#Much of this is heavily inspired from and/or based on az64's / Deathbasket's MM randomizer import os from .Utils import compare_version, data_path # Format: (Title, Sequence ID) bgm_sequence_ids = [ ("Hyrule Field", 0x02), ("Dodongos Cavern", 0x18), ("Kakariko Adult", 0x19), ("Battle", 0x1A), ("Boss Battle", 0x1B), ("Inside Deku Tree", 0x1C), ("Market", 0x1D), ("Title Theme", 0x1E), ("House", 0x1F), ("Jabu Jabu", 0x26), ("Kakariko Child", 0x27), ("Fairy Fountain", 0x28), ("Zelda Theme", 0x29), ("Fire Temple", 0x2A), ("Forest Temple", 0x2C), ("Castle Courtyard", 0x2D), ("Ganondorf Theme", 0x2E), ("Lon Lon Ranch", 0x2F), ("Goron City", 0x30), ("Miniboss Battle", 0x38), ("Temple of Time", 0x3A), ("Kokiri Forest", 0x3C), ("Lost Woods", 0x3E), ("Spirit Temple", 0x3F), ("Horse Race", 0x40), ("Ingo Theme", 0x42), ("Fairy Flying", 0x4A), ("Deku Tree", 0x4B), ("Windmill Hut", 0x4C), ("Shooting Gallery", 0x4E), ("Sheik Theme", 0x4F), ("Zoras Domain", 0x50), ("Shop", 0x55), ("Chamber of the Sages", 0x56), ("Ice Cavern", 0x58), ("Kaepora Gaebora", 0x5A), ("Shadow Temple", 0x5B), ("Water Temple", 0x5C), ("Gerudo Valley", 0x5F), ("Potion Shop", 0x60), ("Kotake and Koume", 0x61), ("Castle Escape", 0x62), ("Castle Underground", 0x63), ("Ganondorf Battle", 0x64), ("Ganon Battle", 0x65), ("Fire Boss", 0x6B), ("Mini-game", 0x6C) ] fanfare_sequence_ids = [ ("Game Over", 0x20), ("Boss Defeated", 0x21), ("Item Get", 0x22), ("Ganondorf Appears", 0x23), ("Heart Container Get", 0x24), ("Treasure Chest", 0x2B), ("Spirit Stone Get", 0x32), ("Heart Piece Get", 0x39), ("Escape from Ranch", 0x3B), ("Learn Song", 0x3D), ("Epona Race Goal", 0x41), ("Medallion Get", 0x43), ("Zelda Turns Around", 0x51), ("Master Sword", 0x53), ("Door of Time", 0x59) ] ocarina_sequence_ids = [ ("Prelude of Light", 0x25), ("Bolero of Fire", 0x33), ("Minuet of Forest", 0x34), ("Serenade of Water", 0x35), ("Requiem of Spirit", 0x36), ("Nocturne of Shadow", 0x37), ("Saria's Song", 0x44), ("Epona's Song", 0x45), ("Zelda's Lullaby", 0x46), ("Sun's Song", 0x47), ("Song of Time", 0x48), ("Song of Storms", 0x49) ] # Represents the information associated with a sequence, aside from the sequence data itself class TableEntry(object): def __init__(self, name, cosmetic_name, type = 0x0202, instrument_set = 0x03, replaces = -1, vanilla_id = -1): self.name = name self.cosmetic_name = cosmetic_name self.replaces = replaces self.vanilla_id = vanilla_id self.type = type self.instrument_set = instrument_set def copy(self): copy = TableEntry(self.name, self.cosmetic_name, self.type, self.instrument_set, self.replaces, self.vanilla_id) return copy # Represents actual sequence data, along with metadata for the sequence data block class Sequence(object): def __init__(self): self.address = -1 self.size = -1 self.data = [] def process_sequences(rom, sequences, target_sequences, disabled_source_sequences, disabled_target_sequences, ids, seq_type = 'bgm'): # Process vanilla music data for bgm in ids: # Get sequence metadata name = bgm[0] cosmetic_name = name type = rom.read_int16(0xB89AE8 + (bgm[1] * 0x10)) instrument_set = rom.read_byte(0xB89911 + 0xDD + (bgm[1] * 2)) id = bgm[1] # Create new sequences seq = TableEntry(name, cosmetic_name, type, instrument_set, vanilla_id = id) target = TableEntry(name, cosmetic_name, type, instrument_set, replaces = id) # Special handling for file