from __future__ import annotations import argparse import asyncio import collections import contextlib import copy import datetime import functools import hashlib import inspect import itertools import logging import math import operator import pickle import random import shlex import threading import time import typing import weakref import zlib import ModuleUpdate ModuleUpdate.update() if typing.TYPE_CHECKING: import ssl import websockets import colorama try: # ponyorm is a requirement for webhost, not default server, so may not be importable from pony.orm.dbapiprovider import OperationalError except ImportError: OperationalError = ConnectionError import NetUtils import Utils from Utils import version_tuple, restricted_loads, Version, async_start, get_intended_text from NetUtils import Endpoint, ClientStatus, NetworkItem, decode, encode, NetworkPlayer, Permission, NetworkSlot, \ SlotType, LocationStore, Hint, HintStatus from BaseClasses import ItemClassification min_client_version = Version(0, 1, 6) colorama.init() def remove_from_list(container, value): try: container.remove(value) except ValueError: pass return container def pop_from_container(container, value): try: container.pop(value) except ValueError: pass return container def update_dict(dictionary, entries): dictionary.update(entries) return dictionary def queue_gc(): import gc from threading import Thread gc_thread: typing.Optional[Thread] = getattr(queue_gc, "_thread", None) def async_collect(): time.sleep(2) setattr(queue_gc, "_thread", None) gc.collect() if not gc_thread: gc_thread = Thread(target=async_collect) setattr(queue_gc, "_thread", gc_thread) gc_thread.start() # functions callable on storable data on the server by clients modify_functions = { # generic: "replace": lambda old, new: new, "default": lambda old, new: old, # numeric: "add": operator.add, # add together two objects, using python's "+" operator (works on strings and lists as append) "mul": operator.mul, "pow": operator.pow, "mod": operator.mod, "floor": lambda value, _: math.floor(value), "ceil": lambda value, _: math.ceil(value), "max": max, "min": min, # bitwise: "xor": operator.xor, "or": operator.or_, "and": operator.and_, "left_shift": operator.lshift, "right_shift": operator.rshift, # lists/dicts: "remove": remove_from_list, "pop": pop_from_container, "update": update_dict, } def get_saving_second(seed_name: str, interval: int = 60) -> int: # save at expected times so other systems using savegame can expect it # represents the target second of the auto_save_interval at which to save return int(hashlib.sha256(seed_name.encode()).hexdigest(), 16) % interval class Client(Endpoint): version = Version(0, 0, 0) tags: typing.List[str] = [] remote_items: bool remote_start_inventory: bool no_items: bool no_locations: bool def __init__(self, socket: websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol, ctx: Context): super().__init__(socket) self.auth = False = None self.slot = None self.send_index = 0 self.tags = [] self.messageprocessor = client_message_processor(ctx, self) self.ctx = weakref.ref(ctx) @property def items_handling(self): if self.no_items: return 0 return 1 + (self.remote_items << 1) + (self.remote_start_inventory << 2) @items_handling.setter def items_handling(self, value: int): if not (value & 0b001) and (value & 0b110): raise ValueError("Invalid flag combination") self.no_items = not (value & 0b001) self.remote_items = bool(value & 0b010) self.remote_start_inventory = bool(value & 0b100) @property def name(self) -> str: ctx = self.ctx() if ctx: return ctx.player_names[, self.slot] return "Deallocated" team_slot = typing.Tuple[int, int] class Context: dumper = staticmethod(encode) loader = staticmethod(decode) simple_options = {"hint_cost": int, "location_check_points": int, "server_password": str, "password": str, "release_mode": str, "remaining_mode": str, "collect_mode": str, "item_cheat": bool, "compatibility": int} # team -> slot id -> list of clients authenticated to slot. clients: typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, typing.List[Client]]] locations: LocationStore # typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, typing.Tuple[int, int, int]]] location_checks: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[int, int], typing.Set[int]] hints_used: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[int, int], int] groups: typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[int]] save_version = 2 stored_data: typing.Dict[str, object] read_data: typing.Dict[str, object] stored_data_notification_clients: typing.Dict[str, typing.Set[Client]] slot_info: typing.Dict[int, NetworkSlot] generator_version = Version(0, 0, 0) checksums: typing.Dict[str, str] item_names: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[int, str]] item_name_groups: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Set[str]]] location_names: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[int, str]] location_name_groups: typing.Dict[str, typing.Dict[str, typing.Set[str]]] all_item_and_group_names: typing.Dict[str, typing.Set[str]] all_location_and_group_names: typing.Dict[str, typing.Set[str]] non_hintable_names: typing.Dict[str, typing.AbstractSet[str]] spheres: typing.List[typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[int]]] """ each sphere is { player: { location_id, ... } } """ logger: logging.Logger def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, server_password: str, password: str, location_check_points: int, hint_cost: int, item_cheat: bool, release_mode: str = "disabled", collect_mode="disabled", remaining_mode: str = "disabled", auto_shutdown: typing.SupportsFloat = 0, compatibility: int = 2, log_network: bool = False, logger: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger()): self.logger = logger super(Context, self).__init__() self.slot_info = {} self.log_network = log_network self.endpoints = [] self.clients = {} self.compatibility: int = compatibility self.shutdown_task = None self.data_filename = None self.save_filename = None self.saving = False self.player_names: typing.Dict[team_slot, str] = {} self.player_name_lookup: typing.Dict[str, team_slot] = {} self.connect_names = {} # names of slots clients can connect to self.allow_releases = {} = host self.port = port self.server_password = server_password self.password = password self.server = None self.countdown_timer = 0 self.received_items = {} self.start_inventory = {} self.name_aliases: typing.Dict[team_slot, str] = {} self.location_checks = collections.defaultdict(set) self.hint_cost = hint_cost self.location_check_points = location_check_points self.hints_used = collections.defaultdict(int) self.hints: typing.Dict[team_slot, typing.Set[Hint]] = collections.defaultdict(set) self.release_mode: str = release_mode self.remaining_mode: str = remaining_mode self.collect_mode: str = collect_mode self.item_cheat = item_cheat self.exit_event = asyncio.Event() self.client_activity_timers: typing.Dict[ team_slot, datetime.datetime] = {} # datetime of last new item check self.client_connection_timers: typing.Dict[ team_slot, datetime.datetime] = {} # datetime of last connection self.client_game_state: typing.Dict[team_slot, int] = collections.defaultdict(int) self.er_hint_data: typing.Dict[int, typing.Dict[int, str]] = {} self.auto_shutdown = auto_shutdown self.commandprocessor = ServerCommandProcessor(self) self.embedded_blacklist = {"host", "port"} self.client_ids: typing.Dict[typing.Tuple[int, int], datetime.datetime] = {} self.auto_save_interval = 60 # in seconds self.auto_saver_thread: typing.Optional[threading.Thread] = None self.save_dirty = False self.tags = ['AP'] typing.Dict[int, str] = {} self.minimum_client_versions: typing.Dict[int, Version] = {} self.seed_name = "" self.groups = {} self.group_collected: typing.Dict[int, typing.Set[int]] = {} self.random = random.Random() self.stored_data = {} self.stored_data_notification_clients = collections.defaultdict(weakref.WeakSet) self.read_data = {} self.spheres = [] # init empty to satisfy linter, I suppose self.gamespackage = {} self.checksums = {} self.item_name_groups = {} self.location_name_groups = {} self.all_item_and_group_names = {} self.all_location_and_group_names = {} self.item_names = collections.defaultdict( lambda: Utils.KeyedDefaultDict(lambda code: f'Unknown item (ID:{code})')) self.location_names = collections.defaultdict( lambda: Utils.KeyedDefaultDict(lambda code: f'Unknown location (ID:{code})')) self.non_hintable_names = collections.defaultdict(frozenset) self._load_game_data() # Data package retrieval def _load_game_data(self): import worlds self.gamespackage = worlds.network_data_package["games"] self.item_name_groups = {world_name: world.item_name_groups for world_name, world in worlds.AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items()} self.location_name_groups = {world_name: world.location_name_groups for world_name, world in worlds.AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items()} for world_name, world in worlds.AutoWorldRegister.world_types.items(): self.non_hintable_names[world_name] = world.hint_blacklist for game_package in self.gamespackage.values(): # remove groups from data sent to clients del game_package["item_name_groups"] del game_package["location_name_groups"] def _init_game_data(self): for game_name, game_package in self.gamespackage.items(): if "checksum" in game_package: self.checksums[game_name] = game_package["checksum"] for item_name, item_id in game_package["item_name_to_id"].items(): self.item_names[game_name][item_id] = item_name for location_name, location_id in game_package["location_name_to_id"].items(): self.location_names[game_name][location_id] = location_name self.all_item_and_group_names[game_name] = \ set(game_package["item_name_to_id"]) | set(self.item_name_groups[game_name]) self.all_location_and_group_names[game_name] = \ set(game_package["location_name_to_id"]) | set(self.location_name_groups.get(game_name, [])) archipelago_item_names = self.item_names["Archipelago"] archipelago_location_names = self.location_names["Archipelago"] for game in [game_name for game_name in self.gamespackage if game_name != "Archipelago"]: # Add Archipelago items and locations to each data package. self.item_names[game].update(archipelago_item_names) self.location_names[game].update(archipelago_location_names) def item_names_for_game(self, game: str) -> typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, int]]: return self.gamespackage[game]["item_name_to_id"] if game in self.gamespackage else None def location_names_for_game(self, game: str) -> typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, int]]: return self.gamespackage[game]["location_name_to_id"] if game in self.gamespackage else None # General networking async def send_msgs(self, endpoint: Endpoint, msgs: typing.Iterable[dict]) -> bool: if not endpoint.socket or not return False msg = self.dumper(msgs) try: await endpoint.socket.send(msg) except websockets.ConnectionClosed: self.logger.exception(f"Exception during send_msgs, could not send {msg}") await self.disconnect(endpoint) return False else: if self.log_network:"Outgoing message: {msg}") return True async def send_encoded_msgs(self, endpoint: Endpoint, msg: str) -> bool: if not endpoint.socket or not return False try: await endpoint.socket.send(msg) except