from __future__ import annotations import asyncio import copy import ctypes import enum import inspect import logging import multiprocessing import os.path import re import sys import tempfile import typing import queue import zipfile import io import random import concurrent.futures from pathlib import Path # CommonClient import first to trigger ModuleUpdater from CommonClient import CommonContext, server_loop, ClientCommandProcessor, gui_enabled, get_base_parser from Utils import init_logging, is_windows, async_start from worlds.sc2 import ItemNames from worlds.sc2.ItemGroups import item_name_groups, unlisted_item_name_groups from worlds.sc2 import Options from worlds.sc2.Options import ( MissionOrder, KerriganPrimalStatus, kerrigan_unit_available, KerriganPresence, GameSpeed, GenericUpgradeItems, GenericUpgradeResearch, ColorChoice, GenericUpgradeMissions, LocationInclusion, ExtraLocations, MasteryLocations, ChallengeLocations, VanillaLocations, DisableForcedCamera, SkipCutscenes, GrantStoryTech, GrantStoryLevels, TakeOverAIAllies, RequiredTactics, SpearOfAdunPresence, SpearOfAdunPresentInNoBuild, SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastAbilityPresence, SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastPresentInNoBuild ) if __name__ == "__main__": init_logging("SC2Client", exception_logger="Client") logger = logging.getLogger("Client") sc2_logger = logging.getLogger("Starcraft2") import nest_asyncio from worlds._sc2common import bot from import Race from import run_game from import Bot from worlds.sc2.Items import lookup_id_to_name, get_full_item_list, ItemData, type_flaggroups, upgrade_numbers, upgrade_numbers_all from worlds.sc2.Locations import SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET, LocationType, SC2HOTS_LOC_ID_OFFSET from worlds.sc2.MissionTables import lookup_id_to_mission, SC2Campaign, lookup_name_to_mission, \ lookup_id_to_campaign, MissionConnection, SC2Mission, campaign_mission_table, SC2Race, get_no_build_missions from worlds.sc2.Regions import MissionInfo import colorama from Options import Option from NetUtils import ClientStatus, NetworkItem, JSONtoTextParser, JSONMessagePart, add_json_item, add_json_location, add_json_text, JSONTypes from MultiServer import mark_raw pool = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(1) loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().new_event_loop() nest_asyncio.apply(loop) MAX_BONUS: int = 28 VICTORY_MODULO: int = 100 # GitHub repo where the Map/mod data is hosted for /download_data command DATA_REPO_OWNER = "Ziktofel" DATA_REPO_NAME = "Archipelago-SC2-data" DATA_API_VERSION = "API3" # Bot controller CONTROLLER_HEALTH: int = 38281 CONTROLLER2_HEALTH: int = 38282 # Games STARCRAFT2 = "Starcraft 2" STARCRAFT2_WOL = "Starcraft 2 Wings of Liberty" # Data version file path. # This file is used to tell if the downloaded data are outdated # Associated with /download_data command def get_metadata_file() -> str: return os.environ["SC2PATH"] + os.sep + "ArchipelagoSC2Metadata.txt" class ConfigurableOptionType(enum.Enum): INTEGER = ENUM = class ConfigurableOptionInfo(typing.NamedTuple): name: str variable_name: str option_class: typing.Type[Option] option_type: ConfigurableOptionType = ConfigurableOptionType.ENUM can_break_logic: bool = False class ColouredMessage: def __init__(self, text: str = '') -> None: typing.List[dict] = [] if text: self(text) def __call__(self, text: str) -> 'ColouredMessage': add_json_text(, text) return self def coloured(self, text: str, colour: str) -> 'ColouredMessage': add_json_text(, text, type="color", color=colour) return self def location(self, location_id: int, player_id: int = 0) -> 'ColouredMessage': add_json_location(, location_id, player_id) return self def item(self, item_id: int, player_id: int = 0, flags: int = 0) -> 'ColouredMessage': add_json_item(, item_id, player_id, flags) return self def player(self, player_id: int) -> 'ColouredMessage': add_json_text(, str(player_id), type=JSONTypes.player_id) return self def send(self, ctx: SC2Context) -> None: ctx.on_print_json({"data":, "cmd": "PrintJSON"}) class StarcraftClientProcessor(ClientCommandProcessor): ctx: SC2Context echo_commands = True def formatted_print(self, text: str) -> None: """Prints with kivy formatting to the GUI, and also prints to command-line and to all logs""" # Note(mm): Bold/underline can help readability, but unfortunately the CommonClient does not filter bold tags from command-line output. # Regardless, using `on_print_json` to get formatted text in the GUI and output in the command-line and in the logs, # without having to branch code from CommonClient self.ctx.on_print_json({"data": [{"text": text}]}) def _cmd_difficulty(self, difficulty: str = "") -> bool: """Overrides the current difficulty set for the world. Takes the argument casual, normal, hard, or brutal""" options = difficulty.split() num_options = len(options) if num_options > 0: difficulty_choice = options[0].lower() if difficulty_choice == "casual": self.ctx.difficulty_override = 0 elif difficulty_choice == "normal": self.ctx.difficulty_override = 1 elif difficulty_choice == "hard": self.ctx.difficulty_override = 2 elif difficulty_choice == "brutal": self.ctx.difficulty_override = 3 else: self.output("Unable to parse difficulty '" + options[0] + "'") return False self.output("Difficulty set to " + options[0]) return True else: if self.ctx.difficulty == -1: self.output("Please connect to a seed before checking difficulty.") else: current_difficulty = self.ctx.difficulty if self.ctx.difficulty_override >= 0: current_difficulty = self.ctx.difficulty_override self.output("Current difficulty: " + ["Casual", "Normal", "Hard", "Brutal"][current_difficulty]) self.output("To change the difficulty, add the name of the difficulty after the command.") return False def _cmd_game_speed(self, game_speed: str = "") -> bool: """Overrides the current game speed for the world. Takes the arguments default, slower, slow, normal, fast, faster""" options = game_speed.split() num_options = len(options) if num_options > 0: speed_choice = options[0].lower() if speed_choice == "default": self.ctx.game_speed_override = 0 elif speed_choice == "slower": self.ctx.game_speed_override = 1 elif speed_choice == "slow": self.ctx.game_speed_override = 2 elif speed_choice == "normal": self.ctx.game_speed_override = 3 elif speed_choice == "fast": self.ctx.game_speed_override = 4 elif speed_choice == "faster": self.ctx.game_speed_override = 5 else: self.output("Unable to parse game speed '" + options[0] + "'") return False self.output("Game speed set to " + options[0]) return True else: if self.ctx.game_speed == -1: self.output("Please connect to a seed before checking game speed.") else: current_speed = self.ctx.game_speed if self.ctx.game_speed_override >= 0: current_speed = self.ctx.game_speed_override self.output("Current game speed: " + ["Default", "Slower", "Slow", "Normal", "Fast", "Faster"][current_speed]) self.output("To change the game speed, add the name of the speed after the command," " or Default to select based on difficulty.") return False @mark_raw def _cmd_received(self, filter_search: str = "") -> bool: """List received items. Pass in a parameter to filter the search by partial item name or exact item group.""" # Groups must be matched case-sensitively, so we properly capitalize the search term # eg. "Spear of Adun" over "Spear Of Adun" or "spear of adun" # This fails a lot of item name matches, but those should be found by partial name match formatted_filter_search = " ".join([(part.lower() if len(part) <= 3 else part.lower().capitalize()) for part in filter_search.split()]) def item_matches_filter(item_name: str) -> bool: # The filter can be an exact group name or a partial item name # Partial