from __future__ import annotations import hashlib import logging import pathlib import re import sys import time from dataclasses import make_dataclass from typing import Any, Callable, ClassVar, Dict, Set, Tuple, FrozenSet, List, Optional, TYPE_CHECKING, TextIO, Type, \ Union from Options import PerGameCommonOptions from BaseClasses import CollectionState if TYPE_CHECKING: import random from BaseClasses import MultiWorld, Item, Location, Tutorial from . import GamesPackage from settings import Group perf_logger = logging.getLogger("performance") class AutoWorldRegister(type): world_types: Dict[str, Type[World]] = {} __file__: str zip_path: Optional[str] settings_key: str __settings: Any @property def settings(cls) -> Any: # actual type is defined in World # lazy loading + caching to minimize runtime cost if cls.__settings is None: from settings import get_settings cls.__settings = get_settings()[cls.settings_key] return cls.__settings def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> AutoWorldRegister: if "web" in dct: assert isinstance(dct["web"], WebWorld), "WebWorld has to be instantiated." # filter out any events dct["item_name_to_id"] = {name: id for name, id in dct["item_name_to_id"].items() if id} dct["location_name_to_id"] = {name: id for name, id in dct["location_name_to_id"].items() if id} # build reverse lookups dct["item_id_to_name"] = {code: name for name, code in dct["item_name_to_id"].items()} dct["location_id_to_name"] = {code: name for name, code in dct["location_name_to_id"].items()} # build rest dct["item_names"] = frozenset(dct["item_name_to_id"]) dct["item_name_groups"] = {group_name: frozenset(group_set) for group_name, group_set in dct.get("item_name_groups", {}).items()} dct["item_name_groups"]["Everything"] = dct["item_names"] dct["item_descriptions"] = {name: _normalize_description(description) for name, description in dct.get("item_descriptions", {}).items()} dct["item_descriptions"]["Everything"] = "All items in the entire game." dct["location_names"] = frozenset(dct["location_name_to_id"]) dct["location_name_groups"] = {group_name: frozenset(group_set) for group_name, group_set in dct.get("location_name_groups", {}).items()} dct["location_name_groups"]["Everywhere"] = dct["location_names"] dct["all_item_and_group_names"] = frozenset(dct["item_names"] | set(dct.get("item_name_groups", {}))) dct["location_descriptions"] = {name: _normalize_description(description) for name, description in dct.get("location_descriptions", {}).items()} dct["location_descriptions"]["Everywhere"] = "All locations in the entire game." # move away from get_required_client_version function if "game" in dct: assert "get_required_client_version" not in dct, f"{name}: required_client_version is an attribute now" # set minimum required_client_version from bases if "required_client_version" in dct and bases: for base in bases: if "required_client_version" in base.__dict__: dct["required_client_version"] = max(dct["required_client_version"], base.__dict__["required_client_version"]) # create missing options_dataclass from legacy option_definitions # TODO - remove this once all worlds use options dataclasses if "options_dataclass" not in dct and "option_definitions" in dct: # TODO - switch to deprecate after a version if __debug__: logging.warning(f"{name} Assigned options through option_definitions which is now deprecated. " "Please use options_dataclass instead.") dct["options_dataclass"] = make_dataclass(f"{name}Options", dct["option_definitions"].items(), bases=(PerGameCommonOptions,)) # construct class new_class = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct) if "game" in dct: if dct["game"] in AutoWorldRegister.world_types: raise RuntimeError(f"""Game {dct["game"]} already registered.""") AutoWorldRegister.world_types[dct["game"]] = new_class new_class.__file__ = sys.modules[new_class.__module__].__file__ if ".apworld" in new_class.__file__: new_class.zip_path = pathlib.Path(new_class.__file__).parents[1] if "settings_key" not in dct: mod_name = new_class.__module__ world_folder_name = mod_name[7:].lower() if mod_name.startswith("worlds.") else mod_name.lower() new_class.settings_key = world_folder_name + "_options" new_class.__settings = None return new_class class AutoLogicRegister(type): def __new__(mcs, name: str, bases: Tuple[type, ...], dct: Dict[str, Any]) -> AutoLogicRegister: new_class = super().__new__(mcs, name, bases, dct) function: Callable[..., Any] for item_name, function in dct.items(): if item_name == "copy_mixin": CollectionState.additional_copy_functions.append(function) elif item_name == "init_mixin": CollectionState.additional_init_functions.append(function) elif not item_name.startswith("__"): if hasattr(CollectionState, item_name): raise Exception(f"Name conflict on Logic Mixin {name} trying to overwrite {item_name}") setattr(CollectionState, item_name, function) return new_class def _timed_call(method: Callable[..., Any], *args: Any, multiworld: Optional["MultiWorld"] = None, player: Optional[int] = None) -> Any: start = time.perf_counter() ret = method(*args) taken = time.perf_counter() - start if taken > 1.0: if player and multiworld:"Took {taken:.4f} seconds in {method.