from __future__ import annotations

import functools
import pkgutil
import string
from collections import Counter
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor
from typing import Dict, Set, FrozenSet, Tuple, Union, List, Any, Optional

import orjson

import Utils
from . import Options

factorio_tech_id = factorio_base_id = 2 ** 17

pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(1)

# Factorio technologies are imported from a .json document in /data
def load_json_data(data_name: str) -> Union[List[str], Dict[str, Any]]:
    return orjson.loads(pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "data/" + data_name + ".json"))

techs_future = pool.submit(load_json_data, "techs")
recipes_future = pool.submit(load_json_data, "recipes")
resources_future = pool.submit(load_json_data, "resources")
machines_future = pool.submit(load_json_data, "machines")
fluids_future = pool.submit(load_json_data, "fluids")
items_future = pool.submit(load_json_data, "items")

tech_table: Dict[str, int] = {}
technology_table: Dict[str, Technology] = {}

start_unlocked_recipes = {

def always(state) -> bool:
    return True

class FactorioElement:
    name: str

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({})"

    def __hash__(self):
        return hash(

class Technology(FactorioElement):  # maybe make subclass of Location?
    factorio_id: int
    progressive: Tuple[str]
    unlocks: Union[Set[str], bool]  # bool case is for progressive technologies
    modifiers: list[str]

    def __init__(self, technology_name: str, factorio_id: int, progressive: Tuple[str] = (),
                 modifiers: list[str] = None, unlocks: Union[Set[str], bool] = None): = technology_name
        self.factorio_id = factorio_id = progressive
        if modifiers is None:
            modifiers = []
        self.modifiers =  modifiers
        if unlocks:
            self.unlocks = unlocks
            self.unlocks = set()

    def __hash__(self):
        return self.factorio_id

    def has_modifier(self) -> bool:
        return bool(self.modifiers)

    def get_custom(self, world, allowed_packs: Set[str], player: int) -> CustomTechnology:
        return CustomTechnology(self, world, allowed_packs, player)

    def useful(self) -> bool:
        return self.has_modifier or self.unlocks

class CustomTechnology(Technology):
    """A particularly configured Technology for a world."""
    ingredients: Set[str]

    def __init__(self, origin: Technology, world, allowed_packs: Set[str], player: int):
        ingredients = allowed_packs
        self.player = player
        if not in world.special_nodes:
            ingredients = set(world.random.sample(list(ingredients), world.random.randint(1, len(ingredients))))
        self.ingredients = ingredients
        super(CustomTechnology, self).__init__(, origin.factorio_id)

    def get_prior_technologies(self) -> Set[Technology]:
        """Get Technologies that have to precede this one to resolve tree connections."""
        technologies = set()
        for ingredient in self.ingredients:
            technologies |= required_technologies[ingredient]  # technologies that unlock the recipes
        return technologies

class Recipe(FactorioElement):
    name: str
    category: str
    ingredients: Dict[str, int]
    products: Dict[str, int]
    energy: float

    def __init__(self, name: str, category: str, ingredients: Dict[str, int], products: Dict[str, int], energy: float): = name
        self.category = category
        self.ingredients = ingredients
        self.products = products = energy

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({})"

    def crafting_machine(self) -> str:
        """cheapest crafting machine name able to run this recipe"""
        return machine_per_category[self.category]

    def unlocking_technologies(self) -> Set[Technology]:
        """Unlocked by any of the returned technologies. Empty set indicates a starting recipe."""
        return {technology_table[tech_name] for tech_name in recipe_sources.get(, ())}

    def recursive_unlocking_technologies(self) -> Set[Technology]:
        base = {technology_table[tech_name] for tech_name in recipe_sources.get(, ())}
        for ingredient in self.ingredients:
            base |= required_technologies[ingredient]
        base |= required_technologies[self.crafting_machine]
        return base

    def rel_cost(self) -> float:
        ingredients = sum(self.ingredients.values())
        return min(ingredients / amount for product, amount in self.products.items())

    def base_cost(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
        ingredients = Counter()
            for ingredient, cost in self.ingredients.items():
                if ingredient in all_product_sources:
                    for recipe in all_product_sources[ingredient]:
                        if recipe.ingredients:
                            ingredients.update({name: amount * cost / recipe.products[ingredient] for name, amount in
                            ingredients[ingredient] += * cost / recipe.products[ingredient]
                    ingredients[ingredient] += cost
        except RecursionError as e:
            raise Exception(f"Infinite recursion in ingredients of {self}.") from e
        return ingredients

