from typing import Dict, List, NamedTuple, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

from BaseClasses import Item, ItemClassification
from .options import ShuffleDoors
from .static_logic import DOORS_BY_ROOM, PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM, PROGRESSIVE_ITEMS, get_door_group_item_id, \
    get_door_item_id, get_progressive_item_id, get_special_item_id

    from . import LingoWorld

class ItemData(NamedTuple):
    ItemData for an item in Lingo
    code: int
    classification: ItemClassification
    mode: Optional[str]
    door_ids: List[str]
    painting_ids: List[str]

    def should_include(self, world: "LingoWorld") -> bool:
        if self.mode == "colors":
            return world.options.shuffle_colors > 0
        elif self.mode == "doors":
            return world.options.shuffle_doors != ShuffleDoors.option_none
        elif self.mode == "orange tower":
            # door shuffle is on and tower isn't progressive
            return world.options.shuffle_doors != ShuffleDoors.option_none \
                and not world.options.progressive_orange_tower
        elif self.mode == "the colorful":
            # complex door shuffle is on and colorful isn't progressive
            return world.options.shuffle_doors == ShuffleDoors.option_complex \
                and not world.options.progressive_colorful
        elif self.mode == "complex door":
            return world.options.shuffle_doors == ShuffleDoors.option_complex
        elif self.mode == "door group":
            return world.options.shuffle_doors == ShuffleDoors.option_simple
        elif self.mode == "special":
            return False
            return True

class LingoItem(Item):
    Item from the game Lingo
    game: str = "Lingo"

ALL_ITEM_TABLE: Dict[str, ItemData] = {}

def load_item_data():
    global ALL_ITEM_TABLE

    for color in ["Black", "Red", "Blue", "Yellow", "Green", "Orange", "Gray", "Brown", "Purple"]:
        ALL_ITEM_TABLE[color] = ItemData(get_special_item_id(color), ItemClassification.progression,
                                         "colors", [], [])

    door_groups: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
    for room_name, doors in DOORS_BY_ROOM.items():
        for door_name, door in doors.items():
            if door.skip_item is True or door.event is True:

            if is None:
                door_mode = "doors"
                door_mode = "complex door"
                door_groups.setdefault(, []).extend(door.door_ids)

            if room_name in PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM and door_name in PROGRESSION_BY_ROOM[room_name]:
                if room_name == "Orange Tower":
                    door_mode = "orange tower"
                elif room_name == "The Colorful":
                    door_mode = "the colorful"
                    door_mode = "special"

            ALL_ITEM_TABLE[door.item_name] = \
                ItemData(get_door_item_id(room_name, door_name),
                         ItemClassification.filler if door.junk_item else ItemClassification.progression, door_mode,
                         door.door_ids, door.painting_ids)

    for group, group_door_ids in door_groups.items():
        ALL_ITEM_TABLE[group] = ItemData(get_door_group_item_id(group),
                                         ItemClassification.progression, "door group", group_door_ids, [])

    special_items: Dict[str, ItemClassification] = {
        ":)":                        ItemClassification.filler,
        "The Feeling of Being Lost": ItemClassification.filler,
        "Wanderlust":                ItemClassification.filler,
        "Empty White Hallways":      ItemClassification.filler,
        "Slowness Trap":             ItemClassification.trap,
        "Iceland Trap":              ItemClassification.trap,
        "Atbash Trap":               ItemClassification.trap,
        "Puzzle Skip":               ItemClassification.useful,

    for item_name, classification in special_items.items():
        ALL_ITEM_TABLE[item_name] = ItemData(get_special_item_id(item_name), classification,
                                             "special", [], [])

    for item_name in PROGRESSIVE_ITEMS:
        ALL_ITEM_TABLE[item_name] = ItemData(get_progressive_item_id(item_name),
                                             ItemClassification.progression, "special", [], [])

# Initialize the item data at module scope.