__qualname__} for player {player}, " f"named {multiworld.player_name[player]}.") else:"Took {taken:.4f} seconds in {method.__qualname__}.") return ret def call_single(multiworld: "MultiWorld", method_name: str, player: int, *args: Any) -> Any: method = getattr(multiworld.worlds[player], method_name) try: ret = _timed_call(method, *args, multiworld=multiworld, player=player) except Exception as e: message = f"Exception in {method} for player {player}, named {multiworld.player_name[player]}." if sys.version_info >= (3, 11, 0): e.add_note(message) # PEP 678 else: logging.error(message) raise e else: return ret def call_all(multiworld: "MultiWorld", method_name: str, *args: Any) -> None: world_types: Set[AutoWorldRegister] = set() for player in multiworld.player_ids: prev_item_count = len(multiworld.itempool) world_types.add(multiworld.worlds[player].__class__) call_single(multiworld, method_name, player, *args) if __debug__: new_items = multiworld.itempool[prev_item_count:] for i, item in enumerate(new_items): for other in new_items[i+1:]: assert item is not other, ( f"Duplicate item reference of \"{}\" in \"{multiworld.worlds[player].game}\" " f"of player \"{multiworld.player_name[player]}\". Please make a copy instead.") call_stage(multiworld, method_name, *args) def call_stage(multiworld: "MultiWorld", method_name: str, *args: Any) -> None: world_types = {multiworld.worlds[player].__class__ for player in multiworld.player_ids} for world_type in sorted(world_types, key=lambda world: world.__name__): stage_callable = getattr(world_type, f"stage_{method_name}", None) if stage_callable: _timed_call(stage_callable, multiworld, *args) class WebWorld: """Webhost integration""" options_page: Union[bool, str] = True """display a settings page. Can be a link to a specific page or external tool.""" game_info_languages: List[str] = ['en'] """docs folder will be scanned for game info pages using this list in the format '{language}_{game_name}.md'""" tutorials: List["Tutorial"] """docs folder will also be scanned for tutorial guides. Each Tutorial class is to be used for one guide.""" theme = "grass" """Choose a theme for you /game/* pages. Available: dirt, grass, grassFlowers, ice, jungle, ocean, partyTime, stone""" bug_report_page: Optional[str] """display a link to a bug report page, most likely a link to a GitHub issue page.""" options_presets: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {} """A dictionary containing a collection of developer-defined game option presets.""" class World(metaclass=AutoWorldRegister): """A World object encompasses a game's Items, Locations, Rules and additional data or functionality required. A Game should have its own subclass of World in which it defines the required data structures.""" options_dataclass: ClassVar[Type[PerGameCommonOptions]] = PerGameCommonOptions """link your Options mapping""" options: PerGameCommonOptions """resulting options for the player of this world""" game: ClassVar[str] """name the game""" topology_present: ClassVar[bool] = False """indicate if world type has any meaningful layout/pathing""" all_item_and_group_names: ClassVar[FrozenSet[str]] = frozenset() """gets automatically populated with all item and item group names""" item_name_to_id: ClassVar[Dict[str, int]] = {} """map item names to their IDs""" location_name_to_id: ClassVar[Dict[str, int]] = {} """map location names to their IDs""" item_name_groups: ClassVar[Dict[str, Set[str]]] = {} """maps item group names to sets of items. Example: {"Weapons": {"Sword", "Bow"}}""" item_descriptions: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = {} """An optional map from item names (or item group names) to brief descriptions for users. Individual newlines and indentation will be collapsed into spaces before these descriptions are displayed. This may cover only a subset of items. """ location_name_groups: ClassVar[Dict[str, Set[str]]] = {} """maps location group names to sets of locations. Example: {"Sewer": {"Sewer Key Drop 1", "Sewer Key Drop 2"}}""" location_descriptions: ClassVar[Dict[str, str]] = {} """An optional map from location names (or location group names) to brief descriptions for users. Individual newlines and indentation will be collapsed into spaces before these descriptions are displayed. This may cover only a subset of locations. """ data_version: ClassVar[int] = 0 """ Increment this every time something in your world's names/id mappings changes. When this is set to 0, that world's DataPackage is considered in "testing mode", which signals to servers/clients that it should not be cached, and clients should request that world's DataPackage every connection. Not recommended for production-ready worlds. Deprecated. Clients should utilize `checksum` to determine if DataPackage has changed since last connection and request a new