from BaseClasses import Region, Entrance, Location, CollectionState from .LADXR.checkMetadata import checkMetadataTable from .Common import * from worlds.generic.Rules import add_item_rule from .Items import ladxr_item_to_la_item_name prefilled_events = ["ANGLER_KEYHOLE", "RAFT", "MEDICINE2", "CASTLE_BUTTON"] links_awakening_dungeon_names = [ "Tail Cave", "Bottle Grotto", "Key Cavern", "Angler's Tunnel", "Catfish's Maw", "Face Shrine", "Eagle's Tower", "Turtle Rock", "Color Dungeon" ] def meta_to_name(meta): return f"{} ({meta.area})" def get_locations_to_id(): ret = { } # Magic to generate unique ids for s, v in checkMetadataTable.items(): if s == "None": continue splits = s.split("-") main_id = int(splits[0], 16) sub_id = 0 if len(splits) > 1: sub_id = splits[1] if sub_id.isnumeric(): sub_id = (int(sub_id) + 1) * 1000 else: sub_id = 1000 name = f"{} ({v.area})" ret[name] = BASE_ID + main_id + sub_id return ret locations_to_id = get_locations_to_id() class LinksAwakeningLocation(Location): game = LINKS_AWAKENING dungeon = None def __init__(self, player: int, region, ladxr_item): name = meta_to_name(ladxr_item.metadata) self.event = ladxr_item.event is not None if self.event: name = ladxr_item.event address = None if not self.event: address = locations_to_id[name] super().__init__(player, name, address) self.parent_region = region self.ladxr_item = ladxr_item def filter_item(item): if not ladxr_item.MULTIWORLD and item.player != player: return False return True add_item_rule(self, filter_item) def has_free_weapon(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool: return state.has("Progressive Sword", player) or state.has("Magic Rod", player) or state.has("Boomerang", player) or state.has("Hookshot", player) # If the player has access to farm enough rupees to afford a game, we assume that they can keep beating the game def can_farm_rupees(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool: return has_free_weapon(state, player) and (state.has("Can Play Trendy Game", player=player) or state.has("RAFT", player=player)) class LinksAwakeningRegion(Region): dungeon_index = None ladxr_region = None def __init__(self, name, ladxr_region, hint, player, world): super().__init__(name, player, world, hint) if ladxr_region: self.ladxr_region = ladxr_region if ladxr_region.dungeon: self.dungeon_index = ladxr_region.dungeon def translate_item_name(item): if item in ladxr_item_to_la_item_name: return ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[item] return item class GameStateAdapater: def __init__(self, state, player): self.state = state self.player = player def __contains__(self, item): if item.endswith("_USED"): return False if item in ladxr_item_to_la_item_name: item = ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[item] return self.state.has(item, self.player) def get(self, item, default): # Don't allow any money usage if you can't get back wasted rupees if item == "RUPEES": if can_farm_rupees(self.state, self.player): return self.state.prog_items["RUPEES", self.player] return 0 elif item.endswith("_USED"): return 0 else: item = ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[item] return self.state.prog_items.get((item, self.player), default) class LinksAwakeningEntrance(Entrance): def __init__(self, player: int, name, region, condition): super().__init__(player, name, region) if isinstance(condition, str): if condition in ladxr_item_to_la_item_name: # Test if in inventory self.condition = ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[condition] else: # Event self.condition = condition elif condition: # rewrite condition # .copyWithModifiedItemNames(translate_item_name) self.condition = condition else: self.condition = None def access_rule(self, state): if isinstance(self.condition, str): return state.has(self.condition, self.player) if self.condition is None: return True return self.condition.test(GameStateAdapater(state, self.player)) # Helper to apply function to every ladxr region def walk_ladxdr(f, n, walked=set()): if n in walked: return f(n) walked.add(n) for o, req in n.simple_connections: walk_ladxdr(f, o, walked) for o, req in n.gated_connections: walk_ladxdr(f, o, walked) def ladxr_region_to_name(n): name = if not name: if len(n.items) == 1: meta = n.items[0].metadata name = f"{} ({meta.area})" elif n.dungeon: name = f"D{n.dungeon} Room" else: name = "No Name" return name def create_regions_from_ladxr(player, multiworld, logic): tmp = set() def print_items(n): print(f"Creating Region {ladxr_region_to_name(n)}") print("Has simple connections:") for region, info in n.simple_connections: print(" " + ladxr_region_to_name(region) + " | " + str(info)) print("Has gated connections:") for region, info in n.gated_connections: print(" " + ladxr_region_to_name(region) + " | " + str(info)) print("Has Locations:") for item in n.items: print(" " + str(item.metadata)) print() used_names = {} regions = {} # Create regions for l in logic.location_list: # Temporarily uniqueify the name, until all regions are named name = ladxr_region_to_name(l) index = used_names.get(name, 0) + 1 used_names[name] = index if index != 1: name += f" {index}" r = LinksAwakeningRegion( name=name, ladxr_region=l, hint="", player=player, world=multiworld) r.locations += [LinksAwakeningLocation(player, r, i) for i in l.items] regions[l] = r for ladxr_location in logic.location_list: for connection_location, connection_condition in ladxr_location.simple_connections + ladxr_location.gated_connections: region_a = regions[ladxr_location] region_b = regions[connection_location] # TODO: This name ain't gonna work for entrance rando, we need to cross reference with entrance = LinksAwakeningEntrance( player, f"{} -> {}", region_a, connection_condition) region_a.exits.append(entrance) entrance.connect(region_b) return list(regions.values())