select/fairy fountain if seq.vanilla_id != 0x57 and cosmetic_name not in disabled_source_sequences: sequences.append(seq) if cosmetic_name not in disabled_target_sequences: target_sequences.append(target) # If present, load the file containing custom music to exclude try: with open(os.path.join(data_path(), u'custom_music_exclusion.txt')) as excl_in: seq_exclusion_list = excl_in.readlines() seq_exclusion_list = [seq.rstrip() for seq in seq_exclusion_list if seq[0] != '#'] seq_exclusion_list = [seq for seq in seq_exclusion_list if seq.endswith('.meta')] except FileNotFoundError: seq_exclusion_list = [] # Process music data in data/Music/ # Each sequence requires a valid .seq sequence file and a .meta metadata file # Current .meta format: Cosmetic Name\nInstrument Set\nPool for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(u'./data/Music', followlinks=True): for fname in filenames: # Skip if included in exclusion file if fname in seq_exclusion_list: continue # Find meta file and check if corresponding seq file exists if fname.endswith('.meta') and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(dirpath, fname.split('.')[0] + '.seq')): # Read meta info try: with open(os.path.join(dirpath, fname), 'r') as stream: lines = stream.readlines() # Strip newline(s) lines = [line.rstrip() for line in lines] except FileNotFoundError as ex: raise FileNotFoundError('No meta file for: "' + fname + '". This should never happen') # Create new sequence, checking third line for correct type if (len(lines) > 2 and (lines[2].lower() == seq_type.lower() or lines[2] == '')) or (len(lines) <= 2 and seq_type == 'bgm'): seq = TableEntry(os.path.join(dirpath, fname.split('.')[0]), lines[0], instrument_set = int(lines[1], 16)) if seq.instrument_set < 0x00 or seq.instrument_set > 0x25: raise Exception('Sequence instrument must be in range [0x00, 0x25]') if seq.cosmetic_name not in disabled_source_sequences: sequences.append(seq) return sequences, target_sequences def shuffle_music(sequences, target_sequences, music_mapping, log, rand): sequence_dict = {} sequence_ids = [] for sequence in sequences: if sequence.cosmetic_name == "None": raise Exception('Sequences should not be named "None" as that is used for disabled music. Sequence with improper name: %s' % sequence.name) if sequence.cosmetic_name in sequence_dict: raise Exception('Sequence names should be unique. Duplicate sequence name: %s' % sequence.cosmetic_name) sequence_dict[sequence.cosmetic_name] = sequence if sequence.cosmetic_name not in music_mapping.values(): sequence_ids.append(sequence.cosmetic_name) # Shuffle the sequences if len(sequences) < len(target_sequences): raise Exception(f"Not enough custom music/fanfares ({len(sequences)}) to omit base Ocarina of Time sequences ({len(target_sequences)}).") rand.shuffle(sequence_ids) sequences = [] for target_sequence in target_sequences: sequence = sequence_dict[sequence_ids.pop()].copy() if target_sequence.cosmetic_name not in music_mapping \ else ("None", 0x0) if music_mapping[target_sequence.cosmetic_name] == "None" \ else sequence_dict[music_mapping[target_sequence.cosmetic_name]].copy() sequences.append(sequence) sequence.replaces = target_sequence.replaces log[target_sequence.cosmetic_name] = sequence.cosmetic_name return sequences, log def rebuild_sequences(rom, sequences): # List of sequences (actual sequence data