DataPackage, if necessary. """ required_client_version: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 1, 6) """ override this if changes to a world break forward-compatibility of the client The base version of (0, 1, 6) is provided for backwards compatibility and does *not* need to be updated in the future. Protocol level compatibility check moved to MultiServer.min_client_version. """ required_server_version: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 2, 4) """update this if the resulting multidata breaks forward-compatibility of the server""" hint_blacklist: ClassVar[FrozenSet[str]] = frozenset() """any names that should not be hintable""" hidden: ClassVar[bool] = False """Hide World Type from various views. Does not remove functionality.""" web: ClassVar[WebWorld] = WebWorld() """see WebWorld for options""" multiworld: "MultiWorld" """autoset on creation. The MultiWorld object for the currently generating multiworld.""" player: int """autoset on creation. The player number for this World""" item_id_to_name: ClassVar[Dict[int, str]] """automatically generated reverse lookup of item id to name""" location_id_to_name: ClassVar[Dict[int, str]] """automatically generated reverse lookup of location id to name""" item_names: ClassVar[Set[str]] """set of all potential item names""" location_names: ClassVar[Set[str]] """set of all potential location names""" random: random.Random """This world's random object. Should be used for any randomization needed in world for this player slot.""" settings_key: ClassVar[str] """name of the section in host.yaml for world-specific settings, will default to {folder}_options""" settings: ClassVar[Optional["Group"]] """loaded settings from host.yaml""" zip_path: ClassVar[Optional[pathlib.Path]] = None """If loaded from a .apworld, this is the Path to it.""" __file__: ClassVar[str] """path it was loaded from""" def __init__(self, multiworld: "MultiWorld", player: int): self.multiworld = multiworld self.player = player def __getattr__(self, item: str) -> Any: if item == "settings": return self.__class__.settings raise AttributeError # overridable methods that get called by, sorted by execution order # can also be implemented as a classmethod and called "stage_", # in that case the MultiWorld object is passed as an argument and it gets called once for the entire multiworld. # An example of this can be found in alttp as stage_pre_fill @classmethod def stage_assert_generate(cls, multiworld: "MultiWorld") -> None: """Checks that a game is capable of generating, usually checks for some base file like a ROM. This gets called once per present world type. Not run for unittests since they don't produce output""" pass def generate_early(self) -> None: """ Run before any general steps of the MultiWorld other than options. Useful for getting and adjusting option results and determining layouts for entrance rando etc. start inventory gets pushed after this step. """ pass def create_regions(self) -> None: """Method for creating and connecting regions for the World.""" pass def create_items(self) -> None: """ Method for creating and submitting items to the itempool. Items and Regions must *not* be created and submitted to the MultiWorld after this step. If items need to be placed during pre_fill use `get_prefill_items`. """ pass def set_rules(self) -> None: """Method for setting the rules on the World's regions and locations.""" pass def generate_basic(self) -> None: """ Useful for randomizing things that don't affect logic but are better to be determined before the output stage. i.e. checking what the player has marked as priority or randomizing enemies """ pass def pre_fill(self) -> None: """Optional method that is supposed to be used for special fill stages. This is run *after* plando.""" pass def fill_hook(self, progitempool: List["Item"], usefulitempool: List["Item"], filleritempool: List["Item"], fill_locations: List["Location"]) -> None: """Special method that gets called as part of distribute_items_restrictive (main fill).""" pass def post_fill(self) -> None: """Optional Method that is called after regular fill. Can be used to do adjustments before output generation. This happens before progression balancing, so the items may not be in their final locations yet.""" def generate_output(self, output_directory: str) -> None: """This method gets called from a threadpool, do not use multiworld.random here. If you need any last-second randomization, use self.random instead.""" pass def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: # json of WebHostLib.models.Slot """Fill in the `slot_data` field in the `Connected` network package. This is a way the generator can give custom data to the client. The client will receive this as JSON in the `Connected` response. The generation does not wait for `generate_output` to complete before calling this. `threading.Event` can be used if you need to wait for something from `generate_output`.""" return {} def extend_hint_information(self, hint_data: Dict[int, Dict[int, str]]): """Fill