: # Hex-format RGB colors used in clients. Resets after an update/install. # To avoid, you can copy the TextColors section into a new "user.kv" next to this file # and it will read from there instead. black: "000000" red: "EE0000" green: "00FF7F" # typically a location yellow: "FAFAD2" # typically other slots/players blue: "6495ED" # typically extra info (such as entrance) magenta: "EE00EE" # typically your slot/player cyan: "00EEEE" # typically regular item slateblue: "6D8BE8" # typically useful item plum: "AF99EF" # typically progression item salmon: "FA8072" # typically trap item white: "FFFFFF" # not used, if you want to change the generic text color change color in Label