item name can be matched case-insensitively if filter_search.lower() in item_name.lower(): return True # The search term should already be formatted as a group name if formatted_filter_search in item_name_groups and item_name in item_name_groups[formatted_filter_search]: return True return False items = get_full_item_list() categorized_items: typing.Dict[SC2Race, typing.List[int]] = {} parent_to_child: typing.Dict[int, typing.List[int]] = {} items_received: typing.Dict[int, typing.List[NetworkItem]] = {} filter_match_count = 0 for item in self.ctx.items_received: items_received.setdefault(item.item, []).append(item) items_received_set = set(items_received) for item_data in items.values(): if item_data.parent_item: parent_to_child.setdefault(items[item_data.parent_item].code, []).append(item_data.code) else: categorized_items.setdefault(item_data.race, []).append(item_data.code) for faction in SC2Race: has_printed_faction_title = False def print_faction_title(): if not has_printed_faction_title: self.formatted_print(f" [u]{}[/u] ") for item_id in categorized_items[faction]: item_name = self.ctx.item_names[item_id] received_child_items = items_received_set.intersection(parent_to_child.get(item_id, [])) matching_children = [child for child in received_child_items if item_matches_filter(self.ctx.item_names[child])] received_items_of_this_type = items_received.get(item_id, []) item_is_match = item_matches_filter(item_name) if item_is_match or len(matching_children) > 0: # Print found item if it or its children match the filter if item_is_match: filter_match_count += len(received_items_of_this_type) for item in received_items_of_this_type: print_faction_title() has_printed_faction_title = True (ColouredMessage('* ').item(item.item, flags=item.flags) (" from ").location(item.location, self.ctx.slot) (" by ").player(item.player) ).send(self.ctx) if received_child_items: # We have this item's children if len(matching_children) == 0: # ...but none of them match the filter continue if not received_items_of_this_type: # We didn't receive the item itself print_faction_title() has_printed_faction_title = True ColouredMessage("- ").coloured(item_name, "black")(" - not obtained").send(self.ctx) for child_item in matching_children: received_items_of_this_type = items_received.get(child_item, []) for item in received_items_of_this_type: filter_match_count += len(received_items_of_this_type) (ColouredMessage(' * ').item(item.item, flags=item.flags) (" from ").location(item.location, self.ctx.slot) (" by ").player(item.player) ).send(self.ctx) non_matching_children = len(received_child_items) - len(matching_children) if non_matching_children > 0: self.formatted_print(f" + {non_matching_children} child items that don't match the filter") if filter_search == "": self.formatted_print(f"[b]Obtained: {len(self.ctx.items_received)} items[/b]") else: self.formatted_print(f"[b]Filter \"{filter_search}\" found {filter_match_count} out of {len(self.ctx.items_received)} obtained items[/b]") return True def _cmd_option(self, option_name: str = "", option_value: str = "") -> None: """Sets a Starcraft game option that can be changed after generation. Use "/option list" to see all options.""" LOGIC_WARNING = f" *Note changing this may result in logically unbeatable games*\n" options = ( ConfigurableOptionInfo('kerrigan_presence', 'kerrigan_presence', Options.KerriganPresence, can_break_logic=True), ConfigurableOptionInfo('soa_presence', 'spear_of_adun_presence', Options.SpearOfAdunPresence, can_break_logic=True), ConfigurableOptionInfo('soa_in_nobuilds', 'spear_of_adun_present_in_no_build', Options.SpearOfAdunPresentInNoBuild, can_break_logic=True), ConfigurableOptionInfo('control_ally', 'take_over_ai_allies', Options.TakeOverAIAllies, can_break_logic=True), ConfigurableOptionInfo('minerals_per_item', 'minerals_per_item', Options.MineralsPerItem, ConfigurableOptionType.INTEGER), ConfigurableOptionInfo('gas_per_item', 'vespene_per_item', Options.VespenePerItem, ConfigurableOptionType.INTEGER), ConfigurableOptionInfo('supply_per_item', 'starting_supply_per_item', Options.StartingSupplyPerItem, ConfigurableOptionType.INTEGER), ConfigurableOptionInfo('no_forced_camera', 'disable_forced_camera', Options.DisableForcedCamera), ConfigurableOptionInfo('skip_cutscenes', 'skip_cutscenes', Options.SkipCutscenes), ) WARNING_COLOUR = "salmon" CMD_COLOUR = "slateblue" boolean_option_map = { 'y': 'true', 'yes': 'true', 'n': 'false', 'no': 'false', } help_message = ColouredMessage(inspect.cleandoc(""" Options -------------------- """))('\n') for option in options: option_help_text = inspect.cleandoc(option.option_class.__doc__ or "No description provided.").split('\n', 1)[0] help_message.coloured(, CMD_COLOUR)(": " + " | ".join(option.option_class.options) + f" -- {option_help_text}\n") if option.can_break_logic: help_message.coloured(LOGIC_WARNING, WARNING_COLOUR) help_message("--------------------\nEnter an option without arguments to see its current value.\n") if not option_name or option_name == 'list' or option_name == 'help': help_message.send(self.ctx) return for option in options: if option_name == option_value = boolean_option_map.get(option_value, option_value) if not option_value: pass elif option.option_type == ConfigurableOptionType.ENUM and option_value in option.option_class.options: self.ctx.__dict__[option.variable_name] = option.option_class.options[option_value] elif option.option_type == ConfigurableOptionType.INTEGER: try: self.ctx.__dict__[option.variable_name] = int(option_value, base=0) except: self.output(f"{option_value} is not a valid integer") else: self.output(f"Unknown option value '{option_value}'") ColouredMessage(f"{} is '{option.option_class.get_option_name(self.ctx.__dict__[option.variable_name])}'").send(self.ctx) break else: self.output(f"Unknown option '{option_name}'") help_message.send(self.ctx) def _cmd_color(self, faction: str = "", color: str = "") -> None: """Changes the player color for a given faction.""" player_colors = [ "White", "Red", "Blue", "Teal", "Purple", "Yellow", "Orange", "Green", "LightPink", "Violet", "LightGrey", "DarkGreen", "Brown", "LightGreen", "DarkGrey", "Pink", "Rainbow", "Random", "Default" ] var_names = { 'raynor': 'player_color_raynor', 'kerrigan': 'player_color_zerg', 'primal': 'player_color_zerg_primal', 'protoss': 'player_color_protoss', 'nova': 'player_color_nova', } faction = faction.lower() if not faction: for faction_name, key in var_names.items(): self.output(f"Current player color for {faction_name}: {player_colors[self.ctx.__dict__[key]]}") self.output("To change your color, add the faction name and color after the command.") self.output("Available factions: " + ', '.join(var_names)) self.output("Available colors: " + ', '.join(player_colors)) return elif faction not in var_names: self.output(f"Unknown faction '{faction}'.") self.output("Available factions: " + ', '.join(var_names)) return match_colors = [player_color.lower() for player_color in player_colors] if not color: self.output(f"Current player color for {faction}: {player_colors[self.ctx.__dict__[var_names[faction]]]}") self.output("To change this faction's colors, add the name of the color after the command.") self.output("Available colors: " + ', '.join(player_colors)) else: if color.lower() not in match_colors: self.output(color + " is not a valid color. Available colors: " + ', '.join(player_colors)) return if color.lower() == "random": color = random.choice(player_colors[:16]) self.ctx.__dict__[var_names[faction]] = match_colors.index(color.lower()) self.ctx.pending_color_update = True self.output(f"Color for {faction} set to " + player_colors[self.ctx.