import asyncio import copy import orjson import random import time from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Dict, Set, Tuple import uuid from NetUtils import ClientStatus from Options import Toggle import Utils import worlds._bizhawk as bizhawk from worlds._bizhawk.client import BizHawkClient from .data import BASE_OFFSET, POKEDEX_OFFSET, data from .options import Goal, RemoteItems from .util import pokemon_data_to_json, json_to_pokemon_data if TYPE_CHECKING: from worlds._bizhawk.context import BizHawkClientContext EXPECTED_ROM_NAME = "pokemon emerald version / AP 5" DEFEATED_WALLACE_FLAG = data.constants["TRAINER_FLAGS_START"] + data.constants["TRAINER_WALLACE"] DEFEATED_STEVEN_FLAG = data.constants["TRAINER_FLAGS_START"] + data.constants["TRAINER_STEVEN"] DEFEATED_NORMAN_FLAG = data.constants["TRAINER_FLAGS_START"] + data.constants["TRAINER_NORMAN_1"] # These flags are communicated to the tracker as a bitfield using this order. # Modifying the order will cause undetectable autotracking issues. TRACKER_EVENT_FLAGS = [ "FLAG_DEFEATED_RUSTBORO_GYM", "FLAG_DEFEATED_DEWFORD_GYM", "FLAG_DEFEATED_MAUVILLE_GYM", "FLAG_DEFEATED_LAVARIDGE_GYM", "FLAG_DEFEATED_PETALBURG_GYM", "FLAG_DEFEATED_FORTREE_GYM", "FLAG_DEFEATED_MOSSDEEP_GYM", "FLAG_DEFEATED_SOOTOPOLIS_GYM", "FLAG_RECEIVED_POKENAV", # Talk to Mr. Stone "FLAG_DELIVERED_STEVEN_LETTER", "FLAG_DELIVERED_DEVON_GOODS", "FLAG_HIDE_ROUTE_119_TEAM_AQUA_SHELLY", # Clear Weather Institute "FLAG_MET_ARCHIE_METEOR_FALLS", # Magma steals meteorite "FLAG_GROUDON_AWAKENED_MAGMA_HIDEOUT", # Clear Magma Hideout "FLAG_MET_TEAM_AQUA_HARBOR", # Aqua steals submarine "FLAG_TEAM_AQUA_ESCAPED_IN_SUBMARINE", # Clear Aqua Hideout "FLAG_HIDE_MOSSDEEP_CITY_SPACE_CENTER_MAGMA_NOTE", # Clear Space Center "FLAG_KYOGRE_ESCAPED_SEAFLOOR_CAVERN", "FLAG_HIDE_SKY_PILLAR_TOP_RAYQUAZA", # Rayquaza departs for Sootopolis "FLAG_OMIT_DIVE_FROM_STEVEN_LETTER", # Steven gives Dive HM (clears seafloor cavern grunt) "FLAG_IS_CHAMPION", "FLAG_PURCHASED_HARBOR_MAIL", "FLAG_REGI_DOORS_OPENED", "FLAG_RETURNED_DEVON_GOODS", "FLAG_DOCK_REJECTED_DEVON_GOODS", "FLAG_DEFEATED_EVIL_TEAM_MT_CHIMNEY", "FLAG_WINGULL_SENT_ON_ERRAND", "FLAG_WINGULL_DELIVERED_MAIL", "FLAG_MET_PRETTY_PETAL_SHOP_OWNER", ] EVENT_FLAG_MAP = {data.constants[flag_name]: flag_name for flag_name in TRACKER_EVENT_FLAGS} KEY_LOCATION_FLAGS = [ "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_HM_CUT", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_HM_FLY", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_HM_SURF", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_HM_STRENGTH", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_HM_FLASH", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_HM_ROCK_SMASH", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_HM_WATERFALL", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_HM_DIVE", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_ACRO_BIKE", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_WAILMER_PAIL", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_DEVON_GOODS_RUSTURF_TUNNEL", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_LETTER", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_METEORITE", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_GO_GOGGLES", "NPC_GIFT_GOT_BASEMENT_KEY_FROM_WATTSON", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_ITEMFINDER", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_DEVON_SCOPE", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_MAGMA_EMBLEM", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_POKEBLOCK_CASE", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_SS_TICKET", "HIDDEN_ITEM_ABANDONED_SHIP_RM_2_KEY", "HIDDEN_ITEM_ABANDONED_SHIP_RM_1_KEY", "HIDDEN_ITEM_ABANDONED_SHIP_RM_4_KEY", "HIDDEN_ITEM_ABANDONED_SHIP_RM_6_KEY", "ITEM_ABANDONED_SHIP_HIDDEN_FLOOR_ROOM_2_SCANNER", "ITEM_ABANDONED_SHIP_CAPTAINS_OFFICE_STORAGE_KEY", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_OLD_ROD", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_GOOD_ROD", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_SUPER_ROD", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_EON_TICKET", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_AURORA_TICKET", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_MYSTIC_TICKET", "NPC_GIFT_RECEIVED_OLD_SEA_MAP", ] KEY_LOCATION_FLAG_MAP = {data.locations[location_name].flag: location_name for location_name in KEY_LOCATION_FLAGS} # .lower() keys for backward compatibility between 0.4.5 and 0.4.6 LEGENDARY_NAMES = {k.lower(): v for k, v in { "Groudon": "GROUDON", "Kyogre": "KYOGRE", "Rayquaza": "RAYQUAZA", "Latias": "LATIAS", "Latios": "LATIOS", "Regirock": "REGIROCK", "Regice": "REGICE", "Registeel": "REGISTEEL", "Mew": "MEW", "Deoxys": "DEOXYS", "Ho-Oh": "HO_OH", "Lugia": "LUGIA", }.items()} DEFEATED_LEGENDARY_FLAG_MAP = {data.constants[f"FLAG_DEFEATED_{name}"]: name for name in LEGENDARY_NAMES.values()} CAUGHT_LEGENDARY_FLAG_MAP = {data.constants[f"FLAG_CAUGHT_{name}"]: name for name in LEGENDARY_NAMES.values()} class PokemonEmeraldClient(BizHawkClient): game = "Pokemon Emerald" system = "GBA" patch_suffix = ".apemerald" local_checked_locations: Set[int] local_set_events: Dict[str, bool] local_found_key_items: Dict[str, bool] local_defeated_legendaries: Dict[str, bool] goal_flag: Optional[int] wonder_trade_update_event: asyncio.Event latest_wonder_trade_reply: dict wonder_trade_cooldown: int wonder_trade_cooldown_timer: int death_counter: Optional[int] previous_death_link: float ignore_next_death_link: bool def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.local_checked_locations = set() self.local_set_events = {} self.local_found_key_items = {} self.local_defeated_legendaries = {} self.goal_flag = None self.wonder_trade_update_event = asyncio.Event() self.wonder_trade_cooldown = 5000 self.wonder_trade_cooldown_timer = 0 self.death_counter = None self.previous_death_link = 0 self.ignore_next_death_link = False async def validate_rom(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext") -> bool: from CommonClient import logger try: # Check ROM name/patch version rom_name_bytes = ((await, [(0x108, 32, "ROM")]))[0]) rom_name = bytes([byte for byte in rom_name_bytes if byte != 0]).decode("ascii") if not rom_name.startswith("pokemon emerald version"): return False if rom_name == "pokemon emerald version":"ERROR: You appear to be running an unpatched version of Pokemon Emerald. " "You need to generate a patch file and use it to create a patched ROM.") return False if rom_name != EXPECTED_ROM_NAME:"ERROR: The patch file used to create this ROM is not compatible with " "this client. Double check your client version against the version being " "used by the generator.") return False except UnicodeDecodeError: return False except bizhawk.RequestFailedError: return False # Should verify on the next pass = ctx.items_handling = 0b001 ctx.want_slot_data = True ctx.watcher_timeout = 0.125 self.death_counter = None self.previous_death_link = 0 self.ignore_next_death_link = False return True async def set_auth(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext") -> None: import base64 auth_raw = (await, [(data.rom_addresses["gArchipelagoInfo"], 16, "ROM")]))[0] ctx.auth = base64.b64encode(auth_raw).decode("utf-8") async def game_watcher(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext") -> None: if ctx.server is None or ctx.server.socket.closed or ctx.slot_data is None: return if ctx.slot_data["goal"] == Goal.option_champion: self.goal_flag = DEFEATED_WALLACE_FLAG elif ctx.slot_data["goal"] == Goal.option_steven: self.goal_flag = DEFEATED_STEVEN_FLAG elif ctx.slot_data["goal"] == Goal.option_norman: self.goal_flag = DEFEATED_NORMAN_FLAG elif ctx.slot_data["goal"] == Goal.option_legendary_hunt: self.goal_flag = None if ctx.slot_data["remote_items"] == RemoteItems.option_true and not ctx.items_handling & 0b010: ctx.items_handling = 0b011 Utils.async_start(ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "ConnectUpdate", "items_handling": ctx.items_handling }])) # Need to make sure items handling updates and we get the correct list of received items # before continuing. Otherwise we might give some duplicate items and skip others. # Should patch remote_items option value into the ROM in the future to guarantee we get the # right item list before entering this part of the code await asyncio.sleep(0.75) return try: guards: Dict[str, Tuple[int, bytes, str]] = {} # Checks that the player is in the overworld guards["IN OVERWORLD"] = ( data.ram_addresses["gMain"] + 4, (data.ram_addresses["CB2_Overworld"] + 1).to_bytes(4, "little"), "System Bus" ) # Read save block addresses read_result = await ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [ (data.ram_addresses["gSaveBlock1Ptr"], 4, "System Bus"), (data.ram_addresses["gSaveBlock2Ptr"], 4, "System Bus"), ] ) # Checks that the save data hasn't moved guards["SAVE BLOCK 1"] = (data.ram_addresses["gSaveBlock1Ptr"], read_result[0], "System Bus") guards["SAVE BLOCK 2"] = (data.ram_addresses["gSaveBlock2Ptr"], read_result[1], "System Bus") sb1_address = int.from_bytes(guards["SAVE BLOCK 1"][1], "little") sb2_address = int.from_bytes(guards["SAVE BLOCK 2"][1], "little") await self.handle_death_link(ctx, guards) await self.handle_received_items(ctx, guards) await self.handle_wonder_trade(ctx, guards) # Read flags in 2 chunks read_result = await bizhawk.guarded_read( ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [(sb1_address + 0x1450, 0x96, "System Bus")], # Flags [guards["IN OVERWORLD"], guards["SAVE BLOCK 1"]] ) if read_result is None: # Not in overworld, or save block moved return flag_bytes = read_result[0] read_result = await bizhawk.guarded_read( ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [(sb1_address + 0x14E6, 0x96, "System Bus")], # Flags continued [guards["IN OVERWORLD"], guards["SAVE BLOCK 1"]] ) if read_result is not None: flag_bytes += read_result[0] # Read pokedex flags pokedex_caught_bytes = bytes(0) if ctx.slot_data["dexsanity"] == Toggle.option_true: # Read pokedex flags read_result = await bizhawk.guarded_read( ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [(sb2_address + 0x28, 0x34, "System Bus")], [guards["IN OVERWORLD"], guards["SAVE BLOCK 2"]] ) if read_result is not None: pokedex_caught_bytes = read_result[0] game_clear = False local_checked_locations = set() local_set_events = {flag_name: False for flag_name in TRACKER_EVENT_FLAGS} local_found_key_items = {location_name: False for location_name in KEY_LOCATION_FLAGS} defeated_legendaries = {legendary_name: False for legendary_name in LEGENDARY_NAMES.values()} caught_legendaries = {legendary_name: False for legendary_name in LEGENDARY_NAMES.values()} # Check set flags for byte_i, byte in enumerate(flag_bytes): for i in range(8): if byte & (1 << i) != 0: flag_id = byte_i * 8 + i location_id = flag_id + BASE_OFFSET if location_id in ctx.server_locations: local_checked_locations.add(location_id) if flag_id == self.goal_flag: game_clear = True if flag_id in DEFEATED_LEGENDARY_FLAG_MAP: defeated_legendaries[DEFEATED_LEGENDARY_FLAG_MAP[flag_id]] = True if flag_id in CAUGHT_LEGENDARY_FLAG_MAP: caught_legendaries[CAUGHT_LEGENDARY_FLAG_MAP[flag_id]] = True if flag_id in EVENT_FLAG_MAP: local_set_events[EVENT_FLAG_MAP[flag_id]] = True if flag_id in KEY_LOCATION_FLAG_MAP: local_found_key_items[KEY_LOCATION_FLAG_MAP[flag_id]] = True # Check pokedex if ctx.slot_data["dexsanity"] == Toggle.option_true: for byte_i, byte in enumerate(pokedex_caught_bytes): for i in range(8): if byte & (1 << i) != 0: dex_number = (byte_i * 8 + i) + 1 location_id = dex_number + BASE_OFFSET + POKEDEX_OFFSET if location_id in ctx.server_locations: local_checked_locations.add(location_id) # Count legendary hunt flags if ctx.slot_data["goal"] == Goal.option_legendary_hunt: # If legendary hunt doesn't require catching, add defeated legendaries to caught_legendaries if ctx.slot_data["legendary_hunt_catch"] == Toggle.option_false: for legendary, is_defeated in defeated_legendaries.items(): if is_defeated: caught_legendaries[legendary] = True num_caught = 0 for legendary, is_caught in caught_legendaries.items(): if is_caught and legendary in [LEGENDARY_NAMES[name.lower()] for name in ctx.slot_data["allowed_legendary_hunt_encounters"]]: num_caught += 1 if num_caught >= ctx.slot_data["legendary_hunt_count"]: game_clear = True # Send locations if local_checked_locations != self.local_checked_locations: self.local_checked_locations = local_checked_locations if local_checked_locations is not None: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "LocationChecks", "locations": list(local_checked_locations), }]) # Send