{% extends "tablepage.html" %} {% block head %} {{ super() }} Multiworld Tracker {% endblock %} {% block body %} {% include "header/dirtHeader.html" %} {% include "multitrackerNavigation.html" %}
Clicking on a slot's number will bring up the slot-specific tracker. This tracker will automatically update itself periodically.
{%- for team, players in room_players.items() -%}
{% if current_tracker == "Generic" %}{% endif %} {% block custom_table_headers %} {# Implement this block in game-specific multi-trackers. #} {% endblock %} {%- for player in players -%} {%- if current_tracker == "Generic" or games[(team, player)] == current_tracker -%} {%- if current_tracker == "Generic" -%} {%- endif -%} {% block custom_table_row scoped %} {# Implement this block in game-specific multi-trackers. #} {% endblock %} {% set location_count = locations[(team, player)] | length %} {%- if activity_timers[(team, player)] -%} {%- else -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} {%- if not self.custom_table_headers() | trim -%} {%- endif -%}
# NameGameStatusChecks % Last
{{ player }} {{ player_names_with_alias[(team, player)] | e }}{{ games[(team, player)] }} {{ { 0: "Disconnected", 5: "Connected", 10: "Ready", 20: "Playing", 30: "Goal Completed" }.get(states[(team, player)], "Unknown State") }} {{ locations_complete[(team, player)] }}/{{ location_count }} {%- if locations[(team, player)] | length > 0 -%} {% set percentage_of_completion = locations_complete[(team, player)] / location_count * 100 %} {{ "{0:.2f}".format(percentage_of_completion) }} {%- else -%} 100.00 {%- endif -%} {{ activity_timers[(team, player)].total_seconds() }}None
Total All Games {{ completed_worlds[team] }}/{{ players | length }} Complete {{ total_team_locations_complete[team] }}/{{ total_team_locations[team] }} {%- if total_team_locations[team] == 0 -%} 100 {%- else -%} {{ "{0:.2f}".format(total_team_locations_complete[team] / total_team_locations[team] * 100) }} {%- endif -%}
{%- endfor -%} {% block custom_tables %} {# Implement this block to create custom tables in game-specific multi-trackers. #} {% endblock %} {% include "multitrackerHintTable.html" with context %}
{% endblock %}