactorioContext, self).on_print_json(args) @property def savegame_name(self) -> str: return get_file_safe_name(f"AP_{self.seed_name}_{self.auth}")+"" def print_to_game(self, text): self.rcon_client.send_command(f"/ap-print [font=default-large-bold]Archipelago:[/font] " f"{text}") @property def energy_link_status(self) -> str: if not self.energy_link_increment: return "Disabled" elif self.current_energy_link_value is None: return "Standby" else: return f"{Utils.format_SI_prefix(self.current_energy_link_value)}J" def on_deathlink(self, data: dict): if self.rcon_client: self.rcon_client.send_command(f"/ap-deathlink {data['source']}") super(FactorioContext, self).on_deathlink(data) def on_package(self, cmd: str, args: dict): if cmd in {"Connected", "RoomUpdate"}: # catch up sync anything that is already cleared. if "checked_locations" in args and args["checked_locations"]: self.rcon_client.send_commands({item_name: f'/ap-get-technology ap-{item_name}-\t-1' for item_name in args["checked_locations"]}) if cmd == "Connected" and self.energy_link_increment: async_start(self.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "SetNotify", "keys": [self.energylink_key] }])) elif cmd == "SetReply": if args["key"].startswith("EnergyLink"): if self.energy_link_increment and args.get("last_deplete", -1) == self.last_deplete: # it's our deplete request gained = int(args["original_value"] - args["value"]) gained_text = Utils.format_SI_prefix(gained) + "J" if gained: logger.debug(f"EnergyLink: Received {gained_text}. " f"{Utils.format_SI_prefix(args['value'])}J remaining.") self.rcon_client.send_command(f"/ap-energylink {gained}") def on_user_say(self, text: str) -> typing.Optional[str]: # Mirror chat sent from the UI to the Factorio server. self.print_to_game(f"{self.player_names[self.slot]}: {text}") return text async def chat_from_factorio(self, user: str, message: str) -> None: if not self.bridge_chat_out: return # Pass through commands if message.startswith("!"): await self.send_msgs([{"cmd": "Say", "text": message}]) return # Omit messages that contain local coordinates if "[gps=" in message: return prefix = f"({user}) " if self.multiplayer else "" await self.send_msgs([{"cmd": "Say", "text": f"{prefix}{message}"}]) def toggle_filter_item_sends(self) -> None: self.filter_item_sends = not self.filter_item_sends if self.filter_item_sends: announcement = "Item sends are now filtered." else: announcement = "Item sends are no longer filtered." self.print_to_game(announcement) def toggle_bridge_chat_out(self) -> None: self.bridge_chat_out = not self.bridge_chat_out if self.bridge_chat_out: announcement = "Chat is now bridged to Archipelago." else: announcement = "Chat is no longer bridged to Archipelago." self.print_to_game(announcement) def run_gui(self): from kvui import GameManager class FactorioManager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago"), ("FactorioServer", "Factorio Server Log"), ("FactorioWatcher", "Bridge Data Log"), ] base_title = "Archipelago Factorio Client" self.ui = FactorioManager(self) self.ui_task = asyncio.create_task(self.ui.async_run(), name="UI") async def game_watcher(ctx: FactorioContext): bridge_logger = logging.getLogger("FactorioWatcher") next_bridge = time.perf_counter() + 1 try: while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): # TODO: restore on-demand refresh if ctx.rcon_client and time.perf_counter() > next_bridge: next_bridge = time.perf_counter() + 1 ctx.awaiting_bridge = False data = json.loads(ctx.rcon_client.send_command("/ap-sync")) if not ctx.auth: pass # auth failed, wait for new attempt elif data["slot_name"] != ctx.auth: bridge_logger.warning(f"Connected World is not the expected one {data['slot_name']} != {ctx.auth}") elif data["seed_name"] != ctx.seed_name: bridge_logger.warning( f"Connected Multiworld is not the expected one {data['seed_name']} != {ctx.seed_name}") else: data = data["info"] research_data: set[int] = {int(tech_name.split("-")[1]) for tech_name in data["research_done"]} victory = data["victory"] await ctx.update_death_link(data["death_link"]) ctx.multiplayer = data.get("multiplayer", False) if not ctx.finished_game and victory: await ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}]) ctx.finished_game = True if ctx.locations_checked != research_data: bridge_logger.debug( f"New researches done: " f"{[ctx.location_names.lookup_in_game(rid) for rid in research_data - ctx.locations_checked]}") ctx.locations_checked = research_data await ctx.check_locations(research_data) death_link_tick = data.get("death_link_tick", 0) if death_link_tick != ctx.death_link_tick: ctx.death_link_tick = death_link_tick if "DeathLink" in ctx.tags: async_start(ctx.send_death()) if ctx.energy_link_increment: in_world_bridges = data["energy_bridges"] if in_world_bridges: in_world_energy = data["energy"] if in_world_energy < (ctx.energy_link_increment * in_world_bridges): # attempt to refill ctx.last_deplete = time.time() async_start(ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": ctx.energylink_key, "operations": [{"operation": "add", "value": -ctx.energy_link_increment * in_world_bridges}, {"operation": "max", "value": 0}], "last_deplete": ctx.last_deplete }])) # Above Capacity - (len(Bridges) * ENERGY_INCREMENT) elif in_world_energy > (in_world_bridges * ctx.energy_link_increment * 5) - \ ctx.energy_link_increment * in_world_bridges: value = ctx.energy_link_increment * in_world_bridges async_start(ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": ctx.energylink_key, "operations": [{"operation": "add", "value": value}] }])) ctx.rcon_client.send_command( f"/ap-energylink -{value}") logger.debug(f"EnergyLink: Sent {Utils.format_SI_prefix(value)}J") await asyncio.sleep(0.1) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.error("Aborted Factorio Server Bridge") def stream_factorio_output(pipe, queue, process): pipe.reconfigure(errors="replace") def queuer(): while process.poll() is None: text = pipe.readline().strip() if text: queue.put_nowait(text) from threading import Thread thread = Thread(target=queuer, name="Factorio Output Queue", daemon=True) thread.start() return thread async def factorio_server_watcher(ctx: FactorioContext): savegame_name = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ctx.write_data_path, "saves", "Archipelago", ctx.savegame_name)) if not os.path.exists(savegame_name):"Creating savegame {savegame_name}") executable, "--create", savegame_name, "--preset", "archipelago" )) factorio_process = subprocess.Popen((executable, "--start-server", savegame_name, *(str(elem) for elem in server_args)), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, encoding="utf-8")"Started Factorio Server") factorio_queue = Queue() stream_factorio_output(factorio_process.stdout, factorio_queue, factorio_process) stream_factorio_output(factorio_process.stderr, factorio_queue, factorio_process) try: while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): if factorio_process.poll() is not None:"Factorio server has exited.") ctx.exit_event.set() while not factorio_queue.empty(): msg = factorio_queue.get() factorio_queue.task_done() if not ctx.rcon_client and "Starting RCON interface at IP ADDR:" in msg: ctx.rcon_client = factorio_rcon.RCONClient("localhost", rcon_port, rcon_password, timeout=5) if not ctx.server:"Established bridge to Factorio Server. " "Ready to connect to Archipelago via /connect") check_stdin() if not ctx.awaiting_bridge and "Archipelago Bridge Data available for game tick " in msg: ctx.awaiting_bridge = True factorio_server_logger.debug(msg) elif re.match(r"^[0-9.]+ Script @[^ ]+\.lua:\d+: Player command energy-link$", msg): factorio_server_logger.debug(msg) ctx.print_to_game(f"Energy Link: {ctx.energy_link_status}") elif re.match(r"^[0-9.]