from enum import Enum from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING from Options import OptionError from .datatypes import Door, DoorType, RoomAndDoor, RoomAndPanel from .items import ALL_ITEM_TABLE, ItemType from .locations import ALL_LOCATION_TABLE, LocationClassification from .options import LocationChecks, ShuffleDoors, SunwarpAccess, VictoryCondition from .static_logic import DOORS_BY_ROOM, PAINTINGS, PAINTING_ENTRANCES, PAINTING_EXITS, \ PANELS_BY_ROOM, PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM, REQUIRED_PAINTING_ROOMS, REQUIRED_PAINTING_WHEN_NO_DOORS_ROOMS, \ SUNWARP_ENTRANCES, SUNWARP_EXITS if TYPE_CHECKING: from . import LingoWorld class AccessRequirements: rooms: Set[str] doors: Set[RoomAndDoor] colors: Set[str] def __init__(self): self.rooms = set() self.doors = set() self.colors = set() def merge(self, other: "AccessRequirements"): self.rooms |= other.rooms self.doors |= other.doors self.colors |= other.colors def __str__(self): return f"AccessRequirements(rooms={self.rooms}, doors={self.doors}, colors={self.colors})" class PlayerLocation(NamedTuple): name: str code: Optional[int] access: AccessRequirements class ProgressiveItemBehavior(Enum): DISABLE = 1 SPLIT = 2 PROGRESSIVE = 3 def should_split_progression(progression_name: str, world: "LingoWorld") -> ProgressiveItemBehavior: if progression_name == "Progressive Orange Tower": if world.options.progressive_orange_tower: return ProgressiveItemBehavior.PROGRESSIVE else: return ProgressiveItemBehavior.SPLIT elif progression_name == "Progressive Colorful": if world.options.progressive_colorful: return ProgressiveItemBehavior.PROGRESSIVE else: return ProgressiveItemBehavior.SPLIT return ProgressiveItemBehavior.PROGRESSIVE class LingoPlayerLogic: """ Defines logic after a player's options have been applied """ item_by_door: Dict[str, Dict[str, str]] locations_by_room: Dict[str, List[PlayerLocation]] real_locations: List[str] event_loc_to_item: Dict[str, str] real_items: List[str] victory_condition: str mastery_location: str level_2_location: str painting_mapping: Dict[str, str] forced_good_item: str panel_reqs: Dict[str, Dict[str, AccessRequirements]] door_reqs: Dict[str, Dict[str, AccessRequirements]] mastery_reqs: List[AccessRequirements] counting_panel_reqs: Dict[str, List[Tuple[AccessRequirements, int]]] sunwarp_mapping: List[int] sunwarp_entrances: List[str] sunwarp_exits: List[str] def add_location(self, room: str, name: str, code: Optional[int], panels: List[RoomAndPanel], world: "LingoWorld"): """ Creates a location. This function determines the access requirements for the location by combining and flattening the requirements for each of the given panels. """ access_reqs = AccessRequirements() for panel in panels: if is not None and != room: access_reqs.rooms.add( panel_room = room if is None else sub_access_reqs = self.calculate_panel_requirements(panel_room, panel.panel, world) access_reqs.merge(sub_access_reqs) self.locations_by_room.setdefault(room, []).append(PlayerLocation(name, code, access_reqs)) def set_door_item(self, room: str, door: str, item: str): self.item_by_door.setdefault(room, {})[door] = item def handle_non_grouped_door(self, room_name: str, door_data: Door, world: "LingoWorld"): if room_name in PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM and in PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM[room_name]: progression_name = PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM[room_name][].item_name progression_handling = should_split_progression(progression_name, world) if progression_handling == ProgressiveItemBehavior.SPLIT: self.set_door_item(room_name,, door_data.item_name) self.real_items.append(door_data.item_name) elif progression_handling == ProgressiveItemBehavior.PROGRESSIVE: progressive_item_name = PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM[room_name][].item_name self.set_door_item(room_name,, progressive_item_name) self.real_items.append(progressive_item_name) else: self.set_door_item(room_name,, door_data.item_name) self.real_items.append(door_data.item_name) def __init__(self, world: "LingoWorld"): self.item_by_door = {} self.locations_by_room = {} self.real_locations = [] self.event_loc_to_item = {} self.real_items = [] self.victory_condition = "" self.mastery_location = "" self.level_2_location = "" self.painting_mapping = {} self.forced_good_item = "" self.panel_reqs = {} self.door_reqs = {} self.mastery_reqs = [] self.counting_panel_reqs = {} self.sunwarp_mapping = [] door_shuffle = world.options.shuffle_doors color_shuffle = world.options.shuffle_colors painting_shuffle = world.options.shuffle_paintings location_checks = world.options.location_checks victory_condition = world.options.victory_condition early_color_hallways = world.options.early_color_hallways if location_checks == LocationChecks.option_reduced and door_shuffle != ShuffleDoors.option_none: raise OptionError("You cannot have reduced location checks when door shuffle is on, because there would not" " be enough locations for all of the door items.") # Create door items, where needed. door_groups: Set[str] = set() for room_name, room_data in DOORS_BY_ROOM.items(): for door_name, door_data in room_data.items(): if door_data.skip_item is False and door_data.event is False: if door_data.type == DoorType.NORMAL and door_shuffle != ShuffleDoors.option_none: if door_data.door_group is not None and door_shuffle == ShuffleDoors.option_simple: # Grouped doors are handled differently if shuffle doors is on simple. self.set_door_item(room_name, door_name, door_data.door_group) door_groups.add(door_data.door_group) else: self.handle_non_grouped_door(room_name, door_data, world) elif door_data.type == DoorType.SUNWARP: if world.options.sunwarp_access == SunwarpAccess.option_unlock: self.set_door_item(room_name, door_name, "Sunwarps") door_groups.add("Sunwarps") elif world.options.sunwarp_access == SunwarpAccess.option_individual: self.set_door_item(room_name, door_name, door_data.item_name) self.real_items.append(door_data.item_name) elif world.options.sunwarp_access == SunwarpAccess.option_progressive: self.set_door_item(room_name, door_name, "Progressive Pilgrimage") self.real_items.append("Progressive Pilgrimage") elif door_data.type == DoorType.SUN_PAINTING: if not world.options.enable_pilgrimage: self.set_door_item(room_name, door_name, door_data.item_name) self.real_items.append(door_data.item_name) self.real_items += door_groups # Create color items, if needed. if color_shuffle: self.real_items += [name for name, item in ALL_ITEM_TABLE.items() if item.type == ItemType.COLOR] # Create events for each achievement panel, so that we can determine when THE MASTER is accessible. for room_name, room_data in PANELS_BY_ROOM.items(): for panel_name, panel_data in room_data.items(): if panel_data.achievement: access_req = AccessRequirements() access_req.merge(self.calculate_panel_requirements(room_name, panel_name, world)) access_req.rooms.add(room_name) self.mastery_reqs.append(access_req) # Handle the victory condition. Victory conditions other than the chosen one become regular checks, so we need # to prevent the actual victory condition from becoming a check. self.mastery_location = "Orange Tower Seventh Floor - THE MASTER" self.level_2_location = "Second Room - LEVEL 2" if victory_condition == VictoryCondition.option_the_end: self.victory_condition = "Orange Tower Seventh Floor - THE END" self.add_location("Orange Tower Seventh Floor", "The End (Solved)", None, [], world) self.event_loc_to_item["The End (Solved)"] = "Victory" elif victory_condition == VictoryCondition.option_the_master: self.victory_condition = "Orange Tower Seventh Floor - THE MASTER" self.mastery_location = "Orange Tower Seventh Floor - Mastery Achievements" self.add_location("Orange Tower Seventh Floor", self.mastery_location, None, [], world) self.event_loc_to_item[self.mastery_location] = "Victory" elif victory_condition == VictoryCondition.option_level_2: self.victory_condition = "Second Room - LEVEL 2" self.level_2_location = "Second Room - Unlock Level 2" self.add_location("Second Room", self.level_2_location, None, [RoomAndPanel("Second Room", "LEVEL 2")], world) self.event_loc_to_item[self.level_2_location] = "Victory" if world.options.level_2_requirement == 1: raise OptionError("The Level 2 requirement must be at least 2 when LEVEL 2 is the