game clear if not ctx.finished_game and game_clear: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "StatusUpdate", "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL, }]) # Send tracker event flags if local_set_events != self.local_set_events and ctx.slot is not None: event_bitfield = 0 for i, flag_name in enumerate(TRACKER_EVENT_FLAGS): if local_set_events[flag_name]: event_bitfield |= 1 << i await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": f"pokemon_emerald_events_{}_{ctx.slot}", "default": 0, "want_reply": False, "operations": [{"operation": "or", "value": event_bitfield}], }]) self.local_set_events = local_set_events if local_found_key_items != self.local_found_key_items: key_bitfield = 0 for i, location_name in enumerate(KEY_LOCATION_FLAGS): if local_found_key_items[location_name]: key_bitfield |= 1 << i await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": f"pokemon_emerald_keys_{}_{ctx.slot}", "default": 0, "want_reply": False, "operations": [{"operation": "or", "value": key_bitfield}], }]) self.local_found_key_items = local_found_key_items if ctx.slot_data["goal"] == Goal.option_legendary_hunt: if caught_legendaries != self.local_defeated_legendaries and ctx.slot is not None: legendary_bitfield = 0 for i, legendary_name in enumerate(LEGENDARY_NAMES.values()): if caught_legendaries[legendary_name]: legendary_bitfield |= 1 << i await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": f"pokemon_emerald_legendaries_{}_{ctx.slot}", "default": 0, "want_reply": False, "operations": [{"operation": "or", "value": legendary_bitfield}], }]) self.local_defeated_legendaries = caught_legendaries except bizhawk.RequestFailedError: # Exit handler and return to main loop to reconnect pass async def handle_death_link(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext", guards: Dict[str, Tuple[int, bytes, str]]) -> None: """ Checks whether the player has died while connected and sends a death link if so. Queues a death link in the game if a new one has been received. """ if ctx.slot_data.get("death_link", Toggle.option_false) == Toggle.option_true: if "DeathLink" not in ctx.tags: await ctx.update_death_link(True) self.previous_death_link = ctx.last_death_link sb1_address = int.from_bytes(guards["SAVE BLOCK 1"][1], "little") sb2_address = int.from_bytes(guards["SAVE BLOCK 2"][1], "little") read_result = await bizhawk.guarded_read( ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [ (sb1_address + 0x177C + (52 * 4), 4, "System Bus"), # White out stat (sb1_address + 0x177C + (22 * 4), 4, "System Bus"), # Canary stat (sb2_address + 0xAC, 4, "System Bus"), # Encryption key ], [guards["SAVE BLOCK 1"], guards["SAVE BLOCK 2"]] ) if read_result is None: # Save block moved return encryption_key = int.from_bytes(read_result[2], "little") times_whited_out = int.from_bytes(read_result[0], "little") ^ encryption_key # Canary is an unused stat that will always be 0. There is a low chance that we've done this read on # a frame where the user has just entered a battle and the encryption key has been changed, but the data # has not yet been encrypted with the new key. If `canary` is 0, `times_whited_out` is correct. canary = int.from_bytes(read_result[1], "little") ^ encryption_key # Skip all deathlink code if save is not yet loaded (encryption key is zero) or white out stat not yet # initialized (starts at 100 as a safety for subtracting values from an unsigned int). if canary == 0 and encryption_key != 0 and times_whited_out >= 100: if self.previous_death_link != ctx.last_death_link: self.previous_death_link = ctx.last_death_link if self.ignore_next_death_link: self.ignore_next_death_link = False else: await bizhawk.write( ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [(data.ram_addresses["gArchipelagoDeathLinkQueued"], [1], "System Bus")] ) if self.death_counter is None: self.death_counter = times_whited_out elif times_whited_out > self.death_counter: await ctx.send_death(f"{ctx.player_names[ctx.slot]} is out of usable POKéMON! " f"{ctx.player_names[ctx.slot]} whited out!") self.ignore_next_death_link = True self.death_counter = times_whited_out async def