    def total_energy(self) -> float:
        """Total required energy (crafting time) for single craft"""
        # TODO: multiply mining energy by 2 since drill has 0.5 speed
        total_energy =
        for ingredient, cost in self.ingredients.items():
            if ingredient in all_product_sources:
                selected_recipe_energy = float('inf')
                for ingredient_recipe in all_product_sources[ingredient]:
                    craft_count = max((n for name, n in ingredient_recipe.products.items() if name == ingredient))
                    recipe_energy = ingredient_recipe.total_energy / craft_count * cost
                    if recipe_energy < selected_recipe_energy:
                        selected_recipe_energy = recipe_energy
                total_energy += selected_recipe_energy
        return total_energy

class Machine(FactorioElement):
    def __init__(self, name, categories): str = name
        self.categories: set = categories

recipe_sources: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {}  # recipe_name -> technology source
mining_with_fluid_sources: set[str] = set()

# recipes and technologies can share names in Factorio
for technology_name, data in sorted(techs_future.result().items()):
    technology = Technology(
        modifiers=data.get("modifiers", []),
        unlocks=set(data["unlocks"]) - start_unlocked_recipes,
    factorio_tech_id += 1
    tech_table[technology_name] = technology.factorio_id
    technology_table[technology_name] = technology
    for recipe_name in technology.unlocks:
        recipe_sources.setdefault(recipe_name, set()).add(technology_name)
    if "mining-with-fluid" in technology.modifiers:
del techs_future

recipes = {}
all_product_sources: Dict[str, Set[Recipe]] = {"character": set()}
# add uranium mining to logic graph. TODO: add to automatic extractor for mod support
raw_recipes = recipes_future.result()
del recipes_future
for resource_name, resource_data in resources_future.result().items():
    raw_recipes[f"mining-{resource_name}"] = {
        "ingredients": {resource_data["required_fluid"]: resource_data["fluid_amount"]}
        if "required_fluid" in resource_data else {},
        "products": {data["name"]: data["amount"] for data in resource_data["products"].values()},
        "energy": resource_data["mining_time"],
        "category": resource_data["category"]
    if "required_fluid" in resource_data:
        recipe_sources.setdefault(f"mining-{resource_name}", set()).update(mining_with_fluid_sources)
del resources_future

for recipe_name, recipe_data in raw_recipes.items():
    # example:
    # "accumulator":{"ingredients":{"iron-plate":2,"battery":5},"products":{"accumulator":1},"category":"crafting"}
    # FIXME: add mining?
    recipe = Recipe(recipe_name, recipe_data["category"], recipe_data["ingredients"],
                    recipe_data["products"], recipe_data["energy"] if "energy" in recipe_data else 0)
    recipes[recipe_name] = recipe
    if set(recipe.products).isdisjoint(
            # prevents loop recipes like uranium centrifuging
            set(recipe.ingredients)) and ("barrel" not in recipe.products or == "barrel") and \
            not recipe_name.endswith("-reprocessing"):
        for product_name in recipe.products:
            all_product_sources.setdefault(product_name, set()).add(recipe)

assert all(recipe_name in raw_recipes for recipe_name in start_unlocked_recipes), "Unknown Recipe defined."

machines: Dict[str, Machine] = {}

for name, categories in machines_future.result().items():
    machine = Machine(name, set(categories))
    machines[name] = machine

# add electric mining drill as a crafting machine to resolve basic-solid (mining)
machines["electric-mining-drill"] = Machine("electric-mining-drill", {"basic-solid"})
machines["pumpjack"] = Machine("pumpjack", {"basic-fluid"})
machines["assembling-machine-1"].categories.add("crafting-with-fluid")  # mod enables this
machines["character"].categories.add("basic-crafting")  # somehow this is implied and not exported

del machines_future

# build requirements graph for all technology ingredients

all_ingredient_names: Set[str] = set(Options.MaxSciencePack.get_ordered_science_packs())

def unlock_just_tech(recipe: Recipe, _done) -> Set[Technology]:
    current_technologies = recipe.unlocking_technologies
    for ingredient_name in recipe.ingredients:
        current_technologies |= recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient_name, _done,
    return current_technologies

def unlock(recipe: Recipe, _done) -> Set[Technology]:
    current_technologies = recipe.unlocking_technologies
    for ingredient_name in recipe.ingredients:
        current_technologies |= recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient_name, _done, unlock_func=unlock)
    current_technologies |= required_category_technologies[recipe.category]