__dict__[var_names[faction]]]) def _cmd_disable_mission_check(self) -> bool: """Disables the check to see if a mission is available to play. Meant for co-op runs where one player can play the next mission in a chain the other player is doing.""" self.ctx.missions_unlocked = True"Mission check has been disabled") return True def _cmd_play(self, mission_id: str = "") -> bool: """Start a Starcraft 2 mission""" options = mission_id.split() num_options = len(options) if num_options > 0: mission_number = int(options[0]) self.ctx.play_mission(mission_number) else: "Mission ID needs to be specified. Use /unfinished or /available to view ids for available missions.") return False return True def _cmd_available(self) -> bool: """Get what missions are currently available to play""" request_available_missions(self.ctx) return True def _cmd_unfinished(self) -> bool: """Get what missions are currently available to play and have not had all locations checked""" request_unfinished_missions(self.ctx) return True @mark_raw def _cmd_set_path(self, path: str = '') -> bool: """Manually set the SC2 install directory (if the automatic detection fails).""" if path: os.environ["SC2PATH"] = path is_mod_installed_correctly() return True else: sc2_logger.warning("When using set_path, you must type the path to your SC2 install directory.") return False def _cmd_download_data(self) -> bool: """Download the most recent release of the necessary files for playing SC2 with Archipelago. Will overwrite existing files.""" pool.submit(self._download_data) return True @staticmethod def _download_data() -> bool: if "SC2PATH" not in os.environ: check_game_install_path() if os.path.exists(get_metadata_file()): with open(get_metadata_file(), "r") as f: metadata = else: metadata = None tempzip, metadata = download_latest_release_zip( DATA_REPO_OWNER, DATA_REPO_NAME, DATA_API_VERSION, metadata=metadata, force_download=True) if tempzip: try: zipfile.ZipFile(tempzip).extractall(path=os.environ["SC2PATH"])"Download complete. Package installed.") if metadata is not None: with open(get_metadata_file(), "w") as f: f.write(metadata) finally: os.remove(tempzip) else: sc2_logger.warning("Download aborted/failed. Read the log for more information.") return False return True class SC2JSONtoTextParser(JSONtoTextParser): def __init__(self, ctx) -> None: self.handlers = { "ItemSend": self._handle_color, "ItemCheat": self._handle_color, "Hint": self._handle_color, } super().__init__(ctx) def _handle_color(self, node: JSONMessagePart) -> str: codes = node["color"].split(";") buffer = "".join(self.color_code(code) for code in codes if code in self.color_codes) return buffer + self._handle_text(node) + '' def color_code(self, code: str) -> str: return '' class SC2Context(CommonContext): command_processor = StarcraftClientProcessor game = STARCRAFT2 items_handling = 0b111 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None: super(SC2Context, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.raw_text_parser = SC2JSONtoTextParser(self) self.difficulty = -1 self.game_speed = -1 self.disable_forced_camera = 0 self.skip_cutscenes = 0 self.all_in_choice = 0 self.mission_order = 0 self.player_color_raynor = ColorChoice.option_blue self.player_color_zerg = ColorChoice.option_orange self.player_color_zerg_primal = ColorChoice.option_purple self.player_color_protoss = ColorChoice.option_blue self.player_color_nova = ColorChoice.option_dark_grey self.pending_color_update = False self.kerrigan_presence = 0 self.kerrigan_primal_status = 0 self.levels_per_check = 0 self.checks_per_level = 1 self.mission_req_table: typing.Dict[SC2Campaign, typing.Dict[str, MissionInfo]] = {} self.final_mission: int = 29 self.announcements: queue.Queue = queue.Queue() self.sc2_run_task: typing.Optional[asyncio.Task] = None self.missions_unlocked: bool = False # allow launching missions ignoring requirements self.generic_upgrade_missions = 0 self.generic_upgrade_research = 0 self.generic_upgrade_items = 0 self.location_inclusions: typing.Dict[LocationType, int] = {} self.plando_locations: typing.List[str] = [] self.current_tooltip = None self.last_loc_list = None self.difficulty_override = -1 self.game_speed_override = -1 self.mission_id_to_location_ids: typing.Dict[int, typing.List[int]] = {} self.last_bot: typing.Optional[ArchipelagoBot] = None self.slot_data_version = 2 self.grant_story_tech = 0 self.required_tactics = RequiredTactics.option_standard self.take_over_ai_allies = TakeOverAIAllies.option_false self.spear_of_adun_presence = SpearOfAdunPresence.option_not_present self.spear_of_adun_present_in_no_build = SpearOfAdunPresentInNoBuild.option_false self.spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_ability_presence = SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastAbilityPresence.option_not_present self.spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_present_in_no_build = SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastPresentInNoBuild.option_false self.minerals_per_item = 15 self.vespene_per_item = 15 self.starting_supply_per_item = 2 self.nova_covert_ops_only = False self.kerrigan_levels_per_mission_completed = 0 async def server_auth(self, password_requested: bool = False) -> None: = STARCRAFT2 if password_requested and not self.password: await super(SC2Context, self).server_auth(password_requested) await self.get_username() await self.send_connect() if self.ui: self.ui.first_check = True def is_legacy_game(self): return == STARCRAFT2_WOL def event_invalid_game(self): if self.is_legacy_game(): = STARCRAFT2 super().event_invalid_game() else: = STARCRAFT2_WOL async_start(self.send_connect()) def on_package(self, cmd: str, args: dict) -> None: if cmd == "Connected": self.difficulty = args["slot_data"]["game_difficulty"] self.game_speed = args["slot_data"].get("game_speed", GameSpeed.option_default) self.disable_forced_camera = args["slot_data"].get("disable_forced_camera", DisableForcedCamera.default) self.skip_cutscenes = args["slot_data"].get("skip_cutscenes", SkipCutscenes.default) self.all_in_choice = args["slot_data"]["all_in_map"] self.slot_data_version = args["slot_data"].get("version", 2) slot_req_table: dict = args["slot_data"]["mission_req"] first_item = list(slot_req_table.keys())[0] # Maintaining backwards compatibility with older slot data if first_item in [str( for campaign in SC2Campaign]: # Multi-campaign self.mission_req_table = {} for campaign_id in slot_req_table: campaign = lookup_id_to_campaign[int(campaign_id)] self.mission_req_table[campaign] = { mission: self.parse_mission_info(mission_info) for mission, mission_info in slot_req_table[campaign_id].items() } else: # Old format self.mission_req_table = {SC2Campaign.GLOBAL: { mission: self.parse_mission_info(mission_info) for mission, mission_info in slot_req_table.items() } } self.mission_order = args["slot_data"].get("mission_order", MissionOrder.option_vanilla) self.final_mission = args["slot_data"].get("final_mission", self.player_color_raynor = args["slot_data"].get("player_color_terran_raynor", ColorChoice.option_blue) self.player_color_zerg = args["slot_data"].get("player_color_zerg", ColorChoice.option_orange) self.player_color_zerg_primal = args["slot_data"].get("player_color_zerg_primal", ColorChoice.option_purple) self.player_color_protoss = args["slot_data"].get("player_color_protoss", ColorChoice.option_blue) self.player_color_nova = args["slot_data"].get("player_color_nova", ColorChoice.option_dark_grey) self.generic_upgrade_missions = args["slot_data"].get("generic_upgrade_missions", GenericUpgradeMissions.default) self.generic_upgrade_items = args["slot_data"].get("generic_upgrade_items", GenericUpgradeItems.option_individual_items) self.generic_upgrade_research = args["slot_data"].get("generic_upgrade_research", GenericUpgradeResearch.option_vanilla) self.kerrigan_presence = args["slot_data"].get("kerrigan_presence", KerriganPresence.option_vanilla) self.kerrigan_primal_status = args["slot_data"].get("kerrigan_primal_status", KerriganPrimalStatus.option_vanilla) self.kerrigan_levels_per_mission_completed = args["slot_data"].get("kerrigan_levels_per_mission_completed", 0) self.kerrigan_levels_per_mission_completed_cap = args["slot_data"].get("kerrigan_levels_per_mission_completed_cap", -1) self.kerrigan_total_level_cap = args["slot_data"].get("kerrigan_total_level_cap", -1) self.grant_story_tech = args["slot_data"].get("grant_story_tech", GrantStoryTech.option_false) self.grant_story_levels = args["slot_data"].get("grant_story_levels", GrantStoryLevels.option_additive) self.required_tactics = args["slot_data"].get("required_tactics", RequiredTactics.option_standard) self.take_over_ai_allies = args["slot_data"].get("take_over_ai_allies", TakeOverAIAllies.option_false) self.spear_of_adun_presence = args["slot_data"].get("spear_of_adun_presence", SpearOfAdunPresence.option_not_present) self.spear_of_adun_present_in_no_build = args["slot_data"].get("spear_of_adun_present_in_no_build", SpearOfAdunPresentInNoBuild.option_false) self.spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_ability_presence = args["slot_data"].get("spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_ability_presence", SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastAbilityPresence.option_not_present) self.spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_present_in_no_build = args["slot_data"].get("spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_present_in_no_build", SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastPresentInNoBuild.option_false) self.minerals_per_item = args["slot_data"].get("minerals_per_item", 15) self.vespene_per_item = args["slot_data"].get("vespene_per_item", 15) self.starting_supply_per_item = args["slot_data"].get("starting_supply_per_item", 2) self.nova_covert_ops_only = args["slot_data"].get("nova_covert_ops_only", False) if self.required_tactics == RequiredTactics.option_no_logic: # Locking Grant Story Tech/Levels if no logic self.grant_story_tech = GrantStoryTech.option_true self.grant_story_levels = GrantStoryLevels.option_minimum self.location_inclusions = { LocationType.VICTORY: LocationInclusion.option_enabled, # Victory checks are always enabled LocationType.VANILLA: args["slot_data"].get("vanilla_locations", VanillaLocations.default), LocationType.EXTRA: args["slot_data"].get("extra_locations", ExtraLocations.default), LocationType.CHALLENGE: args["slot_data"].get("challenge_locations", ChallengeLocations.default), LocationType.MASTERY: args["slot_data"].get("mastery_locations", MasteryLocations.default), } self.plando_locations = args["slot_data"].get("plando_locations", []) self.build_location_to_mission_mapping() # Looks for the required maps and mods for SC2. Runs check_game_install_path. maps_present = is_mod_installed_correctly() if os.path.exists(get_metadata_file()): with open(get_metadata_file(), "r") as f: current_ver = sc2_logger.debug(f"Current version: {current_ver}") if is_mod_update_available(DATA_REPO_OWNER, DATA_REPO_NAME, DATA_API_VERSION, current_ver):"NOTICE: Update for required files found. Run /download_data to install.") elif maps_present: sc2_logger.warning("NOTICE: Your map files may be outdated (version number not found). " "Run /download_data to update them.") @staticmethod def parse_mission_info(mission_info: dict[str, typing.Any]) -> MissionInfo: if mission_info.get("id") is not None: mission_info["mission"] = lookup_id_to_mission[mission_info["id"]] elif isinstance(mission_info["mission"], int): mission_info["mission"] = lookup_id_to_mission[mission_info["mission"]] return MissionInfo( **{field: value for field, value in mission_info.items() if field in MissionInfo._fields} ) def find_campaign(self, mission_name: str) -> SC2Campaign: data = self.mission_req_table for campaign in data.keys(): if mission_name in data[campaign].keys(): return campaign"Attempted to find campaign of unknown mission '{mission_name}'; defaulting to GLOBAL") return SC2Campaign.GLOBAL def on_print_json(self, args: dict) -> None: # goes to this world if "receiving" in args and self.slot_concerns_self(args["receiving"]): relevant = True # found in this world elif "item" in args and self.slot_concerns_self(args["item"].player): relevant = True # not related else: relevant = False if relevant: self.announcements.put(self.raw_text_parser(copy.deepcopy(args["data"]))) super(SC2Context, self).on_print_json(args) def run_gui(self) -> None: from .ClientGui import start_gui start_gui(self) async def shutdown(self) -> None: await super(SC2Context, self).shutdown() if self.last_bot: self.last_bot.want_close = True if self.sc2_run_task: self.sc2_run_task.cancel() def play_mission(self, mission_id: int) -> bool: if self.missions_unlocked or is_mission_available(self, mission_id): if self.sc2_run_task: if not self.sc2_run_task.done(): sc2_logger.warning("Starcraft 2 Client is still running!") self.sc2_run_task.cancel() # doesn't actually close the game, just stops the python task if self.slot is None: sc2_logger.warning("Launching Mission without Archipelago authentication, " "checks will not be registered to server.") self.sc2_run_task = asyncio.create_task(starcraft_launch(self, mission_id), name="Starcraft 2 Launch") return True else: f"{lookup_id_to_mission[mission_id].mission_name} is not currently unlocked. " f"Use /unfinished or /available to see what is available.") return False def build_location_to_mission_mapping(self) -> None: mission_id_to_location_ids: typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[int]] = { set() for campaign_mission in self.mission_req_table.values() for mission_info in campaign_mission.values() } for loc in self.server_locations: offset = SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET if loc < SC2HOTS_LOC_ID_OFFSET \ else (SC2HOTS_LOC_ID_OFFSET - * VICTORY_MODULO) mission_id, objective = divmod(loc - offset, VICTORY_MODULO) mission_id_to_location_ids[mission_id].add(objective) self.mission_id_to_location_ids = {mission_id: sorted(objectives) for mission_id, objectives in mission_id_to_location_ids.items()} def locations_for_mission(self, mission_name: str): mission = lookup_name_to_mission[mission_name] mission_id: int = objectives = self.mission_id_to_location_ids[mission_id] for objective in objectives: yield get_location_offset(mission_id) + mission_id * VICTORY_MODULO + objective class CompatItemHolder(typing.NamedTuple): name: str quantity: int = 1 async def main(): multiprocessing.freeze_support() parser = get_base_parser() parser.add_argument('--name', default=None, help="Slot Name to connect as.") args = parser.parse_args() ctx = SC2Context(args.connect, args.password) ctx.auth = if ctx.server_task is None: ctx.server_task = asyncio.create_task(server_loop(ctx), name="ServerLoop") if gui_enabled: ctx.run_gui() ctx.run_cli() await ctx.exit_event.wait() await ctx.shutdown() # These items must be given to the player if the game is generated on version 2 API2_TO_API3_COMPAT_ITEMS: typing.Set[CompatItemHolder] = { CompatItemHolder(ItemNames.PHOTON_CANNON), CompatItemHolder(ItemNames.OBSERVER), CompatItemHolder(ItemNames.WARP_HARMONIZATION), CompatItemHolder(ItemNames.PROGRESSIVE_PROTOSS_GROUND_WEAPON, 3), CompatItemHolder(ItemNames.PROGRESSIVE_PROTOSS_GROUND_ARMOR, 3), CompatItemHolder(ItemNames.PROGRESSIVE_PROTOSS_SHIELDS, 3), CompatItemHolder(ItemNames.PROGRESSIVE_PROTOSS_AIR_WEAPON, 3), CompatItemHolder(ItemNames.PROGRESSIVE_PROTOSS_AIR_ARMOR, 3), CompatItemHolder(ItemNames.PROGRESSIVE_PROTOSS_WEAPON_ARMOR_UPGRADE, 3) } def compat_item_to_network_items(compat_item: CompatItemHolder) -> typing.List[NetworkItem]: item_id = get_full_item_list()[].code network_item = NetworkItem(item_id, 0, 0, 0) return compat_item.quantity * [network_item] def calculate_items(ctx: SC2Context) -> typing.Dict[SC2Race, typing.List[int]]: items = ctx.items_received.copy() # Items unlocked in API2 by default (Prophecy default items) if ctx.slot_data_version < 3: for compat_item in API2_TO_API3_COMPAT_ITEMS: items.extend(compat_item_to_network_items(compat_item)) network_item: NetworkItem accumulators: typing.Dict[SC2Race, typing.List[int]] = {race: [0 for _ in type_flaggroups[race]] for race in SC2Race} # Protoss Shield grouped item specific logic shields_from_ground_upgrade: int = 0 shields_from_air_upgrade: int = 0 item_list = get_full_item_list() for network_item in items: name: str = lookup_id_to_name[network_item.item] item_data: ItemData = item_list[name] # exists exactly once if item_data.quantity == 1: accumulators[item_data.race][type_flaggroups[item_data.race][item_data.type]] |= 1 << item_data.number # exists multiple times elif item_data.type in ["Upgrade", "Progressive Upgrade","Progressive Upgrade 2"]: flaggroup = type_flaggroups[item_data.race][item_data.type] # Generic upgrades apply only to Weapon / Armor upgrades if item_data.type != "Upgrade" or ctx.generic_upgrade_items == 0: accumulators[item_data.race][flaggroup] += 1 << item_data.number else: if name == ItemNames.PROGRESSIVE_PROTOSS_GROUND_UPGRADE: shields_from_ground_upgrade += 1 if name == ItemNames.PROGRESSIVE_PROTOSS_AIR_UPGRADE: shields_from_air_upgrade += 1 for bundled_number in upgrade_numbers[item_data.number]: accumulators[item_data.race][flaggroup] += 1 << bundled_number # Regen bio-steel nerf with API3 - undo for older games if ctx.slot_data_version < 3 and name == ItemNames.PROGRESSIVE_REGENERATIVE_BIO_STEEL: current_level = (accumulators[item_data.race][flaggroup] >> item_data.number) % 4 if current_level == 2: # Switch from level 2 to level 3 for compatibility accumulators[item_data.race][flaggroup] += 1 << item_data.number # sum else: if name == ItemNames.STARTING_MINERALS: accumulators[item_data.race][type_flaggroups[item_data.race][item_data.type]] += ctx.minerals_per_item elif name == ItemNames.STARTING_VESPENE: accumulators[item_data.race][type_flaggroups[item_data.race][item_data.type]] += ctx.vespene_per_item elif name == ItemNames.STARTING_SUPPLY: accumulators[item_data.race][type_flaggroups[item_data.race][item_data.type]] += ctx.starting_supply_per_item else: accumulators[item_data.race][type_flaggroups[item_data.race][item_data.type]] += item_data.number # Fix Shields from generic upgrades by unit class (Maximum of ground/air upgrades) if shields_from_ground_upgrade > 0 or shields_from_air_upgrade > 0: shield_upgrade_level = max(shields_from_ground_upgrade, shields_from_air_upgrade) shield_upgrade_item = item_list[ItemNames.PROGRESSIVE_PROTOSS_SHIELDS] for _ in range(0, shield_upgrade_level): accumulators[shield_upgrade_item.race][type_flaggroups[shield_upgrade_item.race][shield_upgrade_item.type]] += 1 << shield_upgrade_item.number # Kerrigan levels per check accumulators[SC2Race.ZERG][type_flaggroups[SC2Race.ZERG]["Level"]] += (len(ctx.checked_locations) // ctx.checks_per_level) * ctx.levels_per_check # Upgrades from completed missions if ctx.generic_upgrade_missions > 0: total_missions = sum(len(ctx.mission_req_table[campaign]) for campaign in ctx.mission_req_table) for race in SC2Race: if "Upgrade" not in type_flaggroups[race]: continue upgrade_flaggroup = type_flaggroups[race]["Upgrade"] num_missions = ctx.generic_upgrade_missions * total_missions amounts = [ num_missions // 100, 2 * num_missions // 100, 3 * num_missions // 100 ] upgrade_count = 0 completed = len([id for id in ctx.mission_id_to_location_ids if get_location_offset(id) + VICTORY_MODULO * id in ctx.checked_locations]) for amount in amounts: if completed >= amount: upgrade_count += 1 # Equivalent to "Progressive Weapon/Armor Upgrade" item for bundled_number in upgrade_numbers[upgrade_numbers_all[race]]: accumulators[race][upgrade_flaggroup] += upgrade_count << bundled_number return accumulators def calc_difficulty(difficulty: int): if difficulty == 0: return 'C' elif difficulty == 1: return 'N' elif difficulty == 2: return 'H' elif difficulty == 3: return 'B' return 'X' def get_kerrigan_level(ctx: SC2Context, items: typing.Dict[SC2Race, typing.List[int]], missions_beaten: int) -> int: item_value = items[SC2Race.ZERG][type_flaggroups[SC2Race.ZERG]["Level"]] mission_value = missions_beaten * ctx.kerrigan_levels_per_mission_completed if ctx.kerrigan_levels_per_mission_completed_cap != -1: mission_value = min(mission_value, ctx.kerrigan_levels_per_mission_completed_cap) total_value = item_value + mission_value if ctx.kerrigan_total_level_cap != -1: total_value = min(total_value, ctx.kerrigan_total_level_cap) return total_value def calculate_kerrigan_options(ctx: SC2Context) -> int: options = 0 # Bits 0, 1 # Kerrigan unit available if ctx.kerrigan_presence in kerrigan_unit_available: options |= 1 << 0 # Bit 2 # Kerrigan primal status by map if ctx.kerrigan_primal_status == KerriganPrimalStatus.option_vanilla: options |= 1 << 2 return options def caclulate_soa_options(ctx: SC2Context) -> int: options = 0 # Bits 0, 1 # SoA Calldowns available soa_presence_value = 0 if ctx.spear_of_adun_presence == SpearOfAdunPresence.option_not_present: soa_presence_value = 0 elif ctx.spear_of_adun_presence == SpearOfAdunPresence.option_lotv_protoss: soa_presence_value = 1 elif ctx.spear_of_adun_presence == SpearOfAdunPresence.option_protoss: soa_presence_value = 2 elif ctx.spear_of_adun_presence == SpearOfAdunPresence.option_everywhere: soa_presence_value = 3 options |= soa_presence_value << 0 # Bit 2 # SoA Calldowns for no-builds if ctx.spear_of_adun_present_in_no_build == SpearOfAdunPresentInNoBuild.option_true: options |= 1 << 2 # Bits 3,4 # Autocasts soa_autocasts_presence_value = 0 if ctx.spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_ability_presence == SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastAbilityPresence.option_not_present: soa_autocasts_presence_value = 0 elif ctx.spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_ability_presence == SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastAbilityPresence.option_lotv_protoss: soa_autocasts_presence_value = 1 elif ctx.spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_ability_presence == SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastAbilityPresence.option_protoss: soa_autocasts_presence_value = 2 elif ctx.spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_ability_presence == SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastAbilityPresence.option_everywhere: soa_autocasts_presence_value = 3 options |= soa_autocasts_presence_value << 3 # Bit 5 # Autocasts in no-builds if ctx.spear_of_adun_autonomously_cast_present_in_no_build == SpearOfAdunAutonomouslyCastPresentInNoBuild.option_true: options |= 1 << 5 return options def kerrigan_primal(ctx: SC2Context, kerrigan_level: int) -> bool: if ctx.kerrigan_primal_status == KerriganPrimalStatus.option_always_zerg: return True elif ctx.kerrigan_primal_status == KerriganPrimalStatus.option_always_human: return False elif ctx.kerrigan_primal_status == KerriganPrimalStatus.option_level_35: return kerrigan_level >= 35 elif ctx.kerrigan_primal_status == KerriganPrimalStatus.option_half_completion: total_missions = len(ctx.mission_id_to_location_ids) completed = sum((mission_id * VICTORY_MODULO + get_location_offset(mission_id)) in ctx.checked_locations for mission_id in ctx.mission_id_to_location_ids) return completed >= (total_missions / 2) elif ctx.kerrigan_primal_status == KerriganPrimalStatus.option_item: codes = [item.item for item in ctx.items_received] return get_full_item_list()[ItemNames.KERRIGAN_PRIMAL_FORM].code in codes return False async def starcraft_launch(ctx: SC2Context, mission_id: int):"Launching {lookup_id_to_mission[mission_id].mission_name}. If game does not launch check log file for errors.") with DllDirectory(None): run_game(bot.maps.get(lookup_id_to_mission[mission_id].map_file), [Bot(Race.Terran, ArchipelagoBot(ctx, mission_id), name="Archipelago", fullscreen=True)], realtime=True) class ArchipelagoBot(bot.bot_ai.BotAI): __slots__ = [ 'game_running', 'mission_completed', 'boni', 'setup_done', 'ctx', 'mission_id', 'want_close', 'can_read_game', 'last_received_update', ] def __init__(self, ctx: SC2Context, mission_id: int): self.game_running = False self.mission_completed = False self.want_close = False self.can_read_game = False self.last_received_update: int = 0 self.setup_done = False self.ctx = ctx self.ctx.last_bot = self self.mission_id = mission_id self.boni = [False for _ in range(MAX_BONUS)] super(ArchipelagoBot, self).