from __future__ import annotations import argparse import asyncio import functools import json import logging import zlib import collections import typing import inspect import weakref import datetime import threading import random import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update() import websockets import prompt_toolkit from prompt_toolkit.patch_stdout import patch_stdout from fuzzywuzzy import process as fuzzy_process import Items import Regions import Utils from Utils import get_item_name_from_id, get_location_name_from_address, ReceivedItem, _version_tuple from NetUtils import Node, Endpoint console_names = frozenset(set(Items.item_table) | set(Regions.location_table) | set(Items.item_name_groups)) CLIENT_PLAYING = 0 CLIENT_GOAL = 1 class Client(Endpoint): version: typing.List[int] = [0, 0, 0] tags: typing.List[str] = [] def __init__(self, socket: websockets.server.WebSocketServerProtocol, ctx: Context): super().__init__(socket) self.auth = False = None = None self.slot = None self.send_index = 0 self.tags = [] self.version = [0, 0, 0] self.messageprocessor = client_message_processor(ctx, self) self.ctx = weakref.ref(ctx) @property def wants_item_notification(self): return self.auth and "FoundItems" in self.tags class Context(Node): def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, password: str, location_check_points: int, hint_cost: int, item_cheat: bool, forfeit_mode: str = "disabled", remaining_mode: str = "disabled", auto_shutdown: typing.SupportsFloat = 0, compatibility: int = 2): super(Context, self).__init__() self.compatibility: int = compatibility self.shutdown_task = None self.data_filename = None self.save_filename = None self.saving = False self.player_names = {} self.rom_names = {} self.remote_items = set() self.locations = {} = host self.port = port self.password = password self.server = None self.countdown_timer = 0 self.received_items = {} self.name_aliases: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[int, int], str] = {} self.location_checks = collections.defaultdict(set) self.hint_cost = hint_cost self.location_check_points = location_check_points self.hints_used = collections.defaultdict(int) self.hints: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[int, int], typing.Set[Utils.Hint]] = collections.defaultdict(set) self.forfeit_mode: str = forfeit_mode self.remaining_mode: str = remaining_mode self.item_cheat = item_cheat self.running = True self.client_activity_timers: typing.Dict[ typing.Tuple[int, int], datetime.datetime] = {} # datetime of last new item check self.client_connection_timers: typing.Dict[ typing.Tuple[int, int], datetime.datetime] = {} # datetime of last connection self.client_game_state: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[int, int], int] = collections.defaultdict(int) self.er_hint_data: typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, str]] = {} self.auto_shutdown = auto_shutdown self.commandprocessor = ServerCommandProcessor(self) self.embedded_blacklist = {"host", "port"} self.client_ids: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[int, int], datetime.datetime] = {} self.auto_save_interval = 60 # in seconds self.auto_saver_thread = None self.save_dirty = False self.tags = ['Berserker'] def load(self, multidatapath: str, use_embedded_server_options: bool = False): with open(multidatapath, 'rb') as f: self._load(json.loads(zlib.decompress("utf-8-sig")), use_embedded_server_options) self.data_filename = multidatapath def _load(self, jsonobj: dict, use_embedded_server_options: bool): for team, names in enumerate(jsonobj['names']): for player, name in enumerate(names, 1): self.player_names[(team, player)] = name if "rom_strings" in jsonobj: self.rom_names = {rom: (team, slot) for slot, team, rom in jsonobj['rom_strings']} else: self.rom_names = {bytes(letter for letter in rom).decode(): (team, slot) for slot, team, rom in jsonobj['roms']} self.remote_items = set(jsonobj['remote_items']) self.locations = {tuple(k): tuple(v) for k, v in jsonobj['locations']} if "er_hint_data" in jsonobj: self.er_hint_data = {int(player): {int(address): name for address, name in loc_data.items()} for player, loc_data in jsonobj["er_hint_data"].items()} if use_embedded_server_options: server_options = jsonobj.get("server_options", {}) self._set_options(server_options) def _set_options(self, server_options: dict): sentinel = object() for key, value in server_options.items(): if key not in self.embedded_blacklist: current = getattr(self, key, sentinel) if current is not sentinel: logging.debug(f"Setting server option {key} to {value} from supplied multidata") setattr(self, key, value) self.item_cheat = not server_options.get("disable_item_cheat", True) def save(self, now=False) -> bool: if self.saving: if now: self.save_dirty = False return self._save() self.save_dirty = True return True return False def _save(self, exit_save:bool=False) -> bool: try: jsonstr = json.dumps(self.get_save()) with open(self.save_filename, "wb") as f: f.write(zlib.compress(jsonstr.encode("utf-8"))) except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) return False else: return True def init_save(self, enabled: bool = True): self.saving = enabled if self.saving: if not self.save_filename: self.save_filename = (self.data_filename[:-9] if self.data_filename[-9:] == 'multidata' else ( self.data_filename + '_')) + 'multisave' try: with open(self.save_filename, 'rb') as