websockets.ConnectionClosed: self.logger.exception("Exception during send_encoded_msgs") await self.disconnect(endpoint) return False else: if self.log_network:"Outgoing message: {msg}") return True async def broadcast_send_encoded_msgs(self, endpoints: typing.Iterable[Endpoint], msg: str) -> bool: sockets = [] for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint.socket and sockets.append(endpoint.socket) try: websockets.broadcast(sockets, msg) except RuntimeError: self.logger.exception("Exception during broadcast_send_encoded_msgs") return False else: if self.log_network:"Outgoing broadcast: {msg}") return True def broadcast_all(self, msgs: typing.List[dict]): msgs = self.dumper(msgs) endpoints = (endpoint for endpoint in self.endpoints if endpoint.auth) async_start(self.broadcast_send_encoded_msgs(endpoints, msgs)) def broadcast_text_all(self, text: str, additional_arguments: dict = {}):"Notice (all): %s" % text) self.broadcast_all([{**{"cmd": "PrintJSON", "data": [{ "text": text }]}, **additional_arguments}]) def broadcast_team(self, team: int, msgs: typing.List[dict]): msgs = self.dumper(msgs) endpoints = (endpoint for endpoint in itertools.chain.from_iterable(self.clients[team].values())) async_start(self.broadcast_send_encoded_msgs(endpoints, msgs)) def broadcast(self, endpoints: typing.Iterable[Client], msgs: typing.List[dict]): msgs = self.dumper(msgs) async_start(self.broadcast_send_encoded_msgs(endpoints, msgs)) async def disconnect(self, endpoint: Client): if endpoint in self.endpoints: self.endpoints.remove(endpoint) if endpoint.slot and endpoint in self.clients[][endpoint.slot]: self.clients[][endpoint.slot].remove(endpoint) await on_client_disconnected(self, endpoint) def notify_client(self, client: Client, text: str, additional_arguments: dict = {}): if not client.auth: return"Notice (Player %s in team %d): %s" % (, + 1, text)) async_start(self.send_msgs(client, [{"cmd": "PrintJSON", "data": [{ "text": text }], **additional_arguments}])) def notify_client_multiple(self, client: Client, texts: typing.List[str], additional_arguments: dict = {}): if not client.auth: return async_start(self.send_msgs(client, [{"cmd": "PrintJSON", "data": [{ "text": text }], **additional_arguments} for text in texts])) # loading def load(self, multidatapath: str, use_embedded_server_options: bool = False): if multidatapath.lower().endswith(".zip"): import zipfile with zipfile.ZipFile(multidatapath) as zf: for file in zf.namelist(): if file.endswith(".archipelago"): data = break else: raise Exception("No .archipelago found in archive.") else: with open(multidatapath, 'rb') as f: data = self._load(self.decompress(data), {}, use_embedded_server_options) self.data_filename = multidatapath @staticmethod def decompress(data: bytes) -> dict: format_version = data[0] if format_version > 3: raise Utils.VersionException("Incompatible multidata.") return restricted_loads(zlib.decompress(data[1:])) def _load(self, decoded_obj: dict, game_data_packages: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any], use_embedded_server_options: bool): self.read_data = {} # there might be a better place to put this. self.read_data["race_mode"] = lambda: decoded_obj.get("race_mode", 0) mdata_ver = decoded_obj["minimum_versions"]["server"] if mdata_ver > version_tuple: raise RuntimeError(f"Supplied Multidata (.archipelago) requires a server of at least version {mdata_ver}," f"however this server is of version {version_tuple}") self.generator_version = Version(*decoded_obj["version"]) clients_ver = decoded_obj["minimum_versions"].get("clients", {}) self.minimum_client_versions = {} for player, version in clients_ver.items(): self.minimum_client_versions[player] = max(Version(*version), min_client_version) self.slot_info = decoded_obj["slot_info"] = {slot: for slot, slot_info in self.slot_info.items()} self.groups = {slot: slot_info.group_members for slot, slot_info in self.slot_info.items() if slot_info.type ==} self.clients = {0: {}} slot_info: NetworkSlot slot_id: int team_0 = self.clients[0] for slot_id, slot_info in self.slot_info.items(): team_0[slot_id] = [] self.player_names[0, slot_id] = self.player_name_lookup[] = 0, slot_id self.read_data[f"hints_{0}_{slot_id}"] = lambda local_team=0, local_player=slot_id: \ list(self.get_rechecked_hints(local_team, local_player)) self.read_data[f"client_status_{0}_{slot_id}"] = lambda local_team=0, local_player=slot_id: \ self.client_game_state[local_team, local_player] self.seed_name = decoded_obj["seed_name"] self.random.seed(self.seed_name) self.connect_names = decoded_obj['connect_names'] self.locations = LocationStore(decoded_obj.pop("locations")) # pre-emptively free memory self.slot_data = decoded_obj['slot_data'] for slot, data in self.slot_data.items(): self.read_data[f"slot_data_{slot}"] = lambda data=data: data self.er_hint_data = {int(player): {int(address): name for address, name in loc_data.items()} for player, loc_data in decoded_obj["er_hint_data"].items()} # load start inventory: for slot, item_codes in decoded_obj["precollected_items"].items(): self.start_inventory[slot] = [NetworkItem(item_code, -2, 0) for item_code in item_codes] for slot, hints in decoded_obj["precollected_hints"].items(): self.hints[0, slot].update(hints) # declare slots that aren't players as done for slot, slot_info in self.slot_info.items(): if slot_info.type.always_goal: for team in self.clients: self.client_game_state[team, slot] = ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL if use_embedded_server_options: server_options = decoded_obj.get("server_options", {}) self._set_options(server_options) # embedded data package for game_name, data in decoded_obj.get("datapackage", {}).items(): if game_name in game_data_packages: data = game_data_packages[game_name]"Loading embedded data package for game {game_name}") self.gamespackage[game_name] = data self.item_name_groups[game_name] = data["item_name_groups"] if "location_name_groups" in data: self.location_name_groups[game_name] = data["location_name_groups"] del data["location_name_groups"] del data["item_name_groups"] # remove from data package, but keep in self.item_name_groups self._init_game_data() for game_name, data in self.item_name_groups.items(): self.read_data[f"item_name_groups_{game_name}"] = lambda lgame=game_name: self.item_name_groups[lgame] for game_name, data in self.location_name_groups.items(): self.read_data[f"location_name_groups_{game_name}"] = lambda lgame=game_name: self.location_name_groups[lgame] # sorted access spheres self.spheres = decoded_obj.get("spheres", []) # saving def save(self, now=False) -> bool: if self.saving: if now: self.save_dirty = False return self._save() self.save_dirty = True return True return False def _save(self, exit_save: bool = False) -> bool: try: encoded_save = pickle.dumps(self.get_save()) with open(self.save_filename, "wb") as f: f.write(zlib.compress(encoded_save)) except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) return False else: return True def init_save(self, enabled: bool = True): self.saving = enabled if self.saving: if not self.save_filename: import os name, ext = os.path.splitext(self.data_filename) self.save_filename = name + '.apsave' if ext.lower() in ('.archipelago', '.zip') \ else self.data_filename + '_' + 'apsave' try: with open(self.save_filename, 'rb') as f: save_data = restricted_loads(zlib.decompress( self.set_save(save_data) except FileNotFoundError: self.logger.error('No save data found, starting a new game') except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) self._start_async_saving() def _start_async_saving(self, atexit_save: bool = True): if not self.auto_saver_thread: def save_regularly(): # time.time() is platform dependent, so using the expensive datetime method instead def get_datetime_second(): now = return now.second + now.microsecond * 0.000001 second = get_saving_second(self.seed_name, self.auto_save_interval) while not self.exit_event.is_set(): try: next_wakeup = (second - get_datetime_second()) % self.auto_save_interval time.sleep(max(1.0, next_wakeup)) if self.save_dirty: self.logger.debug("Saving via thread.") self._save() except OperationalError as e: self.logger.exception(e)"Saving failed. Retry in {self.auto_save_interval} seconds.") else: self.save_dirty = False if not atexit_save: # if atexit is used, that keeps a reference anyway queue_gc() self.auto_saver_thread = threading.Thread(target=save_regularly, daemon=True) self.auto_saver_thread.start() if atexit_save: import atexit atexit.register(self._save, True) # make sure we save on exit too def get_save(self) -> dict: self.recheck_hints() d = { "version": self.save_version, "connect_names": self.connect_names, "received_items": self.received_items, "hints_used": dict(self.hints_used), "hints": dict(self.hints), "location_checks": dict(self.location_checks), "name_aliases": self.name_aliases, "client_game_state": dict(self.client_game_state), "client_activity_timers": tuple( (key, value.timestamp()) for key, value in self.client_activity_timers.items()), "client_connection_timers": tuple( (key, value.timestamp()) for key, value in self.client_connection_timers.items()), "random_state": self.random.getstate(), "group_collected": dict(self.group_collected), "stored_data": self.stored_data, "game_options": {"hint_cost": self.hint_cost, "location_check_points": self.location_check_points, "server_password": self.server_password, "password": self.password, "release_mode": self.release_mode, "remaining_mode": self.remaining_mode, "collect_mode": self.collect_mode, "item_cheat": self.item_cheat, "compatibility": self.compatibility} } return d def set_save(self, savedata: dict): if self.connect_names != savedata["connect_names"]: raise Exception("This savegame does not appear to match the loaded multiworld.") if savedata["version"] > self.save_version: raise Exception("This savegame is newer than the server.") self.received_items = savedata["received_items"] self.hints_used.update(savedata["hints_used"]) self.hints.update(savedata["hints"]) self.name_aliases.update(savedata["name_aliases"]) self.client_game_state.update(savedata["client_game_state"]) self.client_connection_timers.update( {tuple(key): datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value, datetime.timezone.utc) for key, value in savedata["client_connection_timers"]}) self.client_activity_timers.update( {tuple(key): datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value, datetime.timezone.utc) for key, value in savedata["client_activity_timers"]}) self.location_checks.update(savedata["location_checks"]) self.random.setstate(savedata["random_state"]) if "game_options" in savedata: self.hint_cost = savedata["game_options"]["hint_cost"] self.location_check_points = savedata["game_options"]["location_check_points"] self.server_password = savedata["game_options"]["server_password"] self.password = savedata["game_options"]["password"] self.release_mode = savedata["game_options"]["release_mode"] self.remaining_mode = savedata["game_options"]["remaining_mode"] self.collect_mode = savedata["game_options"]["collect_mode"] self.item_cheat = savedata["game_options"]["item_cheat"] self.compatibility = savedata["game_options"]["compatibility"] if "group_collected" in savedata: self.group_collected = savedata["group_collected"] if "stored_data" in savedata: self.stored_data = savedata["stored_data"] # count items and slots from lists for items_handling = remote f'Loaded save file with {sum([len(v) for k, v in self.received_items.items() if k[2]])} received items ' f'for {sum(k[2] for k in self.received_items)} players') # rest def get_hint_cost(self, slot): if self.hint_cost: return max(1, int(self.hint_cost * 0.01 * len(self.locations[slot]))) return 0 def recheck_hints(self, team: typing.Optional[int] = None, slot: typing.Optional[int] = None, changed: typing.Optional[typing.Set[team_slot]] = None) -> None: """Refreshes the hints for the specified team/slot. Providing 'None' for either team or slot will refresh all teams or all slots respectively. If a set is passed for 'changed', each (team,slot) pair that has at least one hint modified will be added to the set. """ for hint_team, hint_slot in self.hints: if team != hint_team and team is not None: continue # Check specified team only, all if team is None if slot != hint_slot and slot is not None: continue # Check specified slot only, all if slot is None new_hints: typing.Set[Hint] = set() for hint in self.hints[hint_team, hint_slot]: new_hint = hint.re_check(self, hint_team) new_hints.add(new_hint) if hint == new_hint: continue for player in self.slot_set(hint.receiving_player) | {hint.finding_player}: if changed is not None: changed.add((hint_team,player)) if slot is not None and slot != player: self.replace_hint(hint_team, player, hint, new_hint) self.hints[hint_team, hint_slot] = new_hints def get_rechecked_hints(self, team: int, slot: int): self.recheck_hints(team, slot) return self.hints[team, slot] def get_sphere(self, player: int, location_id: int) -> int: """Get sphere of a location, -1 if spheres are not available.""" if self.spheres: for i, sphere in enumerate(self.spheres): if location_id in sphere.get(player, set()): return i raise KeyError(f"No Sphere found for location ID {location_id} belonging to player {player}. " f"Location or player may not exist.") return -1 def get_players_package(self): return [NetworkPlayer(t, p, self.get_aliased_name(t, p), n) for (t, p), n in self.player_names.items()] def slot_set(self, slot) -> typing.Set[int]: """Returns the slot IDs that concern that slot, as in expands groups out and returns back the input for solo.""" return self.groups.get(slot, {slot}) def _set_options(self, server_options: dict): for key, value in server_options.items(): data_type = self.simple_options.get(key, None) if data_type is not None: if value not in {False, True, None}: # some can be boolean OR text, such as password try: value = data_type(value) except Exception as e: try: raise Exception(f"Could not set server option {key}, skipping.") from e except Exception as e: self.logger.exception(e) self.logger.debug(f"Setting server option {key} to {value} from supplied multidata") setattr(self, key, value) elif key == "disable_item_cheat": self.item_cheat = not bool(value) else: self.logger.debug(f"Unrecognized server option {key}") def get_aliased_name(self, team: int, slot: int): if (team, slot) in self.name_aliases: return f"{self.name_aliases[team, slot]} ({self.player_names[team, slot]})" else: return self.player_names[team, slot] def notify_hints(self, team: int, hints: typing.List[Hint], only_new: bool = False, recipients: typing.Sequence[int] = None): """Send and remember hints.""" if only_new: hints = [hint for hint in hints if hint not in self.hints[team, hint.finding_player]] if not hints: return new_hint_events: typing.Set[int] = set() concerns = collections.defaultdict(list) for hint in sorted(hints, key=operator.attrgetter('found'), reverse=True): data = (hint, hint.as_network_message()) for player in self.slot_set(hint.receiving_player): concerns[player].append(data) if not hint.local and data not in concerns[hint.finding_player]: concerns[hint.finding_player].append(data) # remember hints in all cases # since hints are bidirectional, finding player and receiving player, # we can check once if hint already exists if hint not in self.hints[team, hint.finding_player]: self.hints[team, hint.finding_player].add(hint) new_hint_events.add(hint.finding_player) for player in self.slot_set(hint.receiving_player): self.hints[team, player].add(hint) new_hint_events.add(player)"Notice (Team #%d): %s" % (team + 1, format_hint(self, team, hint))) for slot in new_hint_events: self.on_new_hint(team, slot) for slot, hint_data in concerns.items(): if recipients is None or slot in recipients: clients = self.clients[team].get(slot) if not clients: continue client_hints = [datum[1] for datum in sorted(hint_data, key=lambda x: x[0].finding_player != slot)] for client in clients: async_start(self.send_msgs(client, client_hints)) def get_hint(self, team: int, finding_player: int, seeked_location: int) -> typing.Optional[Hint]: for hint in self.hints[team, finding_player]: if hint.location == seeked_location: return hint return None def replace_hint(self, team: int, slot: int, old_hint: Hint, new_hint: Hint) -> None: if old_hint in self.hints[team, slot]: self.hints[team, slot].remove(old_hint) self.hints[team, slot].add(new_hint) # "events" def on_goal_achieved(self, client: Client): finished_msg = f'{self.get_aliased_name(, client.slot)} (Team #{ + 1})' \ f' has completed their goal.' self.broadcast_text_all(finished_msg, {"type": "Goal", "team":, "slot": client.slot}) if "auto" in self.collect_mode: collect_player(self,, client.slot) if "auto" in self.release_mode: release_player(self,, client.slot) # save goal completion flag def on_new_hint(self, team: int, slot: int): self.on_changed_hints(team, slot) self.broadcast(self.clients[team][slot], [{ "cmd": "RoomUpdate", "hint_points": get_slot_points(self, team, slot) }]) def on_changed_hints(self, team: int, slot: int): key: str = f"_read_hints_{team}_{slot}" targets: typing.Set[Client] = set(self.stored_data_notification_clients[key]) if targets: self.broadcast(targets, [{"cmd": "SetReply", "key": key, "value": self.hints[team, slot]}]) def on_client_status_change(self, team: int, slot: int): key: str = f"_read_client_status_{team}_{slot}" targets: typing.Set[Client] = set(self.stored_data_notification_clients[key]) if targets: self.broadcast(targets, [{"cmd": "SetReply", "key": key, "value": self.client_game_state[team, slot]}]) def update_aliases(ctx: Context, team: int): cmd = ctx.dumper([{"cmd": "RoomUpdate", "players": ctx.get_players_package()}]) for clients in ctx.clients[team].values(): for client in clients: async_start(ctx.send_encoded_msgs(client, cmd)) async def server(websocket, path: str = "/", ctx: Context = None): client = Client(websocket, ctx) ctx.endpoints.append(client) try: if ctx.log_network:"Incoming connection") await on_client_connected(ctx, client) if ctx.log_network:"Sent Room Info") async for data in websocket: if ctx.log_network:"Incoming message: {data}") for msg in decode(data): await process_client_cmd(ctx, client, msg) except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, websockets.WebSocketException): ctx.logger.exception(e) finally: if ctx.log_network:"Disconnected") await ctx.disconnect(client) async def on_client_connected(ctx: Context, client: Client): players = [] for team, clients in ctx.clients.items(): for slot, connected_clients in clients.items(): if connected_clients: name = ctx.player_names[team, slot] players.append(NetworkPlayer(team, slot, ctx.name_aliases.get((team, slot), name), name)) games = {[x] for x in range(1, len( + 1)} games.add("Archipelago") await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{ 'cmd': 'RoomInfo', 'password': bool(ctx.password), 'games': games, # tags are for additional features in the communication. # Name them by feature or fork, as you feel is appropriate. 'tags': ctx.tags, 'version': version_tuple, 'generator_version': ctx.generator_version, 'permissions': get_permissions(ctx), 'hint_cost': ctx.hint_cost, 'location_check_points': ctx.location_check_points, 'datapackage_checksums': {game: game_data["checksum"] for game, game_data in ctx.gamespackage.items() if game in games and "checksum" in game_data}, 'seed_name': ctx.seed_name, 'time': time.time(), }]) def get_permissions(ctx) -> typing.Dict[str, Permission]: return { "release": Permission.from_text(ctx.release_mode), "remaining": Permission.from_text(ctx.remaining_mode), "collect": Permission.from_text(ctx.collect_mode) } async def on_client_disconnected(ctx: Context, client: Client): if client.auth: await on_client_left(ctx, client) _non_game_messages = {"HintGame": "hinting", "Tracker": "tracking", "TextOnly": "viewing"} """ { tag: ui_message } """ async def on_client_joined(ctx: Context, client: Client): if ctx.client_game_state[, client.slot] == ClientStatus.CLIENT_UNKNOWN: update_client_status(ctx, client, ClientStatus.CLIENT_CONNECTED) version_str = '.'.join(str(x) for x in client.version) for tag, verb in _non_game_messages.items(): if tag in client.tags: final_verb = verb break else: final_verb = "playing" ctx.broadcast_text_all( f"{ctx.get_aliased_name(, client.slot)} (Team #{ + 1}) " f"{final_verb} {[client.slot]} has joined. " f"Client({version_str}), {client.tags}.", {"type": "Join", "team":, "slot": client.slot, "tags": client.tags}) ctx.notify_client(client, "Now that you are connected, " "you can use !help to list commands to run via the server. " "If your client supports it, " "you may have additional local commands you can list with /help.", {"type": "Tutorial"}) ctx.client_connection_timers[, client.slot] = async def on_client_left(ctx: Context, client: Client): if len(ctx.clients[][client.slot]) < 1: update_client_status(ctx, client, ClientStatus.CLIENT_UNKNOWN) ctx.client_connection_timers[, client.slot] = version_str = '.'