in additional entrance information text into locations, which is displayed when hinted. structure is {player_id: {location_id: text}} You will need to insert your own player_id.""" pass def modify_multidata(self, multidata: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # TODO: TypedDict for multidata? """For deeper modification of server multidata.""" pass # Spoiler writing is optional, these may not get called. def write_spoiler_header(self, spoiler_handle: TextIO) -> None: """Write to the spoiler header. If individual it's right at the end of that player's options, if as stage it's right under the common header before per-player options.""" pass def write_spoiler(self, spoiler_handle: TextIO) -> None: """Write to the spoiler "middle", this is after the per-player options and before locations, meant for useful or interesting info.""" pass def write_spoiler_end(self, spoiler_handle: TextIO) -> None: """Write to the end of the spoiler""" pass # end of ordered calls def create_item(self, name: str) -> "Item": """Create an item for this world type and player. Warning: this may be called with = None, for example by MultiServer""" raise NotImplementedError def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: """Called when the item pool needs to be filled with additional items to match location count.""" logging.warning(f"World {self} is generating a filler item without custom filler pool.") return self.multiworld.random.choice(tuple(self.item_name_to_id.keys())) @classmethod def create_group(cls, multiworld: "MultiWorld", new_player_id: int, players: Set[int]) -> World: """Creates a group, which is an instance of World that is responsible for multiple others. An example case is ItemLinks creating these.""" # TODO remove loop when worlds use options dataclass for option_key, option in cls.options_dataclass.type_hints.items(): getattr(multiworld, option_key)[new_player_id] = option(option.default) group = cls(multiworld, new_player_id) group.options = cls.options_dataclass(**{option_key: option(option.default) for option_key, option in cls.options_dataclass.type_hints.items()}) return group # decent place to implement progressive items, in most cases can stay as-is def collect_item(self, state: "CollectionState", item: "Item", remove: bool = False) -> Optional[str]: """Collect an item name into state. For speed reasons items that aren't logically useful get skipped. Collect None to skip item. :param state: CollectionState to collect into :param item: Item to decide on if it should be collected into state :param remove: indicate if this is meant to remove from state instead of adding.""" if item.advancement: return return None # called to create all_state, return Items that are created during pre_fill def get_pre_fill_items(self) -> List["Item"]: return [] # following methods should not need to be overridden. def collect(self, state: "CollectionState", item: "Item") -> bool: name = self.collect_item(state, item) if name: state.prog_items[self.player][name] += 1 return True return False def remove(self, state: "CollectionState", item: "Item") -> bool: name = self.collect_item(state, item, True) if name: state.prog_items[self.player][name] -= 1 if state.prog_items[self.player][name] < 1: del (state.prog_items[self.player][name]) return True return False def create_filler(self) -> "Item": return self.create_item(self.get_filler_item_name()) @classmethod def get_data_package_data(cls) -> "GamesPackage": sorted_item_name_groups = { name: sorted(cls.item_name_groups[name]) for name in sorted(cls.item_name_groups) } sorted_location_name_groups = { name: sorted(cls.location_name_groups[name]) for name in sorted(cls.location_name_groups) } res: "GamesPackage" = { # sorted alphabetically "item_name_groups": sorted_item_name_groups, "item_name_to_id": cls.item_name_to_id, "location_name_groups": sorted_location_name_groups, "location_name_to_id": cls.location_name_to_id, "version": cls.data_version, } res["checksum"] = data_package_checksum(res) return res # any methods attached to this can be used as part of CollectionState, # please use a prefix as all of them get clobbered together class LogicMixin(metaclass=AutoLogicRegister): pass def data_package_checksum(data: "GamesPackage") -> str: """Calculates the data package checksum for a game from a dict""" assert "checksum" not in data, "Checksum already in data" assert sorted(data) == list(data), "Data not ordered" from NetUtils import encode return hashlib.sha1(encode(data).encode()).hexdigest() def _normalize_description(description): """Normalizes a description in item_descriptions or location_descriptions. This allows authors to write descritions with nice indentation and line lengths in their world definitions without having it affect the rendered format. """ # First, collapse the whitespace around newlines and the ends of the description. description = re.sub(r' *\n *', '\n', description.strip()) # Next, condense individual newlines into spaces. description = re.sub(r'(?