objects) containing the vanilla sequence data old_sequences = [] for i in range(0x6E): # Create new sequence object, an entry for the audio sequence entry = Sequence() # Get the address for the entry's pointer table entry entry_address = 0xB89AE0 + (i * 0x10) # Extract the info from the pointer table entry entry.address = rom.read_int32(entry_address) entry.size = rom.read_int32(entry_address + 0x04) # If size > 0, read the sequence data from the rom into the sequence object if entry.size > 0: entry.data = rom.read_bytes(entry.address + 0x029DE0, entry.size) else: s = [seq for seq in sequences if seq.replaces == i] if s != [] and entry.address > 0 and entry.address < 128: s = s.pop() if s.replaces != 0x28: s.replaces = entry.address else: # Special handling for file select/fairy fountain entry.data = old_sequences[0x57].data entry.size = old_sequences[0x57].size old_sequences.append(entry) # List of sequences containing the new sequence data new_sequences = [] address = 0 # Byte array to hold the data for the whole audio sequence new_audio_sequence = [] for i in range(0x6E): new_entry = Sequence() # If sequence size is 0, the address doesn't matter and it doesn't effect the current address if old_sequences[i].size == 0: new_entry.address = old_sequences[i].address # Continue from the end of the new sequence table else: new_entry.address = address s = [seq for seq in sequences if seq.replaces == i] if s != []: assert len(s) == 1 s = s.pop() # If we are using a vanilla sequence, get its data from old_sequences if s.vanilla_id != -1: new_entry.size = old_sequences[s.vanilla_id].size new_entry.data = old_sequences[s.vanilla_id].data else: # Read sequence info try: with open(s.name + '.seq', 'rb') as stream: new_entry.data = bytearray(stream.read()) new_entry.size = len(new_entry.data) if new_entry.size <= 0x10: raise Exception('Invalid sequence file "' + s.name + '.seq"') new_entry.data[1] = 0x20 except FileNotFoundError as ex: raise FileNotFoundError('No sequence file for: "' + s.name + '"') else: new_entry.size = old_sequences[i].size new_entry.data = old_sequences[i].data new_sequences.append(new_entry) # Concatenate the full audio sequence and the new sequence data if new_entry.data != [] and new_entry.size > 0: # Align sequences to 0x10 if new_entry.size % 0x10 != 0: new_entry.data.extend(bytearray(0x10 - (new_entry.size % 0x10))) new_entry.size += 0x10 - (new_entry.size % 0x10) new_audio_sequence.extend(new_entry.data) # Increment the current address by the size of the new sequence address += new_entry.size # Check if the new audio sequence is larger than the vanilla one if address > 0x04F690: # Zero out the old audio sequence rom.buffer[0x029DE0 : 0x029DE0 + 0x04F690] = [0] * 0x04F690 # Append new audio sequence new_address = rom.free_space() rom.write_bytes(new_address, new_audio_sequence) #Update dmatable rom.update_dmadata_record(0x029DE0, new_address, new_address + address) else: # Write new audio sequence file rom.write_bytes(0x029DE0, new_audio_sequence) # Update pointer table for i in range(0x6E): rom.write_int32(0xB89AE0 + (i * 0x10), new_sequences[i].address) rom.write_int32(0xB89AE0 + (i * 0x10) + 0x04, new_sequences[i].size) s = [seq for seq in sequences if seq.replaces == i] if s != []: assert len(s) == 1 s = s.pop() rom.write_int16(0xB89AE0 + (i * 0x10) + 0x08, s.type) # Update instrument sets