.join(str(x) for x in client.version) for tag, verb in _non_game_messages.items(): if tag in client.tags: final_verb = f"stopped {verb}" break else: final_verb = "left" ctx.broadcast_text_all( f"{ctx.get_aliased_name(, client.slot)} (Team #{ + 1}) has {final_verb} the game. " f"Client({version_str}), {client.tags}.", {"type": "Part", "team":, "slot": client.slot}) async def countdown(ctx: Context, timer: int): ctx.broadcast_text_all(f"[Server]: Starting countdown of {timer}s", {"type": "Countdown", "countdown": timer}) if ctx.countdown_timer: ctx.countdown_timer = timer # timer is already running, set it to a different time else: ctx.countdown_timer = timer while ctx.countdown_timer > 0: ctx.broadcast_text_all(f"[Server]: {ctx.countdown_timer}", {"type": "Countdown", "countdown": ctx.countdown_timer}) ctx.countdown_timer -= 1 await asyncio.sleep(1) ctx.broadcast_text_all(f"[Server]: GO", {"type": "Countdown", "countdown": 0}) ctx.countdown_timer = 0 def get_players_string(ctx: Context): auth_clients = {(, c.slot) for c in ctx.endpoints if c.auth} player_names = sorted(ctx.player_names.keys()) current_team = -1 text = '' total = 0 for team, slot in player_names: if ctx.slot_info[slot].type == SlotType.player: total += 1 player_name = ctx.player_names[team, slot] if team != current_team: text += f':: Team #{team + 1}: ' current_team = team if (team, slot) in auth_clients: text += f'{player_name} ' else: text += f'({player_name}) ' return f'{len(auth_clients)} players of {total} connected ' + text[:-1] def get_status_string(ctx: Context, team: int, tag: str): text = f"Player Status on team {team}:" for slot in ctx.locations: connected = len(ctx.clients[team][slot]) tagged = len([client for client in ctx.clients[team][slot] if tag in client.tags]) completion_text = f"({len(ctx.location_checks[team, slot])}/{len(ctx.locations[slot])})" tag_text = f" {tagged} of which are tagged {tag}" if connected and tag else "" status_text = ( " and has finished." if ctx.client_game_state[team, slot] == ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL else " and is ready." if ctx.client_game_state[team, slot] == ClientStatus.CLIENT_READY else "." ) text += f"\n{ctx.get_aliased_name(team, slot)} has {connected} connection{'' if connected == 1 else 's'}" \ f"{tag_text}{status_text} {completion_text}" return text def get_received_items(ctx: Context, team: int, player: int, remote_items: bool) -> typing.List[NetworkItem]: return ctx.received_items.setdefault((team, player, remote_items), []) def get_start_inventory(ctx: Context, player: int, remote_start_inventory: bool) -> typing.List[NetworkItem]: return ctx.start_inventory.setdefault(player, []) if remote_start_inventory else [] def send_new_items(ctx: Context): for team, clients in ctx.clients.items(): for slot, clients in clients.items(): for client in clients: if client.no_items: continue start_inventory = get_start_inventory(ctx, slot, client.remote_start_inventory) items = get_received_items(ctx, team, slot, client.remote_items) if len(start_inventory) + len(items) > client.send_index: first_new_item = max(0, client.send_index - len(start_inventory)) async_start(ctx.send_msgs(client, [{ "cmd": "ReceivedItems", "index": client.send_index, "items": start_inventory[client.send_index:] + items[first_new_item:]}])) client.send_index = len(start_inventory) + len(items) def update_checked_locations(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int): ctx.broadcast(ctx.clients[team][slot], [{"cmd": "RoomUpdate", "checked_locations": get_checked_checks(ctx, team, slot)}]) def release_player(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int): """register any locations that are in the multidata""" all_locations = set(ctx.locations[slot]) ctx.broadcast_text_all("%s (Team #%d) has released all remaining items from their world." % (ctx.player_names[(team, slot)], team + 1), {"type": "Release", "team": team, "slot": slot}) register_location_checks(ctx, team, slot, all_locations) update_checked_locations(ctx, team, slot) def collect_player(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int, is_group: bool = False): """register any locations that are in the multidata, pointing towards this player""" all_locations = ctx.locations.get_for_player(slot) ctx.broadcast_text_all("%s (Team #%d) has collected their items from other worlds." % (ctx.player_names[(team, slot)], team + 1), {"type": "Collect", "team": team, "slot": slot}) for source_player, location_ids in all_locations.items(): register_location_checks(ctx, team, source_player, location_ids, count_activity=False) update_checked_locations(ctx, team, source_player) if not is_group: for group, group_players in ctx.groups.items(): if slot in group_players: group_collected_players = ctx.group_collected.setdefault(group, set()) group_collected_players.add(slot) if set(group_players) == group_collected_players: collect_player(ctx, team, group, True) def get_remaining(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int) -> typing.List[typing.Tuple[int, int]]: return ctx.locations.get_remaining(ctx.location_checks, team, slot) def send_items_to(ctx: Context, team: int, target_slot: int, *items: NetworkItem): for target in ctx.slot_set(target_slot): for item in items: if item.player != target_slot: get_received_items(ctx, team, target, False).append(item) get_received_items(ctx, team, target, True).append(item) def register_location_checks(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int, locations: typing.Iterable[int], count_activity: bool = True): new_locations = set(locations) - ctx.location_checks[team, slot] new_locations.intersection_update(ctx.locations[slot]) # ignore location IDs unknown to this multidata if new_locations: if count_activity: ctx.client_activity_timers[team, slot] = for location in new_locations: item_id, target_player, flags = ctx.locations[slot][location] new_item = NetworkItem(item_id, location, slot, flags) send_items_to(ctx, team, target_player, new_item)'(Team #%d) %s sent %s to %s (%s)' % ( team + 1, ctx.player_names[(team, slot)], ctx.item_names[ctx.slot_info[target_player].game][item_id], ctx.player_names[(team, target_player)], ctx.location_names[ctx.slot_info[slot].game][location])) info_text = json_format_send_event(new_item, target_player) ctx.broadcast_team(team, [info_text]) ctx.location_checks[team, slot] |= new_locations send_new_items(ctx) ctx.broadcast(ctx.clients[team][slot], [{ "cmd": "RoomUpdate", "hint_points": get_slot_points(ctx, team, slot), "checked_locations": new_locations, # send back new checks only }]) updated_slots: typing.Set[tuple[int, int]] = set() ctx.recheck_hints(team, slot, updated_slots) for hint_team, hint_slot in updated_slots: ctx.on_changed_hints(hint_team, hint_slot) def collect_hints(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int, item: typing.Union[int, str], auto_status: HintStatus) \ -> typing.List[Hint]: hints = [] slots: typing.Set[int] = {slot} for group_id, group in ctx.groups.items(): if slot in group: slots.add(group_id) seeked_item_id = item if isinstance(item, int) else ctx.item_names_for_game([slot])[item] for finding_player, location_id, item_id, receiving_player, item_flags \ in ctx.locations.find_item(slots, seeked_item_id): prev_hint = ctx.get_hint(team, slot, location_id) if prev_hint: hints.append(prev_hint) else: found = location_id in ctx.location_checks[team, finding_player] entrance = ctx.er_hint_data.get(finding_player, {}).get(location_id, "") new_status = auto_status if found: new_status = HintStatus.HINT_FOUND elif item_flags & ItemClassification.trap: new_status = HintStatus.HINT_AVOID hints.append(Hint(receiving_player, finding_player, location_id, item_id, found, entrance, item_flags, new_status)) return hints def collect_hint_location_name(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int, location: str, auto_status: HintStatus) \ -> typing.List[Hint]: seeked_location: int = ctx.location_names_for_game([slot])[location] return collect_hint_location_id(ctx, team, slot, seeked_location, auto_status) def collect_hint_location_id(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int, seeked_location: int, auto_status: HintStatus) \ -> typing.List[Hint]: prev_hint = ctx.get_hint(team, slot, seeked_location) if prev_hint: return [prev_hint] result = ctx.locations[slot].get(seeked_location, (None, None, None)) if any(result): item_id, receiving_player, item_flags = result found = seeked_location in ctx.location_checks[team, slot] entrance = ctx.er_hint_data.get(slot, {}).get(seeked_location, "") new_status = auto_status if found: new_status = HintStatus.HINT_FOUND elif item_flags & ItemClassification.trap: new_status = HintStatus.HINT_AVOID return [Hint(receiving_player, slot, seeked_location, item_id, found, entrance, item_flags, new_status)] return [] status_names: typing.Dict[HintStatus, str] = { HintStatus.HINT_FOUND: "(found)", HintStatus.HINT_UNSPECIFIED: "(unspecified)", HintStatus.HINT_NO_PRIORITY: "(no priority)", HintStatus.HINT_AVOID: "(avoid)", HintStatus.HINT_PRIORITY: "(priority)", } def format_hint(ctx: Context, team: int, hint: Hint) -> str: text = f"[Hint]: {ctx.player_names[team, hint.receiving_player]}'s " \ f"{ctx.item_names[ctx.slot_info[hint.receiving_player].game][hint.item]} is " \ f"at {ctx.location_names[ctx.slot_info[hint.finding_player].game][hint.location]} " \ f"in {ctx.player_names[team, hint.finding_player]}'s World" if hint.entrance: text += f" at {hint.entrance}" return text + ". " + status_names.get(hint.status, "(unknown)") def json_format_send_event(net_item: NetworkItem, receiving_player: int): parts = [] NetUtils.add_json_text(parts, net_item.player, type=NetUtils.JSONTypes.player_id) if net_item.player == receiving_player: NetUtils.add_json_text(parts, " found their ") NetUtils.add_json_item(parts, net_item.item, net_item.player, net_item.flags) else: NetUtils.add_json_text(parts, " sent ") NetUtils.add_json_item(parts, net_item.item, receiving_player, net_item.flags) NetUtils.add_json_text(parts, " to ") NetUtils.add_json_text(parts, receiving_player, type=NetUtils.JSONTypes.player_id) NetUtils.add_json_text(parts, " (") NetUtils.add_json_location(parts, net_item.location, net_item.player) NetUtils.add_json_text(parts, ")") return {"cmd": "PrintJSON", "data": parts, "type": "ItemSend", "receiving": receiving_player, "item": net_item} class CommandMeta(type): def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs): commands = attrs["commands"] = {} for base in bases: commands.update(base.commands) commands.update({command_name[5:]: method for command_name, method in attrs.items() if command_name.startswith("_cmd_")}) return super(CommandMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs) _Return = typing.TypeVar("_Return") # TODO: when python 3.10 is lowest supported, typing.ParamSpec def mark_raw(function: typing.Callable[[typing.Any], _Return]) -> typing.Callable[[typing.Any], _Return]: function.raw_text = True return function class CommandProcessor(metaclass=CommandMeta): commands: typing.Dict[str, typing.Callable] client = None marker = "/" def output(self, text: str): print(text) def __call__(self, raw: str) -> typing.Optional[bool]: if not raw: return try: try: command = shlex.split(raw, comments=False) except ValueError: # most likely: "ValueError: No closing quotation" command = raw.split() basecommand = command[0] if basecommand[0] == self.marker: method = self.commands.get(basecommand[1:].lower(), None) if not method: self._error_unknown_command(basecommand[1:]) else: if getattr(method, "raw_text", False): # method is requesting unprocessed text data arg = raw.split(maxsplit=1) if len(arg) > 1: return method(self, arg[1]) # argument text was found, so pass it along else: return method(self) # argument may be optional, try running without args else: return method(self, *command[1:]) # pass each word as argument else: self.default(raw) except Exception as e: self._error_parsing_command(e) def get_help_text(self) -> str: s = "" for command, method in self.commands.items(): spec = inspect.signature(method).parameters argtext = "" for argname, parameter in spec.items(): if argname == "self": continue if isinstance(parameter.default, str): if not parameter.default: argname = f"[{argname}]" else: argname += "=" + parameter.default argtext += argname argtext += " " s += f"{self.marker}{command} {argtext}\n {method.