import os import logging import typing import asyncio os.environ["KIVY_NO_CONSOLELOG"] = "1" os.environ["KIVY_NO_FILELOG"] = "1" os.environ["KIVY_NO_ARGS"] = "1" os.environ["KIVY_LOG_ENABLE"] = "0" from kivy.base import Config Config.set("input", "mouse", "mouse,disable_multitouch") Config.set('kivy', 'exit_on_escape', '0') Config.set('graphics', 'multisamples', '0') # multisamples crash old intel drivers from import App from kivy.core.window import Window from kivy.core.clipboard import Clipboard from kivy.core.text.markup import MarkupLabel from kivy.base import ExceptionHandler, ExceptionManager, Clock from kivy.factory import Factory from import BooleanProperty, ObjectProperty from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput from kivy.uix.recycleview import RecycleView from kivy.uix.tabbedpanel import TabbedPanel, TabbedPanelItem from kivy.uix.boxlayout import BoxLayout from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.progressbar import ProgressBar from kivy.utils import escape_markup from kivy.lang import Builder from kivy.uix.recycleview.views import RecycleDataViewBehavior from kivy.uix.behaviors import FocusBehavior from kivy.uix.recycleboxlayout import RecycleBoxLayout from kivy.uix.recycleview.layout import LayoutSelectionBehavior import Utils from NetUtils import JSONtoTextParser, JSONMessagePart if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: import CommonClient context_type = CommonClient.CommonContext else: context_type = object # I was surprised to find this didn't already exist in kivy :( class HoverBehavior(object): """from""" hovered = BooleanProperty(False) border_point = ObjectProperty(None) def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.register_event_type('on_enter') self.register_event_type('on_leave') Window.bind(mouse_pos=self.on_mouse_pos) Window.bind(on_cursor_leave=self.on_cursor_leave) super(HoverBehavior, self).__init__(**kwargs) def on_mouse_pos(self, *args): if not self.get_root_window(): return # do proceed if I'm not displayed <=> If have no parent pos = args[1] # Next line to_widget allow to compensate for relative layout inside = self.collide_point(*self.to_widget(*pos)) if self.hovered == inside: return # We have already done what was needed self.border_point = pos self.hovered = inside if inside: self.dispatch("on_enter") else: self.dispatch("on_leave") def on_cursor_leave(self, *args): # if the mouse left the window, it is obviously no longer inside the hover label. self.hovered = BooleanProperty(False) self.border_point = ObjectProperty(None) self.dispatch("on_leave") Factory.register('HoverBehavior', HoverBehavior) class ServerToolTip(Label): pass class HovererableLabel(HoverBehavior, Label): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(HovererableLabel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.layout = FloatLayout() self.popuplabel = ServerToolTip(text="Test") self.layout.add_widget(self.popuplabel) def on_enter(self): self.popuplabel.text = self.get_text() App.get_running_app().root.add_widget(self.layout) def on_leave(self): App.get_running_app().root.remove_widget(self.layout) @property def ctx(self) -> context_type: return App.get_running_app().ctx class ServerLabel(HovererableLabel): def get_text(self): if self.ctx.server: ctx = self.ctx text = f"Connected to: {ctx.server_address}." if ctx.slot is not None: text += f"\nYou are Slot Number {ctx.slot} in Team Number {}, " \ f"named {ctx.player_names[ctx.slot]}." if ctx.items_received: text += f"\nYou have received {len(ctx.items_received)} items. " \ f"You can list them in order with /received." if ctx.total_locations: text += f"\nYou have checked {len(ctx.checked_locations)} " \ f"out of {ctx.total_locations} locations. " \ f"You can get more info on missing checks with /missing." if ctx.permissions: text += "\nPermissions:" for permission_name, permission_data in ctx.permissions.items(): text += f"\n {permission_name}: {permission_data}" if ctx.hint_cost is not None and ctx.total_locations: text += f"\nA new !hint costs {ctx.hint_cost}% of checks made. " \ f"For you this means every {max(0, int(ctx.hint_cost * 0.01 * ctx.total_locations))} " \ "location checks." elif ctx.hint_cost == 0: text += "\n!hint is free to use." else: text += f"\nYou are not authenticated yet." return text else: return "No current server connection. \nPlease connect to an Archipelago server." class MainLayout(GridLayout): pass class ContainerLayout(FloatLayout): pass class SelectableRecycleBoxLayout(FocusBehavior, LayoutSelectionBehavior, RecycleBoxLayout): """ Adds selection and focus behaviour to the view. """ class SelectableLabel(RecycleDataViewBehavior, Label): """ Add selection support to the Label """ index = None selected = BooleanProperty(False) def refresh_view_attrs(self, rv, index, data): """ Catch and handle the view changes """ self.index = index return super(SelectableLabel, self).refresh_view_attrs( rv, index, data) def on_touch_down(self, touch): """ Add selection on touch down """ if super(SelectableLabel, self).on_touch_down(touch): return True if self.collide_point(*touch.pos): if self.selected: self.parent.clear_selection() else: # Not a fan of the following few lines, but they work. temp = MarkupLabel(text=self.text).markup text = "".join(part for part in temp if not part.startswith(("[color", "[/color]"))) cmdinput = App.get_running_app().textinput if not cmdinput.text and " did you mean " in text: for question in ("Didn't find something that closely matches, did you mean ", "Too many close matches, did you mean "): if text.startswith(question): name = Utils.get_text_between(text, question, "? (") cmdinput.text = f"!{App.get_running_app().last_autofillable_command} {name}" break elif not cmdinput.text and text.startswith("Missing: "): cmdinput.text = text.replace("Missing: ", "!hint_location ") Clipboard.copy(text) return self.parent.select_with_touch(self.index, touch) def apply_selection(self, rv, index, is_selected): """ Respond to the selection of items in the view. """ self.selected = is_selected class ConnectBarTextInput(TextInput): def insert_text(self, substring, from_undo=False): s = substring.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '') return super(ConnectBarTextInput, self).insert_text(s, from_undo=from_undo) class GameManager(App): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago"), ] base_title: str = "Archipelago Client" last_autofillable_command: str def __init__(self, ctx: context_type): self.title = self.base_title self.ctx = ctx self.commandprocessor = ctx.command_processor(ctx) self.icon = r"data/icon.png" self.json_to_kivy_parser = KivyJSONtoTextParser(ctx) self.log_panels = {} # keep track of last used command to autofill on click self.last_autofillable_command = "hint" autofillable_commands = ("hint_location", "hint", "getitem") original_say = ctx.on_user_say def intercept_say(text): text = original_say(text) if text: for command in autofillable_commands: if text.startswith("!" + command): self.last_autofillable_command = command break return text ctx.on_user_say = intercept_say super(GameManager, self).__init__() def build(self): self.container = ContainerLayout() self.grid = MainLayout() self.grid.cols = 1 self.connect_layout = BoxLayout(orientation="horizontal", size_hint_y=None, height=30) # top part server_label = ServerLabel() self.connect_layout.add_widget(server_label) self.server_connect_bar = ConnectBarTextInput(text="", size_hint_y=None, height=30, multiline=False, write_tab=False) self.server_connect_bar.bind(on_text_validate=self.connect_button_action) self.connect_layout.add_widget(self.server_connect_bar) self.server_connect_button = Button(text="Connect", size=(100, 30), size_hint_y=None, size_hint_x=None) self.server_connect_button.bind(on_press=self.connect_button_action) self.connect_layout.add_widget(self.server_connect_button) self.grid.add_widget(self.connect_layout) self.progressbar = ProgressBar(size_hint_y=None, height=3) self.grid.add_widget(self.progressbar) # middle part self.tabs = TabbedPanel(size_hint_y=1) self.tabs.default_tab_text = "All" self.log_panels["All"] = self.tabs.default_tab_content = UILog(*(logging.getLogger(logger_name) for logger_name, name in self.logging_pairs)) for logger_name, display_name in self.logging_pairs: bridge_logger = logging.getLogger(logger_name) panel = TabbedPanelItem(text=display_name) self.log_panels[display_name] = panel.content = UILog(bridge_logger) self.tabs.add_widget(panel) self.grid.add_widget(self.tabs) if len(self.logging_pairs) == 1: # Hide Tab selection if only one tab self.tabs.clear_tabs() self.tabs.do_default_tab = False self.tabs.current_tab.height = 0 self.tabs.tab_height = 0 # bottom part bottom_layout = BoxLayout(orientation="horizontal", size_hint_y=None, height=30) info_button = Button(height=30, text="Command:", size_hint_x=None) info_button.bind(on_release=self.command_button_action) bottom_layout.add_widget(info_button) self.textinput = TextInput(size_hint_y=None, height=30, multiline=False, write_tab=False) self.textinput.bind(on_text_validate=self.on_message) def text_focus(event): """Needs to be set via delay, as unfocusing happens after on_message""" self.textinput.focus = True self.textinput.text_focus = text_focus bottom_layout.add_widget(self.textinput) self.grid.add_widget(bottom_layout) self.commandprocessor("/help") Clock.schedule_interval(self.update_texts, 1 / 30) self.container.add_widget(self.grid) return self.container def update_texts(self, dt): self.tabs.content.children[0].fix_heights() # TODO: remove this when Kivy fixes this upstream if self.ctx.server: self.title = self.base_title + " " + Utils.