victory condition.") elif victory_condition == VictoryCondition.option_pilgrimage: self.victory_condition = "Pilgrim Antechamber - PILGRIM" self.add_location("Pilgrim Antechamber", "PILGRIM (Solved)", None, [RoomAndPanel("Pilgrim Antechamber", "PILGRIM")], world) self.event_loc_to_item["PILGRIM (Solved)"] = "Victory" # Create groups of counting panel access requirements for the LEVEL 2 check. self.create_panel_hunt_events(world) # Instantiate all real locations. location_classification = LocationClassification.normal if location_checks == LocationChecks.option_reduced: location_classification = LocationClassification.reduced elif location_checks == LocationChecks.option_insanity: location_classification = LocationClassification.insanity if door_shuffle != ShuffleDoors.option_none and not early_color_hallways: location_classification |= LocationClassification.small_sphere_one for location_name, location_data in ALL_LOCATION_TABLE.items(): if location_name != self.victory_condition: if not (location_classification & location_data.classification): continue self.add_location(, location_name, location_data.code, location_data.panels, world) self.real_locations.append(location_name) if world.options.enable_pilgrimage and world.options.sunwarp_access == SunwarpAccess.option_disabled: raise OptionError("Sunwarps cannot be disabled when pilgrimage is enabled.") if world.options.shuffle_sunwarps: if world.options.sunwarp_access == SunwarpAccess.option_disabled: raise OptionError("Sunwarps cannot be shuffled if they are disabled.") self.sunwarp_mapping = list(range(0, 12)) world.random.shuffle(self.sunwarp_mapping) sunwarp_rooms = SUNWARP_ENTRANCES + SUNWARP_EXITS self.sunwarp_entrances = [sunwarp_rooms[i] for i in self.sunwarp_mapping[0:6]] self.sunwarp_exits = [sunwarp_rooms[i] for i in self.sunwarp_mapping[6:12]] else: self.sunwarp_entrances = SUNWARP_ENTRANCES self.sunwarp_exits = SUNWARP_EXITS # Create the paintings mapping, if painting shuffle is on. if painting_shuffle: # Shuffle paintings until we get something workable. workable_paintings = False for i in range(0, 20): workable_paintings = self.randomize_paintings(world) if workable_paintings: break if not workable_paintings: raise Exception("This Lingo world was unable to generate a workable painting mapping after 20 " "iterations. This is very unlikely to happen on its own, and probably indicates some " "kind of logic error.") if door_shuffle != ShuffleDoors.option_none and location_checks != LocationChecks.option_insanity \ and not early_color_hallways and world.multiworld.players > 1: # Under the combination of door shuffle, normal location checks, and no early color hallways, sphere 1 is # only three checks. In a multiplayer situation, this can be frustrating for the player because they are # more likely to be stuck in the starting room for a long time. To remedy this, we will force a useful item # onto the GOOD LUCK check under these circumstances. The goal is to expand sphere 1 to at least four # checks (and likely more than that). # # Note: A very low LEVEL 2 requirement would naturally expand sphere 1 to four checks, but this is a very # uncommon configuration, so we will ignore it and force a good item anyway. # Starting Room - Back Right Door gives access to OPEN and DEAD END. # Starting Room - Exit Door gives access to OPEN and TRACE. good_item_options: List[str] = ["Starting Room - Back Right Door", "Second Room - Exit Door"] if not color_shuffle and not world.options.enable_pilgrimage: # HOT CRUST and THIS. good_item_options.append("Pilgrim Room - Sun Painting") if not color_shuffle: if door_shuffle == ShuffleDoors.option_simple: # WELCOME BACK, CLOCKWISE, and DRAWL + RUNS. good_item_options.append("Welcome Back Doors") else: # WELCOME BACK and CLOCKWISE. good_item_options.append("Welcome Back Area - Shortcut to Starting Room") if door_shuffle == ShuffleDoors.option_simple: # Color hallways access (NOTE: reconsider when sunwarp shuffling exists). good_item_options.append("Rhyme Room Doors") # When painting shuffle is off, most Starting Room paintings give color hallways access. The Wondrous's # painting does not, but it gives access to SHRINK and WELCOME BACK. for