""" Archipelago init file for The Witness """ import dataclasses from typing import Dict, Optional, cast from BaseClasses import Region, Location, MultiWorld, Item, Entrance, Tutorial, CollectionState from Options import PerGameCommonOptions, Toggle from .presets import witness_option_presets from worlds.AutoWorld import World, WebWorld from .player_logic import WitnessPlayerLogic from .static_logic import StaticWitnessLogic, ItemCategory, DoorItemDefinition from .hints import get_always_hint_locations, get_always_hint_items, get_priority_hint_locations, \ get_priority_hint_items, make_always_and_priority_hints, generate_joke_hints, make_area_hints, get_hintable_areas, \ make_extra_location_hints, create_all_hints, make_laser_hints, make_compact_hint_data, CompactItemData from .locations import WitnessPlayerLocations, StaticWitnessLocations from .items import WitnessItem, StaticWitnessItems, WitnessPlayerItems, ItemData from .regions import WitnessRegions from .rules import set_rules from .options import TheWitnessOptions from .utils import get_audio_logs, get_laser_shuffle from logging import warning, error class WitnessWebWorld(WebWorld): theme = "jungle" tutorials = [Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide to playing The Witness with Archipelago.", "English", "setup_en.md", "setup/en", ["NewSoupVi", "Jarno"] )] options_presets = witness_option_presets class WitnessWorld(World): """ The Witness is an open-world puzzle game with dozens of locations to explore and over 500 puzzles. Play the popular puzzle randomizer by sigma144, with an added layer of progression randomization! """ game = "The Witness" topology_present = False web = WitnessWebWorld() options_dataclass = TheWitnessOptions options: TheWitnessOptions item_name_to_id = { name: data.ap_code for name, data in StaticWitnessItems.item_data.items() } location_name_to_id = StaticWitnessLocations.ALL_LOCATIONS_TO_ID item_name_groups = StaticWitnessItems.item_groups location_name_groups = StaticWitnessLocations.AREA_LOCATION_GROUPS required_client_version = (0, 4, 5) def __init__(self, multiworld: "MultiWorld", player: int): super().__init__(multiworld, player) self.player_logic = None self.locat = None self.items = None self.regio = None self.log_ids_to_hints: Dict[int, CompactItemData] = dict() self.laser_ids_to_hints: Dict[int, CompactItemData] = dict() self.items_placed_early = [] self.own_itempool = [] def _get_slot_data(self): return { 'seed': self.random.randrange(0, 1000000), 'victory_location': int(self.player_logic.VICTORY_LOCATION, 16), 'panelhex_to_id': self.locat.CHECK_PANELHEX_TO_ID, 'item_id_to_door_hexes': StaticWitnessItems.get_item_to_door_mappings(), 'door_hexes_in_the_pool': self.items.get_door_ids_in_pool(), 'symbols_not_in_the_game': self.items.get_symbol_ids_not_in_pool(), 'disabled_entities': [int(h, 16) for h in self.player_logic.COMPLETELY_DISABLED_ENTITIES], 'log_ids_to_hints': self.log_ids_to_hints, 'laser_ids_to_hints': self.laser_ids_to_hints, 'progressive_item_lists': self.items.get_progressive_item_ids_in_pool(), 'obelisk_side_id_to_EPs': StaticWitnessLogic.OBELISK_SIDE_ID_TO_EP_HEXES, 'precompleted_puzzles': [int(h, 16) for h in self.player_logic.EXCLUDED_LOCATIONS], 'entity_to_name': StaticWitnessLogic.ENTITY_ID_TO_NAME, } def generate_early(self): disabled_locations = self.options.exclude_locations.value self.player_logic = WitnessPlayerLogic( self, disabled_locations, self.options.start_inventory.value ) self.locat: WitnessPlayerLocations = WitnessPlayerLocations(self, self.player_logic) self.items: WitnessPlayerItems = WitnessPlayerItems( self, self.player_logic, self.locat ) self.regio: WitnessRegions = WitnessRegions(self.locat, self) interacts_with_multiworld = ( self.options.shuffle_symbols or self.options.shuffle_doors or self.options.shuffle_lasers == "anywhere" ) has_progression = ( interacts_with_multiworld or self.options.shuffle_lasers == "local" or self.options.shuffle_boat or self.options.early_caves == "add_to_pool" ) if not has_progression and self.multiworld.players == 1: warning(f"{self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)}'s Witness world doesn't have any progression" f" items. Please turn on Symbol Shuffle, Door Shuffle or Laser Shuffle if that doesn't seem right.") elif not interacts_with_multiworld and self.multiworld.players > 1: raise Exception(f"{self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)}'s Witness world doesn't have enough" f" progression items that can be placed in other players' worlds. Please turn on