__init__() async def on_step(self, iteration: int): if self.want_close: self.want_close = False await self._client.leave() return game_state = 0 if not self.setup_done: self.setup_done = True start_items = calculate_items(self.ctx) missions_beaten = self.missions_beaten_count() kerrigan_level = get_kerrigan_level(self.ctx, start_items, missions_beaten) kerrigan_options = calculate_kerrigan_options(self.ctx) soa_options = caclulate_soa_options(self.ctx) if self.ctx.difficulty_override >= 0: difficulty = calc_difficulty(self.ctx.difficulty_override) else: difficulty = calc_difficulty(self.ctx.difficulty) if self.ctx.game_speed_override >= 0: game_speed = self.ctx.game_speed_override else: game_speed = self.ctx.game_speed await self.chat_send("?SetOptions {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( difficulty, self.ctx.generic_upgrade_research, self.ctx.all_in_choice, game_speed, self.ctx.disable_forced_camera, self.ctx.skip_cutscenes, kerrigan_options, self.ctx.grant_story_tech, self.ctx.take_over_ai_allies, soa_options, self.ctx.mission_order, 1 if self.ctx.nova_covert_ops_only else 0, self.ctx.grant_story_levels )) await self.chat_send("?GiveResources {} {} {}".format( start_items[SC2Race.ANY][0], start_items[SC2Race.ANY][1], start_items[SC2Race.ANY][2] )) await self.updateTerranTech(start_items) await self.updateZergTech(start_items, kerrigan_level) await self.updateProtossTech(start_items) await self.updateColors() await self.chat_send("?LoadFinished") self.last_received_update = len(self.ctx.items_received) else: if self.ctx.pending_color_update: await self.updateColors() if not self.ctx.announcements.empty(): message = self.ctx.announcements.get(timeout=1) await self.chat_send("?SendMessage " + message) self.ctx.announcements.task_done() # Archipelago reads the health controller1_state = 0 controller2_state = 0 for unit in self.all_own_units(): if unit.health_max == CONTROLLER_HEALTH: controller1_state = int(CONTROLLER_HEALTH - self.can_read_game = True elif unit.health_max == CONTROLLER2_HEALTH: controller2_state = int(CONTROLLER2_HEALTH - self.can_read_game = True game_state = controller1_state + (controller2_state << 15) if iteration == 160 and not game_state & 1: await self.chat_send("?SendMessage Warning: Archipelago unable to connect or has lost connection to " + "Starcraft 2 (This is likely a map issue)") if self.last_received_update < len(self.ctx.items_received): current_items = calculate_items(self.ctx) missions_beaten = self.missions_beaten_count() kerrigan_level = get_kerrigan_level(self.ctx, current_items, missions_beaten) await self.updateTerranTech(current_items) await self.updateZergTech(current_items, kerrigan_level) await self.updateProtossTech(current_items) self.last_received_update = len(self.ctx.items_received) if game_state & 1: if not self.game_running: print("Archipelago Connected") self.game_running = True if self.can_read_game: if game_state & (1 << 1) and not self.mission_completed: if self.mission_id != self.ctx.final_mission: print("Mission Completed") await self.ctx.send_msgs( [{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [get_location_offset(self.mission_id) + VICTORY_MODULO * self.mission_id]}]) self.mission_completed = True else: print("Game Complete") await self.ctx.send_msgs([{"cmd": 'StatusUpdate', "status": ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL}]) self.mission_completed = True for x, completed in enumerate(self.boni): if not completed and game_state & (1 << (x + 2)): await self.ctx.send_msgs( [{"cmd": 'LocationChecks', "locations": [get_location_offset(self.mission_id) + VICTORY_MODULO * self.mission_id + x + 1]}]) self.boni[x] = True else: await self.chat_send("?SendMessage LostConnection - Lost connection to game.") def missions_beaten_count(self): return len([location for location in self.ctx.checked_locations if location % VICTORY_MODULO == 0]) async def updateColors(self): await self.chat_send("?SetColor rr " + str(self.ctx.player_color_raynor)) await self.chat_send("?SetColor ks " + str(self.ctx.player_color_zerg)) await self.chat_send("?SetColor pz " + str(self.ctx.player_color_zerg_primal)) await self.chat_send("?SetColor da " + str(self.ctx.player_color_protoss)) await self.chat_send("?SetColor nova " + str(self.ctx.player_color_nova)) self.ctx.pending_color_update = False async def updateTerranTech(self, current_items): terran_items = current_items[SC2Race.TERRAN] await self.chat_send("?GiveTerranTech {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( terran_items[0], terran_items[1], terran_items[2], terran_items[3], terran_items[4], terran_items[5], terran_items[6], terran_items[7], terran_items[8], terran_items[9], terran_items[10], terran_items[11], terran_items[12], terran_items[13])) async def updateZergTech(self, current_items, kerrigan_level): zerg_items = current_items[SC2Race.ZERG] kerrigan_primal_by_items = kerrigan_primal(self.ctx, kerrigan_level) kerrigan_primal_bot_value = 1 if kerrigan_primal_by_items else 0 await self.chat_send("?GiveZergTech {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( kerrigan_level, kerrigan_primal_bot_value, zerg_items[0], zerg_items[1], zerg_items[2], zerg_items[3], zerg_items[4], zerg_items[5], zerg_items[6], zerg_items[9], zerg_items[10], zerg_items[11] )) async def updateProtossTech(self, current_items): protoss_items = current_items[SC2Race.PROTOSS] await self.chat_send("?GiveProtossTech {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {} {}".format( protoss_items[0], protoss_items[1], protoss_items[2], protoss_items[3], protoss_items[4], protoss_items[5], protoss_items[6], protoss_items[7], protoss_items[8], protoss_items[9] )) def request_unfinished_missions(ctx: SC2Context) -> None: if ctx.mission_req_table: message = "Unfinished Missions: " unlocks = initialize_blank_mission_dict(ctx.mission_req_table) unfinished_locations: typing.Dict[SC2Mission, typing.List[str]] = {} _, unfinished_missions = calc_unfinished_missions(ctx, unlocks=unlocks) for mission in unfinished_missions: objectives = set(ctx.locations_for_mission(mission)) if objectives: remaining_objectives = objectives.difference(ctx.checked_locations) unfinished_locations[mission] = [ctx.location_names[location_id] for location_id in remaining_objectives] else: unfinished_locations[mission] = [] # Removing All-In from location pool final_mission = lookup_id_to_mission[ctx.final_mission] if final_mission in unfinished_missions.keys(): message = f"Final Mission Available: {final_mission}[{ctx.final_mission}]\n" + message if unfinished_missions[final_mission] == -1: unfinished_missions.pop(final_mission) message += ", ".join(f"{mark_up_mission_name(ctx, mission, unlocks)}[{ctx.mission_req_table[ctx.find_campaign(mission)][mission]}] " + mark_up_objectives( f"[{len(unfinished_missions[mission])}/" f"{sum(1 for _ in