from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING

from BaseClasses import CollectionState, PlandoOptions
from Options import PlandoConnection

    from . import MessengerWorld

    "Autumn Hills",
    "Riviere Turquoise",
    "Howling Grotto",
    "Sunken Shrine",
    "Searing Crags",
    "Glacial Peak",

    "Autumn Hills": [
        "Climbing Claws",
        "Hope Path",
        "Dimension Climb",
        "Leaf Golem",
    "Forlorn Temple": [
        "Rocket Sunset",
        "Saw Gauntlet",
        "Demon King",
    "Catacombs": [
        "Triple Spike Crushers",
    "Bamboo Creek": [
        "Spike Crushers",
        "Time Loop",
    "Howling Grotto": [
        "Crushing Pits",
        "Emerald Golem",
    "Quillshroom Marsh": [
        "Spikey Window",
        "Sand Trap",
        "Queen of Quills",
    "Searing Crags": [
        "Rope Dart",
        "Falling Rocks",
        "Searing Mega Shard",
        "Before Final Climb",
        "Key of Strength",
    "Glacial Peak": [
        "Ice Climbers'",
        "Glacial Mega Shard",
        "Tower Entrance",
    "Tower of Time": [
        "Final Chance",
        "Arcane Golem",
    "Cloud Ruins": [
        "Cloud Entrance",
        "Pillar Glide",
        "Crushers' Descent",
        "Seeing Spikes",
        "Final Flight",
    "Underworld": [
        "Fireball Wave",
        "Long Climb",
        # "Barm'athaziel",  # not currently valid
        "Key of Chaos",
    "Riviere Turquoise": [
        "Launch of Faith",
        "Log Flume",
        "Log Climb",
        "Butterfly Matriarch",
    "Elemental Skylands": [
        "Air Intro",
        "Air Generator",
        "Earth Intro",
        "Earth Generator",
        "Fire Intro",
        "Fire Generator",
        "Water Intro",
        "Water Generator",
    "Sunken Shrine": [
        "Above Portal",
        "Sun Path",
        "Tabi Gauntlet",
        "Moon Path",

    "Autumn Hills": [
        "Hope Latch",
        "Key of Hope",
        "Double Swing",
        "Spike Ball Swing",
    "Forlorn Temple": [
        "Sunny Day",
        "Rocket Maze",
    "Catacombs": [
        "Death Trap",
        "Crusher Gauntlet",
        "Dirty Pond",
    "Bamboo Creek": [
        "Spike Ball Pits",
        "Spike Doors",
    "Howling Grotto": [
        "Lost Woods",
        "Breezy Crushers",
    "Quillshroom Marsh": [
        "Spike Wave",
    "Searing Crags": [
        "Triple Ball Spinner",
        "Raining Rocks",
    "Glacial Peak": [
        "Projectile Spike Pit",
        "Air Swag",
        "Free Climbing",
    "Tower of Time": [
    "Cloud Ruins": [
        "Spike Float",
        "Ghost Pit",
        "Toothbrush Alley",
        "Saw Pit",
    "Underworld": [
        "Hot Dip",
        "Hot Tub",
        "Lava Run",
    "Riviere Turquoise": [
        "Flower Flight",
    "Elemental Skylands": [
        "Air Seal",
    "Sunken Shrine": [
        "Lightfoot Tabi",
        "Sun Crest",
        "Waterfall Paradise",
        "Moon Crest",

    "Autumn Hills",
    "Forlorn Temple",
    "Bamboo Creek",
    "Howling Grotto",
    "Quillshroom Marsh",
    "Searing Crags",
    "Glacial Peak",
    "Tower of Time",
    "Cloud Ruins",
    "Riviere Turquoise",
    "Elemental Skylands",
    "Sunken Shrine",

def shuffle_portals(world: "MessengerWorld") -> None:
    """shuffles the output of the portals from the main hub"""
    from .options import ShufflePortals

    def create_mapping(in_portal: str, warp: str) -> str:
        """assigns the chosen output to the input"""
        parent = out_to_parent[warp]
        exit_string = f"{parent.strip(' ')} - "