    return current_technologies

def recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient_name, _done=None, unlock_func=unlock_just_tech) -> Set[
    if _done:
        if ingredient_name in _done:
            return set()
        _done = {ingredient_name}
    recipes = all_product_sources.get(ingredient_name)
    if not recipes:
        return set()
    current_technologies = set()
    for recipe in recipes:
        current_technologies |= unlock_func(recipe, _done)

    return current_technologies

required_machine_technologies: Dict[str, FrozenSet[Technology]] = {}
for ingredient_name in machines:
    required_machine_technologies[ingredient_name] = frozenset(recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient_name))

logical_machines = {}
machine_tech_cost = {}
for machine in machines.values():
    for category in machine.categories:
        current_cost, current_machine = machine_tech_cost.get(category, (10000, "character"))
        machine_cost = len(required_machine_technologies[])
        if machine_cost < current_cost:
            machine_tech_cost[category] = machine_cost,

machine_per_category: Dict[str: str] = {}
for category, (cost, machine_name) in machine_tech_cost.items():
    machine_per_category[category] = machine_name

del machine_tech_cost

# required technologies to be able to craft recipes from a certain category
required_category_technologies: Dict[str, FrozenSet[FrozenSet[Technology]]] = {}
for category_name, machine_name in machine_per_category.items():
    techs = set()
    techs |= recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(machine_name)
    required_category_technologies[category_name] = frozenset(techs)

required_technologies: Dict[str, FrozenSet[Technology]] = Utils.KeyedDefaultDict(lambda ingredient_name: frozenset(
    recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient_name, unlock_func=unlock)))

def get_rocket_requirements(silo_recipe: Optional[Recipe], part_recipe: Recipe,
                            satellite_recipe: Optional[Recipe], cargo_landing_pad_recipe: Optional[Recipe]) -> Set[str]:
    techs = set()
    if silo_recipe:
        for ingredient in silo_recipe.ingredients:
            techs |= recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient)
    for ingredient in part_recipe.ingredients:
        techs |= recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient)
    if cargo_landing_pad_recipe:
        for ingredient in cargo_landing_pad_recipe.ingredients:
            techs |= recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient)
    if satellite_recipe:
        techs |= satellite_recipe.unlocking_technologies
        for ingredient in satellite_recipe.ingredients:
            techs |= recursively_get_unlocking_technologies(ingredient)
    return { for tech in techs}

free_sample_exclusions: Set[str] = all_ingredient_names | {"rocket-part"}

# progressive technologies
# auto-progressive
progressive_rows: Dict[str, Union[List[str], Tuple[str, ...]]] = {}
progressive_incs = set()
for tech_name in tech_table:
    if tech_name.endswith("-1"):
        progressive_rows[tech_name] = []
    elif tech_name[-2] == "-" and tech_name[-1] in string.digits:

for root, progressive in progressive_rows.items():
    seeking = root[:-1] + str(int(root[-1]) + 1)
    while seeking in progressive_incs:
        seeking = seeking[:-1] + str(int(seeking[-1]) + 1)

# make root entry the progressive name
for old_name in set(progressive_rows):
    prog_name = "progressive-" + old_name.rsplit("-", 1)[0]
    progressive_rows[prog_name] = tuple([old_name] + progressive_rows[old_name])
    del (progressive_rows[old_name])

# no -1 start
base_starts = set()
for remnant in progressive_incs:
    if remnant[-1] == "2":

for root in base_starts:
    seeking = root + "-2"
    progressive = [root]
    while seeking in progressive_incs:
        seeking = seeking[:-1] + str(int(seeking[-1]) + 1)
    progressive_rows["progressive-" + root] = tuple(progressive)

# science packs
progressive_rows["progressive-science-pack"] = tuple(Options.MaxSciencePack.get_ordered_science_packs())[1:]

# manual progressive
progressive_rows["progressive-processing"] = (
    "oil-processing", "sulfur-processing", "advanced-oil-processing", "coal-liquefaction",
    "uranium-processing", "kovarex-enrichment-process", "nuclear-fuel-reprocessing")
progressive_rows["progressive-rocketry"] = ("rocketry", "explosive-rocketry", "atomic-bomb")
progressive_rows["progressive-vehicle"] = ("automobilism", "tank", "spidertron")
progressive_rows["progressive-fluid-handling"] = ("fluid-handling", "fluid-wagon")
progressive_rows["progressive-train-network"] = ("railway", "automated-rail-transportation")
progressive_rows["progressive-engine"] = ("engine", "electric-engine")
progressive_rows["progressive-armor"] = ("heavy-armor", "modular-armor", "power-armor", "power-armor-mk2")
progressive_rows["progressive-personal-battery"] = ("battery-equipment", "battery-mk2-equipment")
progressive_rows["progressive-energy-shield"] = ("energy-shield-equipment", "energy-shield-mk2-equipment")
progressive_rows["progressive-wall"] = ("stone-wall", "gate")
progressive_rows["progressive-follower"] = ("defender", "distractor", "destroyer")
progressive_rows["progressive-inserter"] = ("fast-inserter", "bulk-inserter")
progressive_rows["progressive-turret"] = ("gun-turret", "laser-turret")
progressive_rows["progressive-flamethrower"] = ("flamethrower",)  # leaving out flammables, as they do nothing
progressive_rows["progressive-personal-roboport-equipment"] = ("personal-roboport-equipment",