Symbol" f" Shuffle, Door Shuffle or non-local Laser Shuffle.") if self.options.shuffle_lasers == "local": self.options.local_items.value |= self.item_name_groups["Lasers"] def create_regions(self): self.regio.create_regions(self, self.player_logic) # Set rules early so extra locations can be created based on the results of exploring collection states set_rules(self) # Add event items and tie them to event locations (e.g. laser activations). event_locations = [] for event_location in self.locat.EVENT_LOCATION_TABLE: item_obj = self.create_item( self.player_logic.EVENT_ITEM_PAIRS[event_location] ) location_obj = self.multiworld.get_location(event_location, self.player) location_obj.place_locked_item(item_obj) self.own_itempool.append(item_obj) event_locations.append(location_obj) # Place other locked items dog_puzzle_skip = self.create_item("Puzzle Skip") self.multiworld.get_location("Town Pet the Dog", self.player).place_locked_item(dog_puzzle_skip) self.own_itempool.append(dog_puzzle_skip) self.items_placed_early.append("Puzzle Skip") # Pick an early item to place on the tutorial gate. early_items = [item for item in self.items.get_early_items() if item in self.items.get_mandatory_items()] if early_items: random_early_item = self.random.choice(early_items) if self.options.puzzle_randomization == "sigma_expert": # In Expert, only tag the item as early, rather than forcing it onto the gate. self.multiworld.local_early_items[self.player][random_early_item] = 1 else: # Force the item onto the tutorial gate check and remove it from our random pool. gate_item = self.create_item(random_early_item) self.multiworld.get_location("Tutorial Gate Open", self.player).place_locked_item(gate_item) self.own_itempool.append(gate_item) self.items_placed_early.append(random_early_item) # There are some really restrictive settings in The Witness. # They are rarely played, but when they are, we add some extra sphere 1 locations. # This is done both to prevent generation failures, but also to make the early game less linear. # Only sweeps for events because having this behavior be random based on Tutorial Gate would be strange. state = CollectionState(self.multiworld) state.sweep_for_events(locations=event_locations) num_early_locs = sum(1 for loc in self.multiworld.get_reachable_locations(state, self.player) if loc.address) # Adjust the needed size for sphere 1 based on how restrictive the settings are in terms of items needed_size = 3 needed_size += self.options.puzzle_randomization == "sigma_expert" needed_size += self.options.shuffle_symbols needed_size += self.options.shuffle_doors > 0 # Then, add checks in order until the required amount of sphere 1 checks is met. extra_checks = [ ("Tutorial First Hallway Room", "Tutorial First Hallway Bend"), ("Tutorial First Hallway", "Tutorial First Hallway Straight"), ("Desert Outside", "Desert Surface 1"), ("Desert Outside", "Desert Surface 2"), ] for i in range(num_early_locs, needed_size): if not extra_checks: break region, loc = extra_checks.pop(0) self.locat.add_location_late(loc) self.multiworld.get_region(region, self.player).add_locations({loc: self.location_name_to_id[loc]}) player = self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player) warning(f"""Location "{loc}" had to be added to {player}'s world due to insufficient sphere 1 size.""") def create_items(self): # Determine pool size. pool_size: int = len(self.locat.CHECK_LOCATION_TABLE) - len(self.locat.EVENT_LOCATION_TABLE) # Fill mandatory items and remove precollected and/or starting items from the pool. item_pool: Dict[str, int] = self.items.get_mandatory_items() # Remove one copy of each item that was placed early for already_placed in self.items_placed_early: pool_size -= 1 if already_placed not in item_pool: continue if item_pool[already_placed] == 1: item_pool.pop(already_placed) else: item_pool[already_placed] -= 1 for precollected_item_name in [item.name for item in self.multiworld.precollected_items[self.player]]: if precollected_item_name in item_pool: if item_pool[precollected_item_name] == 1: item_pool.pop(precollected_item_name) else: item_pool[precollected_item_name] -= 1 for inventory_item_name in self.player_logic.STARTING_INVENTORY: if inventory_item_name in item_pool: if item_pool[inventory_item_name] == 1: item_pool.pop(inventory_item_name) else: item_pool[inventory_item_name] -= 1 self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item(inventory_item_name)) if len(item_pool) > pool_size: error(f"{self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)}'s Witness world