f: jsonobj = json.loads(zlib.decompress("utf-8")) self.set_save(jsonobj) except FileNotFoundError: logging.error('No save data found, starting a new game') except Exception as e: logging.exception(e) self._start_async_saving() def _start_async_saving(self): if not self.auto_saver_thread: def save_regularly(): import time while self.running: time.sleep(self.auto_save_interval) if self.save_dirty: logging.debug("Saving multisave via thread.") self.save_dirty = False self._save() self.auto_saver_thread = threading.Thread(target=save_regularly, daemon=True) self.auto_saver_thread.start() import atexit atexit.register(self._save, True) # make sure we save on exit too def get_save(self) -> dict: d = { "rom_names": list(self.rom_names.items()), "received_items": tuple((k, v) for k, v in self.received_items.items()), "hints_used": tuple((key, value) for key, value in self.hints_used.items()), "hints": tuple( (key, list(hint.re_check(self, key[0]) for hint in value)) for key, value in self.hints.items()), "location_checks": tuple((key, tuple(value)) for key, value in self.location_checks.items()), "name_aliases": tuple((key, value) for key, value in self.name_aliases.items()), "client_game_state": tuple((key, value) for key, value in self.client_game_state.items()), "client_activity_timers": tuple( (key, value.timestamp()) for key, value in self.client_activity_timers.items()), "client_connection_timers": tuple( (key, value.timestamp()) for key, value in self.client_connection_timers.items()), } return d def set_save(self, savedata: dict): rom_names = savedata["rom_names"] # convert from TrackerList to List in case of ponyorm try: adjusted = {rom: (team, slot) for rom, (team, slot) in rom_names} except TypeError: adjusted = {tuple(rom): (team, slot) for (rom, (team, slot)) in rom_names} # old format, ponyorm friendly if self.rom_names != adjusted: logging.warning('Save file mismatch, will start a new game') return else: if adjusted != self.rom_names: logging.warning('Save file mismatch, will start a new game') return received_items = {tuple(k): [ReceivedItem(*i) for i in v] for k, v in savedata["received_items"]} self.received_items = received_items self.hints_used.update({tuple(key): value for key, value in savedata["hints_used"]}) if "hints" in savedata: self.hints.update( {tuple(key): set(Utils.Hint(*hint) for hint in value) for key, value in savedata["hints"]}) else: # backwards compatiblity for <= 2.0.2 old_hints = {tuple(key): set(value) for key, value in savedata["hints_sent"]} for team_slot, item_or_location_s in old_hints.items(): team, slot = team_slot for item_or_location in item_or_location_s: if item_or_location in Items.item_table: hints = collect_hints(self, team, slot, item_or_location) else: hints = collect_hints_location(self, team, slot, item_or_location) for hint in hints: self.hints[team, hint.receiving_player].add(hint) # even if it is the same hint, it won't be duped due to set self.hints[team, hint.finding_player].add(hint) if "name_aliases" in savedata: self.name_aliases.update({tuple(key): value for key, value in savedata["name_aliases"]}) if "client_game_state" in savedata: self.client_game_state.update({tuple(key): value for key, value in savedata["client_game_state"]}) if "client_activity_timers" in savedata: self.client_connection_timers.update( {tuple(key): datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value, datetime.timezone.utc) for key, value in savedata["client_connection_timers"]}) self.client_activity_timers.update( {tuple(key): datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value, datetime.timezone.utc) for key, value in savedata["client_activity_timers"]}) self.location_checks.update({tuple(key): set(value) for key, value in savedata["location_checks"]})'Loaded save file with {sum([len(p) for p in received_items.values()])} received items ' f'for {len(received_items)} players') def get_aliased_name(self, team: int, slot: int): if (team, slot) in self.name_aliases: return f"{self.name_aliases[team, slot]} ({self.player_names[team, slot]})" else: return self.player_names[team, slot] def notify_all(self, text):"Notice (all): %s" % text) self.broadcast_all([['Print', text]]) def notify_client(self, client: Client, text: str): if not client.auth: return"Notice (Player %s in team %d): %s" % (, + 1, text)) asyncio.create_task(self.send_msgs(client, [['Print', text]])) def broadcast_team(self, team, msgs): for client in self.endpoints: if client.auth and == team: asyncio.create_task(self.send_msgs(client, msgs)) def broadcast_all(self, msgs): msgs = json.dumps(msgs) for endpoint in self.endpoints: if endpoint.auth: asyncio.create_task(self.send_json_msgs(endpoint, msgs)) async def disconnect(self, endpoint): await super(Context, self).disconnect(endpoint) await on_client_disconnected(self, endpoint) # separated out, due to compatibilty between clients def notify_hints(ctx: Context, team: int, hints: typing.List[Utils.Hint]): cmd = json.dumps([["Hint", hints]]) # make sure it is a list, as it can be set internally texts = [['Print', format_hint(ctx, team, hint)] for hint in hints] for _, text in texts:"Notice (Team #%d): %s" % (team + 1, text)) texts = json.dumps(texts) for client in ctx.endpoints: if client.auth and == team: if "Berserker" in client.tags and client.version >= [2, 2, 1]: payload = cmd else: payload = texts asyncio.create_task(ctx.send_json_msgs(client, payload)) def update_aliases(ctx: