import string from .items import RiskOfRainItem, item_table, item_pool_weights, offset, filler_table, environment_offset from .locations import RiskOfRainLocation, item_pickups, get_locations from .rules import set_rules from .ror2environments import environment_vanilla_table, environment_vanilla_orderedstages_table, \ environment_sotv_orderedstages_table, environment_sotv_table, collapse_dict_list_vertical, shift_by_offset from BaseClasses import Item, ItemClassification, Tutorial from .options import ItemWeights, ROR2Options, ror2_option_groups from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld from .regions import create_explore_regions, create_classic_regions from typing import List, Dict, Any class RiskOfWeb(WebWorld): tutorials = [Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide to setting up the Risk of Rain 2 integration for Archipelago multiworld games.", "English", "", "setup/en", ["Ijwu", "Kindasneaki"] )] option_groups = ror2_option_groups class RiskOfRainWorld(World): """ Escape a chaotic alien planet by fighting through hordes of frenzied monsters – with your friends, or on your own. Combine loot in surprising ways and master each character until you become the havoc you feared upon your first crash landing. """ game = "Risk of Rain 2" options_dataclass = ROR2Options options: ROR2Options topology_present = False item_name_to_id = {name: data.code for name, data in item_table.items()} item_name_groups = { "Stages": {name for name, data in item_table.items() if data.category == "Stage"}, "Environments": {name for name, data in item_table.items() if data.category == "Environment"}, "Upgrades": {name for name, data in item_table.items() if data.category == "Upgrade"}, "Fillers": {name for name, data in item_table.items() if data.category == "Filler"}, "Traps": {name for name, data in item_table.items() if data.category == "Trap"}, } location_name_to_id = item_pickups required_client_version = (0, 5, 0) web = RiskOfWeb() total_revivals: int def generate_early(self) -> None: # figure out how many revivals should exist in the pool if self.options.goal == "classic": total_locations = self.options.total_locations.value else: total_locations = len( get_locations( chests=self.options.chests_per_stage.value, shrines=self.options.shrines_per_stage.value, scavengers=self.options.scavengers_per_stage.value, scanners=self.options.scanner_per_stage.value, altars=self.options.altars_per_stage.value, dlc_sotv=bool(self.options.dlc_sotv.value) ) ) self.total_revivals = int(self.options.total_revivals.value / 100 * total_locations) if self.options.start_with_revive: self.total_revivals -= 1 if self.options.victory == "voidling" and not self.options.dlc_sotv: self.options.victory.value = self.options.victory.option_any def create_regions(self) -> None: if self.options.goal == "classic": # classic mode create_classic_regions(self) else: # explore mode create_explore_regions(self) self.create_events() def create_items(self) -> None: # shortcut for starting_inventory... The start_with_revive option lets you start with a Dio's Best Friend if self.options.start_with_revive: self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.multiworld.create_item("Dio's Best Friend", self.player)) environments_pool = {} # only mess with the environments if they are set as items if self.options.goal == "explore": # check to see if the user doesn't want to use stages, and to figure out what type of stages are being used. if not self.options.require_stages: if not self.options.progressive_stages: self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.multiworld.create_item("Stage 1", self.player)) self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.multiworld.create_item("Stage 2", self.player)) self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.multiworld.create_item("Stage 3", self.player)) self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.multiworld.create_item("Stage 4", self.player)) else: for _ in range(4): self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.multiworld.create_item("Progressive Stage", self.player)) # figure out all available ordered stages for each tier environment_available_orderedstages_table = environment_vanilla_orderedstages_table if self.options.dlc_sotv: environment_available_orderedstages_table = \ collapse_dict_list_vertical(environment_available_orderedstages_table, environment_sotv_orderedstages_table) environments_pool = shift_by_offset(environment_vanilla_table, environment_offset) if self.options.dlc_sotv: environment_offset_table = shift_by_offset(environment_sotv_table, environment_offset) environments_pool = {**environments_pool, **environment_offset_table} # percollect starting environment for stage 1 unlock = self.random.choices(list(environment_available_orderedstages_table[0].keys()), k=1) self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item(unlock[0])) environments_pool.pop(unlock[0]) # Generate item pool itempool: List[str] = ["Beads of Fealty", "Radar Scanner"] # Add revive items for the player itempool += ["Dio's Best Friend"] * self.total_revivals for env_name, _ in environments_pool.items(): itempool += [env_name] if self.options.goal == "classic": # classic