has too few locations ({pool_size})" f" to place its necessary items ({len(item_pool)}).") return remaining_item_slots = pool_size - sum(item_pool.values()) # Add puzzle skips. num_puzzle_skips = self.options.puzzle_skip_amount if num_puzzle_skips > remaining_item_slots: warning(f"{self.multiworld.get_player_name(self.player)}'s Witness world has insufficient locations" f" to place all requested puzzle skips.") num_puzzle_skips = remaining_item_slots item_pool["Puzzle Skip"] = num_puzzle_skips remaining_item_slots -= num_puzzle_skips # Add junk items. if remaining_item_slots > 0: item_pool.update(self.items.get_filler_items(remaining_item_slots)) # Generate the actual items. for item_name, quantity in sorted(item_pool.items()): new_items = [self.create_item(item_name) for _ in range(0, quantity)] self.own_itempool += new_items self.multiworld.itempool += new_items if self.items.item_data[item_name].local_only: self.options.local_items.value.add(item_name) def fill_slot_data(self) -> dict: already_hinted_locations = set() # Laser hints if self.options.laser_hints: laser_hints = make_laser_hints(self, StaticWitnessItems.item_groups["Lasers"]) for item_name, hint in laser_hints.items(): item_def = cast(DoorItemDefinition, StaticWitnessLogic.all_items[item_name]) self.laser_ids_to_hints[int(item_def.panel_id_hexes[0], 16)] = make_compact_hint_data(hint, self.player) already_hinted_locations.add(hint.location) # Audio Log Hints hint_amount = self.options.hint_amount.value credits_hint = ( "This Randomizer is brought to you by\n" "NewSoupVi, Jarno, blastron,\n" "jbzdarkid, sigma144, IHNN, oddGarrett, Exempt-Medic.", -1, -1 ) audio_logs = get_audio_logs().copy() if hint_amount: area_hints = round(self.options.area_hint_percentage / 100 * hint_amount) generated_hints = create_all_hints(self, hint_amount, area_hints, already_hinted_locations) self.random.shuffle(audio_logs) duplicates = min(3, len(audio_logs) // hint_amount) for hint in generated_hints: compact_hint_data = make_compact_hint_data(hint, self.player) for _ in range(0, duplicates): audio_log = audio_logs.pop() self.log_ids_to_hints[int(audio_log, 16)] = compact_hint_data if audio_logs: audio_log = audio_logs.pop() self.log_ids_to_hints[int(audio_log, 16)] = credits_hint joke_hints = generate_joke_hints(self, len(audio_logs)) while audio_logs: audio_log = audio_logs.pop() self.log_ids_to_hints[int(audio_log, 16)] = joke_hints.pop() # Options for the client & auto-tracker slot_data = self._get_slot_data() for option_name in (attr.name for attr in dataclasses.fields(TheWitnessOptions) if attr not in dataclasses.fields(PerGameCommonOptions)): option = getattr(self.options, option_name) slot_data[option_name] = bool(option.value) if isinstance(option, Toggle) else option.value return slot_data def create_item(self, item_name: str) -> Item: # If the player's plando options are malformed, the item_name parameter could be a dictionary containing the # name of the item, rather than the item itself. This is a workaround to prevent a crash. if type(item_name) is dict: item_name = list(item_name.keys())[0] # this conditional is purely for unit tests, which need to be able to create an item before generate_early item_data: ItemData if hasattr(self, 'items') and self.items and item_name in self.items.item_data: item_data = self.items.item_data[item_name] else: item_data = StaticWitnessItems.item_data[item_name] return WitnessItem(item_name, item_data.classification, item_data.ap_code, player=self.player) def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: return "Speed Boost" class WitnessLocation(Location): """ Archipelago Location for The Witness """ game: str = "The Witness" entity_hex: int = -1 def __init__(self, player: int, name: str, address: Optional[int], parent, ch_hex: int = -1): super().__init__(player, name, address, parent) self.entity_hex = ch_hex def create_region(world: WitnessWorld, name: str, locat: WitnessPlayerLocations, region_locations=None, exits=None): """ Create an Archipelago Region for The Witness """ ret = Region(name, world.player, world.multiworld) if region_locations: for location in region_locations: loc_id = locat.CHECK_LOCATION_TABLE[location] entity_hex = -1 if location in StaticWitnessLogic.ENTITIES_BY_NAME: entity_hex = int( StaticWitnessLogic.ENTITIES_BY_NAME[location]["entity_hex"], 0 ) location = WitnessLocation( world.player, location, loc_id, ret, entity_hex ) ret.locations.append(location) if exits: for single_exit in exits: ret.exits.append(Entrance(world.player, single_exit, ret)) return ret