ctx.locations_for_mission(mission))}]", ctx, unfinished_locations, mission) for mission in unfinished_missions) if ctx.ui: ctx.ui.log_panels['All'].on_message_markup(message) ctx.ui.log_panels['Starcraft2'].on_message_markup(message) else: else: sc2_logger.warning("No mission table found, you are likely not connected to a server.") def calc_unfinished_missions(ctx: SC2Context, unlocks: typing.Optional[typing.Dict] = None): unfinished_missions: typing.List[str] = [] locations_completed: typing.List[typing.Union[typing.Set[int], typing.Literal[-1]]] = [] if not unlocks: unlocks = initialize_blank_mission_dict(ctx.mission_req_table) available_missions = calc_available_missions(ctx, unlocks) for name in available_missions: objectives = set(ctx.locations_for_mission(name)) if objectives: objectives_completed = ctx.checked_locations & objectives if len(objectives_completed) < len(objectives): unfinished_missions.append(name) locations_completed.append(objectives_completed) else: # infer that this is the final mission as it has no objectives unfinished_missions.append(name) locations_completed.append(-1) return available_missions, dict(zip(unfinished_missions, locations_completed)) def is_mission_available(ctx: SC2Context, mission_id_to_check: int) -> bool: unfinished_missions = calc_available_missions(ctx) return any(mission_id_to_check == ctx.mission_req_table[ctx.find_campaign(mission)][mission] for mission in unfinished_missions) def mark_up_mission_name(ctx: SC2Context, mission_name: str, unlock_table: typing.Dict) -> str: """Checks if the mission is required for game completion and adds '*' to the name to mark that.""" campaign = ctx.find_campaign(mission_name) mission_info = ctx.mission_req_table[campaign][mission_name] if mission_info.completion_critical: if ctx.ui: message = "[color=AF99EF]" + mission_name + "[/color]" else: message = "*" + mission_name + "*" else: message = mission_name if ctx.ui: campaign_missions = list(ctx.mission_req_table[campaign].keys()) unlocks: typing.List[str] index = campaign_missions.index(mission_name) if index in unlock_table[campaign]: unlocks = unlock_table[campaign][index] else: unlocks = [] if len(unlocks) > 0: pre_message = f"[ref={}|Unlocks: " pre_message += ", ".join(f"{unlock}({ctx.mission_req_table[ctx.find_campaign(unlock)][unlock]})" for unlock in unlocks) pre_message += f"]" message = pre_message + message + "[/ref]" return message def mark_up_objectives(message, ctx, unfinished_locations, mission): formatted_message = message if ctx.ui: locations = unfinished_locations[mission] campaign = ctx.find_campaign(mission) pre_message = f"[ref={list(ctx.mission_req_table[campaign]).index(mission) + 30}|" pre_message += "
".join(location for location in locations) pre_message += f"]" formatted_message = pre_message + message + "[/ref]" return formatted_message def request_available_missions(ctx: SC2Context): if ctx.mission_req_table: message = "Available Missions: " # Initialize mission unlock table unlocks = initialize_blank_mission_dict(ctx.mission_req_table) missions = calc_available_missions(ctx, unlocks) message += \ ", ".join(f"{mark_up_mission_name(ctx, mission, unlocks)}" f"[{ctx.mission_req_table[ctx.find_campaign(mission)][mission]}]" for mission in missions) if ctx.ui: ctx.ui.log_panels['All'].on_message_markup(message) ctx.ui.log_panels['Starcraft2'].on_message_markup(message) else: else: sc2_logger.warning("No mission table found, you are likely not connected to a server.") def calc_available_missions(ctx: SC2Context, unlocks: typing.Optional[dict] = None) -> typing.List[str]: available_missions: typing.List[str] = [] missions_complete = 0 # Get number of missions completed for loc in ctx.checked_locations: if loc % VICTORY_MODULO == 0: missions_complete += 1 for campaign in ctx.mission_req_table: # Go through the required missions for each mission and fill up unlock table used later for hover-over tooltips for mission_name in ctx.mission_req_table[campaign]: if unlocks: for unlock in ctx.mission_req_table[campaign][mission_name].required_world: parsed_unlock = parse_unlock(unlock) # TODO prophecy-only wants to connect to WoL here index = parsed_unlock.connect_to - 1 unlock_mission = list(ctx.mission_req_table[parsed_unlock.campaign])[index] unlock_campaign = ctx.find_campaign(unlock_mission) if unlock_campaign in unlocks: if index not in unlocks[unlock_campaign]: unlocks[unlock_campaign][index] = list() unlocks[unlock_campaign][index].append(mission_name) if mission_reqs_completed(ctx, mission_name, missions_complete): available_missions.append(mission_name) return available_missions def parse_unlock(unlock: typing.Union[typing.Dict[typing.Literal["connect_to", "campaign"], int], MissionConnection, int]) -> MissionConnection: if isinstance(unlock, int): # Legacy return MissionConnection(unlock) elif isinstance(unlock, MissionConnection): return unlock else: # Multi-campaign return MissionConnection(unlock["connect_to"], lookup_id_to_campaign[unlock["campaign"]]) def mission_reqs_completed(ctx: SC2Context, mission_name: str, missions_complete: int) -> bool: """Returns a bool signifying if the mission has all requirements complete and can be done Arguments: ctx -- instance of SC2Context locations_to_check -- the mission string name to check missions_complete -- an int of how many missions have been completed mission_path -- a list of missions that have already been checked """ campaign = ctx.find_campaign(mission_name) if len(ctx.mission_req_table[campaign][mission_name].required_world) >= 1: # A check for when the requirements are being or'd or_success = False # Loop through required missions for req_mission in ctx.mission_req_table[campaign][mission_name].required_world: req_success = True parsed_req_mission = parse_unlock(req_mission) # Check if required mission has been completed mission_id = ctx.mission_req_table[parsed_req_mission.campaign][ list(ctx.mission_req_table[parsed_req_mission.campaign])[parsed_req_mission.connect_to - 1]] if not (mission_id * VICTORY_MODULO + get_location_offset(mission_id)) in ctx.checked_locations: if not ctx.mission_req_table[campaign][mission_name].or_requirements: return False else: req_success = False # Grid-specific logic (to avoid long path checks and infinite recursion) if ctx.mission_order in (MissionOrder.option_grid, MissionOrder.option_mini_grid, MissionOrder.option_medium_grid): if req_success: return True else: if parsed_req_mission == ctx.mission_req_table[campaign][mission_name].required_world[-1]: return False else: continue # Recursively check required mission to see if it's requirements are met, in case !collect has been done # Skipping recursive check on Grid settings to speed up checks and avoid infinite recursion if not mission_reqs_completed(ctx, list(ctx.mission_req_table[parsed_req_mission.campaign])[parsed_req_mission.connect_to - 1], missions_complete): if not ctx.mission_req_table[campaign][mission_name].or_requirements: return False else: req_success = False # If requirement check succeeded mark or as satisfied if ctx.mission_req_table[campaign][mission_name].or_requirements and req_success: or_success = True if ctx.mission_req_table[campaign][mission_name].or_requirements: # Return false if or requirements not met if not or_success: return False # Check number of missions if missions_complete >= ctx.mission_req_table[campaign][mission_name].number: return True else: return False else: return True def initialize_blank_mission_dict(location_table: typing.Dict[SC2Campaign, typing.Dict[str, MissionInfo]]): unlocks: typing.Dict[SC2Campaign, typing.Dict] = {} for mission in list(location_table): unlocks[mission] = {} return unlocks def check_game_install_path() -> bool: # First thing: go to the default location for ExecuteInfo. # An exception for Windows is included because it's very difficult to find ~\Documents if the user moved it. if is_windows: # The next five lines of utterly inscrutable code are brought to you by copy-paste from Stack Overflow. # import ctypes.wintypes CSIDL_PERSONAL = 5 # My Documents SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT = 0 # Get current, not default value buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(ctypes.wintypes.MAX_PATH) ctypes.windll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW(None, CSIDL_PERSONAL, None, SHGFP_TYPE_CURRENT, buf) documentspath: str = buf.value einfo = str(documentspath / Path("StarCraft II\\ExecuteInfo.txt")) else: einfo = str(bot.paths.get_home() / Path(bot.paths.USERPATH[bot.paths.PF])) # Check if the file exists. if os.path.isfile(einfo): # Open the file and read it, picking out the latest executable's path. with open(einfo) as f: content = if content: search_result =" = (.