painting_obj in PAINTINGS.values(): if not painting_obj.enter_only or painting_obj.required_door is None\ or != "Starting Room": continue # If painting shuffle is on, we only want to consider paintings that actually go somewhere. # # NOTE: This does not guarantee that there will be any checks on the other side. if painting_shuffle and not in self.painting_mapping.keys(): continue pdoor = DOORS_BY_ROOM[][painting_obj.required_door.door] good_item_options.append(pdoor.item_name) # Copied from The Witness -- remove any plandoed items from the possible good items set. for v in world.multiworld.plando_items[world.player]: if v.get("from_pool", True): for item_key in {"item", "items"}: if item_key in v: if type(v[item_key]) is str: if v[item_key] in good_item_options: good_item_options.remove(v[item_key]) elif type(v[item_key]) is dict: for item, weight in v[item_key].items(): if weight and item in good_item_options: good_item_options.remove(item) else: # Other type of iterable for item in v[item_key]: if item in good_item_options: good_item_options.remove(item) if len(good_item_options) > 0: self.forced_good_item = world.random.choice(good_item_options) self.real_items.remove(self.forced_good_item) self.real_locations.remove("Second Room - Good Luck") def randomize_paintings(self, world: "LingoWorld") -> bool: self.painting_mapping.clear() door_shuffle = world.options.shuffle_doors # First, assign mappings to the required-exit paintings. We ensure that req-blocked paintings do not lead to # required paintings. req_exits = [] required_painting_rooms = REQUIRED_PAINTING_ROOMS if door_shuffle == ShuffleDoors.option_none: required_painting_rooms += REQUIRED_PAINTING_WHEN_NO_DOORS_ROOMS req_exits = [painting_id for painting_id, painting in PAINTINGS.items() if painting.required_when_no_doors] req_enterable = [painting_id for painting_id, painting in PAINTINGS.items() if not painting.exit_only and not painting.disable and not painting.req_blocked and not painting.req_blocked_when_no_doors and not in required_painting_rooms] else: req_enterable = [painting_id for painting_id, painting in PAINTINGS.items() if not painting.exit_only and not painting.disable and not painting.req_blocked and not in required_painting_rooms] req_exits += [painting_id for painting_id, painting in PAINTINGS.items() if painting.exit_only and painting.required] req_entrances = world.random.sample(req_enterable, len(req_exits)) self.painting_mapping = dict(zip(req_entrances, req_exits)) # Next, determine the rest of the exit paintings. exitable = [painting_id for painting_id, painting in PAINTINGS.items() if not painting.enter_only and not painting.disable and painting_id not in req_exits and painting_id not in req_entrances] nonreq_exits = world.random.sample(exitable, PAINTING_EXITS - len(req_exits)) chosen_exits = req_exits + nonreq_exits # Determine the rest of the entrance paintings. enterable = [painting_id for painting_id, painting in PAINTINGS.items() if not painting.exit_only and not painting.disable and painting_id not in chosen_exits and painting_id not in req_entrances] chosen_entrances = world.random.sample(enterable, PAINTING_ENTRANCES - len(req_entrances)) # Assign one entrance to each non-required exit, to ensure that the total number of exits is achieved. for warp_exit in nonreq_exits: warp_enter = world.random.choice(chosen_entrances) chosen_entrances.remove(warp_enter) self.painting_mapping[warp_enter] = warp_exit # Assign each of the remaining entrances to any required or non-required exit. for warp_enter in chosen_entrances: warp_exit = world.random.choice(chosen_exits) self.painting_mapping[warp_enter] = warp_exit # The Eye Wall painting is unique in that it is both double-sided and also enter only (because it moves). # There is only one eligible double-sided exit painting, which is the vanilla exit for this warp. If the # exit painting is an entrance in the shuffle, we will disable the Eye Wall painting. Otherwise, Eye Wall # is forced to point to the vanilla exit. if "eye_painting_2" not in self.painting_mapping.keys(): self.painting_mapping["eye_painting"] = "eye_painting_2" # Just for sanity's sake, ensure that all required painting