+ Script @[^ ]+\.lua:\d+: Player command toggle-ap-send-filter$", msg): factorio_server_logger.debug(msg) ctx.toggle_filter_item_sends() elif re.match(r"^[0-9.]+ Script @[^ ]+\.lua:\d+: Player command toggle-ap-chat$", msg): factorio_server_logger.debug(msg) ctx.toggle_bridge_chat_out() else: match = re.match(r"^\d\d\d\d-\d\d-\d\d \d\d:\d\d:\d\d \[CHAT\] ([^:]+): (.*)$", msg) if match: await ctx.chat_from_factorio(, if ctx.rcon_client: commands = {} while ctx.send_index < len(ctx.items_received): transfer_item: NetworkItem = ctx.items_received[ctx.send_index] item_id = transfer_item.item player_name = ctx.player_names[transfer_item.player] item_name = ctx.item_names.lookup_in_game(item_id)"Sending {item_name} to Nauvis from {player_name}.") commands[ctx.send_index] = f"/ap-get-technology {item_name}\t{ctx.send_index}\t{player_name}" ctx.send_index += 1 if commands: ctx.rcon_client.send_commands(commands) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) logging.error("Aborted Factorio Server Bridge") ctx.exit_event.set() finally: if factorio_process.poll() is not None: if ctx.rcon_client: ctx.rcon_client.close() ctx.rcon_client = None return sent_quit = False if ctx.rcon_client: # Attempt clean quit through RCON. try: ctx.rcon_client.send_command("/quit") except factorio_rcon.RCONNetworkError: pass else: sent_quit = True ctx.rcon_client.close() ctx.rcon_client = None if not sent_quit: # Attempt clean quit using SIGTERM. (Note that on Windows this kills the process instead.) factorio_process.terminate() try: factorio_process.wait(10) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: factorio_process.kill() async def get_info(ctx: FactorioContext, rcon_client: factorio_rcon.RCONClient): info = json.loads(rcon_client.send_command("/ap-rcon-info")) ctx.auth = info["slot_name"] ctx.seed_name = info["seed_name"] death_link = info["death_link"] ctx.energy_link_increment = info.get("energy_link", 0) logger.debug(f"Energy Link Increment: {ctx.energy_link_increment}") if ctx.energy_link_increment and ctx.ui: ctx.ui.enable_energy_link() await ctx.update_death_link(death_link) async def factorio_spinup_server(ctx: FactorioContext) -> bool: savegame_name = os.path.abspath("") if not os.path.exists(savegame_name):"Creating savegame {savegame_name}") executable, "--create", savegame_name )) factorio_process = subprocess.Popen( (executable, "--start-server", savegame_name, *(str(elem) for elem in server_args)), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL, encoding="utf-8")"Started Information Exchange Factorio Server") factorio_queue = Queue() stream_factorio_output(factorio_process.stdout, factorio_queue, factorio_process) stream_factorio_output(factorio_process.stderr, factorio_queue, factorio_process) rcon_client = None try: while not ctx.auth: while not factorio_queue.empty(): msg = factorio_queue.get() if "Loading mod AP-" in msg and msg.endswith("(data.lua)"): parts = msg.split() ctx.mod_version = Utils.Version(*(int(number) for number in parts[-2].split("."))) elif "Write data path: " in msg: ctx.write_data_path = Utils.get_text_between(msg, "Write data path: ", " [") if "AppData" in ctx.write_data_path: logger.warning("It appears your mods are loaded from Appdata, " "this can lead to problems with multiple Factorio instances. " "If this is the case, you will get a file locked error running Factorio.") elif "Couldn't create lock file" in msg: raise Exception(f"This Factorio (at {executable}) is either already running, " "or a Factorio sharing data directories is already running. " "Server could not start up.") if not rcon_client and "Starting RCON interface at IP ADDR:" in msg: rcon_client = factorio_rcon.RCONClient("localhost", rcon_port, rcon_password) if ctx.mod_version == ctx.