import typing import math from BaseClasses import Item, MultiWorld, Tutorial, ItemClassification from .Items import SA2BItem, ItemData, item_table, upgrades_table, junk_table, trap_table from .Locations import SA2BLocation, all_locations, setup_locations from .Options import sa2b_options from .Regions import create_regions, shuffleable_regions, connect_regions, LevelGate, gate_0_whitelist_regions, \ gate_0_blacklist_regions from .Rules import set_rules from .Names import ItemName, LocationName from ..AutoWorld import WebWorld, World from .GateBosses import get_gate_bosses, get_boss_name import Patch class SA2BWeb(WebWorld): theme = "partyTime" setup_en = Tutorial( "Multiworld Setup Guide", "A guide to setting up the Sonic Adventure 2: Battle randomizer connected to an Archipelago Multiworld.", "English", "", "setup/en", ["RaspberrySpaceJam", "PoryGone"] ) tutorials = [setup_en] def check_for_impossible_shuffle(shuffled_levels: typing.List[int], gate_0_range: int, world: MultiWorld): blacklist_level_count = 0 for i in range(gate_0_range): if shuffled_levels[i] in gate_0_blacklist_regions: blacklist_level_count += 1 if blacklist_level_count == gate_0_range: index_to_swap = world.random.randint(0, gate_0_range) for i in range(len(shuffled_levels)): if shuffled_levels[i] in gate_0_whitelist_regions: shuffled_levels[i], shuffled_levels[index_to_swap] = shuffled_levels[index_to_swap], shuffled_levels[i] break class SA2BWorld(World): """ Sonic Adventure 2 Battle is an action platforming game. Play as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Rogue, and Eggman across 31 stages and prevent the destruction of the earth. """ game: str = "Sonic Adventure 2 Battle" option_definitions = sa2b_options topology_present = False data_version = 2 item_name_to_id = {name: data.code for name, data in item_table.items()} location_name_to_id = all_locations location_table: typing.Dict[str, int] music_map: typing.Dict[int, int] emblems_for_cannons_core: int region_emblem_map: typing.Dict[int, int] gate_costs: typing.Dict[int, int] gate_bosses: typing.Dict[int, int] web = SA2BWeb() def _get_slot_data(self): return { "ModVersion": 101, "MusicMap": self.music_map, "MusicShuffle":[self.player].value, "RequiredRank":[self.player].value, "ChaoRaceChecks":[self.player].value, "ChaoGardenDifficulty":[self.player].value, "DeathLink":[self.player].value, "IncludeMissions":[self.player].value, "EmblemPercentageForCannonsCore":[self.player].value, "NumberOfLevelGates":[self.player].value, "LevelGateDistribution":[self.player].value, "EmblemsForCannonsCore": self.emblems_for_cannons_core, "RegionEmblemMap": self.region_emblem_map, "GateCosts": self.gate_costs, "GateBosses": self.gate_bosses, } def _create_items(self, name: str): data = item_table[name] return [self.create_item(name)] * data.quantity def fill_slot_data(self) -> dict: slot_data = self._get_slot_data() slot_data["MusicMap"] = self.music_map for option_name in sa2b_options: option = getattr(, option_name)[self.player] slot_data[option_name] = option.value return slot_data def get_levels_per_gate(self) -> list: levels_per_gate = list() max_gate_index =[self.player] average_level_count = 30 / (max_gate_index + 1) levels_added = 0 for i in range(max_gate_index + 1): levels_per_gate.append(average_level_count) levels_added += average_level_count additional_count_iterator = 0 while levels_added < 30: levels_per_gate[additional_count_iterator] += 1 levels_added += 1 additional_count_iterator += 1 if additional_count_iterator < max_gate_index else -max_gate_index if[self.player] == 0 or[self.player] == 2: early_distribution =[self.player] == 0 levels_to_distribute = 5 gate_index_offset = 0 while levels_to_distribute > 0: if levels_per_gate[0 + gate_index_offset] == 1 or \ levels_per_gate[max_gate_index - gate_index_offset] == 1: break if early_distribution: levels_per_gate[0 + gate_index_offset] += 1 levels_per_gate[max_gate_index - gate_index_offset] -= 1 else: levels_per_gate[0 + gate_index_offset] -= 1 levels_per_gate[max_gate_index - gate_index_offset] += 1 gate_index_offset += 1 if gate_index_offset > math.floor(max_gate_index / 2): gate_index_offset = 0 levels_to_distribute -= 1 return levels_per_gate def generate_early(self): self.gate_bosses = get_gate_bosses(, self.player) def generate_basic(self):, self.player).place_locked_item(self.create_item(ItemName.maria)) itempool: typing.List[SA2BItem] = [] # First Missions total_required_locations = len(self.location_table) total_required_locations -= 1; # Locked Victory