handle_received_items(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext", guards: Dict[str, Tuple[int, bytes, str]]) -> None: """ Checks the index of the most recently received item and whether the item queue is full. Writes the next item into the game if necessary. """ received_item_address = data.ram_addresses["gArchipelagoReceivedItem"] sb1_address = int.from_bytes(guards["SAVE BLOCK 1"][1], "little") read_result = await bizhawk.guarded_read( ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [ (sb1_address + 0x3778, 2, "System Bus"), # Number of received items (received_item_address + 4, 1, "System Bus") # Received item struct full? ], [guards["IN OVERWORLD"], guards["SAVE BLOCK 1"]] ) if read_result is None: # Not in overworld, or save block moved return num_received_items = int.from_bytes(read_result[0], "little") received_item_is_empty = read_result[1][0] == 0 # If the game hasn't received all items yet and the received item struct doesn't contain an item, then # fill it with the next item if num_received_items < len(ctx.items_received) and received_item_is_empty: next_item = ctx.items_received[num_received_items] should_display = 1 if next_item.flags & 1 or next_item.player == ctx.slot else 0 await bizhawk.write(ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [ (received_item_address + 0, (next_item.item - BASE_OFFSET).to_bytes(2, "little"), "System Bus"), (received_item_address + 2, (num_received_items + 1).to_bytes(2, "little"), "System Bus"), (received_item_address + 4, [1], "System Bus"), (received_item_address + 5, [should_display], "System Bus"), ]) async def handle_wonder_trade(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext", guards: Dict[str, Tuple[int, bytes, str]]) -> None: """ Read wonder trade status from save data and either send a queued pokemon to data storage or attempt to retrieve one from data storage and write it into the save. """ from CommonClient import logger sb1_address = int.from_bytes(guards["SAVE BLOCK 1"][1], "little") read_result = await bizhawk.guarded_read( ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [ (sb1_address + 0x377C, 0x50, "System Bus"), # Wonder trade data (sb1_address + 0x37CC, 1, "System Bus"), # Is wonder trade sent ], [guards["IN OVERWORLD"], guards["SAVE BLOCK 1"]] ) if read_result is not None: wonder_trade_pokemon_data = read_result[0] trade_is_sent = read_result[1][0] if trade_is_sent == 0 and wonder_trade_pokemon_data[19] == 2: # Game has wonder trade data to send. Send it to data storage, remove it from the game's memory, # and mark that the game is waiting on receiving a trade Utils.async_start(self.wonder_trade_send(ctx, pokemon_data_to_json(wonder_trade_pokemon_data))) await bizhawk.write(ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [ (sb1_address + 0x377C, bytes(0x50), "System Bus"), (sb1_address + 0x37CC, [1], "System Bus"), ]) elif trade_is_sent != 0 and wonder_trade_pokemon_data[19] != 2: # Game is waiting on receiving a trade. See if there are any available trades that were not # sent by this player, and if so, try to receive one. if self.wonder_trade_cooldown_timer <= 0 and f"pokemon_wonder_trades_{}" in ctx.stored_data: if any(item[0] != ctx.slot for key, item in ctx.stored_data.get(f"pokemon_wonder_trades_{}", {}).items() if key != "_lock" and orjson.loads(item[1])["species"] <= 386): received_trade = await self.wonder_trade_receive(ctx) if received_trade is None: self.wonder_trade_cooldown_timer = self.wonder_trade_cooldown self.wonder_trade_cooldown *= 2 self.wonder_trade_cooldown += random.randrange(0, 500) else: await bizhawk.write(ctx.bizhawk_ctx, [ (sb1_address + 0x377C, json_to_pokemon_data(received_trade), "System Bus"), ])"Wonder trade received!") self.wonder_trade_cooldown = 5000 else: # Very approximate "time since last loop", but extra delay is fine for this self.wonder_trade_cooldown_timer -= int(ctx.watcher_timeout * 1000) async def wonder_trade_acquire(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext", keep_trying: bool = False) -> Optional[dict]: """ Acquires a lock on the `pokemon_wonder_trades_{}` key in datastorage. Locking the key means you have exclusive access to modifying the value until you unlock it or the key expires (5 seconds). If `keep_trying` is `True`, it will keep trying to acquire the lock until successful. Otherwise it will return `None` if it fails to acquire the lock. """ while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): lock = int(time.time_ns() / 1000000) message_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": f"pokemon_wonder_trades_{}", "default": {"_lock": 0}, "want_reply": True, "operations": [{"operation": "update", "value": {"_lock": lock}}], "uuid": message_uuid, }]) self.wonder_trade_update_event.clear() try: await asyncio.wait_for(self.wonder_trade_update_event.wait(), 5) except asyncio.TimeoutError: if not keep_trying: return None continue reply = copy.deepcopy(self.latest_wonder_trade_reply) # Make sure the most recently received update was triggered by our lock attempt if reply.get("uuid", None) != message_uuid: if not keep_trying: return None await asyncio.sleep(self.wonder_trade_cooldown) continue # Make sure the current value of the lock is what we set it to # (I think this should theoretically never run) if reply["value"]["_lock"] != lock: if not keep_trying: return None await asyncio.sleep(self.wonder_trade_cooldown) continue # Make sure that the lock value we replaced is at least 5 seconds old # If it was unlocked before our change, its value was 0 and it will look decades old if lock - reply["original_value"]["_lock"] < 5000: # Multiple clients trying to lock the key may get stuck in a loop of checking the lock # by trying to set it, which will extend its expiration. So if we see that the lock was # too new when we replaced it, we should wait for increasingly longer periods so that # eventually the lock will expire and a client will acquire it. self.wonder_trade_cooldown *= 2 self.wonder_trade_cooldown += random.randrange(0, 500) if not keep_trying: self.wonder_trade_cooldown_timer = self.wonder_trade_cooldown return None await asyncio.sleep(self.wonder_trade_cooldown) continue # We have the lock, reset the cooldown and return self.wonder_trade_cooldown = 5000 return reply async def wonder_trade_send(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext", data: str) -> None: """ Sends a wonder trade pokemon to data storage """ from CommonClient import logger reply = await self.wonder_trade_acquire(ctx, True) wonder_trade_slot = 0 while str(wonder_trade_slot) in reply["value"]: wonder_trade_slot += 1 await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": f"pokemon_wonder_trades_{}", "default": {"_lock": 0}, "operations": [{"operation": "update", "value": { "_lock": 0, str(wonder_trade_slot): (ctx.slot, data), }}], }])"Wonder trade sent! We'll notify you here when a trade has been found.") async def wonder_trade_receive(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext") -> Optional[str]: """ Tries to pop a pokemon out of the wonder trades. Returns `None` if for some reason it can't immediately remove a compatible pokemon. """ reply = await self.wonder_trade_acquire(ctx) if reply is None: return None candidate_slots = [ int(slot) for slot in reply["value"] if slot != "_lock" \ and reply["value"][slot][0] != ctx.slot \ and orjson.loads(reply["value"][slot][1])["species"] <= 386 ] if len(candidate_slots) == 0: await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": f"pokemon_wonder_trades_{}", "default": {"_lock": 0}, "operations": [{"operation": "update", "value": {"_lock": 0}}], }]) return None wonder_trade_slot = max(candidate_slots) await ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "Set", "key": f"pokemon_wonder_trades_{}", "default": {"_lock": 0}, "operations": [ {"operation": "update", "value": {"_lock": 0}}, {"operation": "pop", "value": str(wonder_trade_slot)}, ] }]) return reply["value"][str(wonder_trade_slot)][1] def on_package(self, ctx: "BizHawkClientContext", cmd: str, args: dict) -> None: if cmd == "Connected": Utils.async_start(ctx.send_msgs([{ "cmd": "SetNotify", "keys": [f"pokemon_wonder_trades_{}"], }, { "cmd": "Set", "key": f"pokemon_wonder_trades_{}", "default": {"_lock": 0}, "operations": [{"operation": "default", "value": None}] # value is ignored }])) elif cmd == "SetReply": if args.get("key", "") == f"pokemon_wonder_trades_{}": self.latest_wonder_trade_reply = args self.wonder_trade_update_event.set()