from typing import Dict, List, Any, Tuple, TypedDict from logging import warning from BaseClasses import Region, Location, Item, Tutorial, ItemClassification, MultiWorld from .items import item_name_to_id, item_table, item_name_groups, fool_tiers, filler_items, slot_data_item_names from .locations import location_table, location_name_groups, location_name_to_id, hexagon_locations from .rules import set_location_rules, set_region_rules, randomize_ability_unlocks, gold_hexagon from .er_rules import set_er_location_rules from .regions import tunic_regions from .er_scripts import create_er_regions from .er_data import portal_mapping from .options import TunicOptions, EntranceRando from worlds.AutoWorld import WebWorld, World from worlds.generic import PlandoConnection from decimal import Decimal, ROUND_HALF_UP class TunicWeb(WebWorld): tutorials = [ Tutorial( tutorial_name="Multiworld Setup Guide", description="A guide to setting up the TUNIC Randomizer for Archipelago multiworld games.", language="English", file_name="", link="setup/en", authors=["SilentDestroyer"] ) ] theme = "grassFlowers" game = "TUNIC" class TunicItem(Item): game: str = "TUNIC" class TunicLocation(Location): game: str = "TUNIC" class SeedGroup(TypedDict): logic_rules: int # logic rules value laurels_at_10_fairies: bool # laurels location value fixed_shop: bool # fixed shop value plando: List[PlandoConnection] # consolidated list of plando connections for the seed group class TunicWorld(World): """ Explore a land filled with lost legends, ancient powers, and ferocious monsters in TUNIC, an isometric action game about a small fox on a big adventure. Stranded on a mysterious beach, armed with only your own curiosity, you will confront colossal beasts, collect strange and powerful items, and unravel long-lost secrets. Be brave, tiny fox! """ game = "TUNIC" web = TunicWeb() options: TunicOptions options_dataclass = TunicOptions item_name_groups = item_name_groups location_name_groups = location_name_groups item_name_to_id = item_name_to_id location_name_to_id = location_name_to_id ability_unlocks: Dict[str, int] slot_data_items: List[TunicItem] tunic_portal_pairs: Dict[str, str] er_portal_hints: Dict[int, str] seed_groups: Dict[str, SeedGroup] = {} def generate_early(self) -> None: if self.multiworld.plando_connections[self.player]: for index, cxn in enumerate(self.multiworld.plando_connections[self.player]): # making shops second to simplify other things later if cxn.entrance.startswith("Shop"): replacement = PlandoConnection(cxn.exit, "Shop Portal", "both") self.multiworld.plando_connections[self.player].remove(cxn) self.multiworld.plando_connections[self.player].insert(index, replacement) elif cxn.exit.startswith("Shop"): replacement = PlandoConnection(cxn.entrance, "Shop Portal", "both") self.multiworld.plando_connections[self.player].remove(cxn) self.multiworld.plando_connections[self.player].insert(index, replacement) # Universal tracker stuff, shouldn't do anything in standard gen if hasattr(self.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough"): if "TUNIC" in self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough: passthrough = self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough["TUNIC"] self.options.start_with_sword.value = passthrough["start_with_sword"] self.options.keys_behind_bosses.value = passthrough["keys_behind_bosses"] self.options.sword_progression.value = passthrough["sword_progression"] self.options.ability_shuffling.value = passthrough["ability_shuffling"] self.options.logic_rules.value = passthrough["logic_rules"] self.options.lanternless.value = passthrough["lanternless"] self.options.maskless.value = passthrough["maskless"] self.options.hexagon_quest.value = passthrough["hexagon_quest"] self.options.entrance_rando.value = passthrough["entrance_rando"] self.options.shuffle_ladders.value = passthrough["shuffle_ladders"] @classmethod def stage_generate_early(cls, multiworld: MultiWorld) -> None: tunic_worlds: Tuple[TunicWorld] = multiworld.get_game_worlds("TUNIC") for tunic in tunic_worlds: # if it's one of the