Context, team: int, client: typing.Optional[Client] = None): cmd = json.dumps([["AliasUpdate", [(key[1], ctx.get_aliased_name(*key)) for key, value in ctx.player_names.items() if key[0] == team]]]) if client is None: for client in ctx.endpoints: if == team and client.auth and client.version > [2, 0, 3]: asyncio.create_task(ctx.send_json_msgs(client, cmd)) else: asyncio.create_task(ctx.send_json_msgs(client, cmd)) async def server(websocket, path, ctx: Context): client = Client(websocket, ctx) ctx.endpoints.append(client) try: await on_client_connected(ctx, client) async for data in websocket: for msg in json.loads(data): if len(msg) == 1: cmd = msg args = None else: cmd = msg[0] args = msg[1] await process_client_cmd(ctx, client, cmd, args) except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, websockets.WebSocketException): logging.exception(e) finally: await ctx.disconnect(client) async def on_client_connected(ctx: Context, client: Client): await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['RoomInfo', { 'password': ctx.password is not None, 'players': [(, client.slot, ctx.name_aliases.get((, client.slot), for client in ctx.endpoints if client.auth], # tags are for additional features in the communication. # Name them by feature or fork, as you feel is appropriate. 'tags': ctx.tags, 'version': Utils._version_tuple, 'forfeit_mode': ctx.forfeit_mode, 'remaining_mode': ctx.remaining_mode, 'hint_cost': ctx.hint_cost, 'location_check_points': ctx.location_check_points }]]) async def on_client_disconnected(ctx: Context, client: Client): if client.auth: await on_client_left(ctx, client) async def on_client_joined(ctx: Context, client: Client): version_str = '.'.join(str(x) for x in client.version) ctx.notify_all( f"{ctx.get_aliased_name(, client.slot)} (Team #{ + 1}) has joined the game. " f"Client({version_str}), {client.tags}).") ctx.client_connection_timers[, client.slot] = async def on_client_left(ctx: Context, client: Client): ctx.notify_all("%s (Team #%d) has left the game" % (ctx.get_aliased_name(, client.slot), + 1)) ctx.client_connection_timers[, client.slot] = async def countdown(ctx: Context, timer): ctx.notify_all(f'[Server]: Starting countdown of {timer}s') if ctx.countdown_timer: ctx.countdown_timer = timer # timer is already running, set it to a different time else: ctx.countdown_timer = timer while ctx.countdown_timer > 0: ctx.notify_all(f'[Server]: {ctx.countdown_timer}') ctx.countdown_timer -= 1 await asyncio.sleep(1) ctx.notify_all(f'[Server]: GO') ctx.countdown_timer = 0 async def missing(ctx: Context, client: Client, locations: list): await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['Missing', { 'locations': json.dumps(locations) }]]) def get_players_string(ctx: Context): auth_clients = {(, c.slot) for c in ctx.endpoints if c.auth} player_names = sorted(ctx.player_names.keys()) current_team = -1 text = '' for team, slot in player_names: player_name = ctx.player_names[team, slot] if team != current_team: text += f':: Team #{team + 1}: ' current_team = team if (team, slot) in auth_clients: text += f'{player_name} ' else: text += f'({player_name}) ' return f'{len(auth_clients)} players of {len(ctx.player_names)} connected ' + text[:-1] def get_received_items(ctx: Context, team: int, player: int) -> typing.List[ReceivedItem]: return ctx.received_items.setdefault((team, player), []) def tuplize_received_items(items): return [(item.item, item.location, item.player) for item in items] def send_new_items(ctx: Context): for client in ctx.endpoints: if not client.auth: continue items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot) if len(items) > client.send_index: asyncio.create_task(ctx.send_msgs(client, [ ['ReceivedItems', (client.send_index, tuplize_received_items(items)[client.send_index:])]])) client.send_index = len(items) def forfeit_player(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int): all_locations = {values[0] for values in Regions.location_table.values() if type(values[0]) is int} ctx.notify_all("%s (Team #%d) has forfeited" % (ctx.player_names[(team, slot)], team + 1)) register_location_checks(ctx, team, slot, all_locations) def get_remaining(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int) -> typing.List[int]: items = [] for (location, location_slot) in ctx.locations: if location_slot == slot and location not in ctx.location_checks[team, slot]: items.append(ctx.locations[location, slot][0]) # item ID return sorted(items) def register_location_checks(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int, locations): found_items = False new_locations = set(locations) - ctx.location_checks[team, slot] if new_locations: ctx.client_activity_timers[team, slot] = for location in new_locations: if (location, slot) in ctx.locations: target_item, target_player = ctx.locations[(location, slot)] if target_player != slot or slot in ctx.remote_items: found = False recvd_items = get_received_items(ctx, team, target_player) for recvd_item in recvd_items: if recvd_item.location == location and recvd_item.player == slot: found = True break if not found: new_item = ReceivedItem(target_item, location, slot) recvd_items.append(new_item) if slot != target_player: ctx.broadcast_team(team, [['ItemSent', (slot, location, target_player, target_item)]])'(Team #%d) %s sent %s to %s (%s)' % ( team + 1, ctx.player_names[(team, slot)], get_item_name_from_id(target_item), ctx.player_names[(team, target_player)], get_location_name_from_address(location))) found_items = True elif target_player == slot: # local pickup, notify clients of the pickup if location not in ctx.location_checks[team, slot]: for client in ctx.endpoints: if == team and client.wants_item_notification: asyncio.create_task( ctx.send_msgs(client, [['ItemFound', (target_item, location, slot)]])) ctx.location_checks[team, slot] |= new_locations send_new_items(ctx) if found_items: for client in ctx.endpoints: if == team and client.slot == slot: asyncio.create_task(ctx.send_msgs(client, [["HintPointUpdate", (get_client_points(ctx, client),)]])) def notify_team(ctx: Context, team: int, text: str):"Notice (Team #%d): %s" % (team + 1, text)) ctx.broadcast_team(team, [['Print', text]]) def collect_hints(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int, item: str) -> typing.List[Utils.Hint]: hints = [] seeked_item_id = Items.item_table[item][3] for check, result in ctx.locations.items(): item_id, receiving_player = result if receiving_player == slot and item_id == seeked_item_id: location_id, finding_player = check found = location_id in ctx.location_checks[team, finding_player] entrance = ctx.er_hint_data.get(finding_player, {}).get(location_id, "") hints.append(Utils.Hint(receiving_player, finding_player, location_id, item_id, found, entrance)) return hints def collect_hints_location(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int, location: str) -> typing.List[Utils.Hint]: hints = [] seeked_location = Regions.location_table[location][0] for check, result in ctx.locations.items(): location_id, finding_player = check if finding_player == slot and location_id == seeked_location: item_id, receiving_player = result found = location_id in ctx.location_checks[team, finding_player] entrance = ctx.er_hint_data.get(finding_player, {}).get(location_id, "") hints.append(Utils.Hint(receiving_player, finding_player, location_id, item_id, found, entrance)) break # each location has 1 item return hints def format_hint(ctx: Context, team: int, hint: Utils.Hint) -> str: text = f"[Hint]: {ctx.player_names[team, hint.receiving_player]}'s " \ f"{Items.lookup_id_to_name[hint.item]} is " \ f"at {get_location_name_from_address(hint.location)} " \ f"in {ctx.player_names[team, hint.finding_player]}'s World" if hint.entrance: text += f" at {hint.entrance}" return text + (". (found)" if hint.found else ".") def get_intended_text(input_text: str, possible_answers: typing.Iterable[str]= console_names) -> typing.Tuple[str, bool, str]: picks = fuzzy_process.extract(input_text, possible_answers, limit=2) if len(picks) > 1: dif = picks[0][1] - picks[1][1] if picks[0][1] == 100: return picks[0][0], True, "Perfect Match" elif picks[0][1] < 75: return picks[0][0], False, f"Didn't find something that closely matches, " \ f"did you mean {picks[0][0]}? ({picks[0][1]}% sure)" elif dif > 5: return picks[0][0], True, "Close Match" else: return picks[0][0], False, f"Too many close matches, did you mean {picks[0][0]}? ({picks[0][1]}% sure)" else: if picks[0][1] > 90: return picks[0][0], True, "Only Option Match" else: return picks[0][0], False, f"Did you mean {picks[0][0]}? ({picks[0][1]}% sure)" class CommandMeta(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): commands = attrs["commands"] = {} for base in bases: commands.update(base.commands) commands.update({name[5:].lower(): method for name, method in attrs.items() if name.startswith("_cmd_")}) return super(CommandMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) def mark_raw(function): function.raw_text = True return function class CommandProcessor(metaclass=CommandMeta): commands: typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable] marker = "/" def output(self, text: str): print(text) def __call__(self, raw: str) -> typing.Optional[bool]: if not raw: return try: command = raw.split() basecommand = command[0] if basecommand[0] == self.marker: method = self.commands.get(basecommand[1:].lower(), None) if not method: self._error_unknown_command(basecommand[1:]) else: if getattr(method, "raw_text", False): # method is requesting unprocessed text data arg = raw.split(maxsplit=1) if len(arg) > 1: return method(self, arg[1]) # argument text was found, so pass it along else: return method(self) # argument may be optional, try running without args else: return method(self, *command[1:]) # pass each word as argument else: self.default(raw) except Exception as e: self._error_parsing_command(e) def get_help_text(self) -> str: s = "" for command, method in self.commands.items(): spec = inspect.signature(method).parameters argtext = "" for argname, parameter in spec.items(): if argname == "self": continue if isinstance(parameter.default, str): if not parameter.default: argname = f"[{argname}]" else: argname += "=" + parameter.default argtext += argname argtext += " " s += f"{self.marker}{command} {argtext}\n {method.