HINT_SOURCES_JSON = [ { "description": "Lithograph", "smallTextbox": True }, { "description": "Oracle Stone", "smallTextbox": True }, { "description": "Mercator fortune teller", "textIds": [ 654 ] }, { "description": "King Nole's Cave sign", "textIds": [ 253 ] }, { "description": "Foxy (next to Ryuma's mayor house)", "entity": { "mapId": 611, "position": { "x": 47, "y": 25, "z": 3 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "ryuma" }, { "description": "Foxy (behind trees in Gumi)", "entity": { "mapId": [602, 603], "position": { "x": 24, "y": 35, "z": 6 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "gumi" }, { "description": "Foxy (next to Mercator gates)", "entity": { "mapId": 454, "position": { "x": 18, "y": 46, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "route_gumi_ryuma" }, { "description": "Foxy (near basin behind Mercator)", "entity": { "mapId": 636, "position": { "x": 18, "y": 27, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "mercator" }, { "description": "Foxy (near cabin on Verla Shore)", "entity": { "mapId": 468, "position": { "x": 24, "y": 45, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "verla_shore" }, { "description": "Foxy (outside Verla Mines entrance)", "entity": { "mapId": 470, "position": { "x": 24, "y": 29, "z": 5 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "verla_shore" }, { "description": "Foxy (room below Thieves Hideout summit)", "entity": { "mapId": 221, "position": { "x": 29, "y": 19, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "thieves_hideout_post_key" }, { "description": "Foxy (near waterfall in Mountainous Area)", "entity": { "mapId": 485, "position": { "x": 42, "y": 62, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "nw", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "mountainous_area" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Mercator Castle left court)", "entity": { "mapId": 32, "position": { "x": 36, "y": 38, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "mercator" }, { "description": "Foxy (on Mercator inn balcony)", "entity": { "mapId": 632, "position": { "x": 19, "y": 35, "z": 4 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mercator" }, { "description": "Foxy (on a beach between Ryuma and Mercator)", "entity": { "mapId": 450, "position": { "x": 18, "y": 28, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "route_gumi_ryuma" }, { "description": "Foxy (atop Ryuma's lighthouse)", "entity": { "mapId": [628, 629], "position": { "x": 26, "y": 21, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "ryuma" }, { "description": "Foxy (looking at dead man in Thieves Hideout)", "entity": { "mapId": 210, "position": { "x": 25, "y": 20, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "thieves_hideout_pre_key" }, { "description": "Foxy (contemplating water near goddess statue in Thieves Hideout)", "entity": { "mapId": [219, 220], "position": { "x": 36, "y": 31, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "thieves_hideout_pre_key" }, { "description": "Foxy (after timed trial in Thieves Hideout)", "entity": { "mapId": 196, "position": { "x": 49, "y": 24, "z": 10 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "thieves_hideout_post_key" }, { "description": "Foxy (inside Mercator Castle armory tower)", "entity": { "mapId": 106, "position": { "x": 31, "y": 30, "z": 4 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "mercator" }, { "description": "Foxy (near Mercator Castle kitchen)", "entity": { "mapId": 71, "position": { "x": 15, "y": 19, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "mercator" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Mercator Castle library)", "entity": { "mapId": 73, "position": { "x": 18, "y": 29, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "mercator" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Mercator Dungeon main room)", "entity": { "mapId": 38, "position": { "x": 24, "y": 35, "z": 3 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mercator_dungeon" }, { "description": "Foxy (in hallway before tower in Mercator Dungeon)", "entity": { "mapId": 46, "position": { "x": 24, "y": 13, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "mercator_dungeon" }, { "description": "Foxy (atop Mercator Dungeon tower)", "entity": { "mapId": 35, "position": { "x": 31, "y": 31, "z": 12 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "mercator_dungeon" }, { "description": "Foxy (inside Mercator Crypt)", "entity": { "mapId": 647, "position": { "x": 30, "y": 21, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "crypt" }, { "description": "Foxy (on Verla beach)", "entity": { "mapId": 474, "position": { "x": 43, "y": 30, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "verla_shore" }, { "description": "Foxy (spying on house in Verla)", "entity": { "mapId": [711, 712], "position": { "x": 48, "y": 29, "z": 5 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "verla" }, { "description": "Foxy (on upper Verla shore, reachable from Dex exit)", "entity": { "mapId": 530, "position": { "x": 18, "y": 29, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "verla_mines" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Verla Mines jar staircase room)", "entity": { "mapId": 235, "position": { "x": 42, "y": 22, "z": 6 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "verla_mines" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Verla Mines lizards and crates room)", "entity": { "mapId": 239, "position": { "x": 32, "y": 31, "z": 3, "halfX": True, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "verla_mines" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Verla Mines lava room in Slasher sector)", "entity": { "mapId": 252, "position": { "x": 16, "y": 13, "z": 1, "halfX": True, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "verla_mines" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Verla Mines room behind lava)", "entity": { "mapId": 265, "position": { "x": 13, "y": 16, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "verla_mines" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Verla Mines lava room in Marley sector)", "entity": { "mapId": 264, "position": { "x": 18, "y": 19, "z": 6, "halfX": True, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "verla_mines" }, { "description": "Foxy (on small rocky ledge in elevator map near Kelketo shop)", "entity": { "mapId": 473, "position": { "x": 35, "y": 25, "z": 8 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "route_verla_destel" }, { "description": "Foxy (contemplating fast currents below Kelketo shop)", "entity": { "mapId": 481, "position": { "x": 40, "y": 48, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "route_verla_destel" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Destel)", "entity": { "mapId": 726, "position": { "x": 48, "y": 55, "z": 5 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "destel" }, { "description": "Foxy (contemplating water near boatmaker house in route after Destel)", "entity": { "mapId": 489, "position": { "x": 23, "y": 20, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "route_after_destel" }, { "description": "Foxy (looking at Lake Shrine from elevated viewpoint)", "entity": { "mapId": 525, "position": { "x": 53, "y": 45, "z": 5 }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "route_after_destel" }, { "description": "Foxy (on small floating block in Destel Well)", "entity": { "mapId": 275, "position": { "x": 27, "y": 36, "z": 5 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "destel_well" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Destel Well watery hub room)", "entity": { "mapId": 283, "position": { "x": 34, "y": 41, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "destel_well" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Destel Well watery room before boss)", "entity": { "mapId": 287, "position": { "x": 50, "y": 46, "z": 8, "halfX": True, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "destel_well" }, { "description": "Foxy (at Destel Well exit on Lake Shrine side)", "entity": { "mapId": 545, "position": { "x": 58, "y": 18, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "route_lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (at crossroads on route to Lake Shrine)", "entity": { "mapId": 515, "position": { "x": 30, "y": 20, "z": 4 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "route_lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (on mountainous path to Lake Shrine)", "entity": { "mapId": 514, "position": { "x": 57, "y": 24, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "route_lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in volcano to Lake Shrine)", "entity": { "mapId": 522, "position": { "x": 50, "y": 39, "z": 6, "halfX": True, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "route_lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (next to Lake Shrine door)", "entity": { "mapId": 524, "position": { "x": 24, "y": 51, "z": 2, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (above Greedly's shop)", "entity": { "mapId": 503, "position": { "x": 23, "y": 35, "z": 8 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "route_lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (contemplating water near Greedly's teleport tree)", "entity": { "mapId": 501, "position": { "x": 30, "y": 26, "z": 5 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "route_lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in room after golem hops riddle in Lake Shrine)", "entity": { "mapId": 298, "position": { "x": 21, "y": 19, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in room next to green golem roundabout in Lake Shrine)", "entity": { "mapId": 293, "position": { "x": 19, "y": 18, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Lake Shrine 'throne room')", "entity": { "mapId": 327, "position": { "x": 31, "y": 31, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in room next to golden golems roundabout in Lake Shrine)", "entity": { "mapId": 353, "position": { "x": 31, "y": 20, "z": 4 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in room near white golems roundabout in Lake Shrine)", "entity": { "mapId": 329, "position": { "x": 25, "y": 25, "z": 2, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (next to Mir Tower)", "entity": { "mapId": 475, "position": { "x": 34, "y": 17, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_sector" }, { "description": "Foxy (on the way to Mir Tower)", "entity": { "mapId": 464, "position": { "x": 22, "y": 40, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_sector" }, { "description": "Foxy (near Twinkle Village)", "entity": { "mapId": 461, "position": { "x": 20, "y": 21, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_sector" }, { "description": "Foxy (inside Tibor)", "entity": { "mapId": 813, "position": { "x": 19, "y": 32, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "tibor" }, { "description": "Foxy (inside Tibor spikeballs room)", "entity": { "mapId": 810, "position": { "x": 21, "y": 33, "z": 2, "halfX": True, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "tibor" }, { "description": "Foxy (near Kado's house)", "entity": { "mapId": 430, "position": { "x": 24, "y": 27, "z": 11 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "route_gumi_ryuma" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Gumi boulder map)", "entity": { "mapId": 449, "position": { "x": 48, "y": 20, "z": 1, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "route_gumi_ryuma" }, { "description": "Foxy (at Waterfall Shrine crossroads)", "entity": { "mapId": 425, "position": { "x": 22, "y": 56, "z": 0, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "route_massan_gumi" }, { "description": "Foxy (in upstairs room inside Waterfall Shrine)", "entity": { "mapId": 182, "position": { "x": 29, "y": 19, "z": 4 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "waterfall_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (inside Waterfall Shrine pit)", "entity": { "mapId": 174, "position": { "x": 32, "y": 29, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "waterfall_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Massan)", "entity": { "mapId": 592, "position": { "x": 24, "y": 46, "z": 0, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "massan" }, { "description": "Foxy (in room at the bottom of ladders in Massan Cave)", "entity": { "mapId": 805, "position": { "x": 34, "y": 30, "z": 2, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "massan_cave" }, { "description": "Foxy (in treasure room of Massan Cave)", "entity": { "mapId": 807, "position": { "x": 28, "y": 22, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "massan_cave" }, { "description": "Foxy (bathing in the swamp next to Swamp Shrine entrance)", "entity": { "mapId": 433, "position": { "x": 39, "y": 20, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "massan_cave" }, { "description": "Foxy (in side room of Swamp Shrine accessible without Idol Stone)", "entity": { "mapId": 10, "position": { "x": 25, "y": 27, "z": 2, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "route_massan_gumi" }, { "description": "Foxy (in wooden room with falling EkeEke chest in Swamp Shrine)", "entity": { "mapId": 7, "position": { "x": 29, "y": 25, "z": 1, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "swamp_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Swamp Shrine carpet room)", "entity": { "mapId": 2, "position": { "x": 19, "y": 33, "z": 4 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "swamp_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Swamp Shrine spikeball storage room)", "entity": { "mapId": 16, "position": { "x": 25, "y": 24, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "swamp_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in 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{ "x": 44, "y": 51, "z": 3 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mountainous_area" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Zak arena inside Mountainous Area)", "entity": { "mapId": 492, "position": { "x": 27, "y": 55, "z": 9 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mountainous_area" }, { "description": "Foxy (in empty secret room inside Mountainous Area cave)", "entity": { "mapId": 552, "position": { "x": 24, "y": 27, "z": 0, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "mountainous_area" }, { "description": "Foxy (in empty visible room inside Mountainous Area cave)", "entity": { "mapId": 547, "position": { "x": 23, "y": 23, "z": 0, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mountainous_area" }, { "description": "Foxy (in waterfall entrance of Mountainous Area cave)", "entity": { "mapId": 549, "position": { "x": 27, "y": 40, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mountainous_area" }, { "description": "Foxy (on Mir Tower sector crossroads)", "entity": { "mapId": 458, "position": { "x": 21, "y": 21, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_sector" }, { "description": "Foxy (near Mountainous Area teleport tree)", "entity": { "mapId": 484, "position": { "x": 38, "y": 57, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "sw", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "mountainous_area" }, { "description": "Foxy (on route to Mountainous Area, in rocky arch map)", "entity": { "mapId": 500, "position": { "x": 19, "y": 19, "z": 7 }, "orientation": "sw", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "mountainous_area" }, { "description": "Foxy (on route to Mountainous Area, in L-shaped turn map)", "entity": { "mapId": 540, "position": { "x": 16, "y": 23, "z": 3 }, "orientation": "se", "halfY": True, "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "mountainous_area" }, { "description": "Foxy (in map next to Mountainous Area goddess statue)", "entity": { "mapId": 518, "position": { "x": 38, "y": 33, "z": 12 }, "orientation": "sw", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "mountainous_area" }, { "description": "Foxy (in King Nole's Cave isolated chest room)", "entity": { "mapId": 156, "position": { "x": 21, "y": 27, "z": 0, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_cave" }, { "description": "Foxy (in King Nole's Cave crate stairway room)", "entity": { "mapId": 158, "position": { "x": 29, "y": 26, "z": 6 }, "orientation": "sw", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "king_nole_cave" }, { "description": "Foxy (in room before boulder hallway inside King Nole's Cave)", "entity": { "mapId": 147, "position": { "x": 26, "y": 23, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_cave" }, { "description": "Foxy (in empty isolated room inside King Nole's Cave)", "entity": { "mapId": 162, "position": { "x": 26, "y": 17, "z": 0, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_cave" }, { "description": "Foxy (looking at the waterfall in King Nole's Cave)", "entity": { "mapId": 164, "position": { "x": 22, "y": 48, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "sw", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "king_nole_cave" }, { "description": "Foxy (in King Nole's Cave teleporter to Kazalt)", "entity": { "mapId": 170, "position": { "x": 22, "y": 27, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_cave" }, { "description": "Foxy (in access to Kazalt)", "entity": { "mapId": 739, "position": { "x": 17, "y": 28, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "kazalt" }, { "description": "Foxy (on Kazalt bridge)", "entity": { "mapId": 737, "position": { "x": 46, "y": 34, "z": 7 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "kazalt" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Mir Tower 0F isolated chest room)", "entity": { "mapId": 757, "position": { "x": 19, "y": 24, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_pre_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Mir Tower activatable bridge room)", "entity": { "mapId": [752, 753], "position": { "x": 29, "y": 34, "z": 3, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_pre_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Garlic trial room inside Mir Tower)", "entity": { "mapId": 750, "position": { "x": 22, "y": 21, "z": 4 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_pre_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Mir Tower library)", "entity": { "mapId": 759, "position": { "x": 38, "y": 29, "z": 4 }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_post_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Mir Tower priest room)", "entity": { "mapId": 775, "position": { "x": 23, "y": 22, "z": 1, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_post_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (right after making Miro flee with Garlic in Mir Tower)", "entity": { "mapId": 758, "position": { "x": 14, "y": 34, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_post_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (in falling spikeballs room inside Mir Tower)", "entity": { "mapId": 761, "position": { "x": 14, "y": 24, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_post_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (in first room of Mir Tower teleporter maze)", "entity": { "mapId": 767, "position": { "x": 18, "y": 18, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_post_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (in small spikeballs room of Mir Tower teleporter maze)", "entity": { "mapId": 771, "position": { "x": 18, "y": 18, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_post_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (in wooden elevators room after Mir Tower teleporter maze)", "entity": { "mapId": 779, "position": { "x": 32, "y": 20, "z": 7, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_post_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (in room before Mir Tower boss room)", "entity": { "mapId": 783, "position": { "x": 32, "y": 19, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_post_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Mir Tower treasure room)", "entity": { "mapId": 781, "position": { "x": 53, "y": 26, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "mir_tower_post_garlic" }, { "description": "Foxy (next to Waterfall Shrine entrance)", "entity": { "mapId": 426, "position": { "x": 46, "y": 31, "z": 0, "halfX": True, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "route_massan_gumi" }, { "description": "Foxy (looking at river next to Massan teleport tree)", "entity": { "mapId": 424, "position": { "x": 44, "y": 35, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "route_massan_gumi" }, { "description": "Foxy (looking at bush at Swamp Shrine crossroads)", "entity": { "mapId": 440, "position": { "x": 25, "y": 42, "z": 4 }, "orientation": "nw", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "route_massan_gumi" }, { "description": "Foxy (at Helga's Hut crossroads)", "entity": { "mapId": 447, "position": { "x": 24, "y": 17, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "route_gumi_ryuma" }, { "description": "Foxy (near Helga's Hut)", "entity": { "mapId": 444, "position": { "x": 25, "y": 26, "z": 7 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "route_gumi_ryuma" }, { "description": "Foxy (in reapers room at Greenmaze entrance)", "entity": { "mapId": 571, "position": { "x": 31, "y": 20, "z": 6 }, "orientation": "nw", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "greenmaze_pre_whistle" }, { "description": "Foxy (near Greenmaze swamp)", "entity": { "mapId": 566, "position": { "x": 53, "y": 51, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "greenmaze_pre_whistle" }, { "description": "Foxy (spying on Cutter in Greenmaze)", "entity": { "mapId": 560, "position": { "x": 31, "y": 52, "z": 9 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "greenmaze_pre_whistle" }, { "description": "Foxy (in sector with red orcs making an elevator appear in Greenmaze)", "entity": { "mapId": 565, "position": { "x": 50, "y": 30, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "greenmaze_pre_whistle" }, { "description": "Foxy (in center of Greenmaze)", "entity": { "mapId": 576, "position": { "x": 32, "y": 38, "z": 5, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "greenmaze_pre_whistle" }, { "description": "Foxy (in waterfall sector of Greenmaze)", "entity": { "mapId": 568, "position": { "x": 29, "y": 41, "z": 7, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "ne", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "greenmaze_pre_whistle" }, { "description": "Foxy (in ropes sector of Greenmaze)", "entity": { "mapId": 567, "position": { "x": 38, "y": 28, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "greenmaze_pre_whistle" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Sun Stone sector of Greenmaze)", "entity": { "mapId": 564, "position": { "x": 30, "y": 35, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "greenmaze_pre_whistle" }, { "description": "Foxy (in first chest map of Greenmaze after cutting trees)", "entity": { "mapId": 570, "position": { "x": 26, "y": 15, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "greenmaze_post_whistle" }, { "description": "Foxy (near shortcut cavern entrance in Greenmaze after cutting trees)", "entity": { "mapId": 569, "position": { "x": 20, "y": 24, "z": 6, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "greenmaze_post_whistle" }, { "description": "Foxy (in room next to spiked floor and keydoor room in King Nole's Labyrinth)", "entity": { "mapId": 380, "position": { "x": 17, "y": 18, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_pre_door" }, { "description": "Foxy (in ice shortcut room in King Nole's Labyrinth)", "entity": { "mapId": 390, "position": { "x": 19, "y": 41, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_pre_door" }, { "description": "Foxy (in exterior room of King Nole's Labyrinth)", "entity": { "mapId": 362, "position": { "x": 35, "y": 21, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_pre_door" }, { "description": "Foxy (in room above Iron Boots in King Nole's Labyrinth)", "entity": { "mapId": 373, "position": { "x": 26, "y": 30, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_post_door" }, { "description": "Foxy (next to raft starting point in King Nole's Labyrinth)", "entity": { "mapId": 406, "position": { "x": 46, "y": 40, "z": 7 }, "orientation": "nw", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_raft_entrance" }, { "description": "Foxy (in fast boulder room in King Nole's Labyrinth)", "entity": { "mapId": 382, "position": { "x": 30, "y": 30, "z": 7, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_post_door" }, { "description": "Foxy (in first maze room inside King Nole's