options, then it isn't a custom seed group if tunic.options.entrance_rando.value in EntranceRando.options: continue group = tunic.options.entrance_rando.value # if this is the first world in the group, set the rules equal to its rules if group not in cls.seed_groups: cls.seed_groups[group] = SeedGroup(logic_rules=tunic.options.logic_rules.value, laurels_at_10_fairies=tunic.options.laurels_location == 3, fixed_shop=bool(tunic.options.fixed_shop), plando=multiworld.plando_connections[tunic.player]) continue # lower value is more restrictive if tunic.options.logic_rules.value < cls.seed_groups[group]["logic_rules"]: cls.seed_groups[group]["logic_rules"] = tunic.options.logic_rules.value # laurels at 10 fairies changes logic for secret gathering place placement if tunic.options.laurels_location == 3: cls.seed_groups[group]["laurels_at_10_fairies"] = True # fewer shops, one at windmill if tunic.options.fixed_shop: cls.seed_groups[group]["fixed_shop"] = True if multiworld.plando_connections[tunic.player]: # loop through the connections in the player's yaml for cxn in multiworld.plando_connections[tunic.player]: new_cxn = True for group_cxn in cls.seed_groups[group]["plando"]: # if neither entrance nor exit match anything in the group, add to group if ((cxn.entrance == group_cxn.entrance and cxn.exit == group_cxn.exit) or (cxn.exit == group_cxn.entrance and cxn.entrance == group_cxn.exit)): new_cxn = False break # check if this pair is the same as a pair in the group already is_mismatched = ( cxn.entrance == group_cxn.entrance and cxn.exit != group_cxn.exit or cxn.entrance == group_cxn.exit and cxn.exit != group_cxn.entrance or cxn.exit == group_cxn.entrance and cxn.entrance != group_cxn.exit or cxn.exit == group_cxn.exit and cxn.entrance != group_cxn.entrance ) if is_mismatched: raise Exception(f"TUNIC: Conflict between seed group {group}'s plando " f"connection {group_cxn.entrance} <-> {group_cxn.exit} and " f"{tunic.multiworld.get_player_name(tunic.player)}'s plando " f"connection {cxn.entrance} <-> {cxn.exit}") if new_cxn: cls.seed_groups[group]["plando"].append(cxn) def create_item(self, name: str) -> TunicItem: item_data = item_table[name] return TunicItem(name, item_data.classification, self.item_name_to_id[name], self.player) def create_items(self) -> None: keys_behind_bosses = self.options.keys_behind_bosses hexagon_quest = self.options.hexagon_quest sword_progression = self.options.sword_progression tunic_items: List[TunicItem] = [] self.slot_data_items = [] items_to_create: Dict[str, int] = {item: data.quantity_in_item_pool for item, data in item_table.items()} for money_fool in fool_tiers[self.options.fool_traps]: items_to_create["Fool Trap"] += items_to_create[money_fool] items_to_create[money_fool] = 0 if self.options.start_with_sword: self.multiworld.push_precollected(self.create_item("Sword")) if sword_progression: items_to_create["Stick"] = 0 items_to_create["Sword"] = 0 else: items_to_create["Sword Upgrade"] = 0 if self.options.laurels_location: laurels = self.create_item("Hero's Laurels") if self.options.laurels_location == "6_coins": self.multiworld.get_location("Coins in the Well - 6 Coins", self.player).place_locked_item(laurels) elif self.options.laurels_location == "10_coins": self.multiworld.get_location("Coins in the Well - 10 Coins", self.player).place_locked_item(laurels) elif self.options.laurels_location == "10_fairies": self.multiworld.get_location("Secret Gathering Place - 10 Fairy Reward", self.player).place_locked_item(laurels) self.slot_data_items.append(laurels) items_to_create["Hero's Laurels"] = 0 if keys_behind_bosses: for rgb_hexagon, location in hexagon_locations.items(): hex_item = self.create_item(gold_hexagon if hexagon_quest else rgb_hexagon) self.multiworld.get_location(location, self.player).place_locked_item(hex_item) self.slot_data_items.append(hex_item) items_to_create[rgb_hexagon] = 0 items_to_create[gold_hexagon] -= 3 # Filler items in the item pool available_filler: List[str] = [filler for filler in items_to_create if items_to_create[filler] > 0 and item_table[filler].classification == ItemClassification.filler] # Remove filler to make room for other items def remove_filler(amount: int) -> None: for _ in range(0, amount): if not available_filler: fill = "Fool Trap" else: fill = self.random.choice(available_filler) if items_to_create[fill] == 0: raise Exception("No filler items left to accommodate options selected. Turn down fool trap amount.") items_to_create[fill] -= 1 if items_to_create[fill] == 0: available_filler.remove(fill) if self.options.shuffle_ladders: ladder_count = 0 for item_name, item_data in item_table.items(): if item_data.item_group == "Ladders": items_to_create[item_name] = 1 ladder_count += 1 remove_filler(ladder_count) if hexagon_quest: # Calculate number of hexagons in item pool hexagon_goal = self.options.hexagon_goal extra_hexagons = self.options.extra_hexagon_percentage items_to_create[gold_hexagon] += int((Decimal(100 + extra_hexagons) / 100 * hexagon_goal).to_integral_value(rounding=ROUND_HALF_UP)) # Replace pages and normal hexagons with filler for replaced_item in list(filter(lambda item: "Pages" in item or item in hexagon_locations, items_to_create)): filler_name = self.get_filler_item_name() items_to_create[filler_name] += items_to_create[replaced_item] if items_to_create[filler_name] >= 1 and filler_name not in available_filler: available_filler.append(filler_name) items_to_create[replaced_item] = 0 remove_filler(items_to_create[gold_hexagon]) if self.options.maskless: mask_item = TunicItem("Scavenger Mask", ItemClassification.useful, self.item_name_to_id["Scavenger Mask"], self.player) tunic_items.append(mask_item) items_to_create["Scavenger Mask"] = 0 if self.options.lanternless: lantern_item = TunicItem("Lantern", ItemClassification.useful, self.item_name_to_id["Lantern"], self.player) tunic_items.append(lantern_item) items_to_create["Lantern"] = 0 for item, quantity in items_to_create.items(): for i in range(0, quantity): tunic_item: TunicItem = self.create_item(item) if item in slot_data_item_names: self.slot_data_items.append(tunic_item) tunic_items.append(tunic_item) self.multiworld.itempool += tunic_items def create_regions(self) -> None: self.tunic_portal_pairs = {} self.er_portal_hints = {} self.ability_unlocks = randomize_ability_unlocks(self.random, self.options) # stuff for universal tracker support, can be ignored for standard gen if hasattr(self.multiworld, "re_gen_passthrough"): if "TUNIC" in self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough: passthrough = self.multiworld.re_gen_passthrough["TUNIC"] self.ability_unlocks["Pages 24-25 (Prayer)"] = passthrough["Hexagon Quest Prayer"] self.ability_unlocks["Pages 42-43 (Holy Cross)"] = passthrough["Hexagon Quest Holy Cross"] self.ability_unlocks["Pages 52-53 (Icebolt)"] = passthrough["Hexagon Quest Icebolt"] # ladder rando uses ER with vanilla connections, so that we're not managing more rules files if self.options.entrance_rando or self.options.shuffle_ladders: portal_pairs = create_er_regions(self) if self.options.entrance_rando: # these get interpreted by the game to tell it which entrances to connect for portal1, portal2 in portal_pairs.items(): self.tunic_portal_pairs[portal1.scene_destination()] = portal2.scene_destination() else: # for non-ER, non-ladders for region_name in tunic_regions: region = Region(region_name, self.player, self.multiworld) self.multiworld.regions.append(region) for region_name, exits in tunic_regions.items(): region = self.multiworld.get_region(region_name, self.player) region.add_exits(exits) for location_name, location_id in self.location_name_to_id.items(): region = self.multiworld.get_region(location_table[location_name].region, self.player) location = TunicLocation(self.player, location_name, location_id, region) region.locations.append(location) victory_region = self.multiworld.get_region("Spirit Arena", self.player) victory_location = TunicLocation(self.player, "The Heir", None, victory_region) victory_location.place_locked_item(TunicItem("Victory", ItemClassification.progression, None, self.player)) self.multiworld.completion_condition[self.player] = lambda state: state.has("Victory", self.player) victory_region.locations.append(victory_location) def set_rules(self) -> None: if self.options.entrance_rando or self.options.shuffle_ladders: set_er_location_rules(self, self.ability_unlocks) else: set_region_rules(self, self.ability_unlocks) set_location_rules(self, self.ability_unlocks) def get_filler_item_name(self) -> str: return self.random.choice(filler_items) def extend_hint_information(self, hint_data: Dict[int, Dict[int, str]]) -> None: if self.options.entrance_rando: hint_data.update({self.player: {}}) # all state seems to have efficient paths all_state = self.multiworld.get_all_state(True) all_state.update_reachable_regions(self.player) paths = all_state.path portal_names = [ for portal in portal_mapping] for location in self.multiworld.get_locations(self.player): # skipping event locations if not location.address: continue path_to_loc = [] previous_name = "placeholder" try: name, connection = paths[location.parent_region] except KeyError: # logic bug, proceed with warning since it takes a long time to update AP warning(f"{} is not logically accessible for " f"{self.multiworld.get_file_safe_player_name(self.player)}. " "Creating entrance hint Inaccessible. " "Please report this to the TUNIC rando devs.") hint_text = "Inaccessible" else: while connection != ("Menu", None): name, connection = connection # for LS entrances, we just want to give the portal name if "(LS)" in name: name = name.split(" (LS) ", 1)[0] # was getting some cases like Library Grave -> Library Grave -> other place if name in portal_names and name != previous_name: previous_name = name path_to_loc.append(name) hint_text = " -> ".join(reversed(path_to_loc)) if hint_text: hint_data[self.player][location.address] = hint_text def fill_slot_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: slot_data: Dict[str, Any] = { "seed": self.random.randint(0, 2147483647), "start_with_sword": self.options.start_with_sword.value, "keys_behind_bosses": self.options.keys_behind_bosses.value, "sword_progression": self.options.sword_progression.value, "ability_shuffling": self.options.ability_shuffling.value, "hexagon_quest": self.options.hexagon_quest.value, "fool_traps": self.options.fool_traps.value, "logic_rules": self.options.logic_rules.value, "lanternless": self.options.lanternless.value, "maskless": self.options.maskless.value, "entrance_rando": int(bool(self.options.entrance_rando.value)), "shuffle_ladders": self.options.shuffle_ladders.value, "Hexagon Quest Prayer": self.ability_unlocks["Pages 24-25 (Prayer)"], "Hexagon Quest Holy Cross": self.ability_unlocks["Pages 42-43 (Holy Cross)"], "Hexagon Quest Icebolt": self.ability_unlocks["Pages 52-53 (Icebolt)"], "Hexagon Quest Goal": self.options.hexagon_goal.value, "Entrance Rando": self.tunic_portal_pairs } for tunic_item in filter(lambda item: item.location is not None and item.code is not None, self.slot_data_items): if not in slot_data: slot_data[] = [] if == gold_hexagon and len(slot_data[gold_hexagon]) >= 6: continue slot_data[].extend([, tunic_item.location.player]) for start_item in self.options.start_inventory_from_pool: if start_item in slot_data_item_names: if start_item not in slot_data: slot_data[start_item] = [] for i in range(0, self.options.start_inventory_from_pool[start_item]): slot_data[start_item].extend(["Your Pocket", self.player]) for plando_item in self.multiworld.plando_items[self.player]: if plando_item["from_pool"]: items_to_find = set() for item_type in [key for key in ["item", "items"] if key in plando_item]: for item in plando_item[item_type]: items_to_find.add(item) for item in items_to_find: if item in slot_data_item_names: slot_data[item] = [] for item_location in self.multiworld.find_item_locations(item, self.player): slot_data[item].extend([, item_location.player]) return slot_data # for the universal tracker, doesn't get called in standard gen @staticmethod def interpret_slot_data(slot_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: # returning slot_data so it regens, giving it back in multiworld.re_gen_passthrough return slot_data