Location # Fill item pool with all required items for item in {**upgrades_table}: itempool += self._create_items(item) # Cap at 180 Emblems raw_emblem_count = total_required_locations - len(itempool) total_emblem_count = min(raw_emblem_count, 180) extra_junk_count = raw_emblem_count - total_emblem_count self.emblems_for_cannons_core = math.floor( total_emblem_count * ([self.player].value / 100.0)) gate_cost_mult = 1.0 if[self.player].value == 0: gate_cost_mult = 0.6 elif[self.player].value == 1: gate_cost_mult = 0.8 shuffled_region_list = list(range(30)) emblem_requirement_list = list() levels_per_gate = self.get_levels_per_gate() check_for_impossible_shuffle(shuffled_region_list, math.ceil(levels_per_gate[0]), levels_added_to_gate = 0 total_levels_added = 0 current_gate = 0 current_gate_emblems = 0 self.gate_costs = dict() self.gate_costs[0] = 0 gates = list() gates.append(LevelGate(0)) for i in range(30): gates[current_gate].gate_levels.append(shuffled_region_list[i]) emblem_requirement_list.append(current_gate_emblems) levels_added_to_gate += 1 total_levels_added += 1 if levels_added_to_gate >= levels_per_gate[current_gate]: current_gate += 1 if current_gate >[self.player].value: current_gate =[self.player].value else: current_gate_emblems = max( math.floor(total_emblem_count * math.pow(total_levels_added / 30.0, 2.0) * gate_cost_mult), current_gate) gates.append(LevelGate(current_gate_emblems)) self.gate_costs[current_gate] = current_gate_emblems levels_added_to_gate = 0 self.region_emblem_map = dict(zip(shuffled_region_list, emblem_requirement_list)) connect_regions(, self.player, gates, self.emblems_for_cannons_core, self.gate_bosses) max_required_emblems = max(max(emblem_requirement_list), self.emblems_for_cannons_core) itempool += [self.create_item(ItemName.emblem)] * max_required_emblems non_required_emblems = (total_emblem_count - max_required_emblems) junk_count = math.floor(non_required_emblems * ([self.player].value / 100.0)) itempool += [self.create_item(ItemName.emblem, True)] * (non_required_emblems - junk_count) # Carve Traps out of junk_count trap_weights = [] trap_weights += ([ItemName.omochao_trap] *[self.player].value) trap_weights += ([ItemName.timestop_trap] *[self.player].value) trap_weights += ([ItemName.confuse_trap] *[self.player].value) trap_weights += ([ItemName.tiny_trap] *[self.player].value) junk_count += extra_junk_count trap_count = 0 if (len(trap_weights) == 0) else math.ceil(junk_count * ([self.player].value / 100.0)) junk_count -= trap_count junk_pool = [] junk_keys = list(junk_table.keys()) for i in range(junk_count): junk_item = junk_pool += [self.create_item(junk_item)] itempool += junk_pool trap_pool = [] for i in range(trap_count): trap_item = trap_pool += [self.create_item(trap_item)] itempool += trap_pool += itempool # Music Shuffle if[self.player] == "levels": musiclist_o = list(range(0, 47)) musiclist_s = musiclist_o.copy() self.music_map = dict(zip(musiclist_o, musiclist_s)) elif[self.player] == "full": musiclist_o = list(range(0, 78)) musiclist_s = musiclist_o.copy() self.music_map = dict(zip(musiclist_o, musiclist_s)) else: self.music_map = dict() def create_regions(self): self.location_table = setup_locations(, self.player) create_regions(, self.player, self.location_table) def create_item(self, name: str, force_non_progression=False) -> Item: data = item_table[name] if force_non_progression: classification = ItemClassification.filler elif name == ItemName.emblem: classification = ItemClassification.progression_skip_balancing elif data.progression: classification = ItemClassification.progression elif data.trap: classification = ItemClassification.trap else: classification = ItemClassification.filler created_item = SA2BItem(name, classification, data.code, self.player) return created_item def set_rules(self): set_rules(, self.player, self.gate_bosses) def write_spoiler(self, spoiler_handle: typing.TextIO): spoiler_handle.write("\n") header_text = "Sonic Adventure 2 Bosses for {}:\n" header_text = header_text.format([self.player]) spoiler_handle.write(header_text) for x in range(len(self.gate_bosses.values())): text = "Gate {0} Boss: {1}\n" text = text.format((x + 1), get_boss_name(self.gate_bosses[x + 1])) spoiler_handle.writelines(text) @classmethod def stage_fill_hook(cls, world, progitempool, nonexcludeditempool, localrestitempool, nonlocalrestitempool, restitempool, fill_locations): if world.get_game_players("Sonic Adventure 2 Battle"): progitempool.sort( key=lambda item: 0 if ( != 'Emblem') else 1)