__doc__}\n" return s def _cmd_help(self): """Returns the help listing""" self.output(self.get_help_text()) def _cmd_license(self): """Returns the licensing information""" license = getattr(CommandProcessor, "license", None) if not license: with open(Utils.local_path("LICENSE")) as f: CommandProcessor.license = self.output(CommandProcessor.license) def default(self, raw: str): self.output("Echo: " + raw) def _error_unknown_command(self, raw: str): self.output(f"Could not find command {raw}. Known commands: {', '.join(self.commands)}") def _error_parsing_command(self, exception: Exception): import traceback self.output(traceback.format_exc()) class CommonCommandProcessor(CommandProcessor): ctx: Context def _cmd_countdown(self, seconds: str = "10") -> bool: """Start a countdown in seconds""" try: timer = int(seconds, 10) except ValueError: timer = 10 else: if timer > 60 * 60: raise ValueError(f"{timer} is invalid. Maximum is 1 hour.") async_start(countdown(self.ctx, timer)) return True def _cmd_options(self): """List all current options. Warning: lists password.""" self.output("Current options:") for option in self.ctx.simple_options: if option == "server_password" and self.marker == "!": # Do not display the server password to the client. self.output(f"Option server_password is set to {('*' * random.randint(4, 16))}") else: self.output(f"Option {option} is set to {getattr(self.ctx, option)}") class ClientMessageProcessor(CommonCommandProcessor): marker = "!" def __init__(self, ctx: Context, client: Client): self.ctx = ctx self.client = client def __call__(self, raw: str) -> typing.Optional[bool]: if not raw.startswith("!admin"): self.ctx.broadcast_text_all(self.ctx.get_aliased_name(, self.client.slot) + ': ' + raw, {"type": "Chat", "team":, "slot": self.client.slot, "message": raw}) return super(ClientMessageProcessor, self).__call__(raw) def output(self, text: str): self.ctx.notify_client(self.client, text, {"type": "CommandResult"}) def output_multiple(self, texts: typing.List[str]): self.ctx.notify_client_multiple(self.client, texts, {"type": "CommandResult"}) def default(self, raw: str): pass # default is client sending just text def is_authenticated(self): return self.ctx.commandprocessor.client == self.client @mark_raw def _cmd_admin(self, command: str = ""): """Allow remote administration of the multiworld server Usage: "!admin login " in order to log in to the remote interface. Once logged in, you can then use "!admin " to issue commands. If you need further help once logged in. use "!admin /help" """ output = f"!admin {command}" if output.lower().startswith( "!admin login"): # disallow others from seeing the supplied password, whether it is correct. output = f"!admin login {('*' * random.randint(4, 16))}" elif output.lower().startswith( # disallow others from knowing what the new remote administration password is. "!admin /option server_password"): output = f"!admin /option server_password {('*' * random.randint(4, 16))}" self.ctx.broadcast_text_all(self.ctx.get_aliased_name(, self.client.slot) + ': ' + output, {"type": "Chat", "team":, "slot": self.client.slot, "message": output}) if not self.ctx.server_password: self.output("Sorry, Remote administration is disabled") return False if not command: if self.is_authenticated(): self.output("Usage: !admin [Server command].\nUse !admin /help for help.\n" "Use !admin logout to log out of the current session.") else: self.output("Usage: !admin login [password]") return True if command.startswith("login "): if command == f"login {self.ctx.server_password}": self.output("Login successful. You can now issue server side commands.") self.ctx.commandprocessor.client = self.client return True else: self.output("Password incorrect.") return False if not self.is_authenticated(): self.output("You must first login using !admin login [password]") return False if command == "logout": self.output("Logout successful. You can no longer issue server side commands.") self.ctx.commandprocessor.client = None return True return self.ctx.commandprocessor(command) def _cmd_players(self) -> bool: """Get information about connected and missing players.""" if len(self.ctx.player_names) < 10: self.ctx.broadcast_text_all(get_players_string(self.ctx), {"type": "CommandResult"}) else: self.output(get_players_string(self.ctx)) return True def _cmd_status(self, tag:str="") -> bool: """Get status information about your team. Optionally mention a Tag name and get information on who has that Tag. For example: DeathLink or EnergyLink.""" self.output(get_status_string(self.ctx,, tag)) return True def _cmd_release(self) -> bool: """Sends remaining items in your world to their recipients.""" if self.ctx.allow_releases.get((, self.client.slot), False): release_player(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) return True if "enabled" in self.ctx.release_mode: release_player(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) return True elif "disabled" in self.ctx.release_mode: self.output("Sorry, client item releasing has been disabled on this server. " "You can ask the server admin for a /release") return False else: # is auto or goal if self.ctx.client_game_state[, self.client.slot] == ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL: release_player(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) return True else: self.output( "Sorry, client item releasing requires you to have beaten the game on this server." " You can ask the server admin for a /release") return False def _cmd_collect(self) -> bool: """Send your remaining items to yourself""" if "enabled" in self.ctx.collect_mode: collect_player(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) return True elif "disabled" in self.ctx.collect_mode: self.output( "Sorry, client collecting has been disabled on this server. You can ask the server admin for a /collect") return False else: # is auto or goal if self.ctx.client_game_state[, self.client.slot] == ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL: collect_player(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) return True else: self.output( "Sorry, client collecting requires you to have beaten the game on this server." " You can ask the server admin for a /collect") return False def _cmd_remaining(self) -> bool: """List remaining items in your game, but not their location or recipient""" if self.ctx.remaining_mode == "enabled": rest_locations = get_remaining(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) if rest_locations: self.output("Remaining items: " + ", ".join(self.ctx.item_names[[slot]][item_id] for slot, item_id in rest_locations)) else: self.output("No remaining items found.") return True elif self.ctx.remaining_mode == "disabled": self.output( "Sorry, !remaining has been disabled on this server.") return False else: # is goal if self.ctx.client_game_state[, self.client.slot] == ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL: rest_locations = get_remaining(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) if rest_locations: self.output("Remaining items: " + ", ".join(self.ctx.item_names[[slot]][item_id] for slot, item_id in rest_locations)) else: self.output("No remaining items found.") return True else: self.output( "Sorry, !remaining requires you to have beaten the game on this server") return False @mark_raw def _cmd_missing(self, filter_text="") -> bool: """List all missing location checks from the server's perspective. Can be given text, which will be used as filter.""" locations = get_missing_checks(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) if locations: game = self.ctx.slot_info[self.client.slot].game names = [self.ctx.location_names[game][location] for location in locations] if filter_text: location_groups = self.ctx.location_name_groups[[self.client.slot]] if filter_text in location_groups: # location group name names = [name for name in names if name in location_groups[filter_text]] else: names = [name for name in names if filter_text in name] texts = [f'Missing: {name}' for name in names] if filter_text: texts.append(f"Found {len(locations)} missing location checks, displaying {len(names)} of them.") else: texts.append(f"Found {len(locations)} missing location checks") self.output_multiple(texts) else: self.output("No missing location checks found.") return True @mark_raw def _cmd_checked(self, filter_text="") -> bool: """List all done location checks from the server's perspective. Can be given text, which will be used as filter.""" locations = get_checked_checks(self.ctx,, self.client.slot) if locations: game = self.ctx.slot_info[self.client.slot].game names = [self.ctx.location_names[game][location] for location in locations] if filter_text: location_groups = self.ctx.location_name_groups[[self.client.slot]] if filter_text in location_groups: # location group name names = [name for name in names if name in location_groups[filter_text]] else: names = [name for name in names if filter_text in name] texts = [f'Checked: {name}' for name in names] if filter_text: texts.append(f"Found {len(locations)} done location checks, displaying {len(names)} of them.") else: texts.append(f"Found {len(locations)} done location checks") self.output_multiple(texts) else: self.output("No done location checks found.") return True @mark_raw def _cmd_alias(self, alias_name: str = ""): """Set your alias to the passed name.""" if alias_name: alias_name = alias_name[:16].strip() self.ctx.name_aliases[, self.client.slot] = alias_name self.output(f"Hello, {alias_name}") update_aliases(self.ctx, return True elif (, self.client.slot) in self.ctx.name_aliases: del (self.ctx.name_aliases[, self.client.slot]) self.output("Removed Alias") update_aliases(self.ctx, return True return False @mark_raw def _cmd_getitem(self, item_name: str) -> bool: """Cheat in an item, if it is enabled on this server""" if self.ctx.item_cheat: names = self.ctx.item_names_for_game([self.client.slot]) item_name, usable, response = get_intended_text( item_name, names ) if usable: new_item = NetworkItem(names[item_name], -1, self.client.slot) get_received_items(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, False).append(new_item) get_received_items(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, True).append(new_item) self.ctx.broadcast_text_all( 'Cheat console: sending "' + item_name + '" to ' + self.ctx.get_aliased_name(, self.client.slot), {"type": "ItemCheat", "team":, "receiving": self.client.slot, "item": new_item}) send_new_items(self.ctx) return True else: self.output(response) return False else: self.output("Cheating is disabled.") return False def get_hints(self, input_text: str, for_location: bool = False) -> bool: points_available = get_client_points(self.ctx, self.client) cost = self.ctx.get_hint_cost(self.client.slot) auto_status = HintStatus.HINT_UNSPECIFIED if for_location else HintStatus.HINT_PRIORITY if not input_text: hints = {hint.re_check(self.ctx, for hint in self.ctx.hints[, self.client.slot]} self.ctx.hints[, self.client.slot] = hints self.ctx.notify_hints(, list(hints), recipients=(self.client.slot,)) self.output(f"A hint costs {self.ctx.get_hint_cost(self.client.slot)} points. " f"You have {points_available} points.") if hints and Utils.version_tuple < (0, 5, 0): self.output("It was recently changed, so that the above hints are only shown to you. " "If you meant to alert another player of an above hint, " "please let them know of the content or to run !hint themselves.") return True elif input_text.isnumeric(): game =[self.client.slot] hint_id = int(input_text) hint_name = self.ctx.item_names[game][hint_id] \ if not for_location and hint_id in self.ctx.item_names[game] \ else self.ctx.location_names[game][hint_id] \ if for_location and hint_id in self.ctx.location_names[game] \ else None if hint_name in self.ctx.non_hintable_names[game]: self.output(f"Sorry, \"{hint_name}\" is marked as non-hintable.") hints = [] elif not for_location: hints = collect_hints(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, hint_id, auto_status) else: hints = collect_hint_location_id(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, hint_id, auto_status) else: game =[self.client.slot] if game not in self.ctx.all_item_and_group_names: self.output("Can't look up item/location for unknown game. Hint for ID instead.") return False names = self.ctx.all_location_and_group_names[game] \ if for_location else \ self.ctx.all_item_and_group_names[game] hint_name, usable, response = get_intended_text(input_text, names) if usable: if hint_name in self.ctx.non_hintable_names[game]: self.output(f"Sorry, \"{hint_name}\" is marked as non-hintable.") hints = [] elif not for_location and hint_name in self.ctx.item_name_groups[game]: # item group name hints = [] for item_name in self.ctx.item_name_groups[game][hint_name]: if item_name in self.ctx.item_names_for_game(game): # ensure item has an ID hints.extend(collect_hints(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, item_name, auto_status)) elif not for_location and hint_name in self.ctx.item_names_for_game(game): # item name hints = collect_hints(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, hint_name, auto_status) elif hint_name in self.ctx.location_name_groups[game]: # location group name hints = [] for loc_name in self.ctx.location_name_groups[game][hint_name]: if loc_name in self.ctx.location_names_for_game(game): hints.extend(collect_hint_location_name(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, loc_name, auto_status)) else: # location name hints = collect_hint_location_name(self.ctx,, self.client.slot, hint_name, auto_status) else: self.output(response) return False if hints: new_hints = set(hints) - self.ctx.hints[, self.client.slot] old_hints = list(set(hints) - new_hints) if old_hints and not new_hints: self.ctx.notify_hints(, old_hints) self.output("Hint was previously used, no points deducted.") if new_hints: found_hints = [hint for hint in new_hints if hint.found] not_found_hints = [hint for hint in new_hints if not hint.found] if not not_found_hints: # everything's been found, no need to pay can_pay = 1000 elif cost: can_pay = int((points_available // cost) > 0) # limit to 1 new hint per call else: can_pay = 1000 self.ctx.random.shuffle(not_found_hints) # By popular vote, make hints prefer non-local placements not_found_hints.sort(key=lambda hint: int(hint.receiving_player != hint.finding_player)) # By another popular vote, prefer early sphere not_found_hints.sort(key=lambda hint: self.ctx.get_sphere(hint.finding_player, hint.location), reverse=True) hints = found_hints + old_hints while can_pay > 0: if not not_found_hints: break hint = not_found_hints.pop() hints.append(hint) can_pay -= 1 self.ctx.hints_used[, self.client.slot] += 1 self.ctx.notify_hints(, hints) if not_found_hints: points_available = get_client_points(self.ctx, self.client) if hints and cost and int((points_available // cost) == 0): self.output( f"There may be more hintables, however, you cannot afford to pay for any more. " f" You have {points_available} and need at least " f"{self.ctx.get_hint_cost(self.client.slot)}.") elif hints: self.output( "There may be more hintables, you can rerun the command to find more.") else: self.output(f"You can't afford the hint. " f"You have {points_available} points and need at least " f"{self.ctx.get_hint_cost(self.client.slot)}.") return True else: if points_available >= cost: if for_location: self.output(f"Nothing found for recognized location name \"{hint_name}\". " f"Location appears to not exist in this multiworld.") else: self.output(f"Nothing found for recognized item name \"{hint_name}\". " f"Item appears to not exist in this multiworld.") else: self.output(f"You can't afford the hint. " f"You have {points_available} points and need at least " f"{self.ctx.get_hint_cost(self.client.slot)}.") return False @mark_raw def _cmd_hint(self, item_name: str = "") -> bool: """Use !hint {item_name}, for example !hint Lamp to get a spoiler peek for that item. If hint costs are on, this will only give you one new result, you can rerun the command to get more in that case.""" return self.get_hints(item_name) @mark_raw def _cmd_hint_location(self, location: str = "") -> bool: """Use !hint_location {location_name}, for example !hint_location atomic-bomb to get a spoiler peek for that location.""" return self.get_hints(location, True) def get_checked_checks(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int) -> typing.List[int]: return ctx.locations.get_checked(ctx.location_checks, team, slot) def get_missing_checks(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int) -> typing.List[int]: return ctx.locations.get_missing(ctx.location_checks, team, slot) def get_client_points(ctx: Context, client: Client) -> int: return (ctx.location_check_points * len(ctx.location_checks[, client.slot]) - ctx.get_hint_cost(client.slot) * ctx.hints_used[, client.slot]) def get_slot_points(ctx: Context, team: int, slot: int) -> int: return (ctx.location_check_points * len(ctx.location_checks[team, slot]) - ctx.get_hint_cost(slot) * ctx.hints_used[team, slot]) async def process_client_cmd(ctx: Context, client: Client, args: dict): try: cmd: str = args["cmd"] except: ctx.logger.exception(f"Could not get command from {args}") await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "cmd", "original_cmd": None, "text": f"Could not get command from {args} at `cmd`"}]) raise if type(cmd) is not str: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "cmd", "original_cmd": None, "text": f"Command should be str, got {type(cmd)}"}]) return if cmd == 'Connect': if not args or 'password' not in args or type(args['password']) not in [str, type(None)] or \ 'game' not in args: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", 'text': 'Connect', "original_cmd": cmd}]) return errors = set() if ctx.password and args['password'] != ctx.password: errors.add('InvalidPassword') if args['name'] not in ctx.connect_names: errors.add('InvalidSlot') else: team, slot = ctx.connect_names[args['name']] game =[slot] ignore_game = not args.get("game") and any(tag in _non_game_messages for tag in args["tags"]) if not ignore_game and args['game'] != game: errors.add('InvalidGame') minver = min_client_version if ignore_game else ctx.minimum_client_versions[slot] if minver > args['version']: errors.add('IncompatibleVersion') try: client.items_handling = args['items_handling'] except (ValueError, TypeError): errors.add('InvalidItemsHandling') # only exact version match allowed if ctx.compatibility == 0 and args['version'] != version_tuple: errors.add('IncompatibleVersion') if errors:"A client connection was refused due to: {errors}, the sent connect information was {args}.") await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{"cmd": "ConnectionRefused", "errors": list(errors)}]) else: team, slot = ctx.connect_names[args['name']] if client.auth and is not None and client.slot in ctx.clients[]: ctx.clients[team][slot].remove(client) # re-auth, remove old entry if != team or client.slot != slot: client.auth = False # swapping Team/Slot = team client.slot = slot ctx.client_ids[, client.slot] = args["uuid"] ctx.clients[team][slot].append(client) client.version = args['version'] client.tags = args['tags'] client.no_locations = 'TextOnly' in client.tags or 'Tracker' in client.tags connected_packet = { "cmd": "Connected", "team":, "slot": client.slot, "players": ctx.get_players_package(), "missing_locations": get_missing_checks(ctx, team, slot), "checked_locations": get_checked_checks(ctx, team, slot), "slot_info": ctx.slot_info, "hint_points": get_slot_points(ctx, team, slot), } reply = [connected_packet] start_inventory = get_start_inventory(ctx, slot, client.remote_start_inventory) items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot, client.remote_items) if (start_inventory or items) and not client.no_items: reply.append({"cmd": 'ReceivedItems', "index": 0, "items": start_inventory + items}) client.send_index = len(start_inventory) + len(items) if not client.auth: # if this was a Re-Connect, don't print to console client.auth = True await on_client_joined(ctx, client) if args.get("slot_data", True): connected_packet["slot_data"] = ctx.slot_data[client.slot] await ctx.send_msgs(client, reply) elif cmd == "GetDataPackage": exclusions = args.get("exclusions", []) if "games" in args: games = {name: game_data for name, game_data in ctx.gamespackage.items() if name in set(args.get("games", []))} await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{"cmd": "DataPackage", "data": {"games": games}}]) # TODO: remove exclusions behaviour around 0.5.0 elif exclusions: exclusions = set(exclusions) games = {name: game_data for name, game_data in ctx.gamespackage.items() if name not in exclusions} package = {"games": games} await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{"cmd": "DataPackage", "data": package}]) else: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{"cmd": "DataPackage", "data": {"games": ctx.gamespackage}}]) elif client.auth: if cmd == "ConnectUpdate": if not args: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", 'text': cmd, "original_cmd": cmd}]) return if args.get('items_handling', None) is not None and client.items_handling != args['items_handling']: try: client.items_handling = args['items_handling'] start_inventory = get_start_inventory(ctx, client.slot, client.remote_start_inventory) items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot, client.remote_items) if (items or start_inventory) and not client.no_items: client.send_index = len(start_inventory) + len(items) await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{"cmd": "ReceivedItems", "index": 0, "items": start_inventory + items}]) else: client.send_index = 0 except (ValueError, TypeError) as err: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', 'type': 'arguments', 'text': f'Invalid items_handling: {err}', 'original_cmd': cmd}]) return if "tags" in args: old_tags = client.tags client.tags = args["tags"] if set(old_tags) != set(client.tags): client.no_locations = 'TextOnly' in client.tags or 'Tracker' in client.tags ctx.broadcast_text_all( f"{ctx.get_aliased_name(, client.slot)} (Team #{ + 1}) has changed tags " f"from {old_tags} to {client.tags}.", {"type": "TagsChanged", "team":, "slot": client.slot, "tags": client.tags}) elif cmd == 'Sync': start_inventory = get_start_inventory(ctx, client.slot, client.remote_start_inventory) items = get_received_items(ctx,, client.slot, client.remote_items) if (start_inventory or items) and not client.no_items: client.send_index = len(start_inventory) + len(items) await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{"cmd": "ReceivedItems", "index": 0, "items": start_inventory + items}]) elif cmd == 'LocationChecks': if client.no_locations: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "cmd", "text": "Trackers can't register new Location Checks", "original_cmd": cmd}]) else: register_location_checks(ctx,, client.slot, args["locations"]) elif cmd == 'LocationScouts': locs = [] create_as_hint: int = int(args.get("create_as_hint", 0)) hints = [] for location in args["locations"]: if type(location) is not int: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", "text": 'LocationScouts', "original_cmd": cmd}]) return target_item, target_player, flags = ctx.locations[client.slot][location] if