        if "Portal" in warp:
            exit_string += "Portal"
            world.portal_mapping.insert(PORTALS.index(in_portal), int(f"{REGION_ORDER.index(parent)}00"))
        elif warp in SHOP_POINTS[parent]:
            exit_string += f"{warp} Shop"
            world.portal_mapping.insert(PORTALS.index(in_portal), int(f"{REGION_ORDER.index(parent)}1{SHOP_POINTS[parent].index(warp)}"))
            exit_string += f"{warp} Checkpoint"
            world.portal_mapping.insert(PORTALS.index(in_portal), int(f"{REGION_ORDER.index(parent)}2{CHECKPOINTS[parent].index(warp)}"))

        world.spoiler_portal_mapping[in_portal] = exit_string
        connect_portal(world, in_portal, exit_string)

        return parent

    def handle_planned_portals(plando_connections: List[PlandoConnection]) -> None:
        """checks the provided plando connections for portals and connects them"""
        nonlocal available_portals

        for connection in plando_connections:
            # let it crash here if input is invalid
            parent = create_mapping(connection.entrance, connection.exit)
            if shuffle_type < ShufflePortals.option_anywhere:
                available_portals = [port for port in available_portals if port not in shop_points[parent]]

    shuffle_type = world.options.shuffle_portals
    shop_points = deepcopy(SHOP_POINTS)
    for portal in PORTALS:
        shop_points[portal].append(f"{portal} Portal")
    if shuffle_type > ShufflePortals.option_shops:
        for area, points in CHECKPOINTS.items():
            shop_points[area] += points
    out_to_parent = {checkpoint: parent for parent, checkpoints in shop_points.items() for checkpoint in checkpoints}
    available_portals = [val for zone in shop_points.values() for val in zone]

    plando = world.options.portal_plando.value
    if not plando:
        plando = world.options.plando_connections.value
    if plando and world.multiworld.plando_options & PlandoOptions.connections and not world.plando_portals:
        # any failure i expect will trigger on available_portals.remove
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(f"Unable to complete portal plando for Player {world.player_name}. "
                             f"If you attempted to plando a checkpoint, checkpoints must be shuffled.")

    for portal in PORTALS:
        if portal in world.plando_portals:
        warp_point = available_portals.pop()
        parent = create_mapping(portal, warp_point)
        if shuffle_type < ShufflePortals.option_anywhere:
            available_portals = [port for port in available_portals if port not in shop_points[parent]]

def connect_portal(world: "MessengerWorld", portal: str, out_region: str) -> None:
    entrance = world.multiworld.get_entrance(f"ToTHQ {portal} Portal", world.player)
    entrance.connect(world.multiworld.get_region(out_region, world.player))

def disconnect_portals(world: "MessengerWorld") -> None:
    for portal in [port for port in PORTALS if port not in world.plando_portals]:
        entrance = world.multiworld.get_entrance(f"ToTHQ {portal} Portal", world.player)
        entrance.connected_region = None
        if portal in world.spoiler_portal_mapping:
            del world.spoiler_portal_mapping[portal]
    if world.plando_portals:
        indexes = [PORTALS.index(portal) for portal in world.plando_portals]
        planned_portals = []
        for index, portal_coord in enumerate(world.portal_mapping):
            if index in indexes:
        world.portal_mapping = planned_portals

def validate_portals(world: "MessengerWorld") -> bool:
    # if world.options.shuffle_transitions:
    #     return True
    new_state = CollectionState(world.multiworld)
    reachable_locs = 0
    for loc in world.multiworld.get_locations(world.player):
        reachable_locs += loc.can_reach(new_state)
        if reachable_locs > 5:
            return True
    return False

def add_closed_portal_reqs(world: "MessengerWorld") -> None:
    closed_portals = [entrance for entrance in PORTALS if f"{entrance} Portal" not in world.starting_portals]
    for portal in closed_portals:
        tower_exit = world.multiworld.get_entrance(f"ToTHQ {portal} Portal", world.player)
        tower_exit.access_rule = lambda state: state.has(portal, world.player)