for i in range(0x6E): base = 0xB89911 + 0xDD + (i * 2) j = -1 if new_sequences[i].size == 0: try: j = [seq for seq in sequences if seq.replaces == new_sequences[i].address].pop() except: j = -1 else: try: j = [seq for seq in sequences if seq.replaces == i].pop() except: j = -1 if j != -1: rom.write_byte(base, j.instrument_set) def shuffle_pointers_table(rom, ids, music_mapping, log, rand): # Read in all the Music data bgm_data = {} bgm_ids = [] for bgm in ids: bgm_sequence = rom.read_bytes(0xB89AE0 + (bgm[1] * 0x10), 0x10) bgm_instrument = rom.read_int16(0xB89910 + 0xDD + (bgm[1] * 2)) bgm_data[bgm[0]] = (bgm[0], bgm_sequence, bgm_instrument) if bgm[0] not in music_mapping.values(): bgm_ids.append(bgm[0]) # shuffle data rand.shuffle(bgm_ids) # Write Music data back in random ordering for bgm in ids: if bgm[0] in music_mapping and music_mapping[bgm[0]] in bgm_data: bgm_name = music_mapping[bgm[0]] else: bgm_name = bgm_ids.pop() bgm_name, bgm_sequence, bgm_instrument = bgm_data[bgm_name] rom.write_bytes(0xB89AE0 + (bgm[1] * 0x10), bgm_sequence) rom.write_int16(0xB89910 + 0xDD + (bgm[1] * 2), bgm_instrument) log[bgm[0]] = bgm_name # Write Fairy Fountain instrument to File Select (uses same track but different instrument set pointer for some reason) rom.write_int16(0xB89910 + 0xDD + (0x57 * 2), rom.read_int16(0xB89910 + 0xDD + (0x28 * 2))) return log def randomize_music(rom, ootworld, music_mapping): log = {} errors = [] sequences = [] target_sequences = [] fanfare_sequences = [] fanfare_target_sequences = [] disabled_source_sequences = {} disabled_target_sequences = {} # Make sure we aren't operating directly on these. music_mapping = music_mapping.copy() bgm_ids = bgm_sequence_ids.copy() ff_ids = fanfare_sequence_ids.copy() # Check if we have mapped music for BGM, Fanfares, or Ocarina Fanfares bgm_mapped = any(bgm[0] in music_mapping for bgm in bgm_ids) ff_mapped = any(ff[0] in music_mapping for ff in ff_ids) ocarina_mapped = any(ocarina[0] in music_mapping for ocarina in ocarina_sequence_ids) # Include ocarina songs in fanfare pool if checked if ootworld.ocarina_fanfares or ocarina_mapped: ff_ids.extend(ocarina_sequence_ids) # Flag sequence locations that are set to off for disabling. disabled_ids = [] if ootworld.background_music == 'off': disabled_ids += [music_id for music_id in bgm_ids] if ootworld.fanfares == 'off': disabled_ids += [music_id for music_id in ff_ids] disabled_ids += [music_id for music_id in ocarina_sequence_ids] for bgm in [music_id for music_id in bgm_ids + ff_ids + ocarina_sequence_ids]: if music_mapping.get(bgm[0], '') == "None": disabled_target_sequences[bgm[0]] = bgm for bgm in disabled_ids: if bgm[0] not in music_mapping: music_mapping[bgm[0]] = "None" disabled_target_sequences[bgm[0]] = bgm # Map music to itself if music is set to normal. normal_ids = [] if ootworld.background_music == 'normal' and bgm_mapped: normal_ids += [music_id for music_id in bgm_ids] if ootworld.fanfares == 'normal' and (ff_mapped or ocarina_mapped): normal_ids += [music_id for music_id in ff_ids] if not ootworld.ocarina_fanfares and ootworld.fanfares == 'normal' and ocarina_mapped: normal_ids += [music_id for music_id in ocarina_sequence_ids] for bgm in normal_ids: if bgm[0] not in music_mapping: music_mapping[bgm[0]] = bgm[0] # If not creating patch file, shuffle audio sequences. Otherwise, shuffle pointer table # If generating from patch, also do a version check to make sure custom sequences are supported. # custom_sequences_enabled = ootworld.compress_rom != 'Patch' # if ootworld.patch_file != '': # rom_version_bytes = rom.read_bytes(0x35, 3) # rom_version = f'{rom_version_bytes[0]}.