__class__.mod_version: raise Exception("No Archipelago mod was loaded. Aborting.") await get_info(ctx, rcon_client) await asyncio.sleep(0.01) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e, extra={"compact_gui": True}) msg = "Aborted Factorio Server Bridge" logger.error(msg) ctx.gui_error(msg, e) ctx.exit_event.set() else: f"Got World Information from AP Mod {tuple(ctx.mod_version)} for seed {ctx.seed_name} in slot {ctx.auth}") return True finally: factorio_process.terminate() factorio_process.wait(5) return False async def main(args, filter_item_sends: bool, filter_bridge_chat_out: bool): ctx = FactorioContext(args.connect, args.password, filter_item_sends, filter_bridge_chat_out) ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx), name="ServerLoop") if gui_enabled: ctx.run_gui() ctx.run_cli() factorio_server_task = asyncio.create_task(factorio_spinup_server(ctx), name="FactorioSpinupServer") successful_launch = await factorio_server_task if successful_launch: factorio_server_task = asyncio.create_task(factorio_server_watcher(ctx), name="FactorioServer") progression_watcher = asyncio.create_task( game_watcher(ctx), name="FactorioProgressionWatcher") await ctx.exit_event.wait() ctx.server_address = None await progression_watcher await factorio_server_task await ctx.shutdown() class FactorioJSONtoTextParser(JSONtoTextParser): def _handle_color(self, node: JSONMessagePart): colors = node["color"].split(";") for color in colors: if color in self.color_codes: node["text"] = f"[color=#{self.color_codes[color]}]{node['text']}[/color]" return self._handle_text(node) return self._handle_text(node) parser = get_base_parser(description="Optional arguments to FactorioClient follow. " "Remaining arguments get passed into bound Factorio instance." "Refer to Factorio --help for those.") parser.add_argument('--rcon-port', default='24242', type=int, help='Port to use to communicate with Factorio') parser.add_argument('--rcon-password', help='Password to authenticate with RCON.') parser.add_argument('--server-settings', help='Factorio server settings configuration file.') args, rest = parser.parse_known_args() rcon_port = args.rcon_port rcon_password = args.rcon_password if args.rcon_password else ''.join( random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for x in range(32)) factorio_server_logger = logging.getLogger("FactorioServer") options = Utils.get_settings() executable = options["factorio_options"]["executable"] server_settings = args.server_settings if args.server_settings \ else options["factorio_options"].get("server_settings", None) server_args = ("--rcon-port", rcon_port, "--rcon-password", rcon_password) def launch(): import colorama global executable, server_settings, server_args colorama.init() if server_settings: server_settings = os.path.abspath(server_settings) if not isinstance(options["factorio_options"]["filter_item_sends"], bool): logging.warning(f"Warning: Option filter_item_sends should be a bool.") initial_filter_item_sends = bool(options["factorio_options"]["filter_item_sends"]) if not isinstance(options["factorio_options"]["bridge_chat_out"], bool): logging.warning(f"Warning: Option bridge_chat_out should be a bool.") initial_bridge_chat_out = bool(options["factorio_options"]["bridge_chat_out"]) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(executable)): raise FileNotFoundError(f"Path {os.path.dirname(executable)} does not exist or could not be accessed.") if os.path.isdir(executable): # user entered a path to a directory, let's find the executable therein executable = os.path.join(executable, "factorio") if not os.path.isfile(executable): if os.path.isfile(executable + ".exe"): executable = executable + ".exe" else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"Path {executable} is not an executable file.") if server_settings and os.path.isfile(server_settings): server_args = ( "--rcon-port", rcon_port, "--rcon-password", rcon_password, "--server-settings", server_settings, *rest) else: server_args = ("--rcon-port", rcon_port, "--rcon-password", rcon_password, *rest), initial_filter_item_sends, initial_bridge_chat_out)) colorama.deinit()