import os import pkgutil import typing import settings from BaseClasses import Tutorial, ItemClassification from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World from typing import List, Dict, Any from .Locations import all_locations, location_table, bowsers, bowsersMini, hidden, coins from .Options import MLSSOptions from .Items import MLSSItem, itemList, item_frequencies, item_table from .Names.LocationName import LocationName from .Client import MLSSClient from .Regions import create_regions, connect_regions from .Rom import MLSSProcedurePatch, write_tokens from .Rules import set_rules class MLSSWebWorld(WebWorld): theme = "partyTime" bug_report_page = "" tutorials = [ Tutorial( tutorial_name="Setup Guide", description="A guide to setting up Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga for Archipelago.", language="English", file_name="", link="setup/en", authors=["jamesbrq"], ) ] class MLSSSettings(settings.Group): class RomFile(settings.UserFilePath): """File name of the MLSS US rom""" copy_to = "Mario & Luigi - Superstar Saga (U).gba" description = "MLSS ROM File" md5s = ["4b1a5897d89d9e74ec7f630eefdfd435"] rom_file: RomFile = RomFile(RomFile.copy_to) rom_start: bool = True class MLSSWorld(World): """ Adventure with Mario and Luigi together in the Beanbean Kingdom to stop the evil Cackletta and retrieve the Beanstar. """ game = "Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga" web = MLSSWebWorld() options_dataclass = MLSSOptions options: MLSSOptions settings: typing.ClassVar[MLSSSettings] item_name_to_id = {name: data.code for name, data in item_table.items()} location_name_to_id = { for loc_data in all_locations} required_client_version = (0, 4, 5) disabled_locations: List[str] def generate_early(self) -> None: self.disabled_locations = [] if self.options.chuckle_beans == 0: self.disabled_locations += [ for location in all_locations if "Digspot" in] if self.options.castle_skip: self.disabled_locations += [ for location in all_locations if "Bowser" in] if self.options.chuckle_beans == 1: self.disabled_locations = [ for location in all_locations if in hidden] if self.options.skip_minecart: self.disabled_locations += [LocationName.HoohooMountainBaseMinecartCaveDigspot] if self.options.disable_surf: self.disabled_locations += [LocationName.SurfMinigame] if self.options.harhalls_pants: self.disabled_locations += [LocationName.HarhallsPants] if not self.options.coins: self.disabled_locations += [ for location in all_locations if location in coins] def create_regions(self) -> None: create_regions(self, self.disabled_locations) connect_regions(self) item = self.create_item("Mushroom") self.get_location(LocationName.ShopStartingFlag1).place_locked_item(item) item = self.create_item("Syrup") self.get_location(LocationName.ShopStartingFlag2).place_locked_item(item) item = self.create_item("1-UP Mushroom") self.get_location(LocationName.ShopStartingFlag3).place_locked_item(item) item = self.create_item("Hoo Bean") self.get_location(LocationName.PantsShopStartingFlag1).place_locked_item(item) item = self.create_item("Chuckle Bean") self.get_location(LocationName.PantsShopStartingFlag2).place_locked_item(item) def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: return { "CastleSkip": self.options.castle_skip.value, "SkipMinecart": self.options.skip_minecart.value, "DisableSurf": self.options.disable_surf.value, "HarhallsPants": self.options.harhalls_pants.value, "ChuckleBeans": self.options.chuckle_beans.value, "DifficultLogic": self.options.difficult_logic.value, "Coins": self.options.coins.value, } def create_items(self) -> None: # First add in all progression and useful items required_items = [] precollected = [item for item in itemList if item in self.multiworld.precollected_items] for item in itemList: if item.classification != ItemClassification.filler and item.classification != ItemClassification.skip_balancing: freq = item_frequencies.get(item.itemName, 1) if item in precollected: freq = max(freq - precollected.count(item), 0) if self.options.harhalls_pants and "Harhall's" in item.itemName: continue required_items += [item.itemName for _ in range(freq)] for itemName in required_items: self.multiworld.itempool.append(self.create_item(itemName)) # Then, create our list of filler items filler_items = [] for item in itemList: if item.classification != ItemClassification.filler: continue if item.itemName == "5 Coins" and not self.options.coins: continue freq = item_frequencies.get(item.itemName, 1) if self.options.chuckle_beans == 0: if item.itemName == "Chuckle Bean": continue if self.options.chuckle_beans == 1: if item.itemName == "Chuckle Bean": freq -= 59 filler_items += [item.itemName for _ in range(freq)] # And finally take as many fillers as we need to have the same amount of items and locations. remaining = len(all_locations) - len(required_items) - 5 if self.options.castle_skip: remaining -= len(bowsers) + len(bowsersMini) - (5 if self.options.chuckle_beans == 0 else 0) if self.options.skip_minecart and self.options.chuckle_beans == 2: remaining -= 1 if self.options.disable_surf: remaining -= 1 if self.options.harhalls_pants: remaining -= 1 if self.options.chuckle_beans == 0: remaining -= 192 if self.options.chuckle_beans == 1: remaining -= 59 if not self.options.coins: remaining -= len(coins) self.multiworld.itempool += [ self.create_item(filler_item_name) for filler_item_name in self.random.sample(filler_items, remaining) ] def set_rules(self) -> None: set_rules(self, self.disabled_locations) if self.options.castle_skip: self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.can_reach( "PostJokes", "Region", self.player ) else: self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.can_reach( "Bowser's Castle Mini", "Region", self.player ) def create_item(self, name: str) -> MLSSItem: item = item_table[name] return MLSSItem(item.itemName, item.classification, item.code, self.player) def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: return self.random.choice(list(filter(lambda item: item.classification == ItemClassification.filler, itemList))) def generate_output(self, output_directory: str) -> None: patch = MLSSProcedurePatch(player=self.player, player_name=self.multiworld.player_name[self.player]) patch.write_file("base_patch.bsdiff4", pkgutil.get_data(__name__, "data/basepatch.bsdiff")) write_tokens(self, patch) rom_path = os.path.join( output_directory, f"{self.multiworld.get_out_file_name_base(self.player)}" f"{patch.patch_file_ending}" ) patch.write(rom_path)