from BaseClasses import Region, Entrance, Location, CollectionState import typing from .LADXR.checkMetadata import checkMetadataTable from .Common import * from worlds.generic.Rules import add_item_rule from .Items import ladxr_item_to_la_item_name prefilled_events = ["ANGLER_KEYHOLE", "RAFT", "MEDICINE2", "CASTLE_BUTTON"] links_awakening_dungeon_names = [ "Tail Cave", "Bottle Grotto", "Key Cavern", "Angler's Tunnel", "Catfish's Maw", "Face Shrine", "Eagle's Tower", "Turtle Rock", "Color Dungeon" ] def meta_to_name(meta): return f"{} ({meta.area})" def get_location_name_groups() -> typing.Dict[str, typing.Set[str]]: groups = { "Instrument Pedestals": { "Full Moon Cello (Tail Cave)", "Conch Horn (Bottle Grotto)", "Sea Lily's Bell (Key Cavern)", "Surf Harp (Angler's Tunnel)", "Wind Marimba (Catfish's Maw)", "Coral Triangle (Face Shrine)", "Organ of Evening Calm (Eagle's Tower)", "Thunder Drum (Turtle Rock)", }, "Boss Rewards": { "Moldorm Heart Container (Tail Cave)", "Genie Heart Container (Bottle Grotto)", "Slime Eye Heart Container (Key Cavern)", "Angler Fish Heart Container (Angler's Tunnel)", "Slime Eel Heart Container (Catfish's Maw)", "Facade Heart Container (Face Shrine)", "Evil Eagle Heart Container (Eagle's Tower)", "Hot Head Heart Container (Turtle Rock)", "Tunic Fairy Item 1 (Color Dungeon)", "Tunic Fairy Item 2 (Color Dungeon)", }, } # Add region groups for s, v in checkMetadataTable.items(): if s == "None": continue groups.setdefault(v.area, set()).add(meta_to_name(v)) return groups links_awakening_location_name_groups = get_location_name_groups() def get_locations_to_id(): ret = { } # Magic to generate unique ids for s, v in checkMetadataTable.items(): if s == "None": continue splits = s.split("-") main_id = int(splits[0], 16) sub_id = 0 if len(splits) > 1: sub_id = splits[1] if sub_id.isnumeric(): sub_id = (int(sub_id) + 1) * 1000 else: sub_id = 1000 name = f"{} ({v.area})" ret[name] = BASE_ID + main_id + sub_id return ret locations_to_id = get_locations_to_id() class LinksAwakeningLocation(Location): game = LINKS_AWAKENING dungeon = None def __init__(self, player: int, region, ladxr_item): name = meta_to_name(ladxr_item.metadata) address = None if ladxr_item.event is not None: name = ladxr_item.event else: address = locations_to_id[name] super().__init__(player, name, address) self.parent_region = region self.ladxr_item = ladxr_item def filter_item(item): if not ladxr_item.MULTIWORLD and item.player != player: return False return True add_item_rule(self, filter_item) def has_free_weapon(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool: return state.has("Progressive Sword", player) or state.has("Magic Rod", player) or state.has("Boomerang", player) or state.has("Hookshot", player) # If the player has access to farm enough rupees to afford a game, we assume that they can keep beating the game def can_farm_rupees(state: CollectionState, player: int) -> bool: return has_free_weapon(state, player) and (state.has("Can Play Trendy Game", player=player) or state.has("RAFT", player=player)) class LinksAwakeningRegion(Region): dungeon_index = None ladxr_region = None def __init__(self, name, ladxr_region, hint, player, world): super().__init__(name, player, world, hint) if ladxr_region: self.ladxr_region = ladxr_region if ladxr_region.dungeon: self.dungeon_index = ladxr_region.dungeon def translate_item_name(item): if item in ladxr_item_to_la_item_name: return ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[item] return item class GameStateAdapater: def __init__(self, state, player): self.state = state self.player = player def __contains__(self, item): if item.endswith("_USED"): return False if item in ladxr_item_to_la_item_name: item = ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[item] return self.state.has(item, self.player) def get(self, item, default): # Don't allow any money usage if you can't get back wasted rupees if item == "RUPEES": if can_farm_rupees(self.state, self.player): return self.state.prog_items[self.player]["RUPEES"] return 0 elif item.endswith("_USED"): return 0 else: item = ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[item] return self.state.prog_items[self.player].get(item, default) class LinksAwakeningEntrance(Entrance): def __init__(self, player: int, name, region, condition): super().__init__(player, name, region) if isinstance(condition, str): if condition in ladxr_item_to_la_item_name: # Test if in inventory self.condition = ladxr_item_to_la_item_name[condition] else: # Event self.condition = condition elif condition: # rewrite condition # .copyWithModifiedItemNames(translate_item_name) self.condition = condition else: self.condition = None def access_rule(self, state): if isinstance(self.condition, str): return state.has(self.condition, self.player) if self.condition is None: return True return self.condition.test(GameStateAdapater(state, self.player)) # Helper to apply function to every ladxr region def walk_ladxdr(f, n, walked=set()): if n in walked: return f(n) walked.add(n) for o, req in n.simple_connections: walk_ladxdr(f, o, walked) for o, req in n.gated_connections: walk_ladxdr(f, o, walked) def ladxr_region_to_name(n): name = if not name: if len(n.items) == 1: meta = n.items[0].metadata name = f"{} ({meta.area})" elif n.dungeon: name = f"D{n.dungeon} Room" else: name = "No Name" return name def create_regions_from_ladxr(player, multiworld, logic): tmp = set() def print_items(n): print(f"Creating Region {ladxr_region_to_name(n)}") print("Has simple connections:") for region, info in n.simple_connections: print(" " + ladxr_region_to_name(region) + " | " + str(info)) print("Has gated connections:") for region, info in n.gated_connections: print(" " + ladxr_region_to_name(region) + " | " + str(info)) print("Has Locations:") for item in n.items: print(" " + str(item.metadata)) print() used_names = {} regions = {} # Create regions for l in logic.location_list: # Temporarily uniqueify the name, until all regions are named name = ladxr_region_to_name(l) index = used_names.get(name, 0) + 1 used_names[name] = index if index != 1: name += f" {index}" r = LinksAwakeningRegion( name=name, ladxr_region=l, hint="", player=player, world=multiworld) r.locations += [LinksAwakeningLocation(player, r, i) for i in l.items] regions[l] = r for ladxr_location in logic.location_list: for connection_location, connection_condition in ladxr_location.simple_connections + ladxr_location.gated_connections: region_a = regions[ladxr_location] region_b = regions[connection_location] # TODO: This name ain't gonna work for entrance rando, we need to cross reference with entrance = LinksAwakeningEntrance( player, f"{} -> {}", region_a, connection_condition) region_a.exits.append(entrance) entrance.connect(region_b) return list(regions.values())