import logging from typing import Optional from BaseClasses import Boss from Fill import FillError def BossFactory(boss: str, player: int) -> Optional[Boss]: if boss is None: return None if boss in boss_table: enemizer_name, defeat_rule = boss_table[boss] return Boss(boss, enemizer_name, defeat_rule, player) logging.error('Unknown Boss: %s', boss) return None def ArmosKnightsDefeatRule(state, player: int): # Magic amounts are probably a bit overkill return ( state.has_melee_weapon(player) or state.can_shoot_arrows(player) or (state.has('Cane of Somaria', player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 10)) or (state.has('Cane of Byrna', player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 16)) or (state.has('Ice Rod', player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 32)) or (state.has('Fire Rod', player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 32)) or state.has('Blue Boomerang', player) or state.has('Red Boomerang', player)) def LanmolasDefeatRule(state, player: int): return ( state.has_melee_weapon(player) or state.has('Fire Rod', player) or state.has('Ice Rod', player) or state.has('Cane of Somaria', player) or state.has('Cane of Byrna', player) or state.can_shoot_arrows(player)) def MoldormDefeatRule(state, player: int): return state.has_melee_weapon(player) def HelmasaurKingDefeatRule(state, player: int): # TODO: technically possible with the hammer return state.has_sword(player) or state.can_shoot_arrows(player) def ArrghusDefeatRule(state, player: int): if not state.has('Hookshot', player): return False # TODO: ideally we would have a check for bow and silvers, which combined with the # hookshot is enough. This is not coded yet because the silvers that only work in pyramid feature # makes this complicated if state.has_melee_weapon(player): return True return ((state.has('Fire Rod', player) and (state.can_shoot_arrows(player) or state.can_extend_magic(player, 12))) or # assuming mostly gitting two puff with one shot (state.has('Ice Rod', player) and (state.can_shoot_arrows(player) or state.can_extend_magic(player, 16)))) def MothulaDefeatRule(state, player: int): return ( state.has_melee_weapon(player) or (state.has('Fire Rod', player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 10)) or # TODO: Not sure how much (if any) extend magic is needed for these two, since they only apply # to non-vanilla locations, so are harder to test, so sticking with what VT has for now: (state.has('Cane of Somaria', player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 16)) or (state.has('Cane of Byrna', player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 16)) or state.can_get_good_bee(player) ) def BlindDefeatRule(state, player: int): return state.has_melee_weapon(player) or state.has('Cane of Somaria', player) or state.has('Cane of Byrna', player) def KholdstareDefeatRule(state, player: int): return ( ( state.has('Fire Rod', player) or ( state.has('Bombos', player) and # FIXME: the following only actually works for the vanilla location for swordless (state.has_sword(player) or[player] == 'swordless') ) ) and ( state.has_melee_weapon(player) or (state.has('Fire Rod', player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 20)) or # FIXME: this actually only works for the vanilla location for swordless ( state.has('Fire Rod', player) and state.has('Bombos', player) and[player] == 'swordless' and state.can_extend_magic(player, 16) ) ) ) def VitreousDefeatRule(state, player: int): return state.can_shoot_arrows(player) or state.has_melee_weapon(player) def TrinexxDefeatRule(state, player: int): if not (state.has('Fire Rod', player) and state.has('Ice Rod', player)): return False return state.has('Hammer', player) or state.has('Tempered Sword', player) or state.has('Golden Sword', player) or \ (state.has('Master Sword', player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 16)) or \ (state.has_sword(player) and state.can_extend_magic(player, 32)) def AgahnimDefeatRule(state, player: int): return state.has_sword(player) or state.has('Hammer', player) or state.has('Bug Catching Net', player) boss_table = { 'Armos Knights': ('Armos', ArmosKnightsDefeatRule), 'Lanmolas': ('Lanmola', LanmolasDefeatRule), 'Moldorm': ('Moldorm', MoldormDefeatRule), 'Helmasaur King': ('Helmasaur', HelmasaurKingDefeatRule), 'Arrghus': ('Arrghus', ArrghusDefeatRule), 'Mothula': ('Mothula', MothulaDefeatRule), 'Blind': ('Blind', BlindDefeatRule), 'Kholdstare': ('Kholdstare', KholdstareDefeatRule), 'Vitreous': ('Vitreous', VitreousDefeatRule), 'Trinexx': ('Trinexx', TrinexxDefeatRule), 'Agahnim': ('Agahnim', AgahnimDefeatRule), 