import json import pickle from uuid import UUID from flask import request, session, url_for from pony.orm import commit from WebHostLib import app from WebHostLib.check import get_yaml_data, roll_options from WebHostLib.generate import get_meta from WebHostLib.models import Generation, STATE_QUEUED, Seed, STATE_ERROR from . import api_endpoints @api_endpoints.route('/generate', methods=['POST']) def generate_api(): try: options = {} race = False meta_options_source = {} if 'file' in request.files: file = request.files['file'] options = get_yaml_data(file) if type(options) == str: return {"text": options}, 400 if "race" in request.form: race = bool(0 if request.form["race"] in {"false"} else int(request.form["race"])) meta_options_source = request.form # json_data is optional, we can have it silently fall to None as it used to do. # See -> Changelog -> 2.1 json_data = request.get_json(silent=True) if json_data: meta_options_source = json_data if 'weights' in json_data: # example: options = {"player1weights" : {}} options = json_data["weights"] if "race" in json_data: race = bool(0 if json_data["race"] in {"false"} else int(json_data["race"])) if not options: return {"text": "No options found. Expected file attachment or json weights." }, 400 if len(options) > app.config["MAX_ROLL"]: return {"text": "Max size of multiworld exceeded", "detail": app.config["MAX_ROLL"]}, 409 meta = get_meta(meta_options_source) meta["race"] = race results, gen_options = roll_options(options, meta["plando_options"]) if any(type(result) == str for result in results.values()): return {"text": str(results), "detail": results}, 400 else: gen = Generation( options=pickle.dumps({name: vars(options) for name, options in gen_options.items()}), # convert to json compatible meta=json.dumps(meta), state=STATE_QUEUED, owner=session["_id"]) commit() return {"text": f"Generation of seed {} started successfully.", "detail":, "encoded": app.url_map.converters["suuid"].to_url(None,, "wait_api_url": url_for("api.wait_seed_api",, _external=True), "url": url_for("wait_seed",, _external=True)}, 201 except Exception as e: return {"text": "Uncaught Exception:" + str(e)}, 500 @api_endpoints.route('/status/') def wait_seed_api(seed: UUID): seed_id = seed seed = Seed.get(id=seed_id) if seed: return {"text": "Generation done"}, 201 generation = Generation.get(id=seed_id) if not generation: return {"text": "Generation not found"}, 404 elif generation.state == STATE_ERROR: return {"text": "Generation failed"}, 500 return {"text": "Generation running"}, 202