Labyrinth)", "entity": { "mapId": 367, "position": { "x": 43, "y": 38, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_post_door" }, { "description": "Foxy (in lava sector of King Nole's Labyrinth)", "entity": { "mapId": 399, "position": { "x": 23, "y": 19, "z": 2, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_post_door" }, { "description": "Foxy (in hands room inside King Nole's Labyrinth)", "entity": { "mapId": 418, "position": { "x": 41, "y": 31, "z": 7 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_post_door" }, { "description": "Foxy (next to King Nole's Palace entrance)", "entity": { "mapId": 422, "position": { "x": 27, "y": 25, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_path_to_palace" }, { "description": "Foxy (in King Nole's Palace entrance room)", "entity": { "mapId": 122, "position": { "x": 30, "y": 35, "z": 8 }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_palace" }, { "description": "Foxy (in King Nole's Palace jar and moving platforms room)", "entity": { "mapId": 126, "position": { "x": 27, "y": 37, "z": 6 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_palace" }, { "description": "Foxy (in King Nole's Palace last chest room)", "entity": { "mapId": 125, "position": { "x": 25, "y": 39, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_palace" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Mercator casino)", "entity": { "mapId": 663, "position": { "x": 16, "y": 58, "z": 0, "halfX": True, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "ne" }, "nodeId": "mercator_casino" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Helga's hut basement)", "entity": { "mapId": 479, "position": { "x": 20, "y": 33, "z": 0, "halfX": True }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "helga_hut" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Helga's hut dungeon deepest room)", "entity": { "mapId": 802, "position": { "x": 28, "y": 19, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "helga_hut" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Helga's hut dungeon topmost room)", "entity": { "mapId": 786, "position": { "x": 25, "y": 23, "z": 2, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "helga_hut" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Swamp Shrine right aisle room)", "entity": { "mapId": 1, "position": { "x": 34, "y": 20, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "se", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "swamp_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (upstairs in Swamp Shrine main hall)", "entity": { "mapId": [5, 15], "position": { "x": 45, "y": 24, "z": 8, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "swamp_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in room before boss inside Swamp Shrine)", "entity": { "mapId": 30, "position": { "x": 19, "y": 25, "z": 2, "halfY": True }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "swamp_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Thieves Hideout entrance room)", "entity": { "mapId": [185, 186], "position": { "x": 40, "y": 35, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "se", "highPalette": True }, "nodeId": "thieves_hideout_pre_key" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Thieves Hideout room with hidden door behind waterfall)", "entity": { "mapId": [192, 193], "position": { "x": 30, "y": 34, "z": 1 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "thieves_hideout_pre_key" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Thieves Hideout double chest room before goddess statue)", "entity": { "mapId": 215, "position": { "x": 17, "y": 17, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "thieves_hideout_pre_key" }, { "description": "Foxy (in hub room after Thieves Hideout keydoor)", "entity": { "mapId": 199, "position": { "x": 24, "y": 52, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "thieves_hideout_post_key" }, { "description": "Foxy (in reward room after Thieves Hideout moving balls riddle)", "entity": { "mapId": 205, "position": { "x": 32, "y": 24, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "thieves_hideout_post_key" }, { "description": "Foxy (in Lake Shrine main hallway)", "entity": { "mapId": 302, "position": { "x": 20, "y": 19, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "lake_shrine" }, { "description": "Foxy (in triple chest room in Slasher sector of Verla Mines)", "entity": { "mapId": 256, "position": { "x": 23, "y": 23, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "sw" }, "nodeId": "verla_mines" }, { "description": "Foxy (near teleport tree after Destel)", "entity": { "mapId": 488, "position": { "x": 28, "y": 53, "z": 0 }, "orientation": "se" }, "nodeId": "route_after_destel" }, { "description": "Foxy (in lower half of mimics room in King Nole's Labyrinth)", "entity": { "mapId": 383, "position": { "x": 26, "y": 26, "z": 2 }, "orientation": "nw" }, "nodeId": "king_nole_labyrinth_pre_door" } ]