__doc__}\n" return s def _cmd_help(self): """Returns the help listing""" self.output(self.get_help_text()) def _cmd_license(self): """Returns the licensing information""" license = getattr(CommandProcessor, "license", None) if not license: with open(Utils.local_path("LICENSE")) as f: CommandProcessor.license = self.output(CommandProcessor.license) def default(self, raw: str): self.output("Echo: " + raw) def _error_unknown_command(self, raw: str): self.output(f"Could not find command {raw}. Known commands: {', '.join(self.commands)}") def _error_parsing_command(self, exception: Exception): self.output(str(exception)) class CommonCommandProcessor(CommandProcessor): ctx: Context simple_options = {"hint_cost": int, "location_check_points": int, "password": str, "forfeit_mode": str, "item_cheat": bool, "auto_save_interval": int, "compatibility": int} def _cmd_countdown(self, seconds: str = "10") -> bool: """Start a countdown in seconds""" try: timer = int(seconds, 10) except ValueError: timer = 10 asyncio.create_task(countdown(self.ctx, timer)) return True def _cmd_options(self): """List all current options. Warning: lists password.""" self.output("Current options:") for option in self.simple_options: self.output(f"Option {option} is set to {getattr(self.ctx, option)}") class ClientMessageProcessor(CommonCommandProcessor): marker = "!" def __init__(self, ctx: Context, client: Client): self.ctx = ctx self.client = client def output(self, text): self.ctx.notify_client(self.client, text) def default(self, raw: str): pass # default is client sending just text def _cmd_players(self) -> bool: """Get information about connected and missing players""" if len(self.ctx.player_names) < 10: self.ctx.notify_all(get_players_string(self.ctx)) else: self.output(get_players_string(self.ctx)) return True def _cmd_forfeit(self) -> bool: """Surrender and send your remaining items out to their recipients""" if "enabled" in self.ctx.forfeit_mode: forfeit_player(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) return True elif "disabled" in self.ctx.forfeit_mode: self.output( "Sorry, client forfeiting has been disabled on this server. You can ask the server admin for a /forfeit") return False else: # is auto or goal if self.ctx.client_game_state[, self.client.slot] == CLIENT_GOAL: forfeit_player(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) return True else: self.output( "Sorry, client forfeiting requires you to have beaten the game on this server." " You can ask the server admin for a /forfeit") if self.client.version < [2, 1, 0]: self.output( "Your client is too old to send game beaten information. Please update, load you savegame and reconnect.") return False def _cmd_remaining(self) -> bool: """List remaining items in your game, but not their location or recipient""" if self.ctx.remaining_mode == "enabled": remaining_item_ids = get_remaining(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) if remaining_item_ids: self.output("Remaining items: " + ", ".join(Items.lookup_id_to_name.get(item_id, "unknown item") for item_id in remaining_item_ids)) else: self.output("No remaining items found.") return True elif self.ctx.remaining_mode == "disabled": self.output( "Sorry, !remaining has been disabled on this server.") return False else: # is goal if self.ctx.client_game_state[, self.client.slot] == CLIENT_GOAL: remaining_item_ids = get_remaining(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) if remaining_item_ids: self.output("Remaining items: " + ", ".join(Items.lookup_id_to_name.get(item_id, "unknown item") for item_id in remaining_item_ids)) else: self.output("No remaining items found.") return True else: self.output( "Sorry, !remaining requires you to have beaten the game on this server") if self.client.version < [2, 1, 0]: self.output( "Your client is too old to send game beaten information. Please update, load you savegame and reconnect.") return False def _cmd_missing(self) -> bool: """List all missing location checks from the server's perspective""" locations = [] for location_id, location_name in Regions.lookup_id_to_name.items(): # cheat console is -1, keep in mind if location_id != -1 and location_id not in self.ctx.location_checks[, self.client.slot]: locations.append(location_name) if len(locations) > 0: if self.client.version < [2, 3, 0]: buffer = "" for location in locations: buffer += f'Missing: {location}\n' self.output(buffer + f"Found {len(locations)} missing location checks") else: asyncio.create_task(missing(self.ctx, self.client, locations)) else: self.output("No missing location checks found.") return True @mark_raw def _cmd_alias(self, alias_name: str = ""): """Set your alias to the passed name.""" if alias_name: alias_name = alias_name[:16].strip() self.ctx.name_aliases[, self.client.slot] = alias_name self.output(f"Hello, {alias_name}") update_aliases(self.ctx, return True elif (, self.client.slot) in self.ctx.name_aliases: del (self.ctx.name_aliases[, self.client.slot]) self.output("Removed Alias") update_aliases(self.ctx, return True return False @mark_raw def _cmd_getitem(self, item_name: str) -> bool: """Cheat in an item, if it is enabled on this server""" if self.ctx.item_cheat: item_name, usable, response = get_intended_text(item_name, Items.item_table.keys()) if usable: new_item = ReceivedItem(Items.item_table[item_name][3], -1, self.client.slot) get_received_items(self.ctx,, self.client.slot).append(new_item) self.ctx.notify_all('Cheat console: sending "' + item_name + '" to ' + self.ctx.get_aliased_name(, self.client.slot)) send_new_items(self.ctx) return True else: self.output(response) return False else: self.output("Cheating is disabled.") return False @mark_raw def _cmd_hint(self, item_or_location: str = "") -> bool: """Use !hint {item_name/location_name}, for example !hint Lamp or !hint Link's House. """ points_available = get_client_points(self.ctx, self.client) if not item_or_location: self.output(f"A hint costs {self.ctx.hint_cost} points. " f"You have {points_available} points.") hints = {hint.re_check(self.ctx, for hint in self.ctx.hints[, self.client.slot]} self.ctx.hints[, self.client.slot] = hints notify_hints(self.ctx,, list(hints)) return True else: item_name, usable, response = get_intended_text(item_or_location) if usable: if item_name in Items.hint_blacklist: self.output(f"Sorry, \"{item_name}\" is marked as non-hintable.") hints = [] elif item_name in Items.item_name_groups: hints = [] for item in Items.item_name_groups[item_name]: hints.extend(collect_hints(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, item)) elif item_name in Items.item_table: # item name hints = collect_hints(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, item_name) else: # location name hints = collect_hints_location(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, item_name) if hints: new_hints = set(hints) - self.ctx.hints[, self.client.slot] old_hints = set(hints) - new_hints if old_hints: notify_hints(self.ctx,, list(old_hints)) if not new_hints: self.output("Hint was previously used, no points deducted.") if new_hints: found_hints = [hint for hint in new_hints if hint.found] not_found_hints = [hint for hint in new_hints if not hint.found] if not not_found_hints: # everything's been found, no need to pay can_pay = 1000 elif self.ctx.hint_cost: can_pay = points_available // self.ctx.hint_cost else: can_pay = 1000 random.shuffle(not_found_hints) hints = found_hints while can_pay > 0: if not not_found_hints: break hint = not_found_hints.pop() hints.append(hint) can_pay -= 1 self.ctx.hints_used[, self.client.slot] += 1 if not hint.found: self.ctx.hints[, hint.finding_player].add(hint) self.ctx.hints[, hint.receiving_player].add(hint) if not_found_hints: if hints: self.output( "Could not pay for everything. Rerun the hint later with more points to get the remaining hints.") else: self.output(f"You can't afford the hint. " f"You have {points_available} points and need at least " f"{self.ctx.hint_cost}") notify_hints(self.ctx,, hints) return True else: self.output("Nothing found. Item/Location may not exist.") return False else: self.output(response) return False def get_client_points(ctx: Context, client: Client) -> int: return (ctx.location_check_points * len(ctx.location_checks[, client.slot]) - ctx.hint_cost * ctx.hints_used[, client.slot]) async def process_client_cmd(ctx: Context, client: Client, cmd, args): if type(cmd) is not str: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['InvalidCmd']]) return if cmd == 'Connect': if not args or type(args) is not dict or \ 'password' not in args or type(args['password']) not in [str, type(None)] or \ 'rom' not in args or type(args['rom']) not in (list, str): await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['InvalidArguments', 'Connect']]) return errors = set() if ctx.password is not None and args['password'] != ctx.password: errors.add('InvalidPassword') if type(args["rom"]) == list: args["rom"] = bytes(letter for letter in args["rom"]).decode() if args['rom'] not in ctx.rom_names: errors.add('InvalidRom') else: team, slot = ctx.rom_names[args['rom']] # this can only ever be 0 or 1 elements clients = [c for c in ctx.endpoints if c.auth and c.slot == slot and == team] if clients: # likely same player with a "ghosted" slot. We bust the ghost. if "uuid" in args and ctx.client_ids[team, slot] == args["uuid"]: await clients[0].socket.close() # we have to await the DC of the ghost, so not to create data pasta = ctx.player_names[(team, slot)] = team client.slot = slot else: errors.add('SlotAlreadyTaken') else: = ctx.player_names[(team, slot)] = team client.slot = slot if ctx.compatibility == 1 and "Berserker" not in args.get('tags', Client.tags): errors.add('IncompatibleVersion') elif ctx.compatibility == 0 and args.get('version', Client.version) != list(_version_tuple): errors.add('IncompatibleVersion') if errors:"A client connection was refused due to: {errors}") await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['ConnectionRefused', list(errors)]]) else: ctx.client_ids[, client.slot] = args.get("uuid", None) client.auth = True client.version = args.get('version', Client.version) client.tags = args.get('tags', Client.tags) reply = [['Connected', [(, client.slot), [(p, ctx.get_aliased_name(t, p)) for (t, p), n in ctx.player_names.items() if t ==]]]] items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot) if items: reply.append(['ReceivedItems', (0, tuplize_received_items(items))]) client.send_index = len(items) await ctx.send_msgs(client, reply) await on_client_joined(ctx, client) if client.auth: if cmd == 'Sync': items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot) if items: client.send_index = len(items) await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['ReceivedItems', (0, tuplize_received_items(items))]]) elif cmd == 'LocationChecks': if type(args) is not list: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['InvalidArguments', 'LocationChecks']]) return register_location_checks(ctx,, client.slot, args) elif cmd == 'LocationScouts': if type(args) is not list: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['InvalidArguments', 'LocationScouts']]) return locs = [] for location in args: if type(location) is not int or 0 >= location > len(Regions.location_table): await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['InvalidArguments', 