create_as_hint: hints.extend(collect_hint_location_id(ctx,, client.slot, location, HintStatus.HINT_UNSPECIFIED)) locs.append(NetworkItem(target_item, location, target_player, flags)) ctx.notify_hints(, hints, only_new=create_as_hint == 2) if locs and create_as_hint: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'LocationInfo', 'locations': locs}]) elif cmd == 'UpdateHint': location = args["location"] player = args["player"] status = args["status"] if not isinstance(player, int) or not isinstance(location, int) \ or (status is not None and not isinstance(status, int)): await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", "text": 'UpdateHint', "original_cmd": cmd}]) return hint = ctx.get_hint(, player, location) if not hint: return # Ignored safely if client.slot not in ctx.slot_set(hint.receiving_player): await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", "text": 'UpdateHint: No Permission', "original_cmd": cmd}]) return new_hint = hint if status is None: return try: status = HintStatus(status) except ValueError: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", "text": 'UpdateHint: Invalid Status', "original_cmd": cmd}]) return if status == HintStatus.HINT_FOUND: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", "text": 'UpdateHint: Cannot manually update status to "HINT_FOUND"', "original_cmd": cmd}]) return new_hint = new_hint.re_prioritize(ctx, status) if hint == new_hint: return ctx.replace_hint(, hint.finding_player, hint, new_hint) ctx.replace_hint(, hint.receiving_player, hint, new_hint) ctx.on_changed_hints(, hint.finding_player) ctx.on_changed_hints(, hint.receiving_player) elif cmd == 'StatusUpdate': update_client_status(ctx, client, args["status"]) elif cmd == 'Say': if "text" not in args or type(args["text"]) is not str or not args["text"].isprintable(): await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", "text": 'Say', "original_cmd": cmd}]) return client.messageprocessor(args["text"]) elif cmd == "Bounce": games = set(args.get("games", [])) tags = set(args.get("tags", [])) slots = set(args.get("slots", [])) args["cmd"] = "Bounced" msg = ctx.dumper([args]) for bounceclient in ctx.endpoints: if == and ([bounceclient.slot] in games or set(bounceclient.tags) & tags or bounceclient.slot in slots): await ctx.send_encoded_msgs(bounceclient, msg) elif cmd == "Get": if "keys" not in args or type(args["keys"]) != list: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", "text": 'Retrieve', "original_cmd": cmd}]) return args["cmd"] = "Retrieved" keys = args["keys"] args["keys"] = { key: ctx.read_data.get(key[6:], lambda: None)() if key.startswith("_read_") else ctx.stored_data.get(key, None) for key in keys } await ctx.send_msgs(client, [args]) elif cmd == "Set": if "key" not in args or args["key"].startswith("_read_") or \ "operations" not in args or not type(args["operations"]) == list: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", "text": 'Set', "original_cmd": cmd}]) return args["cmd"] = "SetReply" value = ctx.stored_data.get(args["key"], args.get("default", 0)) args["original_value"] = copy.copy(value) for operation in args["operations"]: func = modify_functions[operation["operation"]] value = func(value, operation["value"]) ctx.stored_data[args["key"]] = args["value"] = value targets = set(ctx.stored_data_notification_clients[args["key"]]) if args.get("want_reply", True): targets.add(client) if targets: ctx.broadcast(targets, [args]) elif cmd == "SetNotify": if "keys" not in args or type(args["keys"]) != list: await ctx.send_msgs(client, [{'cmd': 'InvalidPacket', "type": "arguments", "text": 'SetNotify', "original_cmd": cmd}]) return for key in args["keys"]: ctx.stored_data_notification_clients[key].add(client) def update_client_status(ctx: Context, client: Client, new_status: ClientStatus): current = ctx.client_game_state[, client.slot] if current != ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL: # can't undo goal completion if new_status == ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL: ctx.on_goal_achieved(client) # if player has yet to ever connect to the server, they will not be in client_game_state if all(player in ctx.client_game_state and ctx.client_game_state[player] == ClientStatus.CLIENT_GOAL for player in ctx.player_names if player[0] == and player[1] != client.slot): ctx.broadcast_text_all(f"Team #{ + 1} has completed all of their games! Congratulations!") ctx.client_game_state[, client.slot] = new_status ctx.on_client_status_change(, client.slot) class ServerCommandProcessor(CommonCommandProcessor): def __init__(self, ctx: Context): self.ctx = ctx super(ServerCommandProcessor, self).__init__() def output(self, text: str): if self.client: self.ctx.notify_client(self.client, text, {"type": "AdminCommandResult"}) super(ServerCommandProcessor, self).output(text) def default(self, raw: str): self.ctx.broadcast_text_all('[Server]: ' + raw, {"type": "ServerChat", "message": raw}) def _cmd_save(self) -> bool: """Save current state to multidata""" if self.ctx.saving: self.output("Game saved") return True else: self.output("Saving is disabled.") return False def _cmd_players(self) -> bool: """Get information about connected players""" self.output(get_players_string(self.ctx)) return True def _cmd_status(self, tag: str = "") -> bool: """Get status information about teams. Optionally mention a Tag name and get information on who has that Tag. For example: DeathLink or EnergyLink.""" for team in self.ctx.clients: self.output(get_status_string(self.ctx, team, tag)) return True def _cmd_exit(self) -> bool: """Shutdown the server""" try: self.ctx.server.ws_server.close() finally: self.ctx.exit_event.set() return True @mark_raw def _cmd_alias(self, player_name_then_alias_name): """Set a player's alias, by listing their base name and then their intended alias.""" player_name, _, alias_name = player_name_then_alias_name.partition(" ") player_name, usable, response = get_intended_text(player_name, self.ctx.player_names.values()) if usable: for (team, slot), name in self.ctx.player_names.items(): if name == player_name: if alias_name: alias_name = alias_name.strip()[:15] self.ctx.name_aliases[team, slot] = alias_name self.output(f"Named {player_name} as {alias_name}") update_aliases(self.ctx, team) return True else: del (self.ctx.name_aliases[team, slot]) self.output(f"Removed Alias for {player_name}") update_aliases(self.ctx, team) return True else: self.output(response) return False def resolve_player(self, input_name: str) -> typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[int, int, str]]: """ returns (team, slot, player name) """ # TODO: clean up once we disallow multidata < 0.3.6, which has CI unique names # first match case for (team, slot), name in self.ctx.player_names.items(): if name == input_name: return team, slot, name # if no case-sensitive match, then match without case only if there's only 1 match input_lower = input_name.lower() match: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[int, int, str]] = None for (team, slot), name in self.ctx.player_names.items(): lowered = name.lower() if lowered == input_lower: if match: return None # ambiguous input_name match = (team, slot, name) return match @mark_raw def _cmd_collect(self, player_name: str) -> bool: """Send out the remaining items to player.""" player = self.resolve_player(player_name) if player: team, slot, _ = player collect_player(self.ctx, team, slot) return True self.output(f"Could not find player {player_name} to collect") return False @mark_raw def _cmd_release(self, player_name: str) -> bool: """Send out the remaining items from a player to their intended recipients.""" player = self.resolve_player(player_name) if player: team, slot, _ = player release_player(self.ctx, team, slot) return True self.output(f"Could not find player {player_name} to release") return False @mark_raw def _cmd_allow_release(self, player_name: str) -> bool: """Allow the specified player to use the !release command.""" player = self.resolve_player(player_name) if player: team, slot, name = player self.ctx.allow_releases[(team, slot)] = True self.output(f"Player {name} is now allowed to use the !release command at any time.") return True self.output(f"Could not find player {player_name} to allow the !release command for.") return False @mark_raw def _cmd_forbid_release(self, player_name: str) -> bool: """Disallow the specified player from using the !release command.""" player = self.resolve_player(player_name) if player: team, slot, name = player self.ctx.allow_releases[(team, slot)] = False self.output(f"Player {name} has to follow the server restrictions on use of the !release command.") return True self.output(f"Could not find player {player_name} to forbid the !release command for.") return False def _cmd_send_multiple(self, amount: typing.Union[int, str], player_name: str, *item_name: str) -> bool: """Sends multiples of an item to the specified player""" seeked_player, usable, response = get_intended_text(player_name, self.ctx.player_names.values()) if usable: team, slot = self.ctx.player_name_lookup[seeked_player] item_name = " ".join(item_name) names = self.ctx.item_names_for_game([slot]) item_name, usable, response = get_intended_text(item_name, names) if usable: amount: int = int(amount) if amount > 100: raise ValueError(f"{amount} is invalid. Maximum is 100.") new_items = [NetworkItem(names[item_name], -1, 0) for _ in range(int(amount))] send_items_to(self.ctx, team, slot, *new_items) send_new_items(self.ctx) self.ctx.broadcast_text_all( 'Cheat console: sending ' + ('' if amount == 1 else f'{amount} of ') + f'"{item_name}" to {self.ctx.get_aliased_name(team, slot)}') return True else: self.output(response) return False else: self.output(response) return False def _cmd_send(self, player_name: str, *item_name: str) -> bool: """Sends an item to the specified player""" return self._cmd_send_multiple(1, player_name, *item_name) def _cmd_send_location(self, player_name: str, *location_name: str) -> bool: """Send out item from a player's location as though they checked it""" seeked_player, usable, response = get_intended_text(player_name, self.ctx.player_names.values()) if usable: team, slot = self.ctx.player_name_lookup[seeked_player] game =[slot] full_name = " ".join(location_name) if full_name.isnumeric(): location, usable, response = int(full_name), True, None elif self.ctx.location_names_for_game(game) is not None: location, usable, response = get_intended_text(full_name, self.ctx.location_names_for_game(game)) else: self.output("Can't look up location for unknown game. Send by ID instead.") return False if usable: if isinstance(location, int): register_location_checks(self.ctx, team, slot, [location]) else: seeked_location: int = self.ctx.location_names_for_game([slot])[location] register_location_checks(self.ctx, team, slot, [seeked_location]) return True else: self.output(response) return False else: self.output(response) return False def _cmd_hint(self, player_name: str, *item_name: str) -> bool: """Send out a hint for a player's item to their team""" seeked_player, usable, response = get_intended_text(player_name, self.ctx.player_names.values()) if usable: team, slot = self.ctx.player_name_lookup[seeked_player] game =[slot] full_name = " ".join(item_name) if full_name.isnumeric(): item, usable, response = int(full_name), True, None