__version__ + \ f" | Connected to: {self.ctx.server_address} " \ f"{'.'.join(str(e) for e in self.ctx.server_version)}" self.server_connect_button.text = "Disconnect" self.progressbar.max = len(self.ctx.checked_locations) + len(self.ctx.missing_locations) self.progressbar.value = len(self.ctx.checked_locations) else: self.server_connect_button.text = "Connect" self.title = self.base_title + " " + Utils.__version__ self.progressbar.value = 0 def command_button_action(self, button): if self.ctx.server: logging.getLogger("Client").info("/help for client commands and !help for server commands.") else: logging.getLogger("Client").info("/help for client commands and once you are connected, " "!help for server commands.") def connect_button_action(self, button): if self.ctx.server: self.ctx.server_address = None asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.disconnect()) else: asyncio.create_task(self.ctx.connect(self.server_connect_bar.text.replace("/connect ", ""))) def on_stop(self): # "kill" input tasks for x in range(self.ctx.input_requests): self.ctx.input_queue.put_nowait("") self.ctx.input_requests = 0 self.ctx.exit_event.set() def on_message(self, textinput: TextInput): try: input_text = textinput.text.strip() textinput.text = "" if self.ctx.input_requests > 0: self.ctx.input_requests -= 1 self.ctx.input_queue.put_nowait(input_text) elif input_text: self.commandprocessor(input_text) Clock.schedule_once(textinput.text_focus) except Exception as e: logging.getLogger("Client").exception(e) def print_json(self, data: typing.List[JSONMessagePart]): text = self.json_to_kivy_parser(data) self.log_panels["Archipelago"].on_message_markup(text) self.log_panels["All"].on_message_markup(text) def enable_energy_link(self): if not hasattr(self, "energy_link_label"): self.energy_link_label = Label(text="Energy Link: Standby", size_hint_x=None, width=150) self.connect_layout.add_widget(self.energy_link_label) def set_new_energy_link_value(self): if hasattr(self, "energy_link_label"): self.energy_link_label.text = f"EL: {Utils.format_SI_prefix(self.ctx.current_energy_link_value)}J" class FactorioManager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago"), ("FactorioServer", "Factorio Server Log"), ("FactorioWatcher", "Bridge Data Log"), ] base_title = "Archipelago Factorio Client" class ChecksFinderManager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago") ] base_title = "Archipelago ChecksFinder Client" class SNIManager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago"), ("SNES", "SNES"), ] base_title = "Archipelago SNI Client" class TextManager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago") ] base_title = "Archipelago Text Client" class FF1Manager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago") ] base_title = "Archipelago Final Fantasy 1 Client" class OoTManager(GameManager): logging_pairs = [ ("Client", "Archipelago") ] base_title = "Archipelago Ocarina of Time Client" class LogtoUI(logging.Handler): def __init__(self, on_log): super(LogtoUI, self).__init__(logging.INFO) self.on_log = on_log def handle(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None: self.on_log(self.format(record)) class UILog(RecycleView): cols = 1 def __init__(self, *loggers_to_handle, **kwargs): super(UILog, self).__init__(**kwargs) = [] for logger in loggers_to_handle: logger.addHandler(LogtoUI(self.on_log)) def on_log(self, record: str) -> None:{"text": escape_markup(record)}) def on_message_markup(self, text):{"text": text}) def fix_heights(self): """Workaround fix for divergent texture and layout heights""" for element in self.children[0].children: if element.height != element.texture_size[1]: element.height = element.texture_size[1] class E(ExceptionHandler): logger = logging.getLogger("Client") def handle_exception(self, inst): self.logger.exception("Uncaught Exception:", exc_info=inst) return ExceptionManager.PASS class KivyJSONtoTextParser(JSONtoTextParser): def _handle_color(self, node: JSONMessagePart): colors = node["color"].split(";") node["text"] = escape_markup(node["text"]) for color in colors: color_code = self.color_codes.get(color, None) if color_code: node["text"] = f"[color={color_code}]{node['text']}[/color]" return self._handle_text(node) return self._handle_text(node) ExceptionManager.add_handler(E()) Builder.load_file(Utils.local_path("data", "client.kv"))