{rom_version_bytes[1]}.{rom_version_bytes[2]}' # if compare_version(rom_version, '4.11.13') < 0: # errors.append("Custom music is not supported by this patch version. Only randomizing vanilla music.") # custom_sequences_enabled = False # if custom_sequences_enabled: # if ootworld.background_music in ['random', 'random_custom_only'] or bgm_mapped: # process_sequences(rom, sequences, target_sequences, disabled_source_sequences, disabled_target_sequences, bgm_ids) # if ootworld.background_music == 'random_custom_only': # sequences = [seq for seq in sequences if seq.cosmetic_name not in [x[0] for x in bgm_ids] or seq.cosmetic_name in music_mapping.values()] # sequences, log = shuffle_music(sequences, target_sequences, music_mapping, log, ootworld.random) # if ootworld.fanfares in ['random', 'random_custom_only'] or ff_mapped or ocarina_mapped: # process_sequences(rom, fanfare_sequences, fanfare_target_sequences, disabled_source_sequences, disabled_target_sequences, ff_ids, 'fanfare') # if ootworld.fanfares == 'random_custom_only': # fanfare_sequences = [seq for seq in fanfare_sequences if seq.cosmetic_name not in [x[0] for x in fanfare_sequence_ids] or seq.cosmetic_name in music_mapping.values()] # fanfare_sequences, log = shuffle_music(fanfare_sequences, fanfare_target_sequences, music_mapping, log, ootworld.random) # if disabled_source_sequences: # log = disable_music(rom, disabled_source_sequences.values(), log) # rebuild_sequences(rom, sequences + fanfare_sequences) # else: if ootworld.background_music == 'randomized' or bgm_mapped: log = shuffle_pointers_table(rom, bgm_ids, music_mapping, log, ootworld.random) if ootworld.fanfares == 'randomized' or ff_mapped or ocarina_mapped: log = shuffle_pointers_table(rom, ff_ids, music_mapping, log, ootworld.random) # end_else if disabled_target_sequences: log = disable_music(rom, disabled_target_sequences.values(), log) return log, errors def disable_music(rom, ids, log): # First track is no music blank_track = rom.read_bytes(0xB89AE0 + (0 * 0x10), 0x10) for bgm in ids: rom.write_bytes(0xB89AE0 + (bgm[1] * 0x10), blank_track) log[bgm[0]] = "None" return log def restore_music(rom): # Restore all music from original for bgm in bgm_sequence_ids + fanfare_sequence_ids + ocarina_sequence_ids: bgm_sequence = rom.original.read_bytes(0xB89AE0 + (bgm[1] * 0x10), 0x10) rom.write_bytes(0xB89AE0 + (bgm[1] * 0x10), bgm_sequence) bgm_instrument = rom.original.read_int16(0xB89910 + 0xDD + (bgm[1] * 2)) rom.write_int16(0xB89910 + 0xDD + (bgm[1] * 2), bgm_instrument) # restore file select instrument bgm_instrument = rom.original.read_int16(0xB89910 + 0xDD + (0x57 * 2)) rom.write_int16(0xB89910 + 0xDD + (0x57 * 2), bgm_instrument) # Rebuild audioseq orig_start, orig_end, orig_size = rom.original._get_dmadata_record(0x7470) rom.write_bytes(orig_start, rom.original.read_bytes(orig_start, orig_size)) # If Audioseq was relocated start, end, size = rom._get_dmadata_record(0x7470) if start != 0x029DE0: # Zero out old audioseq rom.write_bytes(start, [0] * size) rom.update_dmadata_record(start, orig_start, orig_end)