elif game in self.ctx.all_item_and_group_names: item, usable, response = get_intended_text(full_name, self.ctx.all_item_and_group_names[game]) else: self.output("Can't look up item for unknown game. Hint for ID instead.") return False if usable: if game in self.ctx.item_name_groups and item in self.ctx.item_name_groups[game]: hints = [] for item_name_from_group in self.ctx.item_name_groups[game][item]: if item_name_from_group in self.ctx.item_names_for_game(game): # ensure item has an ID hints.extend(collect_hints(self.ctx, team, slot, item_name_from_group, HintStatus.HINT_PRIORITY)) else: # item name or id hints = collect_hints(self.ctx, team, slot, item, HintStatus.HINT_PRIORITY) if hints: self.ctx.notify_hints(team, hints) else: self.output("No hints found.") return True else: self.output(response) return False else: self.output(response) return False def _cmd_hint_location(self, player_name: str, *location_name: str) -> bool: """Send out a hint for a player's location to their team""" seeked_player, usable, response = get_intended_text(player_name, self.ctx.player_names.values()) if usable: team, slot = self.ctx.player_name_lookup[seeked_player] game =[slot] full_name = " ".join(location_name) if full_name.isnumeric(): location, usable, response = int(full_name), True, None elif game in self.ctx.all_location_and_group_names: location, usable, response = get_intended_text(full_name, self.ctx.all_location_and_group_names[game]) else: self.output("Can't look up location for unknown game. Hint for ID instead.") return False if usable: if isinstance(location, int): hints = collect_hint_location_id(self.ctx, team, slot, location, HintStatus.HINT_UNSPECIFIED) elif game in self.ctx.location_name_groups and location in self.ctx.location_name_groups[game]: hints = [] for loc_name_from_group in self.ctx.location_name_groups[game][location]: if loc_name_from_group in self.ctx.location_names_for_game(game): hints.extend(collect_hint_location_name(self.ctx, team, slot, loc_name_from_group, HintStatus.HINT_UNSPECIFIED)) else: hints = collect_hint_location_name(self.ctx, team, slot, location, HintStatus.HINT_UNSPECIFIED) if hints: self.ctx.notify_hints(team, hints) else: self.output("No hints found.") return True else: self.output(response) return False else: self.output(response) return False def _cmd_option(self, option_name: str, option_value: str): """Set an option for the server.""" value_type = self.ctx.simple_options.get(option_name, None) if not value_type: known_options = (f"{option}: {option_type}" for option, option_type in self.ctx.simple_options.items()) self.output(f"Unrecognized option '{option_name}', known: {', '.join(known_options)}") return False if value_type == bool: def value_type(input_text: str): return input_text.lower() not in {"off", "0", "false", "none", "null", "no"} elif value_type == str and option_name.endswith("password"): def value_type(input_text: str): return None if input_text.lower() in {"null", "none", '""', "''"} else input_text elif value_type == str and option_name.endswith("mode"): valid_values = {"goal", "enabled", "disabled"} valid_values.update(("auto", "auto_enabled") if option_name != "remaining_mode" else []) if option_value.lower() not in valid_values: self.output(f"Unrecognized {option_name} value '{option_value}', known: {', '.join(valid_values)}") return False setattr(self.ctx, option_name, value_type(option_value)) self.output(f"Set option {option_name} to {getattr(self.ctx, option_name)}") if option_name in {"release_mode", "remaining_mode", "collect_mode"}: self.ctx.broadcast_all([{"cmd": "RoomUpdate", 'permissions': get_permissions(self.ctx)}]) elif option_name in {"hint_cost", "location_check_points"}: self.ctx.broadcast_all([{"cmd": "RoomUpdate", option_name: getattr(self.ctx, option_name)}]) return True def _cmd_datastore(self): """Debug Tool: list writable datastorage keys and approximate the size of their values with pickle.""" total: int = 0 texts = [] for key, value in self.ctx.stored_data.items(): size = len(pickle.dumps(value)) total += size texts.append(f"Key: {key} | Size: {size}B") texts.insert(0, f"Found {len(self.ctx.stored_data)} keys, " f"approximately totaling {Utils.format_SI_prefix(total, power=1024)}B") self.output("\n".join(texts)) async def console(ctx: Context): import sys queue = asyncio.Queue() worker = Utils.stream_input(sys.stdin, queue) while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): try: # I don't get why this while loop is needed. Works fine without it on clients, # but the queue.get() for server never fulfills if the queue is empty when entering the await. while queue.qsize() == 0: await asyncio.sleep(0.05) if not worker.is_alive(): return input_text = await queue.get() queue.task_done() ctx.commandprocessor(input_text) except: import traceback traceback.print_exc() def parse_args() -> argparse.Namespace: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() defaults = Utils.get_settings()["server_options"].as_dict() parser.add_argument('multidata', nargs="?", default=defaults["multidata"]) parser.add_argument('--host', default=defaults["host"]) parser.add_argument('--port', default=defaults["port"], type=int) parser.add_argument('--server_password', default=defaults["server_password"]) parser.add_argument('--password', default=defaults["password"]) parser.add_argument('--savefile', default=defaults["savefile"]) parser.add_argument('--disable_save', default=defaults["disable_save"], action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--cert', help="Path to a SSL Certificate for encryption.") parser.add_argument('--cert_key', help="Path to SSL Certificate Key file") parser.add_argument('--loglevel', default=defaults["loglevel"], choices=['debug', 'info', 'warning', 'error', 'critical']) parser.add_argument('--logtime', help="Add timestamps to STDOUT", default=defaults["logtime"], action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--location_check_points', default=defaults["location_check_points"], type=int) parser.add_argument('--hint_cost', default=defaults["hint_cost"], type=int) parser.add_argument('--disable_item_cheat', default=defaults["disable_item_cheat"], action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--release_mode', default=defaults["release_mode"], nargs='?', choices=['auto', 'enabled', 'disabled', "goal", "auto-enabled"], help='''\ Select !release Accessibility. (default: %(default)s) auto: Automatic "release" on goal completion enabled: !release is always available disabled: !release is never available goal: !release can be used after goal completion auto-enabled: !release is available and automatically triggered on goal completion ''') parser.add_argument('--collect_mode', default=defaults["collect_mode"], nargs='?', choices=['auto', 'enabled', 'disabled', "goal", "auto-enabled"], help='''\ Select !collect Accessibility. (default: %(default)s) auto: Automatic "collect" on goal completion enabled: !collect is always available disabled: !collect is never available goal: !collect can be used after goal completion auto-enabled: !collect is available and automatically triggered on goal completion ''') parser.add_argument('--remaining_mode', default=defaults["remaining_mode"], nargs='?', choices=['enabled', 'disabled', "goal"], help='''\ Select !remaining Accessibility. (default: %(default)s) enabled: !remaining is always available disabled: !remaining is never available goal: !remaining can be used after goal completion ''') parser.add_argument('--auto_shutdown', default=defaults["auto_shutdown"], type=int, help="automatically shut down the server after this many minutes without new location checks. " "0 to keep running. Not yet implemented.") parser.add_argument('--use_embedded_options', action="store_true", help='retrieve release, remaining and hint options from the multidata file,' ' instead of host.yaml') parser.add_argument('--compatibility', default=defaults["compatibility"], type=int, help=""" #2 -> recommended for casual/cooperative play, attempt to be compatible with everything across all versions #1 -> recommended for friendly racing, tries to block third party clients #0 -> recommended for tournaments to force a level playing field, only allow an exact version match """) parser.add_argument('--log_network', default=defaults["log_network"], action="store_true") args = parser.parse_args() return args async def auto_shutdown(ctx, to_cancel=None): with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.TimeoutError): await asyncio.wait_for(ctx.exit_event.wait(), ctx.auto_shutdown) def inactivity_shutdown(): ctx.server.ws_server.close() ctx.exit_event.set() if to_cancel: for task in to_cancel: task.cancel()"Shutting down due to inactivity.") while not ctx.exit_event.is_set(): if not ctx.client_activity_timers.values(): inactivity_shutdown() else: newest_activity = max(ctx.client_activity_timers.values()) delta = - newest_activity seconds = ctx.auto_shutdown - delta.total_seconds() if seconds < 0: inactivity_shutdown() else: with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.TimeoutError): await asyncio.wait_for(ctx.exit_event.wait(), seconds) def load_server_cert(path: str, cert_key: typing.Optional[str]) -> "ssl.SSLContext": import ssl ssl_context = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_SERVER) ssl_context.load_default_certs() ssl_context.load_cert_chain(path, cert_key if cert_key else path) return ssl_context async def main(args: argparse.Namespace): Utils.init_logging(name="Server", loglevel=args.loglevel.lower(), add_timestamp=args.logtime) ctx = Context(, args.port, args.server_password, args.password, args.location_check_points, args.hint_cost, not args.disable_item_cheat, args.release_mode, args.collect_mode, args.remaining_mode, args.auto_shutdown, args.compatibility, args.log_network) data_filename = args.multidata if not data_filename: try: filetypes = (("Multiworld data", (".archipelago", ".zip")),) data_filename = Utils.open_filename("Select multiworld data", filetypes) except Exception as e: if isinstance(e, ImportError) or (e.__class__.__name__ == "TclError" and "no display" in str(e)): if not isinstance(e, ImportError): logging.error(f"Failed to load tkinter ({e})")"Pass a multidata filename on command line to run headless.") # when cx_Freeze'd the built-in exit is not available, so we import sys.exit instead import sys sys.exit(1) raise if not data_filename:"No file selected. Exiting.") import sys sys.exit(1) try: ctx.load(data_filename, args.use_embedded_options) except Exception as e: logging.exception(f"Failed to read multiworld data ({e})") raise ctx.init_save(not args.disable_save) ssl_context = load_server_cert(args.cert, args.cert_key) if args.cert else None ctx.server = websockets.serve(functools.partial(server, ctx=ctx),, port=ctx.port, ssl=ssl_context) ip = if else Utils.get_public_ipv4()'Hosting game at %s:%d (%s)' % (ip, ctx.port, 'No password' if not ctx.password else 'Password: %s' % ctx.password)) await ctx.server console_task = asyncio.create_task(console(ctx)) if ctx.auto_shutdown: ctx.shutdown_task = asyncio.create_task(auto_shutdown(ctx, [console_task])) await ctx.exit_event.wait() console_task.cancel() if ctx.shutdown_task: await ctx.shutdown_task client_message_processor = ClientMessageProcessor if __name__ == '__main__': try: except asyncio.exceptions.CancelledError: pass