'LocationScouts']]) return loc_name = list(Regions.location_table.keys())[location - 1] target_item, target_player = ctx.locations[(Regions.location_table[loc_name][0], client.slot)] replacements = {'SmallKey': 0xA2, 'BigKey': 0x9D, 'Compass': 0x8D, 'Map': 0x7D} item_type = [i[2] for i in Items.item_table.values() if type(i[3]) is int and i[3] == target_item] if item_type: target_item = replacements.get(item_type[0], target_item) locs.append([loc_name, location, target_item, target_player]) #"{} in team {} scouted {', '.join([l[0] for l in locs])}") await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['LocationInfo', [l[1:] for l in locs]]]) elif cmd == 'UpdateTags': if not args or type(args) is not list: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['InvalidArguments', 'UpdateTags']]) return client.tags = args elif cmd == 'GameFinished': if ctx.client_game_state[, client.slot] != CLIENT_GOAL: finished_msg = f'{ctx.get_aliased_name(, client.slot)} (Team #{ + 1}) has found the triforce.' ctx.notify_all(finished_msg) ctx.client_game_state[, client.slot] = CLIENT_GOAL if "auto" in ctx.forfeit_mode: forfeit_player(ctx,, client.slot) if cmd == 'Say': if type(args) is not str or not args.isprintable(): await ctx.send_msgs(client, [['InvalidArguments', 'Say']]) return ctx.notify_all(ctx.get_aliased_name(, client.slot) + ': ' + args) client.messageprocessor(args) class ServerCommandProcessor(CommonCommandProcessor): def __init__(self, ctx: Context): self.ctx = ctx super(ServerCommandProcessor, self).__init__() def default(self, raw: str): self.ctx.notify_all('[Server]: ' + raw) @mark_raw def _cmd_kick(self, player_name: str) -> bool: """Kick specified player from the server""" for client in self.ctx.endpoints: if client.auth and == player_name.lower() and client.socket and not client.socket.closed: asyncio.create_task(client.socket.close()) self.output(f"Kicked {self.ctx.get_aliased_name(, client.slot)}") return True self.output(f"Could not find player {player_name} to kick") return False def _cmd_save(self) -> bool: """Save current state to multidata""" if self.ctx.saving: self.output("Game saved") return True else: self.output("Saving is disabled.") return False def _cmd_players(self) -> bool: """Get information about connected players""" self.output(get_players_string(self.ctx)) return True def _cmd_exit(self) -> bool: """Shutdown the server""" asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.server.ws_server._close()) if self.ctx.shutdown_task: self.ctx.shutdown_task.cancel() self.ctx.running = False return True @mark_raw def _cmd_alias(self, player_name_then_alias_name): """Set a player's alias, by listing their base name and then their intended alias.""" player_name, alias_name = player_name_then_alias_name.split(" ", 1) player_name, usable, response = get_intended_text(player_name, self.ctx.player_names.values()) if usable: for (team, slot), name in self.ctx.player_names.items(): if name == player_name: if alias_name: alias_name = alias_name.strip()[:15] self.ctx.name_aliases[team, slot] = alias_name self.output(f"Named {player_name} as {alias_name}") update_aliases(self.ctx, team) return True else: del (self.ctx.name_aliases[team, slot]) self.output(f"Removed Alias for {player_name}") update_aliases(self.ctx, team) return True else: self.output(response) return False @mark_raw def _cmd_forfeit(self, player_name: str) -> bool: """Send out the remaining items from a player's game to their intended recipients""" seeked_player = player_name.lower() for (team, slot), name in self.ctx.player_names.items(): if name.lower() == seeked_player: forfeit_player(self.ctx, team, slot) return True self.output(f"Could not find player {player_name} to forfeit") return False def _cmd_send(self, player_name: str, *item_name: str) -> bool: """Sends an item to the specified player""" seeked_player, usable, response = get_intended_text(player_name, self.ctx.player_names.values()) if usable: item = " ".join(item_name) item, usable, response = get_intended_text(item, Items.item_table.keys()) if usable: for client in self.ctx.endpoints: if == seeked_player: new_item = ReceivedItem(Items.item_table[item][3], -1, client.slot) get_received_items(self.ctx,, client.slot).append(new_item) self.ctx.notify_all('Cheat console: sending "' + item + '" to ' + self.ctx.get_aliased_name(, client.slot)) send_new_items(self.ctx) return True else: self.output(response) return False else: self.output(response) return False def _cmd_hint(self, player_name: str, *item_or_location: str) -> bool: """Send out a hint for a player's item or location to their team""" seeked_player, usable, response = get_intended_text(player_name, self.ctx.player_names.values()) if usable: for (team, slot), name in self.ctx.player_names.items(): if name == seeked_player: item = " ".join(item_or_location) item, usable, response = get_intended_text(item) if usable: if item in Items.item_name_groups: hints = [] for item in Items.item_name_groups[item]: hints.extend(collect_hints(self.ctx, team, slot, item)) elif item in Items.item_table: # item name hints = collect_hints(self.ctx, team, slot, item) else: # location name hints = collect_hints_location(self.ctx, team, slot, item) notify_hints(self.ctx, team, hints) return True else: self.output(response) return False else: self.output(response) return False def _cmd_option(self, option_name: str, option: str): """Set options for the server. Warning: expires on restart""" attrtype = self.simple_options.get(option_name, None) if attrtype: if attrtype == bool: def attrtype(input_text: str): if input_text.lower() in {"off", "0", "false", "none", "null", "no"}: return False else: return True setattr(self.ctx, option_name, attrtype(option)) self.output(f"Set option {option_name} to {getattr(self.ctx, option_name)}") return True else: known = (f"{option}:{otype}" for option, otype in self.simple_options.items()) self.output(f"Unrecognized Option {option_name}, known: " f"{', '.join(known)}") return False async def console(ctx: Context): session = prompt_toolkit.PromptSession() while ctx.running: with patch_stdout(): input_text = await session.prompt_async() try: ctx.commandprocessor(input_text) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() defaults = Utils.get_options()["server_options"] parser.add_argument('--host', default=defaults["host"]) parser.add_argument('--port', default=defaults["port"], type=int) parser.add_argument('--password', default=defaults["password"]) parser.add_argument('--multidata', default=defaults["multidata"]) parser.add_argument('--savefile', default=defaults["savefile"]) parser.add_argument('--disable_save', default=defaults["disable_save"], action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default=defaults["loglevel"], choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical']) parser.add_argument('--location_check_points', default=defaults["location_check_points"], type=int) parser.add_argument('--hint_cost', default=defaults["hint_cost"], type=int) parser.add_argument('--disable_item_cheat', default=defaults["disable_item_cheat"], action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--forfeit_mode', default=defaults["forfeit_mode"], nargs='?', choices=['auto', 'enabled', 'disabled', "goal", "auto-enabled"], help='''\ Select !forfeit Accessibility. (default: %(default)s) auto: Automatic "forfeit" on goal completion enabled: !forfeit is always available disabled: !forfeit is never available goal: !forfeit can be used after goal completion auto-enabled: !forfeit is available and automatically triggered on goal completion ''') parser.add_argument('--remaining_mode', default=defaults["remaining_mode"], nargs='?', choices=['enabled', 'disabled', "goal"], help='''\ Select !remaining Accessibility. (default: %(default)s) enabled: !remaining is always available disabled: !remaining is never available goal: !remaining can be used after goal completion ''') parser.add_argument('--auto_shutdown', default=defaults["auto_shutdown"], type=int, help="automatically shut down the server after this many minutes without new location checks. " "0 to keep running. Not yet implemented.") parser.add_argument('--use_embedded_options', action="store_true", help='retrieve forfeit, remaining and hint options from the multidata file,' ' instead of host.yaml') parser.add_argument('--compatibility', default=defaults["compatibility"], type=int, help=""" #2 -> recommended for casual/cooperative play, attempt to be compatible with everything across all versions #1 -> recommended for friendly racing, only allow Berserker's Multiworld, to disallow old /getitem for example #0 -> recommended for tournaments to force a level playing field, only allow an exact version match """) args = parser.parse_args() return args async def auto_shutdown(ctx, to_cancel=None): await asyncio.sleep(ctx.auto_shutdown) while ctx.running: if not ctx.client_activity_timers.values(): asyncio.create_task(ctx.server.ws_server._close()) ctx.running = False if to_cancel: for task in to_cancel: task.cancel()"Shutting down due to inactivity.") else: newest_activity = max(ctx.client_activity_timers.values()) delta = - newest_activity seconds = ctx.auto_shutdown - delta.total_seconds() if seconds < 0: asyncio.create_task(ctx.server.ws_server._close()) ctx.running = False if to_cancel: for task in to_cancel: task.cancel()"Shutting down due to inactivity.") else: await asyncio.sleep(seconds) async def main(args: argparse.Namespace): logging.basicConfig(format='[%(asctime)s] %(message)s', level=getattr(logging, args.loglevel.upper(), logging.INFO)) ctx = Context(, args.port, args.password, args.location_check_points, args.hint_cost, not args.disable_item_cheat, args.forfeit_mode, args.remaining_mode, args.auto_shutdown, args.compatibility) data_filename = args.multidata try: if not data_filename: import tkinter import tkinter.filedialog root = tkinter.Tk() root.withdraw() data_filename = tkinter.filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=(("Multiworld data", "*.multidata"),)) ctx.load(data_filename, args.use_embedded_options) except Exception as e: logging.exception('Failed to read multiworld data (%s)' % e) raise ctx.init_save(not args.disable_save) ctx.server = websockets.serve(functools.partial(server, ctx=ctx),, ctx.port, ping_timeout=None, ping_interval=None) ip = if else Utils.get_public_ipv4()'Hosting game at %s:%d (%s)' % (ip, ctx.port, 'No password' if not ctx.password else 'Password: %s' % ctx.password)) await ctx.server console_task = asyncio.create_task(console(ctx)) if ctx.auto_shutdown: ctx.shutdown_task = asyncio.create_task(auto_shutdown(ctx, [console_task])) await console_task if ctx.shutdown_task: await ctx.shutdown_task client_message_processor = ClientMessageProcessor if __name__ == '__main__': try: except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError: pass