mode total_locations = self.options.total_locations.value else: # explore mode # Add Stage items to the pool if self.options.require_stages: itempool += ["Stage 1", "Stage 2", "Stage 3", "Stage 4"] if not self.options.progressive_stages else \ ["Progressive Stage"] * 4 total_locations = len( get_locations( chests=self.options.chests_per_stage.value, shrines=self.options.shrines_per_stage.value, scavengers=self.options.scavengers_per_stage.value, scanners=self.options.scanner_per_stage.value, altars=self.options.altars_per_stage.value, dlc_sotv=bool(self.options.dlc_sotv.value) ) ) # Create junk items junk_pool = self.create_junk_pool() # Fill remaining items with randomly generated junk filler = self.random.choices(*zip(*junk_pool.items()), k=total_locations - len(itempool)) itempool.extend(filler) # Convert itempool into real items self.multiworld.itempool += map(self.create_item, itempool) def create_junk_pool(self) -> Dict[str, int]: # if presets are enabled generate junk_pool from the selected preset pool_option = self.options.item_weights.value junk_pool: Dict[str, int] = {} if self.options.item_pool_presets: # generate chaos weights if the preset is chosen if pool_option == ItemWeights.option_chaos: for name, max_value in item_pool_weights[pool_option].items(): junk_pool[name] = self.random.randint(0, max_value) else: junk_pool = item_pool_weights[pool_option].copy() else: # generate junk pool from user created presets junk_pool = { "Item Scrap, Green": self.options.green_scrap.value, "Item Scrap, Red": self.options.red_scrap.value, "Item Scrap, Yellow": self.options.yellow_scrap.value, "Item Scrap, White": self.options.white_scrap.value, "Common Item": self.options.common_item.value, "Uncommon Item": self.options.uncommon_item.value, "Legendary Item": self.options.legendary_item.value, "Boss Item": self.options.boss_item.value, "Lunar Item": self.options.lunar_item.value, "Void Item": self.options.void_item.value, "Equipment":, "Money":, "Lunar Coin": self.options.lunar_coin.value, "1000 Exp": self.options.experience.value, "Mountain Trap": self.options.mountain_trap.value, "Time Warp Trap": self.options.time_warp_trap.value, "Combat Trap": self.options.combat_trap.value, "Teleport Trap": self.options.teleport_trap.value, } # remove trap items from the pool (excluding lunar items) if not self.options.enable_trap: junk_pool.pop("Mountain Trap") junk_pool.pop("Time Warp Trap") junk_pool.pop("Combat Trap") junk_pool.pop("Teleport Trap") # remove lunar items from the pool if not (self.options.enable_lunar or pool_option == ItemWeights.option_lunartic): junk_pool.pop("Lunar Item") # remove void items from the pool if not (self.options.dlc_sotv or pool_option == ItemWeights.option_void): junk_pool.pop("Void Item") return junk_pool def create_item(self, name: str) -> Item: data = item_table[name] return RiskOfRainItem(name, data.item_type, data.code, self.player) def set_rules(self) -> None: set_rules(self) def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: weights = [data.weight for data in filler_table.values()] filler = self.multiworld.random.choices([filler for filler in filler_table.keys()], weights, k=1)[0] return filler def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: options_dict = self.options.as_dict("item_pickup_step", "shrine_use_step", "goal", "victory", "total_locations", "chests_per_stage", "shrines_per_stage", "scavengers_per_stage", "scanner_per_stage", "altars_per_stage", "total_revivals", "start_with_revive", "final_stage_death", "death_link", "require_stages", "progressive_stages", casing="camel") return { **options_dict, "seed": "".join(self.random.choice(string.digits) for _ in range(16)), "offset": offset } def create_events(self) -> None: total_locations = self.options.total_locations.value num_of_events = total_locations // 25 if total_locations / 25 == num_of_events: num_of_events -= 1 world_region = self.multiworld.get_region("Petrichor V", self.player) if self.options.goal == "classic": # classic mode # only setup Pickups when using classic_mode for i in range(num_of_events): event_loc = RiskOfRainLocation(self.player, f"Pickup{(i + 1) * 25}", None, world_region) event_loc.place_locked_item( RiskOfRainItem(f"Pickup{(i + 1) * 25}", ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player)) event_loc.access_rule = \ lambda state, i=i: state.can_reach(f"ItemPickup{((i + 1) * 25) - 1}", "Location", self.player) world_region.locations.append(event_loc) else: # explore mode event_region = self.multiworld.get_region("OrderedStage_5", self.player) event_loc = RiskOfRainLocation(self.player, "Stage 5", None, event_region) event_loc.place_locked_item(RiskOfRainItem("Stage 5", ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player)) event_loc.show_in_spoiler = False event_region.locations.append(event_loc) event_loc.access_rule = lambda state: state.has("Sky Meadow", self.player) victory_region = self.multiworld.get_region("Victory", self.player) victory_event = RiskOfRainLocation(self.player, "Victory", None, victory_region) victory_event.place_locked_item(RiskOfRainItem("Victory", ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player)) victory_region.locations.append(victory_event)