Archipelago Server Factorio Folder 1 FactorioClient Factorio Server Factorio Games Generated AP Factorio Mod WebHost ( Folder 3 WebHost Flask WebContent AutoHoster PonyORM DB Unity/.Net Folder 5 Mod with Archipelago.MultiClient.Net Subnautica Risk of Rain 2 Java Folder 6 Minecraft Folder 4 Minecraft Forge Server Any Java Minecraft Clients Mod with Archipelago.MultiClient.Java Slay the Spire A Link to the Past Folder 2 Z3Client SNI SNES LttPClient Ocarina of Time 1 Z5Client Lua Connector BizHawk with Ocarina of Time loaded WebSocket gRPC Various, depends on SNES device type RCON UDP Configurable (waitress, gunicorn, flask) Subprocess Subprocesses SQL SQL TCP WebSocket QModLoader BepInEx Mod the Spire Forge Mod Loader WebSocket WebSocket WebSocket Integrated Integrated WebSocket LuaSockets