*)Versions", content) if not search_result: sc2_logger.warning(f"Found {einfo}, but it was empty. Run SC2 through the Blizzard launcher, " "then try again.") return False base = if os.path.exists(base): executable = bot.paths.latest_executeble(Path(base).expanduser() / "Versions") # Finally, check the path for an actual executable. # If we find one, great. Set up the SC2PATH. if os.path.isfile(executable):"Found an SC2 install at {base}!") sc2_logger.debug(f"Latest executable at {executable}.") os.environ["SC2PATH"] = base sc2_logger.debug(f"SC2PATH set to {base}.") return True else: sc2_logger.warning(f"We may have found an SC2 install at {base}, but couldn't find {executable}.") else: sc2_logger.warning(f"{einfo} pointed to {base}, but we could not find an SC2 install there.") else: sc2_logger.warning(f"Couldn't find {einfo}. Run SC2 through the Blizzard launcher, then try again. " f"If that fails, please run /set_path with your SC2 install directory.") return False def is_mod_installed_correctly() -> bool: """Searches for all required files.""" if "SC2PATH" not in os.environ: check_game_install_path() sc2_path: str = os.environ["SC2PATH"] mapdir = sc2_path / Path('Maps/ArchipelagoCampaign') mods = ["ArchipelagoCore", "ArchipelagoPlayer", "ArchipelagoPlayerSuper", "ArchipelagoPatches", "ArchipelagoTriggers", "ArchipelagoPlayerWoL", "ArchipelagoPlayerHotS", "ArchipelagoPlayerLotV", "ArchipelagoPlayerLotVPrologue", "ArchipelagoPlayerNCO"] modfiles = [sc2_path / Path("Mods/" + mod + ".SC2Mod") for mod in mods] wol_required_maps: typing.List[str] = ["WoL" + os.sep + mission.map_file + ".SC2Map" for mission in SC2Mission if mission.campaign in (SC2Campaign.WOL, SC2Campaign.PROPHECY)] hots_required_maps: typing.List[str] = ["HotS" + os.sep + mission.map_file + ".SC2Map" for mission in campaign_mission_table[SC2Campaign.HOTS]] lotv_required_maps: typing.List[str] = ["LotV" + os.sep + mission.map_file + ".SC2Map" for mission in SC2Mission if mission.campaign in (SC2Campaign.LOTV, SC2Campaign.PROLOGUE, SC2Campaign.EPILOGUE)] nco_required_maps: typing.List[str] = ["NCO" + os.sep + mission.map_file + ".SC2Map" for mission in campaign_mission_table[SC2Campaign.NCO]] required_maps = wol_required_maps + hots_required_maps + lotv_required_maps + nco_required_maps needs_files = False # Check for maps. missing_maps: typing.List[str] = [] for mapfile in required_maps: if not os.path.isfile(mapdir / mapfile): missing_maps.append(mapfile) if len(missing_maps) >= 19: sc2_logger.warning(f"All map files missing from {mapdir}.") needs_files = True elif len(missing_maps) > 0: for map in missing_maps: sc2_logger.debug(f"Missing {map} from {mapdir}.") sc2_logger.warning(f"Missing {len(missing_maps)} map files.") needs_files = True else: # Must be no maps missing"All maps found in {mapdir}.") # Check for mods. for modfile in modfiles: if os.path.isfile(modfile) or os.path.isdir(modfile):"Archipelago mod found at {modfile}.") else: sc2_logger.warning(f"Archipelago mod could not be found at {modfile}.") needs_files = True # Final verdict. if needs_files: sc2_logger.warning(f"Required files are missing. Run /download_data to acquire them.") return False else: sc2_logger.debug(f"All map/mod files are properly installed.") return True class DllDirectory: # Credit to Black Sliver for this code. # More info: _old: typing.Optional[str] = None _new: typing.Optional[str] = None def __init__(self, new: typing.Optional[str]): self._new = new def __enter__(self): old = self.get() if self.set(self._new): self._old = old def __exit__(self, *args): if self._old is not None: self.set(self._old) @staticmethod def get() -> typing.Optional[str]: if sys.platform == "win32": n = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDllDirectoryW(0, None) buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(n) ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetDllDirectoryW(n, buf) return buf.value # NOTE: other OS may support os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"], but this fix is windows-specific return None @staticmethod def set(s: typing.Optional[str]) -> bool: if sys.platform == "win32": return ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetDllDirectoryW(s) != 0 # NOTE: other OS may support os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"], but this fix is windows-specific return False def download_latest_release_zip( owner: str, repo: str, api_version: str, metadata: typing.Optional[str] = None, force_download=False ) -> typing.Tuple[str, typing.Optional[str]]: """Downloads the latest release of a GitHub repo to the current directory as a .zip file.""" import requests headers = {"Accept": 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'} url = f"{owner}/{repo}/releases/tags/{api_version}" r1 = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if r1.status_code == 200: latest_metadata = r1.json() cleanup_downloaded_metadata(latest_metadata) latest_metadata = str(latest_metadata) #"Latest version: {latest_metadata}.") else: sc2_logger.warning(f"Status code: {r1.status_code}") sc2_logger.warning(f"Failed to reach GitHub. Could not find download link.") sc2_logger.warning(f"text: {r1.text}") return "", metadata if (force_download is False) and (metadata == latest_metadata):"Latest version already installed.") return "", metadata"Attempting to download latest version of API version {api_version} of {repo}.") download_url = r1.json()["assets"][0]["browser_download_url"] r2 = requests.get(download_url, headers=headers) if r2.status_code == 200 and zipfile.is_zipfile(io.BytesIO(r2.content)): tempdir = tempfile.gettempdir() file = tempdir + os.sep + f"{repo}.zip" with open(file, "wb") as fh: fh.write(r2.content)"Successfully downloaded {repo}.zip.") return file, latest_metadata else: sc2_logger.warning(f"Status code: {r2.status_code}") sc2_logger.warning("Download failed.") sc2_logger.warning(f"text: {r2.text}") return "", metadata def cleanup_downloaded_metadata(medatada_json: dict) -> None: for asset in medatada_json['assets']: del asset['download_count'] def is_mod_update_available(owner: str, repo: str, api_version: str, metadata: str) -> bool: import requests headers = {"Accept": 'application/vnd.github.v3+json'} url = f"{owner}/{repo}/releases/tags/{api_version}" r1 = requests.get(url, headers=headers) if r1.status_code == 200: latest_metadata = r1.json() cleanup_downloaded_metadata(latest_metadata) latest_metadata = str(latest_metadata) if metadata != latest_metadata: return True else: return False else: sc2_logger.warning(f"Failed to reach GitHub while checking for updates.") sc2_logger.warning(f"Status code: {r1.status_code}") sc2_logger.warning(f"text: {r1.text}") return False def get_location_offset(mission_id): return SC2WOL_LOC_ID_OFFSET if mission_id <= \ else (SC2HOTS_LOC_ID_OFFSET - * VICTORY_MODULO) def launch(): colorama.init() colorama.deinit()