sorted_rows = sorted(progressive_rows)

# integrate into
source_target_mapping: Dict[str, str] = {
    "progressive-braking-force": "progressive-train-network",
    "progressive-inserter-capacity-bonus": "progressive-inserter",
    "progressive-refined-flammables": "progressive-flamethrower",

for source, target in source_target_mapping.items():
    progressive_rows[target] += progressive_rows[source]

base_tech_table = tech_table.copy()  # without progressive techs
base_technology_table = technology_table.copy()

progressive_tech_table: Dict[str, int] = {}
progressive_technology_table: Dict[str, Technology] = {}

for root in sorted_rows:
    progressive = progressive_rows[root]
    assert all(tech in tech_table for tech in progressive), \
        (f"Declared a progressive technology ({root}) without base technology. "
         f"Missing: f{tuple(tech for tech in progressive if tech not in tech_table)}")
    factorio_tech_id += 1
    progressive_technology = Technology(root, factorio_tech_id,
                                            *(set(technology_table[tech].modifiers) for tech in progressive)
                                        unlocks=any(technology_table[tech].unlocks for tech in progressive),)
    progressive_tech_table[root] = progressive_technology.factorio_id
    progressive_technology_table[root] = progressive_technology

tech_to_progressive_lookup: Dict[str, str] = {}
for technology in progressive_technology_table.values():
    if not in source_target_mapping:
        for progressive in
            tech_to_progressive_lookup[progressive] =


# techs that are never progressive
common_tech_table: Dict[str, int] = {tech_name: tech_id for tech_name, tech_id in base_tech_table.items()
                                     if tech_name not in progressive_tech_table}

useless_technologies: Set[str] = {tech_name for tech_name in common_tech_table
                                  if not technology_table[tech_name].useful()}

rel_cost = {
    "wood": 10000,
    "iron-ore": 1,
    "copper-ore": 1,
    "stone": 1,
    "crude-oil": 0.5,
    "water": 0.001,
    "coal": 1,
    "raw-fish": 1000,
    "steam": 0.01,
    "used-up-uranium-fuel-cell": 1000

exclusion_list: Set[str] = all_ingredient_names | {"rocket-part", "used-up-uranium-fuel-cell"}
fluids: Set[str] = set(fluids_future.result())
del fluids_future

def get_science_pack_pools() -> Dict[str, Set[str]]:
    def get_estimated_difficulty(recipe: Recipe):
        base_ingredients = recipe.base_cost
        cost = 0

        for ingredient_name, amount in base_ingredients.items():
            cost += rel_cost.get(ingredient_name, 1) * amount
        return cost

    science_pack_pools: Dict[str, Set[str]] = {}
    already_taken = exclusion_list.copy()
    current_difficulty = 5
    for science_pack in Options.MaxSciencePack.get_ordered_science_packs():
        current = science_pack_pools[science_pack] = set()
        for name, recipe in recipes.items():
            if (science_pack != "automation-science-pack" or not recipe.recursive_unlocking_technologies) \
                    and get_estimated_difficulty(recipe) < current_difficulty:
                current |= set(recipe.products)

        if science_pack == "automation-science-pack":
            # Can't handcraft automation science if fluids end up in its recipe, making the seed impossible.
            current -= fluids
        elif science_pack == "logistic-science-pack":
            current |= {"steam"}

        current -= already_taken
        already_taken |= current
        current_difficulty *= 2

    return science_pack_pools

item_stack_sizes: Dict[str, int] = items_future.result()
non_stacking_items: Set[str] = {item for item, stack in item_stack_sizes.items() if stack == 1}
stacking_items: Set[str] = set(item_stack_sizes) - non_stacking_items
valid_ingredients: Set[str] = stacking_items | fluids

# cleanup async helpers
del pool
del factorio_tech_id