'Agahnim2': ('Agahnim2', AgahnimDefeatRule) } def can_place_boss(world, player: int, boss: str, dungeon_name: str, level: Optional[str] = None) -> bool: if world.swords[player] in ['swordless'] and boss == 'Kholdstare' and dungeon_name != 'Ice Palace': return False if dungeon_name in ['Ganons Tower', 'Inverted Ganons Tower'] and level == 'top': if boss in ["Armos Knights", "Arrghus", "Blind", "Trinexx", "Lanmolas"]: return False if dungeon_name in ['Ganons Tower', 'Inverted Ganons Tower'] and level == 'middle': if boss in ["Blind"]: return False if dungeon_name == 'Tower of Hera' and boss in ["Armos Knights", "Arrghus", "Blind", "Trinexx", "Lanmolas"]: return False if dungeon_name == 'Skull Woods' and boss in ["Trinexx"]: return False if boss in ["Agahnim", "Agahnim2", "Ganon"]: return False return True def place_boss(world, player: int, boss: str, location: str, level: Optional[str]): logging.debug('Placing boss %s at %s', boss, location + (' (' + level + ')' if level else '')) world.get_dungeon(location, player).bosses[level] = BossFactory(boss, player) def place_bosses(world, player: int): if world.boss_shuffle[player] == 'none': return # Most to least restrictive order if world.mode[player] != 'inverted': boss_locations = [ ['Ganons Tower', 'top'], ['Tower of Hera', None], ['Skull Woods', None], ['Ganons Tower', 'middle'], ['Eastern Palace', None], ['Desert Palace', None], ['Palace of Darkness', None], ['Swamp Palace', None], ['Thieves Town', None], ['Ice Palace', None], ['Misery Mire', None], ['Turtle Rock', None], ['Ganons Tower', 'bottom'], ] else: boss_locations = [ ['Inverted Ganons Tower', 'top'], ['Tower of Hera', None], ['Skull Woods', None], ['Inverted Ganons Tower', 'middle'], ['Eastern Palace', None], ['Desert Palace', None], ['Palace of Darkness', None], ['Swamp Palace', None], ['Thieves Town', None], ['Ice Palace', None], ['Misery Mire', None], ['Turtle Rock', None], ['Inverted Ganons Tower', 'bottom'], ] all_bosses = sorted(boss_table.keys()) # sorted to be deterministic on older pythons placeable_bosses = [boss for boss in all_bosses if boss not in ['Agahnim', 'Agahnim2', 'Ganon']] anywhere_bosses = [boss for boss in placeable_bosses if all( can_place_boss(world, player, boss, loc, level) for loc, level in boss_locations)] if world.boss_shuffle[player] in ["basic", "normal"]: # temporary hack for swordless kholdstare: if world.swords[player] == 'swordless': place_boss(world, player, 'Kholdstare', 'Ice Palace', None) boss_locations.remove(['Ice Palace', None]) placeable_bosses.remove('Kholdstare') if world.boss_shuffle[player] == "basic": # vanilla bosses shuffled bosses = placeable_bosses + ['Armos Knights', 'Lanmolas', 'Moldorm'] else: # all bosses present, the three duplicates chosen at random bosses = all_bosses + [world.random.choice(placeable_bosses) for _ in range(3)] logging.debug('Bosses chosen %s', bosses) world.random.shuffle(bosses) for [loc, level] in boss_locations: boss = next((b for b in bosses if can_place_boss(world, player, b, loc, level)), None) if not boss: loc_text = loc + (' (' + level + ')' if level else '') raise FillError('Could not place boss for location %s' % loc_text) bosses.remove(boss) place_boss(world, player, boss, loc, level) elif world.boss_shuffle[player] == "chaos": # all bosses chosen at random for [loc, level] in boss_locations: try: boss = world.random.choice( [b for b in placeable_bosses if can_place_boss(world, player, b, loc, level)]) except IndexError: loc_text = loc + (' (' + level + ')' if level else '') raise FillError('Could not place boss for location %s' % loc_text) else: place_boss(world, player, boss, loc, level) elif world.boss_shuffle[player] == "singularity": boss = world.random.choice(anywhere_bosses) for loc, level in boss_locations: place_boss(world, player, boss, loc, level) elif world.boss_shuffle[player] == "duality": # pick a boss that can only appear in some places limited_boss = world.random.choice([boss for boss in placeable_bosses if boss not in anywhere_bosses]) remaining_boss_locations = [] for loc, level in boss_locations: #place that boss where it can go if can_place_boss(world, player, limited_boss, loc, level): place_boss(world, player, limited_boss, loc, level) else: remaining_boss_locations.append((loc, level)) #pick a boss to go into the remaining locations remaining_boss = world.random.choice([boss for boss in placeable_bosses if all( can_place_boss(world, player, boss, loc, level) for loc, level in remaining_boss_locations)]) for loc, level in remaining_boss_locations: place_boss(world, player, remaining_boss, loc, level)