import os from .utils import define_new_region, parse_lambda class StaticWitnessLogic: ALL_ITEMS = set() ALL_TRAPS = set() ALL_BOOSTS = set() EVENT_PANELS_FROM_REGIONS = set() # All regions with a list of panels in them and the connections to other regions, before logic adjustments ALL_REGIONS_BY_NAME = dict() STATIC_CONNECTIONS_BY_REGION_NAME = dict() CHECKS_BY_HEX = dict() CHECKS_BY_NAME = dict() STATIC_DEPENDENT_REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX = dict() def parse_items(self): """ Parses currently defined items from WitnessItems.txt """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "WitnessItems.txt") with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: current_set = self.ALL_ITEMS for line in file.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "Progression:": current_set = self.ALL_ITEMS continue if line == "Boosts:": current_set = self.ALL_BOOSTS continue if line == "Traps:": current_set = self.ALL_TRAPS continue if line == "": continue line_split = line.split(" - ") current_set.add((line_split[1], int(line_split[0]))) def read_logic_file(self): """ Reads the logic file and does the initial population of data structures """ path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "WitnessLogic.txt") with open(path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as file: current_region = "" discard_ids = 0 normal_panel_ids = 0 vault_ids = 0 laser_ids = 0 for line in file.readlines(): line = line.strip() if line == "": continue if line[0] != "0": new_region_and_connections = define_new_region(line) current_region = new_region_and_connections[0] region_name = current_region["name"] self.ALL_REGIONS_BY_NAME[region_name] = current_region self.STATIC_CONNECTIONS_BY_REGION_NAME[region_name] = new_region_and_connections[1] continue line_split = line.split(" - ") check_name_full = line_split.pop(0) check_hex = check_name_full[0:7] check_name = check_name_full[9:-1] required_panel_lambda = line_split.pop(0) required_item_lambda = line_split.pop(0) laser_names = { "Laser", "Laser Hedges", "Laser Pressure Plates", "Desert Laser Redirect" } is_vault_or_video = "Vault" in check_name or "Video" in check_name if "Discard" in check_name: location_type = "Discard" location_id = discard_ids discard_ids += 1 elif is_vault_or_video or check_name == "Tutorial Gate Close": location_type = "Vault" location_id = vault_ids vault_ids += 1 elif check_name in laser_names: location_type = "Laser" location_id = laser_ids laser_ids += 1 else: location_type = "General" location_id = normal_panel_ids normal_panel_ids += 1 required_items = parse_lambda(required_item_lambda) items_actually_in_the_game = {item[0] for item in self.ALL_ITEMS} required_items = frozenset( subset.intersection(items_actually_in_the_game) for subset in required_items ) requirement = { "panels": parse_lambda(required_panel_lambda), "items": required_items } self.CHECKS_BY_HEX[check_hex] = { "checkName": current_region["shortName"] + " " + check_name, "checkHex": check_hex, "region": current_region, "idOffset": location_id, "panelType": location_type } self.CHECKS_BY_NAME[self.CHECKS_BY_HEX[check_hex]["checkName"]] = self.CHECKS_BY_HEX[check_hex] self.STATIC_DEPENDENT_REQUIREMENTS_BY_HEX[check_hex] = requirement current_region["panels"].add(check_hex) def __init__(self): self.parse_items() self.read_logic_file()