rooms are accessed. for painting_id, painting in PAINTINGS.items(): if painting_id not in self.painting_mapping.values() \ and (painting.required or (painting.required_when_no_doors and door_shuffle == ShuffleDoors.option_none)): return False return True def calculate_panel_requirements(self, room: str, panel: str, world: "LingoWorld"): """ Calculate and return the access requirements for solving a given panel. The goal is to eliminate recursion in the access rule function by collecting the rooms, doors, and colors needed by this panel and any panel required by this panel. Memoization is used so that no panel is evaluated more than once. """ if panel not in self.panel_reqs.setdefault(room, {}): access_reqs = AccessRequirements() panel_object = PANELS_BY_ROOM[room][panel] for req_room in panel_object.required_rooms: access_reqs.rooms.add(req_room) for req_door in panel_object.required_doors: door_object = DOORS_BY_ROOM[room if is None else][req_door.door] if door_object.event or world.options.shuffle_doors == ShuffleDoors.option_none: sub_access_reqs = self.calculate_door_requirements( room if is None else, req_door.door, world) access_reqs.merge(sub_access_reqs) else: access_reqs.doors.add(RoomAndDoor(room if is None else, req_door.door)) for color in panel_object.colors: access_reqs.colors.add(color) for req_panel in panel_object.required_panels: if is not None and != room: access_reqs.rooms.add( sub_access_reqs = self.calculate_panel_requirements(room if is None else, req_panel.panel, world) access_reqs.merge(sub_access_reqs) self.panel_reqs[room][panel] = access_reqs return self.panel_reqs[room][panel] def calculate_door_requirements(self, room: str, door: str, world: "LingoWorld"): """ Similar to calculate_panel_requirements, but for event doors. """ if door not in self.door_reqs.setdefault(room, {}): access_reqs = AccessRequirements() door_object = DOORS_BY_ROOM[room][door] for req_panel in door_object.panels: panel_room = room if is None else access_reqs.rooms.add(panel_room) sub_access_reqs = self.calculate_panel_requirements(panel_room, req_panel.panel, world) access_reqs.merge(sub_access_reqs) self.door_reqs[room][door] = access_reqs return self.door_reqs[room][door] def create_panel_hunt_events(self, world: "LingoWorld"): """ Creates the event locations/items used for determining access to the LEVEL 2 panel. Instead of creating an event for every single counting panel in the game, we try to coalesce panels with identical access rules into the same event. Right now, this means the following: When color shuffle is off, panels in a room with no extra access requirements (room, door, or other panel) are all coalesced into one event. When color shuffle is on, single-colored panels (including white) in a room are combined into one event per color. Multicolored panels and panels with any extra access requirements are not coalesced, and will each receive their own event. """ for room_name, room_data in PANELS_BY_ROOM.items(): unhindered_panels_by_color: dict[Optional[str], int] = {} for panel_name, panel_data in room_data.items(): # We won't count non-counting panels. THE MASTER has special access rules and is handled separately. if panel_data.non_counting or panel_name == "THE MASTER": continue # We won't coalesce any panels that have requirements beyond colors. To simplify things for now, we will # only coalesce single-color panels. Chains/stacks/combo puzzles will be separate. if len(panel_data.required_panels) > 0 or len(panel_data.required_doors) > 0\ or len(panel_data.required_rooms) > 0\ or (world.options.shuffle_colors and len(panel_data.colors) > 1): self.counting_panel_reqs.setdefault(room_name, []).append( (self.calculate_panel_requirements(room_name, panel_name, world), 1)) else: if len(panel_data.colors) == 0 or not world.options.shuffle_colors: color = None else: color = panel_data.colors[0] unhindered_panels_by_color[color] = unhindered_panels_by_color.get(color, 0) + 1 for color, panel_count in unhindered_panels_by_color.items(): access_reqs = AccessRequirements() if color is not None: access_reqs.colors.add(color) self.counting_panel_reqs.setdefault(room_name, []).append((access_reqs, panel_count))